ALBERTO DEL RIO: Fail as a Heel?


Championship Contender
Okay, so I'm starting this thread, because I'm wanting to know what everyone thinks about Alberto del Rio as a heel.

I've been following this guy for the last several months, like everyone else. Anyways, when I watch this guy cut a promo, I can't help but laugh. This guy is hilarious and I even find myself cheering for him to win his matches.

Now, I think if they turn him face, this character would be a total failure as I don't think anybody would really like him (without tweaking the character quite a bit), but as a heel he fails because he's way too likable.

What do you all feel about that?
A cocky, rich, mexican, good looking, wrestler that is better than you. That just screams heel. He's not failing as a heel at all. You're one person. You're not the entire WWE universe. If you listen close, you'll hear about 15,000 boos from everyone in the arena. Heels are just your fancy. You probably like the way he's cocky and smiles all the time. I love it too. But is he a fail as a heel, no, of course not. He is the perfect heel. People love Wade Barrett and The Miz but are they bad heels. No. They're still great heels. A few may cheer, but most do boo. That's a heel in my book.
Alberto Del-Rio is most certainly not a fail and never has been. Just because we like him does not mean that he is not doing his job as a heel. The job of a heel is to get people to hate you. Now, do you not hear the thousands and thousands of “boo’s” the crowd make for him every time he walks inside the ring or even walks on the ramp? Surely, you have noticed this. The fact that he has the entire crowd boo-ing him shows that he is doing an excellent job as a heel.

If we go by the fact that we like Del-Rio, it doesn’t make him any less credible as a heel than the next guy. Chris Jericho for one---the guy is arguably one of the best heels the WWE has to offer; yet, that doesn’t stop people from liking him, now does it? Just because people like a heel does not mean that they aren’t a good heel. It just means that people like him---nothing more and nothing less.

Alberto Del-Rio is a great heel. He’s rich, he’s cocky, he’s phenomenal. He has the mic-skills, the looks, the in-ring ability---everything to make it far in the business. The gimmick that he portrays, The Mexican JBL is a great gimmick for him as he has adapted well to it and made it really credible. Del-Rio is quite frankly one of my favorite superstars on the current roster. He’s got it all; and considering the huge push the WWE has given him since he began in the WWE, it’s safe to say that Del-Rio will make it very far in the business.
Never. He's good as a heel and probably draws heat just like The Miz or Wade. Plus, his smile adds to his heelish attitude. He's an awesome heel.
Okay, so I'm starting this thread, because I'm wanting to know what everyone thinks about Alberto del Rio as a heel.

I've been following this guy for the last several months, like everyone else. Anyways, when I watch this guy cut a promo, I can't help but laugh. This guy is hilarious and I even find myself cheering for him to win his matches.

Now, I think if they turn him face, this character would be a total failure as I don't think anybody would really like him (without tweaking the character quite a bit), but as a heel he fails because he's way too likable.

What do you all feel about that?

They need to just keep him heel and please WWE, for the love of GOD, bring back Chavo Classic permanently! It was great seeing him on RAW tonight. He would definitely liven up the segments with Del Rio who just bores me to no end. Having Classic as his manager would make him a huge win!
They need to just keep him heel and please WWE, for the love of GOD, bring back Chavo Classic permanently! It was great seeing him on RAW tonight. He would definitely liven up the segments with Del Rio who just bores me to no end. Having Classic as his manager would make him a huge win!

I'm going to agree with you their. I liked seeing Chavo Classic with Del Rio, it could set up Chavo Jr for another push, and have Del Rio someone with alot of in ring experence to work with. I have no problem thinking Del Rio on his own by this time next year at the maximum will be in the big title picture.

He's a great heel, he's a smug ritch bastard. Ala of The million dollar man and Jbl. He's playing it well, I really don't want to see this dude get burried in the midcard. Out of the people that are comming up he's one of the top. He could work on his Mic work a little bit more. But really thats his only flaw. He's great in the ring and could be around for a long time.
For the life of me, I can't see how anybody could honestly call Alberto Del Rio a failure as a heel. An egotistical, wealthy Mexican that consistently brags about his family lineage while insulting everyone around him is the stuff heels are made of. It's classic, it never goes out of style and it works.

It's simple psychology and basic common sense that most people don't like elitist snobs. They especially don't like elitist snobs that constantly harp on how much better they are than everyone else. Del Rio does exactly that and he does it with a cool confidence that feels completely natural.

From the minute he first set foot on WWE SmackDown!, the guy has had instant heat. The crowd loves to boo him, they want to see him get his ass kicked and they don't change the channel when he's on. If that's not a successful heel, then I don't know what is.
I hate Alberto del Rio. I really do, I hate everything about him. From his entrance in the car in a JBL-esque fashion, to the smile on his face, to his tendency to wink. I hate his promos, whether they were his pre-debut on screen promos, or his current in-ring promos. I hate the fact that he has been as successful in the ring as he has been, putting both Mysterio and Christian (kayfabe) on the shelf. Every time I see this guy compete, I want to see him get his ass kicked by whoever his opponent is, and I am very disappointed when he does not. Despite all of this, though, I do continue to watch, hoping for this ass-kicking, hoping that someone will shut him up. I am not tempted to change the station, or to tune him out altogether; I keep watching hoping he finally gets what is coming to him.

In other words, he has been an excellent heel. Doing exactly what he is supposed to do: piss me off, but keep me interested at the same time. He's hardly a fail as a heel, quite the opposite. So far I think he's been a success. Mind you, the guy hasn't been around all that long yet. I would like to see a bit more of him before I jump the gun and classify the guy as a success or as a fail quite yet. But thus far, definitely not a fail.
Love that nobody agrees with you. Just because you find yourself cheering for him doesn't mean jack shit. More people find him to be a rich, pompous ass. He gets better heat than a lot of people. He is rich and talks about being better than everyone else. Remember CM Punk talking about being Straight Edge and being better than everyone? This is Del Rio being rich and talking about being better than everyone. So yeah, Del Rio is not a failure, you just don't know what you are talking about.
Del Rio is definitely not a failure as a heel, he's a rich, smug, Mexican wrestler that boasts about himself and insults everyone else. Just because you like him doesn't make him a failure, many people like Miz and Barret but are they bad heels? NO. Whenever his music plays he gets a tone of heat which signifies that he's not failing at being an heel.
Alberto Del Rio is great as a heel. He's got all the gimmicks of a great heel going for him. Arrogance, flamboyantly rich, vain in his appearance, and so on. Should make for a great feud with Rey Mysterio in a classic lucha libre match up.
I love Del Rio. I think this guy is awesome.

I love heels that are arrogant, cocky, asses. Del Rio fits the bill. Hopefully he can get more over than MacIntyre did.
I'll remind you of a Latino who spoke funny, pissed people off and so on but got over as a face. Eddie Guerrero. Right now, Del Rio is gaining credibility but very soon he will be the Mexican face of the WWE, with Rey Rey leaving soon. They won't have to tweak him one bit, the majority of people will love him if he shakes Rey's hand or comes out to save a helpless face. Example? Remember when RVD was Mr. MITB? Well Carlito put him on the shelf farrr before Van Dam won the briefcase. So one night, RVD was getting double teamed by Benjamin and Masters(I think) then Carlito makes the save due to personal problems with masters and BAM, he's a face but Carlito NEVER changed the way he walk, talked, spat. Some people can get over no matter what, Del Rio has that power.
He's a good heel, but he's slowly getting cheers. He's just too funny, and too good in the ring, not to gain some fans. But most people will still boo him. If they ever want to turn him face, all he needs is to put the mask back on as Dos Caras, and display his amazing lucha libre skills. The guy is using about a quarter of his move set right now to play a heel.
He's a different kind of heel, but a heel nonetheless. He's like Denzel in Training Day. He's cocky, thinks he knows it all, that everyone is underneath him and that he knows all the moves.

But, along the way, you see he has some very charming aspects to him. Handsome. Has a solid way with words. Unique style and gets the job done.

However, you know at the end of the day, he's going to eventually do something that pisses you off, that you can't defend or agree with.

It works well. He keeps the crowd interested, but will still get boo'd when it's needed.

He's great. I love this about the guy; He can smile while he kicks your ass, and sell it. That's really hard to master.
Alberto is an example of an epic heel. He's been in the main roster Smackdown for a couple of months and he's already a star. He has the look, the mic skills, a great entrance and he's great in the ring with an epic finisher move. He's in the main event with former world champions like edge, kane, rey mysterio and big show he'll be world champ sooner than we know.
Okay, so I'm starting this thread, because I'm wanting to know what everyone thinks about Alberto del Rio as a heel.?

He's a brilliant heel. He has the facial expressions, especially the trademark wink, down pat. He's commanding on the mic, which is saying something considering the fact that English is obviously not his first language. He comes out claming that because he "comes from the bloodline of kings" that he is better then everyone else. He madse this very comparison in his first promo against Rey Mysterio. He wrestles like a heel. He picks and chooses his spots, like he did with both Rey and Christian. Who did WWE pick to write both off TV? Del Rio.

I've been following this guy for the last several months, like everyone else. Anyways, when I watch this guy cut a promo, I can't help but laugh. This guy is hilarious and I even find myself cheering for him to win his matches.

And that makes him a failure as a heel how? Because, you, one person, cheer for him? Do you hear the heat he gets just as he comes out? It's tremendous.

Now, I think if they turn him face, this character would be a total failure as I don't think anybody would really like him (without tweaking the character quite a bit), but as a heel he fails because he's way too likable.

So in essence, what you're saying is that he'ld be a failure either way? You're stating you think he's a failure as a heel, but would fail as a face as well. Using that logic, he'ld be an utter failure.

What do you all feel about that?

I don't feel anything about it, I think that he's a tremendous heel, and has been from day one. How many guys have debuted and made a former 2 time champion tap out in their first match? Not many that I can recall. The guy is a total package as a heel.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that is the IWC like s aguy that makes him face. Chris jericho was bligging hilarious, punk is funny at times as well and both of them were top heels. It is just something that comes with age, you prefer bad guys or tweener good guys not john cena good guys. If we take the reverse, I dislike velvet sky but she is definately a face, no doubts so.

I dunno, when your a kid you like the good guys and dislike the bad guys, but your very clever in that you also like the tweeners like austin. When you get older you like guys who push the envelope and say what most guys are thinking, usually heels. And you like some people just cos you think theyre funny, ie i like khali because he dances funny. But long story short, yep he is a heel and a good one at that.
Alberto Del Rio is great as a heel. He's just like JBL only foreign. He comes out to an entrance that's practically identical to JBL's only replacing the cowboy hat with Orton's old pyro waterfall. Other than that, the entrance is identical. He is good in the ring and great at generating heel heat with his promos. People legitimately HATE this guy. That means the man is doing his job and quite well because he's already getting so much heel heat. He's a future world champion and nowhere near being a fail as a heel. He would be a failure as a face though, so I hope they never turn him.
Del Rio is obnoxious, irritating, and full of himself.

And that makes him a great heel. I hope he gets the shit kicked out of him, and I would pay to see it, thats pretty much the definition of a great heel. I definitely respect him and what he does, but I dont like him. He is one of the only 'true heels' around. He has the 'please get your ass kicked' vibe, not the 'I will kill myself if I have to see this crap' vibe
Personally I cant stand DelRio. His gimmick bores me to death. Its just a mexican version of JBL, hell hes even feuding with Mysterio too. The gimmick just goes to show that WWE cant come up with an original idea.
I find myself cheering for him for the simple fact that he is a real Mexican. That's right born in in Mexico, not like Rey Mysterio who was born in in the states. He is funny, good looking, great shape, not small. Even his gimmick which I think is just the same as JBL's is badass and I hated JBL.

He has not been a failure as a heel because he gets instant heat as soon as his announcer is announced. Plus they are not making him look like the typical heel who always has to cheat to win.
I actually like DelRio, and find him hysterical. I do cheer him occasionally. But more for his technical and in-ring skills. But, I think right now he's on the roll of his life with this persona. That grin, his wink, it all screams the self-obsessed, better than you spoiled-self serving heel phase. I mean, I'm sure they have plans at some point for him to turn face, but why worry about that now? I think he's good at what he's doing now. Obviously he's getting ring time each week with what he's doing and that must be good enough for WWE to warrant him more and more time, especially with him being the captain of a team at Survivor Series. I think he's just fine.
TBH alot of people expecially rey fans hate him and his cunning spanish insult are awesome xD. Hes a decent heel and EXTREMELY COCKY and i mean extremely cocky. hes wink and his personal ring announcer are the best heel thing about him. Me im a alberto fan actually and would love to cheer for him but im only 1 and other poeple hate him like rey fans(thats 60% of people)
Alberto Del rio is the FUTURE get use to it, Vince even said it on a call with his shareholders acouple weeks ago, he said they are building the company around him and he is the future soo all u jobbers who dont like him boo whoooo... this guy is probably the best heel next to the miz right now.. i dont think anybody is cheering for this guy he gets nothing but boos but that could be wwe editing it for tv cause we all know smackdown isnt live

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