After tonight, where is the Bret Hart situation going?

I dont even care what happens with it anymore. The Springer hosted raw was lame. The "car accident" was lame. As soon as you get to the damn limo you see the reverse lights on. If you didnt see it coming then go kill yourself... Everything with WWE is lame. The storylines are lame. These ******ed guest host are lame... Just get The Rock after Stone Cold and be done with it! GAH!!!!

Jewel?! Ty Murray?! Who the fuck is Ty Murray anyway... They are the guest host next week... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!

I love Bret Hart but do you honestly think he can do a wrestlemania match? How old is Vince now? 70? He'll have a heart attack or Bret will have another stroke. They need to drop the match thing and just put Bret in a position of power. Lets say Permanent GM of RAW?!
Here's what is going to happen... Vince is going to challenge the now injured Bret Hart to a match at wrestlemania. And once its been made official or maybe at WM26 we'll find out Bret and Cena faked the whole thing just to bait Vince into going after easy prey.
At least the limo with Brett Hart didn't explode. Guess we should be thankful for small favors from WWE's creative team.
I want to see at wrestlemanai Bret Hart vs VKM and have Hart win by Putting the SHarpshooter on VKM and having the ref call for the bell even though Vince didnt tap.
That segment was about the most sloppily put together thing i ever saw..the car hits bret's "leg" at about 3 miles an hour...the alternate angle showed, looked even worse...

I seriously hope this isnt a way to put Bret in "someone's corner"...That's the lamest idea ever and i will not be buying Mania to watch that...
It may just be a way to goad Vince into accepting a match at Mania against Bret. Most Vince feuds have the old contract signing routine. They could both officially sign papers to face each other so that it can't be called off and then Bret tells Vince that he learnt from the best (Vince himself) and isn't injured after all. Plus, if Bret can't compete then I guess it gives them a reason to get out of it too.

Either that or Vince hired the woman to do it and it's the same old ''lets embarass Bret'' segment we've seen every week since Bret came back. I'd prefer the former. It would just be a little different.
1. the car injury angle was so stupid and fake. i cant believe they chose to go that way with the hitman!

regardless, its done.

McMahon will come out next week and challenge bret now that hes hurt, and of course bret wont be able to show for a while. mcmahon will showboat for a few weeks, and then bret will show up and kick his ass..

and yes there will be a contract signing, most likely the week SCSA is the guest host.
I don't think Cena is turning heel, not yet as least. He's the top babyface in the company and makes them money with his merchandise, I just don't see that happening at this moment. As for the Bret Hart segment I think that will be a set-up by him and Cena baiting Vince to a match at WM, think Bret is actually injured then at WM when Bret walks to the ring he will drop the cructhes and walk to expose the set-up then procedd to beat Vince to victory at WM, while Cena faces Batista. By the way I also predict Stone Cold will be the referee for that match and he somehow will figure into the storyline being that he was a rival of both Vince and Bret with Vince vying for his services.
I think as others have said this angle was set up so Vince will accept the challenge and face Bret at Mania.

I think there are two possibilities after that.

1. Bret and Cena set it up and he isn't really hurt. Bret will start to limp to the ring at Mania and then smile and jog showing it was a set up. Much like an angle he did with Jerry Lawler sometime in 95-96. He had two matches that night, the first against Hakushi, where he seemed to injure his knee, the second against Lawler. Just before the second match he revealed he wasn't really hurt.

2. Another reason I feel they have done this is the booking of the match. Bret apparently can't take back bumps or head shots, so this could be a way of explaining why Vince then spends the whole match working on Brets leg.

I think we will see a return to Montreal where Vince will put Bret in the Sharpshooter and call for the bell. The timekeeper won't comply however (perhaps guest timekeeper who double crosses Vince?) and Bret will get the reversal and have Vince in the sharpshooter with the Chairman screaming "Ring the Bell"
I reallly hope this somehow evolves into a Cena heel turn. Make the whole Cena/Batista thing a hoax and have Cena behind the car accident. Then align Cena with Batista and Vince. Take that to Wrestlemania somehow with those guys against Bret, not all three of them though of course. Have Bret vs. Vince at WM with Cena and Batista in Vince's corner and build up other feuds for Cena and Batista and make the whole thing a dominate, yet short lived heel faction. Have Bret beat the odds and win the match, Vince then explodes at Cena and Batista for his loss, thus ending the group. Maybe then have Cena and Batista go on as a legit tag team. That's probably very unrealistic, but it sounds good and about anything would be better than seeing the John everyone's best friend Cena character every week...
This is not turning into a Cena heel turn, guaranteed. Are you telling me they just wasted how many ever weeks building this Cena/Baista feud? Predictions are useless, and I hate to make them, but I reallllly don't see Cena turning heel here. It will turn out to be Vince behind it. He did it, end of story. Turning Cena heel would be stupid, he sucks as a face and might be even worse as a heel.

Vince is just trying to get the upper hand on Bret for Mania. I am sure he will do something like accept his challenge now that Bret is hurt, blah blah blah. Someone made a good point earlier in saying that the WWE is a bad way. In all honesty, the creative dept. is so whacked right now I could be wrong about Cena. In the good days, they wouldn't have gone with such a stupid idea...but now? Never can tell.
I didn't actually read a lot of the thread, and I apologize if this has been said, but here goes:

Cena isn't going to turn heel for a long, long, long, LONG time. Whether or not he gets the biggest pops right now (even though he does), he's still the biggest draw of the company. He is the FACE of the company, and the ratings depend on him staying a face. Hell, his whole character is about loyalty to the fans.

There's no reason to turn him heel, and it wouldn't be a good idea on any level, except to appease the minority of WWE fans who think his character is getting stale.

Bret Hart's broken leg is going to be caused by, or involve Vince somehow. That's a given. As for the reason for the attack, I couldn't even imagine where they're going to go with it. Bret said he was leaving, and it was the end of the road for him, so I don't know why someone would want to incapacitate him in the way that they did, for no reason.
Any chance it has something to do with HBK. The whole "bring back Bret the hitman hart to the wwe and only good thing will happen" talk did not really go any place all they did was bury the hatchet. Did not add up for me so maybe with HBK going crazy, it will be on the cards
I think we will eventually find out that Vince was some how behind the whole "car accident". Bret will probably either stay of TV or only make appearances via satellite until Wrestlemania. This match between Bret and Vince WILL happen, WWE is just building the suspense. Bret's injury will probably heal before Wrestlemania, and then him or Cena will make the announcement that the Hitman is ready to compete at the big show. This match will happen, there's no doubt about it.

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