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Alex Shelley Reportedly Leaving TNA

Mr Mikey Mike

Occasional Pre-Show

Additionally, WZ has learned that Alex Shelley quit TNA as well. Apparently WWE will fill extra TV time with, among other things, a Cruiserweight division and/or tag teams, and are looking for smaller wrestlers by way of stocking either, or both. While it has not been confirmed, Shelley will likely go to WWE. There has also been talk of WWE running a Cruiserweight show on the new Network, which could also be a possibility for Shelley.

So according to that Shelly's done with tna. Pretty odd situation considering Mcmg reunited not that long ago. Anyways if this is true I could see Shelly going to Roh or I think he'd be a nice fit on wwe's cruiserweight show whenever it debuts when wwe debuts its network. Either way though not a huge loss for tna. Your thoughts?
From the main WZ page-
Additionally, WZ has learned that Alex Shelley quit TNA as well. Apparently WWE will fill extra TV time with, among other things, a Cruiserweight division and/or tag teams, and are looking for smaller wrestlers by way of stocking either, or both. While it has not been confirmed, Shelley will likely go to WWE. There has also been talk of WWE running a Cruiserweight show on the new Network, which could also be a possibility for Shelley.

I found this very interesting. Last time I was deep into TNA the MCMG were on hiatus because Sabin was out with injury, and Shelley was doing his own thing.

What are your thoughts on this news?
Can you blame him?

Shelley has been in TNA for like 8 years now and was part of the most popular teams ever. He had to wait for almost a year for Sabin to come back and they've been on TV like twice since then, one time being as contestants in the Hulk Hogan Reality Game Show. There's no one for the Guns to fight in the division and the team hasn't been featured other than a quick match at Lockdown. Basically Shelley hasn't done a thing since the Guns lost the titles and he's been told to wait until Sabin gets back because apparently he's not worth pushing on his own. If you were him and you saw guys like Garrett Bischoff getting a main event level spot and Flair vs. Hogan seemingly being pushed as the main event feud and guys like Zema Ion getting TV spot after TV spot while Shelley is lucky to get on TV once every two months, would you stick around?

This doesn't really surprise me at all.
When I read that, it jumped off the page at me. I hadn't heard anything about Shelley quiting, or anything related to his contract. It's a shame; the Machine Guns had just gotten back together. He's a great talent & will be missed in TNA. If he goes to WWE, hopefully he can make something of himself.
This fucking blows. I loved Alex Shelley. He had his limits, for sure, but I always pictured him as a lifer with TNA.

The one saving grace here is that with Shelley gone, Sabin can return to spark the X Division, but that's a poor consolation prize for losing Shelley to a company I'm never going to watch him perform for.
I had always thought Shelley was the bigger of the two(MCMG). If he goes to WWE I can definitely see him doing something special, we saw CM Punk and Daniel Bryan fighting for the biggest championship in the world of wrestling on sunday. If anything it shows the times are changing, and Shelley will fit perfectly. After reading KB's post about being in TNA for 8 years and everything I honestly hope to see him in a WWE ring.
I really hope someone picks him up, he is too talented to not wrestle on tv again. The man can do it all in the ring and on the mic. TNA have dropped the ball on so much talent over the years and Shelley is a prime candidate, all the guy wants to do is wrestle. But instead he sits at home. Shelley is an amazing performer and would like to see him go to Smackdown and become a heel. The guy is a modern day Jericho and the fact that TNA couldn't see that just shows how foolish they are.
This fucking blows. I loved Alex Shelley. He had his limits, for sure, but I always pictured him as a lifer with TNA.

The one saving grace here is that with Shelley gone, Sabin can return to spark the X Division, but that's a poor consolation prize for losing Shelley to a company I'm never going to watch him perform for.

Don't hold your breath on that one IDR. Sabin's best friend just left the company, and chances are he feels exactly the same as Shelley does. He might not be as vocal about it, but he's got to be pissed. However, he's got something tying him to TNA at least in Velvet Sky but still.

As for me, I'm elated at this. Not that Shelley has lost his job. That kind of sucks. But Alex Shelley doesn't strike me as a dumbass. He left TNA once before in an attempt to join WWE. It didn't work out so he went back within 12 months. Now though, he's got to think he has a good chance of getting in and, being realistic he does. He can wrestle, he can cut a promo, he's still young, he's got TV experience and he's got way more experience than the typical WWE hire and what's more, he's going to be cheap. Shelley's got nowhere to go, except WWE or down to the indies where the money he's going to make is not going to be good. If he wants in to WWE, and WWE want him, chances are he's not getting a raise (more likely the opposite) on his way in (probably to FCW. Ain't that right, Xavier?)
Don't hold your breath on that one IDR. Sabin's best friend just left the company, and chances are he feels exactly the same as Shelley does. He might not be as vocal about it, but he's got to be pissed. However, he's got something tying him to TNA at least in Velvet Sky but still.

As for me, I'm elated at this. Not that Shelley has lost his job. That kind of sucks. But Alex Shelley doesn't strike me as a dumbass. He left TNA once before in an attempt to join WWE. It didn't work out so he went back within 12 months. Now though, he's got to think he has a good chance of getting in and, being realistic he does. He can wrestle, he can cut a promo, he's still young, he's got TV experience and he's got way more experience than the typical WWE hire and what's more, he's going to be cheap. Shelley's got nowhere to go, except WWE or down to the indies where the money he's going to make is not going to be good. If he wants in to WWE, and WWE want him, chances are he's not getting a raise (more likely the opposite) on his way in (probably to FCW. Ain't that right, Xavier?)

Believe me, I'm not. I'm just trying to convince myself that he's not next in line. The last thing I want to see here is some sort of mass exodus like I had to suffer with WCW. The day that happens, believe me, I'll quit watching wrestling altogether all over again. I quit then, and I'd quit again now well before suffering the direction of WWE. There's a reason I'm such a mark for TNA — they're not WWE. I hate WWE. I hate the way the company is run, I hate how kitschy they are, and I hate that they buy all the competition.

The more this type of shit happens, the less I want to watch wrestling, because I have no desire to waste my time with WWE programming, even to watch my favorite performers. It's why I said when all the Sting rumors were going that I'd hate to see that happen too, because it'd just mean less opportunity to see my favorite wrestler of all-time, because I'm not going to watch him perform for that company.

That said, I'm not too too worried about this whole thing, but it's troubling considering who's going. When guys like Christian, Chris Harris, Low Ki, etc. left I wasn't too upset/concerned, but that's also because I never really cared all that much about any of them except maybe Christian. With Shelly that's not at all the case.
I'm not really seeing the upside for Shelley in WWE. Unlike other undersized guys he doesn't really have something to hang his hat on that could get him towards the main event. Midcard is just a slow painful death in WWE. It wouldn't surprise me if they just made him cut his hair and pretend he was Evan Bourne. Although that will make his inevitable marijuana suspension tricky to spin. Shelley did show some better mic skills once he came back than he had in the past but I doubt it is anything huge. Having to wrestle WWE style will expose his shortcomings in performing styles that aren't X-division. I don't blame him for trying if he wants to, and wish him good luck, but I don't see this as a major loss for TNA. Hurts the tag division some but a short-term MCMG reunion would just have been a band-aid anyway.

Alex Shelley is done with TNA. He has also being rumored to be going to WWE.

What do you guys think about this?
Will Sabin be next, and maybe joins Shelley as a tag team? Or will he be a cruiserweight on the upcoming WWE network?

Sorry, I was also making a thread about this, congrats on beating me to it OP.:shrug:

Anyways, I believe that Sabin will be following Shelley to the WWE. I would like for them to bring back the crusierweight title, and just see how each do as singles before(if they fail as singles), pairing them back together.
Yay, now he can go to WWE and job to Brodus Clay, or be fed to Ryback. This sucks. I'm a huge fan of Shelley, was hoping he would stay in TNA. The Machine Guns I'm sure would have ran their course, eventually go singles or whatever. But at least they'd be in TNA. WWE will give him some stupid name and probably not use him all that well. :(
Believe me, I'm not. I'm just trying to convince myself that he's not next in line. The last thing I want to see here is some sort of mass exodus like I had to suffer with WCW. The day that happens, believe me, I'll quit watching wrestling altogether all over again. I quit then, and I'd quit again now well before suffering the direction of WWE. There's a reason I'm such a mark for TNA — they're not WWE. I hate WWE. I hate the way the company is run, I hate how kitschy they are, and I hate that they buy all the competition.

The more this type of shit happens, the less I want to watch wrestling, because I have no desire to waste my time with WWE programming, even to watch my favorite performers. It's why I said when all the Sting rumors were going that I'd hate to see that happen too, because it'd just mean less opportunity to see my favorite wrestler of all-time, because I'm not going to watch him perform for that company.

That said, I'm not too too worried about this whole thing, but it's troubling considering who's going. When guys like Christian, Chris Harris, Low Ki, etc. left I wasn't too upset/concerned, but that's also because I never really cared all that much about any of them except maybe Christian. With Shelly that's not at all the case.

You could always do what I do with TNA. Watch the segments with the guys you like on youtube and fuck the rest of it (read: Alex Shelley's bits). That way you see the guy you want without needing to get overly pissed at WWE.

And there's always RO... OK I couldn't finish that sentence with a straight face.
my thoughts on this...it sucks. While I do flip over to raw on occasion usually during summer or the last 10min of fall winter spring shows...I seriously doubt shelley will ever be at the end of raw. I absolutely hated the guys hair lol honestly but not enough to have him quit tna. While I much preferred sabin solo and didnt really have a prob w shelley on his own...at least w mcmg having recently reunite, they would've been on tv some time this summer
Really no one can blame Alex for quitting, and I don't think this is the last, have you seen all the champions for the WWE lately. All of them don't have huge body's other then Shameus. Even if there not the focus point of WWE, this is the prefect time for everyone to give it shot. Its not all that bad being mid-card for WWE, or being a comedy act, if you sell merch, your golden. This is the hottest time right now for anyone who don't fit the McMahon super freak body image to give it a shot.
Thats awesome news for Shelley! I can't wait for him to appear in the WWE. I hope Sabin follows him and they will instantly pick up the tag team division in the WWE.

Yet again proof how bad Hogan has made TNA that originals can't wait to leave. Waltman and Steiner have be correct all along. I wouldn't be shocked if more were to follow.

Huge loss for TNA!!! Hogan and Bischoff misused his talent.
Well im not shocked by this and im not surprised the TNA Marks who still defend TNA to no end are upset about this.

I hope WWE scoops him up and uses him for the Crusierweight Show on The Network if not before maybe he can Debut on Smackdown. All he has been doing outside the one Match at Lockdown has been sitting at home doing NOTHING. As usual Hogan & Pals have to hog up TV time on Impact so he is not able to get on anywhere not even a freaking backstage segment.

TNA losing Flair,possibly Matt Morgan,and now Alex Shelly & possibly Chris Sabin. What does that say about the State of TNA's backstage morale?
Personally, I think it would be awesome to see Alex Shelley end up in the WWE. And with any luck at all, Chris Sabin and Velvet Sky will join him. The WWE is screaming for legitimacy for their tag team "division", and these two are just the pair to bring it. and j think someone with the obvious assets of Velvet Sky really deserves a stage the size and prominence of what WWE can bring.

MCMG must be frustrated with their tenure in TNA. Even if they don't set the world on fire in WWE, it's better to be mediocre in the WWE, rather than languish in obscurity in TNA.
big loss for tna alex shelley was always a great wrestler in both the x divison and the tag divison but as KB said can you blame him when he has to sit backstage doing nothing and garrett bischoff gets tv time every week? i hope for the best for him which hopefully means he comes to wwe and has good sucess there i just hope chris sabin doesnt get punished over this now is the chance to start a sabin vs aries fued.
This fucking blows. I loved Alex Shelley. He had his limits, for sure, but I always pictured him as a lifer with TNA.

The one saving grace here is that with Shelley gone, Sabin can return to spark the X Division, but that's a poor consolation prize for losing Shelley to a company I'm never going to watch him perform for.
well,i still backed brett farve when he was a jet.(AND I FU**ING HATE THE JETS)

must not be as big of a fan as you think.
TNA losing Flair,possibly Matt Morgan,and now Alex Shelly & possibly Chris Sabin. What does that say about the State of TNA's backstage morale?

That guys that can't take that next step are leaving and/or TNA is in a position to them go? All four of those guys haven't really been on the show much at all recently and nothing bad has happened. Three of those four guys have never drawn a dime. It is one talent that has unfortunate habits outside the show and 3 guys that are just potential that has never really put it all together. Pushing Roode and Storm over Morgan is a no brainer, just like pushing Aries over Shelley is a no brainer. If WWE wants the sloppy seconds, so be it.
I've always liked Shelley even though I've barely been a TNA fan. I think it'll be good if he goes to WWE because they want to build a cruiserweight division or even revamp the tag team division(at least I hope Shelley joins it if Sabin comes too).

I just want the best for Alex and I hope he finds himself in the WWE. TNA has lost a true talent.
If Shelly has quit and Sabin quits i really hope they both dont go to wwe cause they'll split up just like the Kings Of Wrestling. granted both the KOW wanted to do some singles work but i would much rather see the Motor City Machine Guns and The Kings Of Wrestling stay together. I'm not 100% sure about Shelly cause it wouldn't make much sense as people have already said they just came back with promos and vignettes and a big hulubaloo, so still on the fence on whether or not its true. I may just be biased cause I REALLY LIKE THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS AND I WANT TO SEE THEM PUT ON SOME OF THE GREATEST TAG TEAM MATCHES EVER!!!
I hope he doesnt go to the E cause it'll definitely be the misuse of his talents.He can go to ROH if he likes but the E,no.No way i am a TNA mark but it's true,the WWE more than often fails to utilize talent which just may happen in his case as well.Anyway i wish him best of luck in his future endeavours

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