After WrestleMania it is obivious that...


what? What do you guys think will definitely happen after Mania. What do you know will happen. To me it means a couple of things.

1. Cena will move to Smackdown, with HHH moving to RAW. I assume they want to continue the HHH vs. RKO feud, one champ has to move, so Cena will bite the bullet.

2. Punk will win another World Title. Unless he puts the briefcase on the line and losses, he will once again win a World Title.

3. Jeff vs. Matt will go on. It will go on until Jeff beats Matt. Both probably will stay on Smackdown.

4. JBL will be going to a commentator on Friday nights. He was embarrassed. 21 seconds to Rey, wow.

5. Batista will comeback. Duh.

6. Miz and John Morrison split. If they had won, it would have been different, but I think they will both go their separate ways, with Morrison becoming a star and Miz missing his glory days. By the way must suck for Miz, a man who will might not see another Mania if Morrison and he break this year, who has a lot of passion for the biz. Hopefully they get him another tag partner.

Your thoughts.
I think Edge moves to Raw and becomes the top heel and Orton will move to Smackdown. And HHH will be drafted back to Raw and Orton to Smackdown. Orton will win the title back somehow and will reign as champion over there. (WWE fails at a great angle, so I see them moving Orton to Smackdown. There, he will face Punk, and even people such as Jeff, and so forth.

Edge will move to Raw and defeat HHH I believe down the line. (Great match IMO)
Punk moves to Smackdown.

Christian moves to Smackdown.

I might be wrong.. I'm still pissed over Mania...
I think the draft will suffer the same fate as Wrestlemania. Alot of hype but nothing but disappointment.

I was sure Rey would move back to Smackdown, but since he won the IC, I doubt that now.

HHH retains, he stays on Smackdown.
Cena wins, he stays on Raw.
Christian moves that is almost a gimmie
Miz and Morrison are split up, the clock on Miz's release officially starts
a few divas move, but noone gives a shit
I forgot to write that I think D.H. Smith, will be called back up and join the Legacy. Some other rookies will get called up. But one non rookie that is in FCW that will get called up is Kaval or Low Ki or Senshi to who don't know. He should be in ECW in a couple of months. Also another obvious one is WWE Superstars will start, don't know if it is a positive of negative.
I think Cena and HHH will flop shows, because HHH is on Smackdown now.

EDge moves to Raw, so they wrap up the love triangle friday.

Morrison moves to raw, Miz is well, hopefully the new gauntlet starts up for him to make some money.

Beth and Santino(a) break up.
I think its obvious we will be seeing some fresh faces in the next day, week, or so. After WM, it is generally the time when at least 1 or 2 new guys make their impact debuts, and its also usually the time when someone who has been injured for a while makes their return. Kennedy of course will be making his return, probably at the draft show. I can see this year not necessarily being a debut but a re-package of sorts, that D.H. Smith comes back as a total badass and joins legacy.
All i can say is thank god taker won :) That honestly made my night I was very deeply troubled at the thought of HBK knocking off the dead man. Don't know why really just love Taker staying undefeated

But I think eventually going to boil down to Cena and HHH switching brands, I'd love to see a Christian/Edge reunion at least for a brief period. And with punk being "money" again who knows where he will end up!
They will hopefully switch MVP and Mysterio with the U.S. title on Raw and I.C title on Smackdown...MVP would be a good addition to Raw in my opinion
Here are my prediction for the new upcoming WWE season. These are what I think will happen from now until WrestleMania 26.

- Randy Orton wins the WWE Title at Backlash

- RAW will have a brand new GM by June

- Summerslam's main event will be Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H

- WrestleMania 26's main event will be John Cena vs. Randy Orton

- Christian will be drafted to RAW

- Edge will turn face by Halloween

- Ric Flair will have another WWE match

- Triple H will turn heel by Halloween

- CM Punk will lose his Money In The Bank briefcase to Chris Jericho

- Ricky Ortiz, Jamie Noble, DJ Gabriel, Jesse, Hawkins and Ryder and The Brian Kendrick will all be released

- Tommy Dreamer will retire

- Vickie Guerrero won't be the Smackdown! GM by July

- A new superstar will debut, and by WrestleMania 26, he will win a World Title

- Shawn Michaels will feud with Matt Hardy

- Edge and Christian will wrestle DX by Christmas

- Mr. Kennedy will get one WWE Title shot and lose
I feel like, with the unification of the tag titles, and Batista's supposed return to go on the road of world title unification, we could end up with the I.C. and U.S. Titles on the same show for a while after the draft and eventually have a unification match there also, thus ending the brand split, or at least giving us champs that go to every show.

Batista will come back to RAW

HHH and Cena WILL NOT switch shows (Smackdown is a betetr schedule for Hunter, and Cena is WWE's golden boy as far as merchandising goes so why move him to a show that not every1 watches.)

Rey and MVP switch, cause Smackdown needs Rey to bring in the Latino audience again

Kennedy to Smackdown to do nothing (even though I like him)

Shawn to take on Morrison by SummerSlam

Punk wins the belt for a month (even though if they marketed him correctly he'd be very good for the PG rating because of his whole straight edge thing)

Bigshow to ECW and no1 cares

thats all i got now now.

OH and side note: I just love how the ECW title (Jack Swagger) wasn't even mentioned at Mania, What a kick in the nuts to him and to ECW!!!!! WOW!!!
batista will return nd take the belt from cena. orton will finally beat triple h at backlash. miz nd morrison will split due to the draft. miz will be a jobber on sd nd morrison will feud with hbk nd kennedy on raw. santino will become women's champion
what? What do you guys think will definitely happen after Mania. What do you know will happen. To me it means a couple of things.

1. Cena will move to Smackdown, with HHH moving to RAW. I assume they want to continue the HHH vs. RKO feud, one champ has to move, so Cena will bite the bullet.

2. Punk will win another World Title. Unless he puts the briefcase on the line and losses, he will once again win a World Title.

3. Jeff vs. Matt will go on. It will go on until Jeff beats Matt. Both probably will stay on Smackdown.

4. JBL will be going to a commentator on Friday nights. He was embarrassed. 21 seconds to Rey, wow.

5. Batista will comeback. Duh.

6. Miz and John Morrison split. If they had won, it would have been different, but I think they will both go their separate ways, with Morrison becoming a star and Miz missing his glory days. By the way must suck for Miz, a man who will might not see another Mania if Morrison and he break this year, who has a lot of passion for the biz. Hopefully they get him another tag partner.

Your thoughts.

Good choices. Except Batista returns yes, but he has stated he only has 1yr left in him so don't expect him to get any major push

So Miz and Morrison lost did they? we didn't get that match on Foxtel. Stupid WWE broadcasting a title match off air. Well i could care less about Miz, Morrison has always had promise though just drop the stupid Jim Morrison from the Doors gimmick so yeah Morrison hopefully moves from ECW to Smackdown.

Taker/HBK will go at it again. No brainer.

Jericho vs Steamboat II a possibility, probably not a ppv match but on RAW

Orton/HHH will continue leading to Legacy vs the McMahons in some form.

Edge will steal another title then lose it soon after or a snooze match between Big Show/Edge with Edge/Vickie coming to an end FINALLY!!!!. Zzzzzzz

JR and The King reunited for RAW and JBL and Cole reunited on Smackdown after the Draft.
I'd like to see HHH vs Cena vs Undertaker in WM 26. I think Batista will come back and challenge HHH. Backlash - HHH vs Batista. Cena will lose title to Orton someway down the line. CM Punk might keep his money in the bank ladder match till 2010.. But I still cant see him as a WWE Champion..
I think Cena should move to SD! for a year only. He's been on RAW for a few years now, and he could lead SD! quite well. I'm guessing HHH & Edge are going to move to RAW, so I can easily see them softening the blow with Cena going to SD!

With Batista coming back, he could go to either SD! or RAW. He could fit in anywhere, and most probably he'll go to RAW. He said himself he's only got a year or so at his best left, and no better place to do it than the staple show of the WWE.
I want a real Cena and Batista fued tbh so I hope they end up on the same show. Anyone also think a HBK/Edge fued would be good?
Cena & Triple H will switch shows

Edge turns face very soon

Christian moves to Smackdown

Kendrick moves to ECW

JTG moves to ECW

Kozlov, Shad & some other worthless talent get released

RAW names a new GM in the summertime

Vickie Guerrero steps down as GM of Smackdown

CM Punk successfully either cashes in MITB at either Royal Rumble, No Way Out or Wrestlemania 26

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