AJ Styles/Dixie Carter: One of the Dumbest Things TNA Has Ever Done?


Dark Match Winner
Tonight on Impact I saw the biggest forms of WTF and revisionist history I've ever seen in wrestling.

So, for the past few months TNA has been running the angle with AJ, KAZ, and Daniels about what secret does Daniels have to make KAZ turn on AJ. All of a sudden KAZ turns full heel and sides with Daniels and we find out that the secret has to do with Aj Styles.

About three weeks ago on impact Daniels and Styles come to the ring during AJ's match with Kurt angle and slip a picture in the ring that shocked and freaked Aj out so much that he did everything in his power to keep it covered up yelling at them "Where did you get this" causing AJ to get rolled up from behind by Kurt and costing him the match.

Cut to tonight on Impact and Daniels and Kaz come to the ring ready to reveal the big secret and tell AJ to come out and reveal the secret or they would do it for him. So, Aj comes out and tells them that I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU TWO HAVE OVER ME BUT THIS NEEDS TO STOP...this from the same guy that three weeks ago freaked out over the picture that was slid in the ring and started screaming "Where did you get this from!?". As they made they big reveal on what the secret was AJ was just standing like he was seeing it for the first time looking genuinely shocked...can someone PLEASE explain how this makes any sense at all. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The storyline between these guys has been just filler for them and to simply give an excuse for why Kaz and Daniels are a team. This could not be a more unimportant aspect this feud if they tried. Why? Because they are a bother, and no one cares about it. You're not getting the joke here.

1) No one but Daniels and Kaz give a shit.

2) It's just to draw heat for them.

3) It's filler.

4) AJ was playing "cool".

5) We have a complaints thread.
I would love for this to turn into a psycho Fatal Attraction angle, but I don't think it will be anything else but a Savage/Elizabeth/Flair ripoff. As good of wrestlers as they are...AJ, Daniels and Kaz just don't have what it takes to even try and make it work. Dixie is no Liz and that's not saying much when it comes to acting skills. This could be interesting if the parts were played by Scott Steiner, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff in drag in the role of Dixie Carter.
actullay there is a point to this storyline still as was pointed out to me earlier you see AJ Styles is viewed right now as the face of the company and a all around good guy but its well known hes married so the fact hes hooking up with dixie carter ruins that image and is supposed to make you think he slept his way to the top. it could have been worse...much worse
I see no problem with this angle? Dixie potentially turning into a Stephanie McMahon type of personality is pretty interesting...plus this gives AJ's character a whole new dimension, plus draws a lot of heat for Daniels and Kaz. It's not the best or most original storyline in wrestling history, but there's nothing wrong with it. Why do people just look for things to complain about in TNA? At least TNA is putting a logical product out there right now...for the past month, Dolph Ziggler has been jobbing to Brodus Clay with no explanation whatsoever as to why the matches are occuring. Let's not forget how Clay's partner switched from Santino to Hornswaggle and then was completely dropped. Oh, and Lord Tensai. Enough said. TNA, even with this transitional period they are currently going through, is still putting out a better product. Stop bitching.

EDIT: And tonight's Impact was fantastic. Marks will be marks.
Cut to tonight on Impact and Daniels and Kaz come to the ring ready to reveal the big secret and tell AJ to come out and reveal the secret or they would do it for him. So, Aj comes out and tells them that I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU TWO HAVE OVER ME BUT THIS NEEDS TO STOP...this from the same guy that three weeks ago freaked out over the picture that was slid in the ring and started screaming "Where did you get this from!?". As they made they big reveal on what the secret was AJ was just standing like he was seeing it for the first time looking genuinely shocked...can someone PLEASE explain how this makes any sense at all. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Why don't you use common sense? It was obvious in the envelope that Daniels gave AJ a couple weeks back only had one picture. Probably the first one they showed tonight. So AJ probably thought he could cover that picture up. He didn't know they had more pictures.
IMO this is the type of shit that's killing TNA. This storyline is stupid all the way around.The players, the timing, the execution, everything is just horrible. First off this should be a main event storyline between 2 main event players not some poorly put together piece of crap. Rhode and Storm would've been perfect for this with Rhode and Dixie forming a Triple H/Stefh like power couple. Hell they could've put Dixie and Kurt together and it would've been better than this. It sucks that 3 of the best wrestlers in the company are placed into a weak mid card feud like this.
Rhode and Storm would've been perfect for this with Rhode and Dixie forming a Triple H/Stefh like power couple. Hell they could've put Dixie and Kurt together and it would've been better than this. It sucks that 3 of the best wrestlers in the company are placed into a weak mid card feud like this.

That would absolutely make no since. A couple months back Roode was spitting in Dixie's face and threatening harm against her. Also Kurt and Dixie wouldn't make since because in the storyline Kurt was mad at Dixie for not telling him about Jeff and Karen. I don't know why you would want them to do a storyline similar to the other company.

I think the storyline at the moment is at least interesting. AJ being TNA's Golden Boy and all. You also have to wonder how long this has been going on. In the pictures AJ is wearing a Fortune t-shirt.
I see no problem with this angle? Dixie potentially turning into a Stephanie McMahon type of personality is pretty interesting...plus this gives AJ's character a whole new dimension, plus draws a lot of heat for Daniels and Kaz. It's not the best or most original storyline in wrestling history, but there's nothing wrong with it. Why do people just look for things to complain about in TNA? At least TNA is putting a logical product out there right now...for the past month, Dolph Ziggler has been jobbing to Brodus Clay with no explanation whatsoever as to why the matches are occuring. Let's not forget how Clay's partner switched from Santino to Hornswaggle and then was completely dropped. Oh, and Lord Tensai. Enough said. TNA, even with this transitional period they are currently going through, is still putting out a better product. Stop bitching.

EDIT: And tonight's Impact was fantastic. Marks will be marks.

I'm not bitching I'm just confused on why three weeks ago AJ knew what the secret was and was doing everything to hide it (which includes him losing a match because he was too worried about hiding the picture instead of kicking out of the pin. After he lost the match he was more upset about what the picture showed than just losing a match to Kurt Angle, go back and watch and you will clearly see what I mean) and then cut to tonight and he comes out like he has no idea what the secret is and looks completely shocked when they reveal the last picture. You're the one who sounds like a complete mark. I didn't say it was a bad storyline, just extremely botched in its execution, mark. :)
Why don't you use common sense? It was obvious in the envelope that Daniels gave AJ a couple weeks back only had one picture. Probably the first one they showed tonight. So AJ probably thought he could cover that picture up. He didn't know they had more pictures.

Why would he freak out to the point to where he is screaming where did you get this and costing himself a match over the first picture that literally only showed him in the back just talking to Dixie Carter with no real physical interaction at all. It was the second (not really) and third pictures that would have caused A.J. concern , not the first picture as you stated. Now use some of that common sense that you're telling me to use and explain to me why would A.J. freak out and look like he just saw a ghost over a picture that shows him just standing and talking to his boss. A picture that even Daniels and Kaz themselves stated in the promo that IF THAT WAS THE ONLY PICTURE THEY HAD THEN WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL!
A picture that even Daniels and Kaz themselves stated in the promo that IF THAT WAS THE ONLY PICTURE THEY HAD THEN WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL!

Proving more of my point. AJ already had a prepared excuse for the first photo. He had no excuse for the other two. To his knowledge there was only the first photo. If it was one of the other two he was shown, don't you think he would have a prepared excuse for them? He was speechless. He didn't have anything to say. Why would AJ come to the ring if he thought they actually had the evidence? He would have either stayed backstage or would have had to explain himself. Daniels even make it seem like they were blindsiding him with more evidence. Evidence he knew AJ couldn't defend.

To the point about his match, AJ was blindsided by the picture. You don't know what was running though his head. Afterwards he probably thought if they actually had more pictures of him and Dixie they would have been in that envelope. He probably thought he could cover up that one picture.

Edit - In that first picture they aren't just talking. They are actually holding hands. Daniels tweeted the picture.
Okay, this plot has some major flaws, but they are somewhat fixable. It is not too late to salvage, if they put their thinking caps on, fast.

But amongst the dumbest things I have seen on TNA? Not by half.

I remember "the johnsons," I seem to recall a dwarf abusing himself in a trash can. I may have hallucinated the "dupp cup," but I am pretty sure I remember "miss TNA."

And I know I remember Eric young being half of the knockout tag champs. A.J. In a turkey suit. Kevin Nash with the X division doing the gayest promos I have seen (since Lenny and Lodi in the run up to "the Gaylords" or maybe chuck palumbo and billy gun almost got married, anyway) in wrestling (summer home on fire island? Losing his NCAA championship ring while giving prostate exams? Really, Kevin?)

This is wrestling. If a little logical inconsistency is the worst we get, I think the show is doing fine.
I don't say it was one of the dumbest things, the problem is that most people just aren't turned on by this kind of storyline anymore. One big reason, I think, is how they went about things.

For one thing, they've dragged this angle out for MUCH longer than they should have and that definitely hurt the impact that this would have. After all, up until recently, the Styles/Kazarian/Daniels storyline was put on the backburner for months. However, instead of just letting it die quietly, TNA suddenly sprung it back up and kicked it off without missing a beat, as if the whole thing hadn't just gone away for months. Even when it was freshly taking place, it still wasn't all that interesting. One reason, for me personally, is that I'm tired of Styles vs. Daniels. It's become the John Cena vs. Randy Orton of TNA. They're both great workers inside the ring and Daniels has gotten surprisingly good on the mic but I'd just personally much rather see them move on. It's unfortunate for Daniels that he's, most likely, forever stuck in the mid-card doldrums. If he'd shown this much ability on the mic and put as much effort into his promos 5 or 6 years ago, he may well have been a main event level talent, maybe even a World Champion by now.

Another thing that bothers me is that this all hinges on photographs. This is 2012, not 1992. It would've been so easy and believable for Styles to say that those pictures were doctored. With a good enough set up, you can create a believable picture of the Pope getting head from an altar boy while sitting on his throne at the Vatican. I know Styles tried to act all shocked and dismayed but seeing as how they showed him the picture of he & Dixie kissing a while back during a match with Kurt Angle, the one he stuffed down the front of his tights with a shocked look on his face, how in the frig could he not expect this? He already knew they had this photograph and he had a ready made, believable excuse and say the pic was fake. How're Kaz & Daniels gonna prove otherwise? They're lowlifes after all, so who would believe them?

Now Dixie will probably be involved in this, she'll probably appear on IW next week and we'll almost certainly have another "Dixie, the damsel in distress" angle like we've seen them do with her so many times in the past. Given her last angle with Bobby Roode, this would be her second similar angle this year and we're not even half through the year yet.

Now this might, MIGHT, turn out to be something with the potential to be interesting if Dixie confesses that the picture is real and took place.

Otherwise, it'll be a waste of time with a lackluster angle that, in many ways, insults the common sense of even the average fan.
To me this is like Punk vs Jericho. The story is AWFUL, like painfuly bad, but you know that the payoff will be the matches so you deal with it.

I just don't see how photos of AJ and Dixie being close would lead Kaz to turn on AJ. At first he was (Kaz) playing it almost like HE was blackmailed by Daniels, like he had no choice but to go with Daniels even if he didn't wanted to. Or that Daniels showed him that AJ was in it for himself and was betraying Kaz, but that has nothing to do with it.

I mean I would turn on my friend because someone show me pictures of him sleeping with the boss, it just doesn't make sense to me.

And like they said, why was he that freak out and tonight he's coming like he don't know what they're talking about. Sure he could have played it cool saying that's nothing, but when you come out and say "I don't KNOW what you have against me, but it needs to stop", it just come off in a bad way.
I don't say it was one of the dumbest things, the problem is that most people just aren't turned on by this kind of storyline anymore. One big reason, I think, is how they went about things.

For one thing, they've dragged this angle out for MUCH longer than they should have and that definitely hurt the impact that this would have. After all, up until recently, the Styles/Kazarian/Daniels storyline was put on the backburner for months. However, instead of just letting it die quietly, TNA suddenly sprung it back up and kicked it off without missing a beat, as if the whole thing hadn't just gone away for months. Even when it was freshly taking place, it still wasn't all that interesting. One reason, for me personally, is that I'm tired of Styles vs. Daniels. It's become the John Cena vs. Randy Orton of TNA. They're both great workers inside the ring and Daniels has gotten surprisingly good on the mic but I'd just personally much rather see them move on. It's unfortunate for Daniels that he's, most likely, forever stuck in the mid-card doldrums. If he'd shown this much ability on the mic and put as much effort into his promos 5 or 6 years ago, he may well have been a main event level talent, maybe even a World Champion by now.

Another thing that bothers me is that this all hinges on photographs. This is 2012, not 1992. It would've been so easy and believable for Styles to say that those pictures were doctored. With a good enough set up, you can create a believable picture of the Pope getting head from an altar boy while sitting on his throne at the Vatican. I know Styles tried to act all shocked and dismayed but seeing as how they showed him the picture of he & Dixie kissing a while back during a match with Kurt Angle, the one he stuffed down the front of his tights with a shocked look on his face, how in the frig could he not expect this? He already knew they had this photograph and he had a ready made, believable excuse and say the pic was fake. How're Kaz & Daniels gonna prove otherwise? They're lowlifes after all, so who would believe them?

Now Dixie will probably be involved in this, she'll probably appear on IW next week and we'll almost certainly have another "Dixie, the damsel in distress" angle like we've seen them do with her so many times in the past. Given her last angle with Bobby Roode, this would be her second similar angle this year and we're not even half through the year yet.

Now this might, MIGHT, turn out to be something with the potential to be interesting if Dixie confesses that the picture is real and took place.

Otherwise, it'll be a waste of time with a lackluster angle that, in many ways, insults the common sense of even the average fan.
I don't know what the plan is but were the pictures really that incriminating?

Even in the last pic it was more of a hug than a kiss and the way they left it without him defending himself makes it look worse but I think you have hit it right in that she will be going into her "damsel in distress" mode. I mean if your Daniels and want to hit him where it hurts the least you could do is catch them sneaking a kiss before entering a hotel room together or something. I pretty much doubt they were going to do anything backstage at IMPACT zone.

I fear what we see next is that it was just AJ consoling Dixie in the back after one of the Roode attacks on her or when Hogan and Bischoff had taken the company from her. Dixie will come out crying and tell how she was in a bad state of mind and all AJ did was be there for her when she needed a friend.
I'm not liking this angle at all. It reminds me of the Savage/Liz/Flair photo angle from '92. I'm with the majority that says this feud with AJ and Kaz/Daniels has went on way too long. One of the problems also is that Kaz and Daniels should be escalating or should've been building up to their title shot match against Joe and Magnus, yet they're on the mic about exposing AJ.
It's not the dumbest thing TNA has ever done. It's a storyline, and it's a bit risky given it's centered around AJ Styles, someone TNA has tried to build as their most virtuous, family man of a talent on the roster, but it all depends on the pay off.

It all depends on where TNA goes with things from this point. If they try to make a legitimate push at AJ and Dixie as having had a real fling, than yes, it will probably come off a tad weak and unnecessary. BUT, if it turns out to be a doctored photo, and it's just how TNA has decided to keep this feud alive a bit longer (much more likely scenario), than it's simply another storyline that will come and go with little resonance in the future. After all, this is TNA, you know this storyline isn't going to last very long, TNA burns holes in it's pockets with fresh ideas.
Jump the gun much, guys?

Couple of simple points:
  • We don't know that the picture(s) in the Angle / AJ match had anything directly to do with the pictures last night.
  • Everyone here is acting like AJ and Dixie ARE having an affair.

Here is a hypothetical that explains how these points can get the reactions we've seen. The pictures from a couple of weeks ago are off Dixie's husband with another woman and AJ reacts the way he does because he doesn't want to embarrass her. He arranges to meet with her and shows her the pictures and she either:
  1. Reassures AJ that it was completely innocent and something she is aware off but hugs AJ for his concern.
  2. Takes the revelation hard and is consoled by AJ.

Either way, AJ realizes that it doesn't look good for the guy regarded as the franchise of TNA/IW to be photographed in this fashion as it implies that he's received preferential treatment (hence Kaz's change in attitude to him). Plus, it may be completely innocent but could still be something that he and Dixie have not discussed with their spouses and pictures of this nature do provoke questions.

This is just one scenario and I'm sure that most people with ANY imagination can come up with others that will explain the reactions from the two instances, especially when you consider that AJ (as a TNA Original) is likely a locker room leader and may be carrying around many secrets and skeletons.
As I mentioned, TNA has drawn this out for a long while, much longer than necessary. To be fair, there's almost no scenario that TNA could've come up with that wouldn't feel lackluster.

Off the top of my head, the only way for this to have generated the awe factor would have been to go with something that generated a lot of controversy, something legitimately steamy. In this day and age, the idea of an employee having an affair with an older woman he works for, especially if that older women is as attractive as Dixie, doesn't have nearly the oomph this would have had 20 or 25 years ago.

As I was driving home from work, one scenario just popped into my head all of a sudden. I'm not saying that it'd be good or that TNA should've gone this route or anything like that. It's just something that I think MIGHT have generated the kind of response that was hoped for:

The revelation of a secret doesn't really mean much unless it's something very painful, very private and/or every embarassing. The thought I had was that Daniels & Kazarian would have pulled out several "arrest reports", from somewhere in Los Angeles or New York, somewhere like that, as well as several "mug shots", claiming that, through the use of a private detective, they discovered that Styles had several arrests as a young man breaking into the wrestling business. These "arrests" wouldn't have to be major felonies, just something to make people possibly look at Styles in a different light, which seems to be what TNA was going for judging by Tenay & Taz's reaction. Tenay said something along the lines of "you think you know someone" or something along those lines.

Anyhow, the "arrests" could be for solicitation of prostitution in "several known hotspots" within the gay community. The insinuation is that Styles, as a young man and naive about how the wrestling world worked, was desperate and was willing to even lower himself to selling himself. There'd be follow up but there wouldn't be any sort of anti-gay jokes or comments made, as that's just opening up a can of worms that TNA does not need, but a few brief backstage promos in which TNA talent are asked their opinions on it. The heels could ridicule Styles, but not in an over the top manner, but by saying things like "a real man doesn't sell himself like a piece of meat" or something along those lines. I haven't sat down and worked out details or anything, this is just the stuff that flew into my mind.

Again, not saying that TNA should've gone this route or that it'd even be any good. It would, however, have certainly gotten my attention in the very least and really made me want to see what Styles might've had to say about it in the coming weeks.
Personally the reason why I'm mainly bothered with TNA right now is because you have multiple storylines going on with the same person, Bully Ray is in a storyline with Abyss and Aries, AJ is in a storyline with Kaz/Daniels and Angle,Kaz/Daniels are going for the tag titles at the same time. Personally I don't have a problem with AJ feuding with Kaz/Daniels still, but to put the storyline inbetween the match with Angle is aggrivating because it now potentially ruins what could be a great match between AJ and Angle. If they would have held off atleast until the Thursday after the ppv or even right after the match in a AJ loses and doesn't think things could get worse matter or an AJ won and I'm on cloud 9 type then I could understand the merit of a reveal but to do it before a high profile match makes the storyline tacky, and will probably have no merit after a few months like Samoa Joe getting kidnapped...
Personally the reason why I'm mainly bothered with TNA right now is because you have multiple storylines going on with the same person, Bully Ray is in a storyline with Abyss and Aries, AJ is in a storyline with Kaz/Daniels and Angle,Kaz/Daniels are going for the tag titles at the same time. Personally I don't have a problem with AJ feuding with Kaz/Daniels still, but to put the storyline inbetween the match with Angle is aggrivating because it now potentially ruins what could be a great match between AJ and Angle. If they would have held off atleast until the Thursday after the ppv or even right after the match in a AJ loses and doesn't think things could get worse matter or an AJ won and I'm on cloud 9 type then I could understand the merit of a reveal but to do it before a high profile match makes the storyline tacky, and will probably have no merit after a few months like Samoa Joe getting kidnapped...

It's weird how they inserted Kaz/Daniels and AJ's opponants into all of this. Kaz and Daniels are having a match for the tag belts but because all their focus have been on AJ, their opponants, the tag champs Magnus/Joe have been nowhere to be found on television. When under any other circonstances a AJ-Angle match would have been epic, it's forgotten because of Kaz-Daniels. It's weird how all of the storyline have been played in relation to the matchs. Because we know AJ and Kaz/Daniels won't have a match.

I actually think the storyline revelation was not as bad as I thought it would be. Because it makes sense why Kaz and Daniels acted this way: Daniels is like Loki to AJ's Thor, he's jealous of him. And uses this photo to perpetuate that myth that AJ is no good. And has tried to brainwash Kaz to think AJ has had a stroke in TNA because of Dixie.

That said, where is this leading too? They already had all matchs together so it won't lead to that. What does Impact Wrestling intend to do with this? Is it gonna be a AJ heel turn? Does it have anything to do with AJ's opponant, Kurt Angle? Will Angle turn face? At some point it has to have a goal.
It's weird how they inserted Kaz/Daniels and AJ's opponants into all of this. Kaz and Daniels are having a match for the tag belts but because all their focus have been on AJ, their opponants, the tag champs Magnus/Joe have been nowhere to be found on television. When under any other circonstances a AJ-Angle match would have been epic, it's forgotten because of Kaz-Daniels. It's weird how all of the storyline have been played in relation to the matchs. Because we know AJ and Kaz/Daniels won't have a match.

TNA does this over & over. They drew this out and what's the payoff? Someone please explain it to me because I'm not seeing it here. Just another example of someone getting paid to be "creative" but instead doing the most cliche recycled booking that's been done to death already in wrestling.

I actually think the storyline revelation was not as bad as I thought it would be. Because it makes sense why Kaz and Daniels acted this way: Daniels is like Loki to AJ's Thor, he's jealous of him. And uses this photo to perpetuate that myth that AJ is no good. And has tried to brainwash Kaz to think AJ has had a stroke in TNA because of Dixie.

If this were a female with any acting talent, I might be inclined to agree with ya here. It's Dixie freakin' Carter. Perhaps the worst actress in wrestling history and that covers ALOT. Any storyline that puts Dixie on as a frequent on-screen character is bad. Nice mythology nods, though :)

That said, where is this leading too? They already had all matchs together so it won't lead to that. What does Impact Wrestling intend to do with this? Is it gonna be a AJ heel turn? Does it have anything to do with AJ's opponant, Kurt Angle? Will Angle turn face? At some point it has to have a goal.

This is my main gripe with this storyline. Where does it lead? Nowhere good that I can imagine. And I think most casual fans who have been watching wrestling for awhile could imagine better than what'll eventually end up on television. I liked heel AJ the last time they did it. He was cowardly but not so much so that it hurt his cred. The problem is that AJ has been Angled. Meaning he's switched roles so many times, most long-term fans would still cheer him anyway. So this could possibly be the biggest failure to ever air on Impact Wrestling. And that's even counting the arrivial and abysmal failure of Hogan & Bischoff. I just hope I'm wrong and this will have a good point if any at all. Sadly, I don't think all the well-wishing in the world could save this storyline.
Ah I can remember I think it was Lowdown who said it was going to be something between AJ and Tracy Brooks, Kaz's wife. That would've fit perfectly because it would've been something Kaz and AJ would want to hide and would've also explained why Kaz turned heel later on.

I guess this thing with Dixie works too though. So Daniels is basically trying to say that the only reason AJ has been Mr TNA is because of his relationship with Dixie haha that's actually pretty good. But I'm not looking forward to her acting in the coming weeks...

And as for your idea Jack Hammer wow that certainly would've been hard hitting!
So, what happens.

They accuse AJ & Dixie having an "affair", itll turn into nothing like all other TNA storys go.

Id like to see AJ come out, "ok ive been shafting Dixie so what" and Dixie comes out and then start kissing like Edge/Vickie a few years back.

TBH Dixie aint bad for her age, I wouldnt say no.
I am not sure where this is going either. But as for it being 'the worst idea ever in TNA' i say this--IMO I view it as similar to some of the s/l's WWE did during the Attitude era. We had Triple H 'marrying' Stephanie for example. This type of story was done several times and I don't think it is all that bad. Where is it heading? What's the payoff? Those questions will ultimately answer how thgis stiry will be looked at.

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