Genesis: TNA World Title - AJ Styles (c) v. Kurt Angle

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I don't like the choice of giving this one away on free TV then having it main event the PPV. Just kind of kills the hype and anticipation this showdown could have had. I mean there's no question this match will be fantastic, we know what these guys are capable of. I just don't really feel like this one had the proper build up, nonetheless it will be a great match.
This is going to be the best match of the night, but I'm just not that pumped for it. I feel like I've seen it 2 weeks ago, because I have. Can't really blame TNA though. You had to make 1/4 big and if you're throwing together a PPV, this works just fine. Guaranteed 25 minutes of high quality stuff from these two.

Really don't want AJ to lose here, but I could see it happening, maybe via Tomko interference, which would be absolute shit. If AJ can actually win cleanly, he'll begin to look like a hell of a champ.
At least they got AJ winning right. From reading the results, I'm not too impressed with the match, but it didn't sound half bad. AJ turning heel confuses me a bit, since there's no need for it, but at least we know now that Angle is fully a face, and we could get another feud out of the two.

I'm hoping for a rematch next month, just to tie this up, and put a bow on it. They work well together, but I don't want to see it overdone until the summer.
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