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ALBERTO DEL RIO: Fail as a Heel?

Alberto Del Rio is a great heel due to the fact he actually has great mic skills than any other heel wrestlers on the smack down roster. Second his character kind of reminds of me of Jbl whom was a great heel,third he gets more boo's than Tyler Reeks and Cody Rhodes Combine which both are heels. Plus another SIDE HE Talks trash to Wrestlers in Spanish which they don't catch it
I personally love how they let Alberto grow as a character of his own and didn't bother to give him that "Second generation international star"... we see how well that worked out for Carlito and Primo. Honestly, the guy's got such a generic gimmick but he's taking it up as his own and doing to perfection. Honestly, the guy's gotta be one of the biggest heels right now, and he's on Smackdown. It just goes to show you that if pushed to be great, the WWE writers know who to turn to.

Is he a bad heel? Not at all. I often find myself hating this guy sometimes, as for when he bailed on team Smackdown during the Nexus invasion. Even though I'm a huge Nexus fan, I let my "belief" be suspended and actually felt anger when he left Edge and the rest high and dry. To me, it's not that easy to garner my hatred, especially if you're a heel. It's funny how much I actually get to hating this guy, but in the end that's what makes him so great.
Del Rio is just cool, he plays his persona so well and if you like him and find him entertaining, he simply is doing his job great, most people hates him, so if you got the heat, then you are doing things the way it should be done...
Okay, so I'm starting this thread, because I'm wanting to know what everyone thinks about Alberto del Rio as a heel.

I've been following this guy for the last several months, like everyone else. Anyways, when I watch this guy cut a promo, I can't help but laugh. This guy is hilarious and I even find myself cheering for him to win his matches.

Now, I think if they turn him face, this character would be a total failure as I don't think anybody would really like him (without tweaking the character quite a bit), but as a heel he fails because he's way too likable.

What do you all feel about that?

You sorta went off subject when you started talking about WWE making him a face character. They won't make him a face character (yet) because he's brilliant as a heel.

He's already injured Rey Mysterio (twice to my knowledge) and Christian, who have both been out of action due to Del Rio, and they're both fan favourites.

Alberto Del Rio is one of the greatest heel characters I've ever seen. Why? Because he lets his character take control of him. Inside, he's probably a really nice guy with a great personality, but in the ring, he feeds off of people's hate and he turns it into his own strength; something every heel should aim for if they want to be succesful.

Any heel that has 15,000+ fans booing him every night is doing their job right. Just because you cheer for him, doesn't mean he's face. You just like him. I liked Triple H in 2003-2005 when he was a major badass heel that everybody hated, but that doesn't mean he was face, or headed for the turn.

Don't worry yourself. Del Rio's fine, and he's World Champion material.
Personally I cant stand DelRio. His gimmick bores me to death. Its just a mexican version of JBL, hell hes even feuding with Mysterio too. The gimmick just goes to show that WWE cant come up with an original idea.

Everything in wrestling is a copy of something used in the past. It's just how they can twist it. So your last statement is stupid.

Just a Mexican version of JBL eh? Okay I can see that he talks down to people due to his wealth. I'll give you that one. JBL earned his money whereas Del Rio was born into it. Del Rio is a sophisticated heel and talks about his upbringing and education making him better than everyone, not just the fact that he is rich. But what about actual skill in the ring? Del Rio is much better in the ring than JBL. Moves well and has a submission for a finishing manuever. Oh yeah, definitely a Mexican version of JBL without any originality or twists to it.
He has been doing the standard heelish things like beating on faces, using heelish tactics in matches or to run away. He has not been a great heel but has been decent enough to not be classed as a fail. His wrestling skills are great from the matches I have seen of him on Smackdown so that is a plus. Personally I see he can do better in the future as a face with his signature wink. It is just hilarious.

One problem I had with him was that his vignettes before his debut was boring and made me change the channel. But other than that he has been OK as a heel.
Alberto Del Rio is doing just fine as a heel.

His promos are pretty good. I absolutely love his character. He get's pretty decent heat, as well. In many ways, Alberto Del Rio is NOT a fail as a heel.

But, I don't think he would do a bad job as a face. I just think he is one of those guys that is a natural heel.

I find him very entertaining each and every week and hope that his character stays the same for the time being.
For him to fail at a heel, he wouldn't be able to draw heel heat, or ANY heat for that matter. I usually follow the logic of, "Better to get the opposite reaction then no reaction". Because Steve Austin got cheered over the course of months, does that mean he was a bad heel? Obviously not. He just knew how to execute his character very well. Alberto Del Rio is the same deal. Because you like him, just means he knows how to execute his character well. That's how I was with Miz. Alberto Del Rio IMO is an amazing heel, and I hope he makes it big in WWE.
I should start by saying, that for the most part I am a heel mark and my 5 current favorites are all heels, or atleast 1 was a heel until recently. Mr. Anderson who is one of my all time favorites, Dolph Ziggler, Beer Money, and Alberto Del Rio.

I love Del Rio and watching him I am a "fan" again. Not much of a smark, like I usually watch wrestling. I tend to look at things logically like a booker. But Del Rio takes me to that place I was when I was a kid. I cheer for him, like most recent in king of the ring.

I love all aspects of him. He has that "it" factor wth his charisma and mic skills and on top of it all I can fully appreciated his in ring work. Which making things better, he is not an FCW baby who works the typical plain WWE style

So, to get to the question, I do believe he is a wonderful heel. He wins matches and does so without funky shit. WWE is full of coward heels and cookie cutter heels like Edge was, like Miz is. Del Rio is a smiling, better than you and I can prove it in the ring kind of guy. He claims to be royalty in his gimmick and on the mic, and backs it up in the ring. I love it.

I think Del Rio could play a wonderful face, but I fully enjoy his heel work. The guy is a special talent even if he was taken to the cemetery by CroCop. I can see this guy winning a world title on Smackdown very soon. While I would rather have him reign as IC or US title before that happens I still would like to see it happen.

WWE rushing people is for another topic at another time. But if I had a choice of rushing Sheamus or Del Rio. I pick Del Rio every time because I believe he will be a great heel drawer from a long time to come. While Sheamus (not to get into a rant and go off topic. LoL.) has already been demoted from the elite down to the put over title of King of the Ring. A title I believe would have been better given to Del Rio, or Morrison, or Rhodes...
I personally dont see any issues with Del Rio as a heel. Sure, he's beating a dead horse, but he is bringing newer ideas into the mix. Seriously, tell me the last time you saw someone have their own ring announcer?

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