WM27 vs. WM14


Dark Match Winner
Has anyone else noticed how many superstars who were on the card for WM14 are going to be on hand the for WM27 weekend.

Here's who I have got so far:

HHH - WM27 vs Taker, WM14 - vs Owen Hart for European Championship
SCSA - WM27 - Special Referee, WM14 - Main Event vs HBK
HBK - WM27 - HOF Inductee, WM14 - Main Event vs SCSA
Road Dogg - WM27 - Inducting Bullet Bob Armstrong with his brothers, WM14 - Dumpster Match vs Foley/Funk
Sunny - WM27 - HOF Inductee, WM14 - Managed LOD to win Battle Royal
Undertaker - WM27 vs HHH, WM14 vs Kane
Rock - WM27 Host, WM14 vs Ken Shamrock
JBL - Involved in Cole/Lawler, WM14 Battle Royal w/Windham
Lawler - WM27 vs Cole, WM14 Commentator

What are your thoughts on why so many people involved in company 13 years ago are either a)still around or b)coming back for this years WM? Also, if this is the star power coming for this year, what's still in the tank for next year?
I think it's a depressing sign. At WM14, the company was in the middle of a bitter war and they weren't looking back to stars from WM1 to help them out. When you think about it, they still haven't moved on from the attitude era.
I think it's a depressing sign. At WM14, the company was in the middle of a bitter war and they weren't looking back to stars from WM1 to help them out. When you think about it, they still haven't moved on from the attitude era.

Does any wrestling company really move on from the past? Haven't WWF/E/WCW/ECW/TNA all relied to some degree on the past? Look at all of the aging stars that have been around or brought out for the old "dog and pony show" to grab ratings.
That's because the current crop of young guys, don't have enough star power to carry the show yet.

Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, Daniel Bryan and the Corre, may sound like a good lineup, to most of us hardcore wrestling junkies, but those guys aren't selling tickets or increasing PPV Buyrates anytime soon.

The WWE is having a hard enough time, selling tickets for Mania as it is, and they need to do what they have to do, to make as much money as possible.

Someday, will the guys listed above, be able to carry a PPV? Maybe, but guys like The Rock and Stone Cold sell tickets and T-Shirts like hot cakes and there aren't a lot of guys in the WWE, right now, who can have that kind of impact.

The WWE is a business, and are looking out for their best financial interests.
I agree 100% with Mr. Ready. While they want to give the new guys (Miz, Del Rio) a chance to shine, they understand that it's not enough for most. WM14 was the beginning of the turnaround for WWE in many ways. While it may have begun at WM13 it really took off and changed at WM14. If you go back and watch WM11, 12, 13, and then WM14 there is a completely vibe there. So when you need to shine a light on something and make it feel special so people will watch then you pull from a time that truly was special.

Not to stray too much off topic but we recently did a commentary for the HBK vs Austin match from WM14 and that match still holds very well and in my opinion is widely over looked these days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opxn38bePO4
Its, not the wrestlers fault though. WWE looks back on the late 90s and the attitude era as there best time for bringing in fans. There was a reason their people were popular and it was that they let their wrestlers have more freedom then they do now. More speechs and interviews are written out now than they were. SCSAs 3:16 speech was an adlib that shot his career. The Rock invented his catchphrases and even had one put into the encyclopedia. Everything being PG makes them very careful. Cena used to be much more entertaining when he was let go as a heel rapper. Now he is very vanilla, but it isn't his fault.
They could build up their stars better if they tried a little harder. I don't think that older stars coming back is a bad sign though. It is always good to have some good old things and some good new things. It is all about how they are brought together.

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