After the ClusterF**k of WM27 can WM28 be any better?

That match was better than both Undertaker HBK matches.
you're the only one on crack here, buddy. You must be a huge HHH mark.

he was facing the 13 time World Champion, who put him through an announce table, through the Cole Mine, beat him with a chair (including the forbidden head shot), gave him 3 Pedigrees and a Tombstone piledriver, and still won the match. How that makes him look weak is beyond me, and the fact that he held HHH in the Hell's Gate for so long shows more strength than just doing another Tombstone.
because spending the last 10 minutes of the match rolling on the floor and winning with a desperation move doesn't make you look weak at all. To top it all of your opponent leaves on his own two feet and you have to be carried out on a stretcher. Yeah, lookin' like a million bucks there.
In case you've missed the last couple of WM, Taker's been winning 'em harder and harder and after this one, it's pretty obvious the next one's gonna be a loss, and THAT is what pisses most of us off.
Remember that 'taker had little movement in his shoulder which is why this match was bad compared to his recent ones at 'mania. People seem to be forgetting that he was still injured. I doubt he'll lose at Wrestlemania next week (after he takes almost the entire year off until then) but when he goes 20-0 he's retiring. Neither man looked weak in this "match" but thats just me.
I really didnt think it was as bad as most are making it out to be. I liked Taker/HHH, I liked Cody's match, I liked Orton/Punk, though I thought it could have been better, and I liked the WHC match.... But heres what they should have done and what they learn from for next year:

1. PUT YOUR BEST IN-RING WORKER on the card... not only that give him 30 min.... and put him against another great in ring worker.... Not having Daniel Bryan on the card was a joke... he is the only one with the potential who can match the hart vs hart match at WM X.... not only that but dont put him up against Sheamus.... Sheamus isnt bad but wont get the most out of Bryan... How about Bryan vs JOMO.... I havent seen it yet and it is already match of the year to me

2. Why limit Orton.... I understand the knee made the story line more compelling... but it prevented Orton from giving the type of match he is capable of... and hurt Punk's arsenal

3. Why wasnt the Rock the guest ref from the beginning? We all knew he was coming out at some point and we were more focused on the Rock then the match going on. But in all fairness that couldn't save us from that horrific main event.

4. I understand Vince didnt know what the Taker match would look like, and who would expect it to have been as emotional to the fans as it was, but from now on Taker goes on last, end of story

5. Why didn't Christian impact the result of the match a little more... even if it was in Edge's favor why couldn't he interfere... I would find that very interesting


7. Why dosent WWE just offer JR what ever they want... by bringing him back for WM they understand how important he is and if they are so committed to the Michael Cole character... make it a 3 man team or make him a manager for MIZ

8. Stop expecting Cena to suddenly carry a main-event caliber match if you are going to main event Cena put him up against a better in-ring worker, or someone he has chemistry with... ORTON or TAKER!!!! the only watchable Cena matches in the past few years have been with ORTON!!!! and as evidenced tonight Taker tells an amazing story... not only that but Cena and maybe Miz to a lesser degree are the only people in the WWE right now who may challenge the streak

But for all the faults I still enjoyed it 4/5 stars to me
Some of you guys are either biased, or on crack. The Undertaker HHH match was awesome. Awesome. I'm sure the whole stretcher thing is a work, as JR and Lawler kept mentioning that HHH was using "high impact" moves, which will work to keep the Undertaker off of TV for a while again. This match wasn't made to make the Undertaker look weak...he was facing the 13 time World Champion, who put him through an announce table, through the Cole Mine, beat him with a chair (including the forbidden head shot), gave him 3 Pedigrees and a Tombstone piledriver, and still won the match. How that makes him look weak is beyond me, and the fact that he held HHH in the Hell's Gate for so long shows more strength than just doing another Tombstone. That match was better than both Undertaker HBK matches.

As far as the rest of the show - main event was weak, but obviously it was a tool to get a Cena vs Rock match going, and a way to have Miz retain the belt. Edge vs Del Rio was perfect for the opener if you ask me. The 8 man tag match was absolutely pointless, and so was the Snooki match, but those were both meant to settle the crowd anyway. CM Punk vs RKO probably would have been better later in the PPV, but it was still a great match, so who cares if it took place 20 minutes earlier than you though it should have.

I've never seen an opinion I've ever agreed more with on WrestleZone. The only thing I'd want to is is that Cole/Lawler/ should've just been Cole getting demolished the whole time cause that's what the fans really wanted to see and I think Cody Rhodes did a great job with Rey Mysterio and I'm happy he got the win
WOW, what a dud! If you're going to extend your major PPV to 4 hours, please don't give me a half hour of the Rock doing a stand up bit, Snookie doing back flips, Undertaker lying in pain, and all the other filler that went on. Edge out first? Before Snookie? The whole King / Cole match was as bad as Bret Hart / Vinnie Mac. A push for Cody Rhodes? Really?
That's 4 hours of wasted life I'll never be able to get back!
Oh and WrestleMania 27 isn't the worst WrestleMania of all-time. It was better than 26, 25, 22, 15, 9, and 11 at least.

No WrestleMania with the Rock Stone Cold Undertaker Triple H Trish Stratus Roddy Piper John Cena and Randy Orton can be the worst WrestleMania of all-time, especially when Triple H gave Undertaker the greatest challenge of his entire career in one of the most emotionally and physically grueling matches I've ever seen (This is my 16th year watching) and the celebrity had a better showing than every celebrity not named Floyd Mayweather
Their is only 1 way WrestleMainia a be better in the future... A fire Michael Hayes... Vince figures out that he needs to take a step back, WWE hires some people who really enjoy their product and really have creative minds, and they decide to entertain instead of making a quick dollar, off of a cheap thrill.
Personally for the money I'm disapointed in this four hour raw, the selling point for me was the rock's involvement in the main event with cena which over shadowed miz as the champ which it should have since I dont believe miz can hold a candle anything close to past champions.

The buildup to this wm was other than the first rock appearance pretty horrid, cole came off as a dick enough to fuel the lawler match, but all the lawlers son and mom stuff was just stupid and that air time coulda been used for something else. Rock and Cena stuff started out great but then the big confrontation happened and Cena actually makes valid heart felt reasons of why he is who he is and all Rock says is i'll whoop your ass, sorry but it was disapointing, all that needed to happen was hey you're a bam bam bitch, hey you left the company for selfish reasons and then they whoop each other while miz runs in so that the spotlight is on him too and they all whoop each other.

Was half expecting something to happen with Christian and Edge and then Teddy Long would make a three way later in the nite since it was the first match but the match went on and had the same feel as if it was smackdown.

My opinion with wm is less is more, I think having a mitb ppv hurt alot of guys that would have gotten air time, a jomo, christian, kofi, dibiase, kane, big show and barret would have been a great wm match. If you have a managable card without the garbage of snooki or the stupid lenght of the lawler/cole crap then you can have matchups that will go half hour or so of quality entertaining wrestling of near falls and chemistry between competitors to keep us watching, orton punk could have been great if given more time.

Wm is where you give your all, not your house show all, your pull out every trick in the book all, it's the quality of the match that entertains me and with the exeption of maybe one or two matches I just didnt see quality like you should for the biggest event of the year.
Last Night was the first wrestlemania Ive ordered in a while...and it blew. Ill say it...the HHH/Undertaker match ended ok but from the beginning you could tell it was garbage. HHH rushed Taker, Taker threw him outside and the undertaker looked like he was dead from that point on. IDK if the fact that neither of them have wrestled (other than the occasional dark match for HHH) in months had something to do with it but yeah...something was off. But oh well this would be my card:

SIn Cara vs Alberto Del Rio- The two biggest stars in the WWE from mexico, in Miami where the Hispanic community is massive would be epic. You have a year to build and you could bring up the history between the two

CM Punk vs Undertaker- I would love this. CM Punk playing the mind games with undertaker. Remember when DDP played those games with taker involving his then wife sara? Well Taker's current wife is on the roster. go get her. Plus Punk could say something to the effect of i dont need a gimmick to win and I am always me. Awesomeness

Cody Rhodes vs Orton- IDK about anyone else but I came away very very impressed with Rhodes last night. He dominated a former heavyweight champion and in my opinion had the second best match of the night. Plus you can't beat history

Miz vs Ziggler- One of these guys will be face within the year so let them beat each other up to decide who will be the next MAIN star in WWE ( ala Orton vs Batista back in the day)

Christian vs Edge- Can we hurry up, have this feud and get it over with?

Shelton benjamin vs Kofi Kingston- Shelton will be back by then and I would love to see these two go at it. Full disclosure I would love to see Kofi,Shelton,JTG,henry and MVP get together kind of like a new version of the nation of domination. But i doubt that will happen

Sheamus vs Wade Barrett- Wouldn't mind seeing some old school Ireland vs England going on

Dibase Jr vs Mysetrio- He saw how it helped Rhodes the year before so why not give it a try and help him out

Morrison vs Swagger- Battle of which one will become relevant sooner

Ezekial Jackson vs Big Show- Let these two big fuckers go at it and get it over with. even I think they will have the match way before wrestlemania

Cena vs Rock- In Miami, biggest show of the year. should be there but I think the match will happen way before next wrestlemania. If it has happened HHH vs Cena then

HHH vs Jericho- I think Jericho will be back by then so why not have both these guys in the twilight of there careers tear it down one last time.

This would be my card but ehh you never know. maybe batista will be back by then...
Oh and WrestleMania 27 isn't the worst WrestleMania of all-time. It was better than 26, 25, 22, 15, 9, and 11 at least.

No WrestleMania with the Rock Stone Cold Undertaker Triple H Trish Stratus Roddy Piper John Cena and Randy Orton can be the worst WrestleMania of all-time, especially when Triple H gave Undertaker the greatest challenge of his entire career in one of the most emotionally and physically grueling matches I've ever seen (This is my 16th year watching) and the celebrity had a better showing than every celebrity not named Floyd Mayweather

Wrestlemania 9 was actually very entertaining. It was outdoors at Caesar's Palace! That alone sets it up a couple of pegs. Not to mention the surprise ending with Hogan beating Yokozuna for his last title run. One of Shawn's many opening Wrestlemania matches that were always entertaining. Lex Luger vs. Mr. Perfect. And the Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez was pretty great...with him coming back after being wheeled away on the stretcher.

Could it have been better? Certainly...but it was different than the rest as well which makes it entertaining. It wasn't just the same old drug with nothing new.

Without the old guard still being involved, wrestling is in for a rude awakening. Vince had to personally run out and pay The Rock and Steve Austin to come back as sideshows in order to get people to buy it. That tells you something right there. If you looked at the description on the cable networks it advertised The Rock and Austin, as if they were wrestling, on purpose. The Undertaker's matches have been the best matches the past 3 years (certainly maybe even more). Because the old wrestlers had charisma and knew how to entertain. These new wrestlers seem like they're in limbo. People are booing John Cena, Randy Orton keeps his mouth shut because his personality is so bad. John Morrison can't get a push because his personality is so bad. "The Miz", a guy from a reality tv show, is the best personality they have these days. It's just going to be real bad when the rest of the old guard retires and leaves...and we're left with a bunch of guys who can flip flop around the ring...but have literally zero personality, charisma, or any other style of entertainment other than their balet act they practiced really hard with.

But I certainly hope I'm wrong.
This was one of the worst manias. Cody/ Rey and Orton/ Punk made it feasible. These were both excellent matches with my only complaint being Orton going over on Punk. To those that hated the cody match it seemed to be they didnt care for the wrestling aspect but just entertainment. They put on a hell of a wrestling match. The worse part was Rhodes mask coming off but it was still a great match with Cody really shining with his new character.

HHH/Taker was atrocious. It reminded me of Generico/Steen at Final Battle 2010. Except that Generico/Steen had better psychology, more emotion, a better feud, and an amazing battle between two young guys. This was awful im not even a HHH fan but i wanted him to win. After that let him win since Taker is so damn run down.

Next year please end the streak. Its become tiresome and it really made me appreciate how Shawn is sorely missed at mania. He wouldve pulled off an amazing match with a lot less.
I'm almost positive that the main event will be WWE Hall of Famer The Rock (he'll be inducted in the night before) vs. John Cena in a No Count Out, No DQ match.

With Cena fighting The Rock, I'm not sure who Undertaker's opponent will be.

I think it will be his last Wrestlemania so it has to be something big, not just some young up and comer.

Edge is probably good for one more Wrestlemania so he'll do something with Christian, I'm assuming.
The big name bookings are fine...and are easier to promote and build up which creates huge buyrates. Rock vs Cena...that's great. However, for Wrestlemania to be successful and not drop off and become an average show that is constantly over hyped year after year...they need more intensity, risks and surprises.

Most importantly...better in-ring action with guys putting their bodies on the line. Bring back money in the bank and get rid of the stupid PPV. Bring in guys who can actually work a match and make it fast paced, matching move for move and then busting out a high spot. Get the fans energized and do you expect the fans to be jumping out of their chairs when wrestlers are laying on the mat overselling moves half the match?

I'm starting to wonder if the bookers are really to blame for this. The talent in the WWE right now is really pathetic. The days of Jericho, Guerrero, Angle, Benoit, Hardys, Dudleys, Hart, Michaels, Foley and Austin are gone. The quality of talent isn't there....but we're expecting it to be because it's Wrestlemania.

So to answer your question...if the WWE does it right, yes I can see Wrestlemania 28 being better.

I see Sin Cara becoming a huge attraction.

John Morrison was so misused this Wrestlemania it wasn't even funny.

Another year under the belt of Alberto Del Rio will only do wonders.

They dropped the ball with Shameus and Swagger. I pray to god they don't do the same with others.

Miz is awesome whether people like it or not. Keep the strap on him for as long as possible. The Miz experiment is NOT's just beginning.

CM Punk losing was to be expected...but they can't kill his momentum, he needs to be in a top program next.

Randy Orton's character needs a revamp. Something needs to change or he will be come stale, that's easy to see.

They need to focus on titles. Unifying titles. Create a tournament sometime this year and unify the world titles at next years Wrestlemania...or save it for WM 30 at Madison Square Garden, I don't care. But they need to focus on title prestige. I like what they did with Edge and Miz retaining their titles...something that was done RIGHT with this years Wrestlemania.
Wrestlemania 28 can be much better, it already has a great main event. Wrestlemania 28 needs more planning, all the titles on the line and video packages for every match to show the story that has unfolded. They didnt even give a video package to Edge/Del Rio! Also, Undertaker needs a credible opponent, they dont give us that then we KNOW the streak wont be broken. They need to create doubt. It is a huge selling point now for WWE. Hopefully WWE will revamp the Tag Division and start building interest into it again.

Given that there is 1 year to build to it I would have the following card:

Main Event
The Rock vs John Cena

WWE Title
Chris Jericho (c) vs The Miz

WHW Title
Edge (c) vs Randy Orton (move him to Smackdown)

US Title
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison (Fatal 4 Way)

IC Title
Wade Barrett vs Christian

Tag Title
Sheamus & McIntyre (c) vs Big Show & Kane

Womens Title
Awesome Kong (c) vs Beth Pheonix

Streak Match
The Undertaker vs Mason Ryan (move him to Smackdown, have him dominate and give monster push when he's ready. Easily done)

CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (Yes, I firmly believe he will have another match)

Triple H vs Alberto Del Rio

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara (eventually move him to Smackdown)

There you go kids, you have a top class Wrestlemania.

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