AJ Styles: Why Can't He Break Out?


I'm all out of bubble gum!
God bless him. He is a tremendous athlete who puts on terrific matches with pretty much anyone who gets in the ring with him. He is universally regarded as one of the best in ring performers in the business today. However, A.J. Styles has not risen to the level of popularity of some of the all time greats in the wrestling business. Does he have the talent to get to that breakout level? You bet he does, but he is missing something. That intangible that allows a wrestler to get over with the masses and stay over forever. The promos just aren't there. They have never been there. TNA has tried everything with A.J. to get him over with the casual fan. He has been a good guy, a bad guy, and a comedy guy. It just isn't clicking with people. A.J. just doesn't have that quality in him. Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of what he does. In fact A.J. is one of my favorite guys on the TNA roster. But when I talk to people who are casual fans of wrestling, most of them don't have a clue who A.J. Styles is. A.J. Styles has been one of the main faces of TNA for almost 10 years now, has held ever title in the company's history, is the longest Heavyweight champion in company history, and yet he still struggles for recognition outside the internet wrestling community. TNA has given A.J. every opportunity to seize the moment and sky rocket to immortality. So what happened? Why does he struggle to get noticed by the casual fan? If he was the total package everyone would know who he is. I bet 7/10 people or more have never even heard of A.J. Styles. Is it TNA's fault that A.J. isn't more well known? Is it A.J.'s fault for not having developed a persona that connects with the people better? Why can't A.J. break through? Will A.J. ever break through? Has he already peaked?
AJ Styles is one of the best wrestlers in the world. he can put on 5 star matches night in and night out. he is good enough on the mic to be a true wrestling superstar. the reason he's not a house hold name? thast easy. he's in TNA. they just dont have the same crowd numbers and following the wwe has. the wwe made superstars and made legends. tna is more like where legends go to die and where people like styles and joe dont get enough credit for being good because they are in front of a smaller audience.

if AJ were given the same gimmick, as the phenomenal one, and same tv time he gets in TNA but in the WWE he could easily be the second biggest baby face behind cena. he would easily be a world champion. he would easily headline wrestlemania. there is nothing wrong with aj as a performer that is holding him back. its the company he works for.
AJ did break out, he was the top heel in the company until for some stupid reason, TNA gave the belt to RVD after he was in the company less then 3 months, that was the beginning of the end, AJ hasn't been used correctly since, they put him on the back burner in order to push guys like Jeff Hardy and now even Matt Hardy gets more camera time then AJ (Granted AJ is hurt but promo wise as well) TNA is the reason AJ Styles can't break out now.
I think AJ Styles is awesome! But you are absolutely right. AJ Styles has been in TNA since day 1 - but he just can't seem to REALLY get over.

I don't blame AJ for that, I blame TNA. AJ Styles has been TNA's b*tch since day one. AJ Styles is the man who got them the recognition that they have today. It was his amazing X Division matches when TNA first started that really put them on the map. People could forgive TNA for all the Glen Gilberti and Mike Sanders we had to deal with in the early years of TNA - because they had AJ Styles to look forward to. He constantly tore the house down and still does.

His matches with Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels were awesome, and I used to actually buy TNA pay per views to see them.

The problem with AJ Styles...is TNA. Every single time TNA brings in a new "former WWE talent", AJ Styles takes a back seat. Christian, Rhino, Angle, Foley, Hardy - every time they sign a new guy - AJ is put on the back burner, or turned heel.

I feel like I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that I do not want to "Boo" a man with the talent of AJ Styles. He may not be the next Rock, in terms of personality. But he's a man who I think 99% of fans who have seen him, respect for being an incredible talent in the ring. He's like Jerry Lynn in ECW, or Chris Benoit in WCW/WWE.

Styles is a guy that people WANT to cheer for, and want to see at the top of the heap.
The problem is, TNA has never allowed that to happen, because they are so focused on who they can hire to put the company on the map...that they overlook the ONE MAN who is responsible for putting them on the map and getting them where they are in the first place.

I think at this point, unfortunately, AJ Styles has peaked. The only hope for him, is to break away from "Immortal" and be the man responsible for bringing them down. AJ Styles absolutely needs to the be difference maker in this storyline, or he is pretty much doomed to be one of those guys who just never reaches his potential.
AJ Styles is one of the best wrestlers in the world. he can put on 5 star matches night in and night out. he is good enough on the mic to be a true wrestling superstar. the reason he's not a house hold name? thast easy. he's in TNA.

if AJ were given the same gimmick and same tv time he gets in TNA but in the WWE he could easily be the second biggest baby face behind cena. he would easily be a world champion. he would easily headline wrestlemania. there is nothing wrong with aj as a performer that his holding him back. its the company he works for.

Besides Rey Mysterio, when has there ever been a WWE champion as small as AJ Styles? In a sport that relies on suspending a fair amount of disbelief in order to get people to accept a simulated fight as "real," history shows that small men have a huge mountain to climb.

If Styles could "easily" become a world champion in WWE, don't you think he'd have done it by now? Methinks everyone is giving the guy way too much credit. Sure, he is a great worker, but his mic skills have been at best mediocre for a long time (they're slightly better at the moment, thanks to Flair), and I don't see why he wouldn't end up being another Evan Bourne or DBD if he ever ended up in the big show.
God bless him. He is a tremendous athlete who puts on terrific matches with pretty much anyone who gets in the ring with him. He is universally regarded as one of the best in ring performers in the business today. However, A.J. Styles has not risen to the level of popularity of some of the all time greats in the wrestling business.

Yeah, because he doesn't work for WCW or WWE/F.

The "greats" you referred to were major players on the largest platforms the industry had to offer — WCW or WWE/F. Without those major, major machines, guys like Hogan go nowhere (see AWA).

You are comparing apples to oranges.

Does he have the talent to get to that breakout level? You bet he does, but he is missing something. That intangible that allows a wrestler to get over with the masses and stay over forever. The promos just aren't there. They have never been there. TNA has tried everything with A.J. to get him over with the casual fan. He has been a good guy, a bad guy, and a comedy guy. It just isn't clicking with people. A.J. just doesn't have that quality in him.

Bullshit. Four years ago? Sure. Today? Not even close. Do you even watch the show anymore? AJ Styles is more than competent with a stick right now, especially as a heel, and when he's pushed face again (which will undoubtedly happen) he's going to boom, again.

Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of what he does. In fact A.J. is one of my favorite guys on the TNA roster. But when I talk to people who are casual fans of wrestling, most of them don't have a clue who A.J. Styles is. A.J. Styles has been one of the main faces of TNA for almost 10 years now, has held ever title in the company's history, is the longest Heavyweight champion in company history, and yet he still struggles for recognition outside the internet wrestling community.

Sounds to me like you're only friends with WWE marks who live inside a very comfortable WWE bubble, Michael Cole.

TNA has given A.J. every opportunity to seize the moment and sky rocket to immortality. So what happened? Why does he struggle to get noticed by the casual fan? If he was the total package everyone would know who he is. I bet 7/10 people or more have never even heard of A.J. Styles.

Has nothing to do with the fact that he isn't talented enough. It has to due with the fact that he works for TNA who are a marginal company compared to the mega-monster you are holding them (and AJ) against in WWE.

Is it TNA's fault that A.J. isn't more well known?

Yes, in the sense of your question being directly answered it is, because AJ is a TNA star. You have to know and watch TNA in order to know and watch him.

Is it A.J.'s fault for not having developed a persona that connects with the people better?

No, because he already connects with the people greatly. There is no one on the roster they had a tougher time booing when he was turned heel, and a number of fans still hate the idea of him being one. That's how big of a connection he had with the fans you say he hasn't connected with well enough.

Why can't A.J. break through? Will A.J. ever break through?

He already did. He's the face of the company (despite being heel). He's just hurt right now, which has him sidelined and relegated to being a voice as opposed to a performer for a few weeks.

Has he already peaked?

This is just ******ed...
I agree with IDR, but in the sense that Styles hasn't peaked and that he is the face of TNA. I think it's unfair to say A.J. hasn't broken out because TNA as a company hasn't broken out. WCW had to break barriers to break out, and their shelf life was oddly short. The problem with Styles is really booking. Styles right now is the Mr. Perfect of TNA: he is the best athlete on the roster, wildly respected, recognized by everyone familiar with the company, and booked to the backburner. The Fourtune storyline began with promise just for him and ended with him simply being a knight on the Immortals chessboard. I see why they made him a heel: to give him that extra edge the way The Rock and Cena got before their mega pushes. Problem is, Styles will always be in a holding pattern and can't retake his rightful place at the top of TNA until they stop holding him back and let him be a leader and not a follower.
I think AJ Styles has proved he CAN break out. I mean a year and a half ago he was the face of TNA.

The problem is Hogan and Bischoff, they obviously don't think much of him. Instead of letting him be himself they decided to make him a clone of The Most Overrated Player in the Game. AJ is SO much better than being regulated to a Flair knock off, but that's what Hogschoff wanted. And I know they (Bischoff) say that they don't have that sort of role in TNA, but the evidence says otherwise, from the new hires, fires, and the shift of focus of the talent it's obvious that's not completely true.

It's unfortunate that TNA has gone that route, and to answer your question about AJ "peaking" absolutely not. Once Hogan and Bischoff leave, he'll be put back in the TNA limelight and I for one can't wait.
This is in response to It's Damn Real!'s post. I don't know how to do the quotes thing.

When WWF was ruling the world in the 80s you still knew who Ric Flair was, you still knew who Terry Funk was, you knew who Stan Hansen was. These guys weren't on the biggest stages yet they were able to make a name for themselves without the WWF machine.

I love A.J. Styles and he is competent on the stick, but it takes more than just being competent to get way over. You need to make that connection with the slob sitting at home eating potato chips half asleep and get him to sit up and take notice. While A.J. surely is competent he isn't exactly setting the world on fire with his promo work. And yes I watch, in fact I haven't missed an episode of Impact or a TNA PPV in a couple of years.

Most of my friends don't watch wrestling anymore. The ones I am referring to are the guys that love wrestling but haven't been given a reason to watch for the better part of the last decade. I have been trying to get them into TNA. I say "watch A.J., watch Joe, watch Roode. These guys can go." While impressed by their in ring ability most think A.J. and Joe are boring. Do I agree with that? No I don't, but these guys that are trying to get back into watching wrestling aren't buying what A.J. is selling on the stick.

I am not holding A.J. or TNA against WWE. I don't watch WWE. I haven't watched WWE since last year's Wrestlemania. Before that I didn't watch WWE for almost 10 years. I won't watch WWE until they give me something worth tuning in for. I am saying that the people that I know that used to love wrestling, that used to love the characters are not buying into the Phenomenal One. Like I have said before, I love A.J. Styles, but to people that aren't familiar with TNA or A.J., they give it a try and aren't jumping into TNA like I did when I discovered A.J., Joe, and company.

Yes, he connects with people that watch and have watched wrestling forever. What about the guy that used to watch, loves wrestling, but hasn't been excited about it for a long time. Why isn't A.J. hooking them into watching every week? If he was the guy people like you and I think he is, why doesn't he draw more people into watching TNA?

Yes, he is the face of the company and rightfully so, but can he do enough as the face of the company to help draw more people in? I am not so sure. He has been one of the faces of the company for years, yet all those millions of people that used to watch wrestling aren't tuning in to see A.J. Styles. It is a shame and I think A.J. and TNA deserve better, but it just isn't happening.

I am sorry you don't think this topic warrants conversation, but I am just asking why if A.J. is what most of us think he is, why can't he draw more?
Why can't AJ break out? The reason is simple: He's in TNA. Sure, people bash WWE for pushing the wrong people and such, but if he could reach the same level in WWE that he reached in TNA he'd be a much bigger name.
AJ has proved, match after match that he truly is one of the best in the world in pro wrestling today. He is a modern day Shawn Michaels and can adapt to any style to put on a good match. I think he has broken out as far as he can break out until TNA breaks out. They are not a famous company so AJ Styles isn't that big. He was TNA's face for years until Kurt Angle came along. He has done all he can do and has given 110% to TNA, and that the company should be grateful to have a guy like AJ Styles on there roster. I thought his heel work with Flair was really good and I enjoyed it. Many didn't but I did. I guess being a Ric Flair heel mark has a little bit to do with it.
Why can't AJ break out? Cause TNA is obsessed with pushing guys that over the hill, drug users, or straight up facing criminal charges. TNA simply is unable to push "home grown" talent and they must snap up any "free agents" no matter how bad they are.
Why can't AJ break out? Cause TNA is obsessed with pushing guys that over the hill, drug users, or straight up facing criminal charges. TNA simply is unable to push "home grown" talent and they must snap up any "free agents" no matter how bad they are.

If TNA is unable to push "home grown" talent then why is AJ the first and only Grand Slam champion in TNA history? Aj was made in TNA and has put on some great matches. They didn't go wrong with him. He is in Immortal and is doing pretty good and has done good in TNA. You need to back up your opinion. Saying because TNA is obsessed with pushing guys over the hill, drug users, or straight up facing criminal charges is one of the worst arguments, I have ever heard.
Aj Styles' mic work is fine, he's the full package. the reason people don't know him is because he's in TNA. DUH, if he was on WWE TV for only 5 seconds, 3 million more people would already know ho he was. if he was given a shot at the E. everyone would know who he was
TNA is pretty much why AJ isn't at that stardom that he could be. You keep mentioning Ric Flair - When you seem to forget that WWF wasn't the only top promotion. You had NWA Jim Crockett and you had the AWA. Right now, WWE is the only company that is wrestling according to the common person. Even with the star power and financing, TNA still fails to gain a decent exposure for itself as a wrestling company. And if AJ is working for a company that fails to get the exposure he needs to get this stardom - Ofcourse AJ won't be a megastar. As cliche as this answer is, his reason for not having the star power is because he's working for TNA.
Besides Rey Mysterio, when has there ever been a WWE champion as small as AJ Styles? In a sport that relies on suspending a fair amount of disbelief in order to get people to accept a simulated fight as "real," history shows that small men have a huge mountain to climb.
First of all Rey Mysterio is is 5'6 and 165 pounds Aj Styles is 5'11 and 215 pounds so your size comparision is completely wrong. Secondly guys like Cm Punk who happens to be a 3 time world champion is only an inch or two taller than AJ and weights the same as Styles so size isn't really a factor in building a world champion. You also have guys like The Miz and John Morrison two guys that are either current wwe champion like the Miz or future world champion like Morrison who are slightly bigger then Stlyes that proves you dont have to be huge to be champions in the big company. Size really doesn't matter is this day and age. The reason Styles isn't a huge star is like everyone alse has said he doesn't have the exposure that the wwe provides it has nothing to with size but thats just my opinion.
God bless him. He is a tremendous athlete who puts on terrific matches with pretty much anyone who gets in the ring with him. He is universally regarded as one of the best in ring performers in the business today. However, A.J. Styles has not risen to the level of popularity of some of the all time greats in the wrestling business. Does he have the talent to get to that breakout level? You bet he does, but he is missing something. That intangible that allows a wrestler to get over with the masses and stay over forever. The promos just aren't there. They have never been there. TNA has tried everything with A.J. to get him over with the casual fan. He has been a good guy, a bad guy, and a comedy guy. It just isn't clicking with people. A.J. just doesn't have that quality in him. Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of what he does. In fact A.J. is one of my favorite guys on the TNA roster. But when I talk to people who are casual fans of wrestling, most of them don't have a clue who A.J. Styles is. A.J. Styles has been one of the main faces of TNA for almost 10 years now, has held ever title in the company's history, is the longest Heavyweight champion in company history, and yet he still struggles for recognition outside the internet wrestling community. TNA has given A.J. every opportunity to seize the moment and sky rocket to immortality. So what happened? Why does he struggle to get noticed by the casual fan? If he was the total package everyone would know who he is. I bet 7/10 people or more have never even heard of A.J. Styles. Is it TNA's fault that A.J. isn't more well known? Is it A.J.'s fault for not having developed a persona that connects with the people better? Why can't A.J. break through? Will A.J. ever break through? Has he already peaked?

There are 3 reasons that I can think of.

#1: He's in TNA

Sorry to all the TNA marks but they are just too small time, too low on the radar to create a megastar. To the casual fan, there is really only one wrestling company around today, and even they aren't making many big name stars anymore.

#2: Pro Wrestling's on the decline

Pro Wrestling has hit it's peak in popularity and those days are long gone. Back in the day Wrestling was 'cool', and it was 'cool' to be a wrestling fan. Everyone had Stone Cold shirts and wasn't afraid to wear them. Now the common perception of wrestling is largely negative. Due to the growing number of deaths and it being a fake sport. It went from being hot to being a joke among non-fans. And that's why TNA can't create a breakout star, hell WWE isn't doing too much better.

#3: It's all about the character

Put together a list of the 5 most popular wrestlers of all time. Then put together a list of the 5 best in-ring wrestlers of all time. Pick out the common denominators. You get Ric Flair, maybe HBK or Bret Hart depending on your list. Hogan didn't become the most popular wrestler in history from putting on 5 star matches. Neither did Stone cold or The Rock. It was because of their character, great catchphrases, charisma, whooping your bosses ass etc. that they became icons. Styles is very talented when the bell rings, but other than that he's just another pro wrestler.
I think AJ's biggest problem is that he is still in TNA. If I remember correctly, he was contacted by WWE a while back but turned them down for personal reasons(his wife had cancer???). Anyway, I find that to be his biggest problem. The reason why the typical wrestling fan has never heard of AJ Styles is because the typical wrestling fan could give 2 drops of piss about TNA. WWE is the big market. Although Vince McMahon has a reputation of burying other companies talents(Chris Harris/Braden Walker, Lance Hoyt, Low Ki/Kaval), I don't think AJ would follow. I would NEVER expect him to show up out of shape the way Harris did and I think fans would be drawn to him based on athletic ability alone(something Vince wouldn't be able to deny). Sting stayed in WCW for as long as he did and became a HUGE name because WCW was on a bigger network and WCW had better talent. They even came close to running WWE out of business. TNA is on the same channel that recycles the same MANswers and CSI episodes. So unless TNA gets bigger, expect AJ Styles to be The Phenomenal One for only AND ONLY the small, meaningless TNA fanbase.
AJ Styles is synonymous with TNA. When you hear TNA you think AJ Styles. When you hear x division you think AJ Styles. He literally built the house of TNA. Out of all the TNA roster he is the best superstar TNA has made their own and really have him connect with the fans and appreciate his phenomenal talent. Week in week out he works his ass off putting on five star matches, and becoming more and more of a star. If your not happy with this current AJ Styles, watch when eventually turns face again and you will see the TNA superstar AJ Styles. AJ Styles is TNA.
Great wrestler on an inferior show. Tna keeps bringing in guys and they get all the spotlight. 2 hours a week is not enough time to use all the guys. You see bozo's in the wwe that are used more then some tna guys. Wish he would quit and come to wwe.
Lol at these posts.

Look no disrespect to AJ but the man has never and will never be a DRAW. He would be nothing more than a midcarder alongside Daniel Bryan in WWE.

The man has zero charisma, he has generic to terrible mic skills, not a single funny bone in his body. He has never been remotely humorous and every single face "superstar" has their share of funny promos. He has never and will never.

He is a terrible draw. Who gives a damn if it's TNA? Beer Money outsold him in merchandise during his 6 month title reign, he couldn't even help TNA sell out Gainsville, Georgia. HIS OWN HOME TOWN.

TNA's merchandise and general revenue and profit increased when he lost the main event spot to Hogan and Immortal.

You all are out of your damn minds if you can't see that AJ Styles/Sting drew TERRIBLE NUMBERS. It has nothing to do with him being in TNA, nobody gives a damn about AJ Style's character.

That's just how it is. The same goes for Samoa Joe.

He's a fantastic talent but a terrible personality. The reason why he is so limited in TNA's perspective is because you have a guy who help build your company wresling wise and now once the company is established, he cannot elevate his own personality to become an all around star.

TNA marketed him through video games, MTV appearances, etc. What more could they do?

If Mr Anderson goes from upper midcarder to draw as main eventer in TNA in less than 1 year, explain to me how AJ being in WWE would matter?
im massive aj styles mark i think he has had the same working abilitity as the great hbk i kinda of like to think of aj as the tna shawn michaels but becoz hes in tna he will never be the heart break kid or anywhere near the highs shawn seen in his long career i feel sorry for aj but i also think if aj was in wwe he would be used right anyway so i think aj just needs to wait out this immortal angle n hopefully he can be the phenomenal one that brings them all crashing down wit angel rvd anderson morgan joe n crimson hahaha the new mem is gunna be epic............. I HOPE....... the house that aj styles built......
honestly i think the problem wit AJ is that he's in TNA. it's not just that TNA is inferior to the huge machine of WWE its that in TNA he has no big name guys to go against. his 2 biggest opponets are Sting( no1 from this generation has any clue what he accomplished during the WCW days) and Angle( most ppl dont only see him for what he's doing in TNA now and not the passed in WWE). if put in a program with Orton or Cena i have no doubt he could hold his own but unfornately for him since he's a TNA guy if he ever crossed over to WWE he would have to jump thru major hoops to even sniff main event status.

PS. i would love to see him in a TLC or X divison style match with JoMo that would be amazing
IDR already said it- he's "more then competent" on the stick. The bar for 'breakout performer' is set significantly higher than competence. AJ can't carry an arena the way breakout stars like Steve Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, or even Mick Foley could. (Which I think has something to do with shooting in the same location every show, but that's for other threads.)

He's an athletic specimen, but he's simply not main event material. There aren't enough fans interested in what he's bringing to the table, as impressive as it is, to earn him that permanent spot at the top of the roster. This is not to say that because AJ Styles won't be the "Triple H" of TNA, that he's useless and a failed example of a wrestler. He'll have a great role as a Chris Jericho figure in TNA; a guy who can go with anyone, from their top champion to a 65 year-old man brought in for a gimmick match, and companies need guys like that.

I like watching AJ Styles wrestle, but he just doesn't have the stuff to carry a 15-minute promo every week, and that's a must-have in today's 'breakout stars'. Guys like Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko never really broke through to the top tier because they never developed the microphone skills necessary.

AJ Styles will always have a top spot on the TNA roster, so long as he wants it, but I think that, with his current skill set, he's gotten his personal fan base as large as it can get.
Agrees with Rayne/lazeric, AJ is phenomenal "wrestler" but as an entertainer in TNA he's just average.

Alot of that has to do with who he has to work with, there's only a handfull of people on the TNA roster that are the total packages.

For me personally i don't think he has the charisma skills the vast majority of times he's cutting promo's etc., he's just a great wrestler/worker and much like Taker as far as being loyal to his company but doesn't really have a personality.

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