Against All Odds: TNA World Title - AJ Styles (c) v. Samoa Joe

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I think this is clearly a double standard. Cena vs. Orton is not the same old match every time, and if you watch different matches they've had together they're as different as any Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles matches together. You see the same things in every Samoa Joe/Styles matches too. When you get past company loyalties, biased smarks, and all the other things that alter opinions, there's nothing wrong with either case. They're feuds that have history, and no match for either rivalry is always the same.
Great response, I agree completely

Also, can you tell me the last time we saw an AJ vs Joe PPV match? 2005, 2006? Also when have the stakes been higher, its going to be the main event for the world heavyweight championship, the fact that they are letting these two young stars headline the show is a gift in itself, also theres enough fuel in this going back to slammiversery when joe turned heel

I have to agree with most people here, the ones saying its close and the ones who say its not. Aj and Joe have some of the best matches in tna's history, the diffrence between Aj-Joe and Cena-Orton is the fact of the matter wwe rammed Orton-Cena down our throats. Tna got smart, and stopped and now is starting up Aj-Joe again, with Joe going back as the machine, and Aj having flair in his courner its not the same as it used to be. This match is gonna be exactly the word "Awesome". These two could put on the best match blindfolded, Cena-Orton....itd be an "attitude adjustment" in 5 seconds.

Im not trying to dog on wwe, or trash them...but MrPlatano1989 has a great point, they havent wrestled in 2 yrs maybe more...and thats why it's gonna be that great.

And orton-cena is just to predictable now-a-days.
I think this is clearly a double standard. Cena vs. Orton is not the same old match every time, and if you watch different matches they've had together they're as different as any Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles matches together. You see the same things in every Samoa Joe/Styles matches too. When you get past company loyalties, biased smarks, and all the other things that alter opinions, there's nothing wrong with either case. They're feuds that have history, and no match for either rivalry is always the same.

Double standard ?? Are you blind or something. Orton/Cena match are always same. They had an i quit match in which they tell the same story and making Cena a superman. Cena got beat up for 20 minutes but did not quit, in the end he put Orton in stfu and Orton submit the match. In hell in a cell match, they didnt do anything They made hell in a cell looked like a cage match. They did not use the cell as weapon, they hardly used any weapon so what's the point of having a hell in a cell match. Even in 1 hour iron man match they told the same story and out of 1 hour cena got beat up for 50 minutes and won the match in the end. I am not trying to bash Cena/orton. They are great worker but wwe creative does not allow them to use all their craft(speciall Cena). Why everyone is saying Orton/Cena only here? Why didnt anyone said about other wrestlers like austin/Rock in the austin/hhh, and foley/taker, Mysterio/eddie or Jericho/Mysterio feud. They had a long feud and almost everytime they main evented the ppv. But each and everytime they delivered something different than the previous match.

On the other hand AJ /joe are two of those rare performers who can have a good match anytime with anyone. It does not matter to them if they are headlining the ppv or on lower card. All they do is steal the show every time they work together. I am hoping this time too they wont let the fans down.
This is quite simple to me for two reasons.

1. This time around, AJ is the heel, and Joe is the face. We havent seen AJ play anything but the comedic heel in the past, as this is the first time theyre trying to do something legitimate with his character. The last time these two met, it was Joe playing the manipulative heel, and AJ the cornered babyface. This time, you have a face Joe, w everyone legitimately wanting to see him kick AJs smarmy little ass. To address your Cena/Orton question, it was always the conniving heel vs the never give up chain gang soldier. It got old fast.

2. Have these two ever had a bad match together? Ever? Whether triple threat or one on one, or king of the mountain matches(where joe turned heel), theylve always shown an ability to demonstrate remarkable chemistry together. hhh/orton wm 25? snoozefest. boring. predictable. While this one may be easy to call as well, as I see Joe having NO chance to walk with the title, it at least may secure some moments of believability that Joe could pull it out. Plus it gives Joe some horibly needed credibility by allowing him to main event a ppv after being left off the last friggin one, and not being on tv for the past month other then to job to wolfe in 3 and a half minutes. Thats what gives this match credibility and believability to me.
So we now have this match as a result of Joe cashing in his case. I'm a little disappointed by that, as I prefer Edge-style cash-in's.... but oh well. Should be the best match of the night anyhow. My pick goes to Styles retaining so that TNA can further establish his top heel status. I'm not a fan of the turn so far as he is just acting like a Flair clone at the moment and I liked his face self much better. That aside, it's been interesting. I doubt Joe will win because Styles would be the better pick to feud with the winner of the tournament for Lockdown no matter which of the 8 guys wins it.... but I think Joe will still put up a good fight and make Styles look good as a heel. (You should have cashed the case in Edge-style, Joe!!!!)

AJ Styles will retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
This was a really good match with Flair adding great heat to the mix up. I thought Bischoff might ruin this match for us, but he called it down the middle and was more for Joe then AJ Styles. We didn't get the usual spot fest like we usually do since AJ was playing a heel role for the first time against Joe. I think AJ Styles played his role great and got some great heat from the crowd along with Flair.

I can't wait to see these two face off again down the road and I'm sure AJ vs. The Pope will be memorable as well.
Yeah this was a great match last night, right up there next to Angle and AJ's match at Genesis so far for TNA 2010 Match of the Year, obviously the year has only just started though.

It was great to just see this in a four sided ring, as simple ofa thing as that is, it made watching these two guys work together look fresh again for the first time in years. It helps that both were on their game and working hard, Joe even pulled out a few moves I haven't seen out of him in a long time, such as the half-nelson sleeper suplex he performed on AJ towards the end of the match.

I LOVED AJ's entrance and the whole Nature Boy robe with the customized hood and everything, and Ric Flair helping AJ to win while Bischoff reluctantly counts the three, the match was fun, kept my on my toes, had solid in-ring action, and was exactly the kind of solid title defense that I love to see and exactly the kind that keeps adding more and more credibility to this title run of AJ's which has now been going for about 5 months and counting, which is rather long by today's standards.

Last night I had it rated at ****1/4 out of five stars, but I'm going to watch it again tonight on my TV as opposed to my laptop and I'll watch it sober, so my rating may or may not change depending on that viewing. As it stands though, great match, just as we all expected.
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