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iMPACT! Player From The Start
Why oh god why would you put the titles on Miz & Big Show? There is no damn purpose for this other than them to repeat the Big Show/Jericho crap with the guest hosts every week! Jesus Fucking Christ Why?! They had a perfect oppurtunity to give them to a team that has a purpose in the Society and they eliminate them first? What the hell are they thinking. Discuss your New Tag Team Champion, Team "Show-Miz, "Miz Show" "Be Big" whatever they are calling themselves nowadays.
Why oh god why would you put the titles on Miz & Big Show? There is no damn purpose for this other than them to repeat the Big Show/Jericho crap with the guest hosts every week! Jesus Fucking Christ Why?! They had a perfect oppurtunity to give them to a team that has a purpose in the Society and they eliminate them first? What the hell are they thinking. Discuss your New Tag Team Champion, Team "Show-Miz, "Miz Show" "Be Big" whatever they are calling themselves nowadays.

I completely agree. It's like a part of me died when they were eliminated... lol.

It'll be interesting to see Miz with three belts hanging off him, but that's not the point.

WWE had so many opportunities opened to them if the belts would've went in Punk's camp. The promos they could've cut, the feuds they could have had, ugh.

I am a fan of Miz, but I think the belts would have been better suited across a straight edge waist.
i totally agree wwe has ruined the tag titles the just repeating jerishow like poster said get some new storylines wwe
I kind of like where ShowMiz (you know, like Show Biz) is going. Miz can get more exposure. I kind of see him following in Jericho's footsteps. He's great on the mic and getting progressively better in the ring. And Big Show rocks in these matches. Hopefully they will be considered equals instead of Miz or Show claiming he IS the tag team. I also think Big Show is at home cutting funny, understated promos like he did after they won. Show does not get the credit he deserves. Hopefully we'll see more of that with Miz. The one thing I am dreading are the endless sea of gay jokes that will be made.

As for Punk and Gallows? I think this will lead to Punk bringing in the other rumored members and actually building a real stable. I don't think Gallows should have been champion alongside Punk. He just seems like an enforcer to the champions instead of one himself. Mercury or Cade? Maybe. Maybe even together. If they keep this going we could have Punk as World champion in a few months and the others holding the other titles. It would be just like the Manson family, except, you know, wrestling instead of killing.
i'm not gonna judge just yet until i see what happens. but since Miz is feuding with MVP and Big Show and Mark Henry are huge, I see a tag team title match at Elimination Chamber or Wrestlemania between ShowMiz and the reuniting thrown together tag team of MVP and Mark Henry, and that could actually be decent.

also, anybody notice how Big Show insulted Jericho in that post-match interview the same way that Jericho insulted Edge when Jerishow formed? I see a plot forming in that.
I get that Show makes for a really good tag specialist and Miz is a good talker but I don't like the idea of putting them together because it's basically them just putting Jericho and Show back together again. Miz is clearly attempting to in some way emulate Jericho's career, but this takes the piss. I liked Jerishow's reign, but you can't bring it to an end only to essentially restart it in a matter of 2 months. If the titles were going to come off DX to allow them to either face each other or challenge for titles at Wrestlemania then give them to the Society.

That being said I don't think it hurts them, Punk has stolen Jericho's title as being the most compelling thing on WWE teleivision every week, they have a charismatic and unique leader, a heavy and a woman. Serena holds Punk's Slammy, Gallows holds the hair clippers, Punk holds the microphone. It just works and they don't really need gold to make it work better in the same way Jericho didn't. It doesn't hurt, but it wasn't really required. Jericho got by on the quality of his feuds and the promos that sparked them and I honestly think Punk can as well.
Well to be honest, I completely disagree.
I mean, I would've loved to have seen CM Punk win the Unified tag team championships. I am a big supporter of him but come on, Luke Gallows? What the hell is that? In 3 months time, Gallow will just be another no hoper in the WWE losing match after match like the tosser he is. I think if Punk wants a tag team championship run, First, He better find himself a more formidable partner or associate.

More to the point however, I don't see any logic in D - Generation X retaining the championships, therefore.. There is only one suitable solution left. The Miz and Bigshow. Despite how you may feel for each superstar personally, They both have incredible ring awareness, ring ability and overall promo/talking attributes. What more could a storyline writter ask for??
I disagree. Miz and Show are very entertaining together. Yeah, it's a rehash of Jerishow but wasn't Jerishow entertaining? You've got two guys together who can talk and dominate the division for a while. Straight Edge Society didn't need the titles as much. Their gimmick is the best thing going on WWE television right now.
ok ok everyone calm down.
first of all...cm punk is in the elimination chamber so what would happen with either tag match at the ppv.
second...my guess is the first opponent to come is that this mvp and miz feud isnt over. so now were gonna get mvp/mark henry vs showmiz
third.....it looks like punk/gallows will eventually go for the tag titles again....and who better for cm punk to try and convert to the society and pick at than mvp, the former prison inmate
then miz can get back to the us title picture

that sounds ok to me
I agree, Punk is bigger than the tag titles. He's starting a stable that is guaranteed to boost him even further into the strastosphere. He's a main eventer. Putting the titles on him with Gallows would not benefit him in anyway whatsoever. Besides, he's rumored to be wrestling Mysterio at Wrestlemania, which is a feud I'd much rather see than any tag team feud they could present to him. Not to mention the fact, that putting the belts on ShowMiz will greatly increase the probability of there being a tag team title match at Wrestlemania, which is always a plus. And even begs the question as to who it will be who they'll defend against. If I had a choice, it would be The Hart Dynastly. But you never know....
I actually was cheering for CM Punk's team as well. The only saving grace from them not winning is that I don't think that other guy with CM Punk deserves a belt yet. I don't even know the guy's name for God's sake. But I am really digging CM Punk lately; at least since the Royal Rumble. My support would have gone to them as well but Big Show & Miz winning isn't the end of the world.
Serena Deeb is in the WWE? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? CM PUNK has a beard again an he isn't in a TNA ring? Whhaaaaaaaa? Festus is really the American Badass? Whaaaaaaaa?

But hey, in all seriousness, why do you give the Miz another title? And yes DX should have kept the titles, because they should have gone to a team like The Hart Dynasty!!!!!!!! Why would you take the titles off the champs 2 weeks away from a pay per view, when I am sure DX is going to get their championship rematch clause and win the titles again. Maybe this is setting up Jericho/partner of his choice vs. Miz/Show at wrestlemania. But Punk does have a serious chance at winning at EC so I understand why they didn't give THE SNES the belts.

Don't diss Luke Gallows, at least he works his ass off, you comparing him to ("what has he done in 3 months?) he's work hard and not being appreciated due to POLITICS, that's like saying what the hell has SHAME-US done? Oh, wait, absolutely nothing, So why is he champ??
Win. Win. and more Win.

Why Miz and Big Show? It's quite simple. Show is a bigger star (though not a greater performer) than CM Punk. This whole "Straightedge Society" faction has a lot more to prove before they just get handed the tag titles. They need another solid member. They need more time as a unit. Just because everybody has a hard-on for CM Punk doesn't mean he deserves titles. Yes he's a great performer. Yes he's a breath of fresh air on Smackdown as he's been since he's been drafted there. But right now, who's on more of a roll between CM Punk or The Miz? It's not even close kiddies. The Miz is on the biggest roll of his career over the last 3-4 months. The Miz has a lot more to gain with those tag titles than Luke Gallows, Festus, or Kane #2... whatever the hell you want to call him. The tag titles are going to do absolutely NOTHING for Punk. What are the titles going to accomplish on Smackdown? More matches against Cryme Tyme? Please. You're all delusional. Yes I know they can be on any show, but its the truth. "Show-Miz" will run with those titles a hell of a lot more effectively than Punk and some lackey could.
This is what you guys said when Miz and Morrison won the titles from Hardy and MVP...
This is what you guys said when Big Show was revealed as Jericho's partner...

Watch how things play out, then say "FUCK YOU WWE!" because for all we know, Big Show and The Miz could be something huge.

OH! We also get to see a Jericho/Big Show staredown with The Miz added to the mix. :)
I like The Miz and The Big Show with the belts. Miz is doing tremendous things right now, and quite honestly should be one of the top guys. The guy is really doing great things on the mic lately, and he's a pretty good worker. Add The Big Show, who while is not as good as he used to be, is still one of the better big men to wrestle in the WWE, and you got a team that could really do well in the long run.
Its this simple, Miz needs the tag titles more then CM Punk does. I the WWE wants to reallyput Miz over they have to have him seem like a legit contender, and he just pinned Shawn Michaels. CM Punk has been the World Champion, hes beaten guys like Edge and Jeff Hardy. I love what they are doing with the tag titles now, D-X was destorying the titles, but Jerishow was a great tag team and they gave the titles substance and now ShowMiz will do the same. It seems as tho the people that are disagreeing with the WWE's decesion to put the belts on ShowMiz and not the society are the people that are punk fans and not actual WWE fans.
i love this move to give Show-Miz (by the way, great nickname and kudos to the guy who glossed em that) the belts. Big Show is a great partner to give Miz the necessary push to be a true superstar. Idk if the society will still be a major factor in the tag title scene only because I see Punk as the only one in any title hunt. That's not to dismiss what Gallows has done with the faction. As for DX this actually sets up for a great possibility of HHH/HBK at wrestlemania, maybe the WWE is a lil smarter than we think, only time will tell
You know why WWE gave the titles to Miz/Big Show? Because you touch yourself at night......

The Straight Edge Society is still relatively new, so they decided to give it to a more experienced tag team, although they haven't been together long, Show has a lot of tag title experience along with Miz, so it just makes sense.

I just hope to see Crime Time/Hart Dynasty in the mix sometime soon.
Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but what is the striaght edge gimmick escept Right To Censor, version 2?
This has nothing to do with ShowMiz (lol, corny).
It's all about HBK, and HHH. That's what it's about. They leave you thinking, what's gonna happen next? The unpredictability of the show is totally worth it. Personally, I would've liked to seen SES win, because I really like them, but we don't always get what we want. Like I said though, this isn't really about Big Show and Miz, it's about DX (moreso HBK, but you get my drift).
Wah wah wah wah, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan. Fucking wishy washy vaginal secretions. Shut the fuck up. I mean, it's not like we've been complaining for the past forever and a day about DX being stale, and when we finally get some intrigue, we have a problem with Vinny putting the titles on two of his most solid workers? No. This thread is stupid. It is lower than anything I've ever made, and I'm JKO.
Kanye South I appreciate what you're doing and I'ma let you finish.......but Lord Sidious had a more valid thread reply than you........

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