Yeah this was a great match last night, right up there next to Angle and AJ's match at Genesis so far for TNA 2010 Match of the Year, obviously the year has only just started though.
It was great to just see this in a four sided ring, as simple ofa thing as that is, it made watching these two guys work together look fresh again for the first time in years. It helps that both were on their game and working hard, Joe even pulled out a few moves I haven't seen out of him in a long time, such as the half-nelson sleeper suplex he performed on AJ towards the end of the match.
I LOVED AJ's entrance and the whole Nature Boy robe with the customized hood and everything, and Ric Flair helping AJ to win while Bischoff reluctantly counts the three, the match was fun, kept my on my toes, had solid in-ring action, and was exactly the kind of solid title defense that I love to see and exactly the kind that keeps adding more and more credibility to this title run of AJ's which has now been going for about 5 months and counting, which is rather long by today's standards.
Last night I had it rated at ****1/4 out of five stars, but I'm going to watch it again tonight on my TV as opposed to my laptop and I'll watch it sober, so my rating may or may not change depending on that viewing. As it stands though, great match, just as we all expected.