After Raw Last Night, I Started Thinking....


After Bray Wyatt's promo last night, Cena's own promo, some comments from Michael Cole on commentary and the story of more of the fans becoming "converts"; a notion popped into my head. I hate to suggest it...I honestly do because we've ALL seen threads on this throughout the past several years only for our speculation to be us reading too much into things. I'll probably hate myself for even suggesting this but.....well......could this be a sign of John Cena turning heel at some point? :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I was rolling my own eyes at the thought of even broaching the subject because it's been done so much before, but I thought that it was worth at least bringing up. I also figured that the thread was gonna be made anyway by somebody at some point. :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: When it comes to the various mixed reactions of fans, this looks like the first time in which it looks as if it's bothered Cena. He's always brushed it off by saying that he loves that the fans are just expressing themselves the way they want to and that it charges him, but he's not been doing that with Wyatt. Rather, he seems to be more somber when fans start chanting for Wyatt or singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, like they were doing last night. On commentary, several comments were made to further the notion that more and more fans were becoming "converts" or "brainwashed" by Bray Wyatt. They also seemed to use the WWE App and the various choices available to vote on to further this story. I think it was Cole who suggested that the fans voted for option 3 as it was the only one that allowed Cena to get his hands on Bray Wyatt but, to counter that, Lawler said something to the effect that they were putting John Cena "in harm's way" in a match that he wasn't simply gonna be able to walk away from.

Is there the remotest possibility of a John Cena heel turn or is this simply another case of the ultimate good guy managing to overcome the forces of evil while remaining true to himself? Yadda, Yadda, Yadda....
I think this seems more of a storyline that either John Cena will need to rise up and save the WWE from The Wyatts/Bray or they will have someone else come in and do it, possibly DB returning to that storyline.

It seems to me, that they are building Wyatt up as a very credible threat as a heel. Cena always talks about going through him to be at the top, and if Bray beats him, then it does establish him as a very credible threat to people, even top superstars.

On the other hand, it might just be setting up another Super Cena to overcome adversity like they have done before!!
This type of thing has happened before and although it may look like he might turn heel it's a trap. Wwe wants to mess with us again because we all know by Next week cena is going to come out and just smile and tell jokes.
Clearly you've forgotten that John Cena is already one of the biggest heels on the roster. What's so amazing about it is he's also one of the biggest faces on the roster as well. He's practically the definition of the word polarizing.

Besides shock value, there's no reason to turn him full heel anyways. All that will accomplish is the same crowd split he has now, just a reversal in who boos and cheers him. This would be accompanied by less merchandise sales to all his kid fans and their parents.

But if people really believe there's even a remote chance, I guess WWE is doing their job.
Forget about Cena turning heel...will never happen. Now the people are being brainwashed by evil Bray Wyatt and the future looks grim for John Cena as he looks to the WWE Universe for answers.

But then...

AA on Bray Wyatt...1.2.3...and Cena has defeated evil ! People are no longer brainwashed...(they still despise Cena however, but he'll just laugh that away quickly.) And then it's on to the next talent to bury.
The idea of John Cena turning heel and joining The Wyatt Family is certainly a very interesting idea. This feud has been one of the most consistently interesting feuds in a while, the WWE have an awesome job of keeping it fresh and saving the angle from becoming stale which is difficult to accomplish considering how the world is geared up these days.

As for Cena going heel, guess we'll just have to wait until Extreme Rules to see what goes down. For now, lets just enjoy this feud because we don't know what comes next. One thing is for sure, I hope it does not become a repeat of The Nexus Angle back in 2010.
First of all, I don't think you should roll your eyes at yourself for suggesting it, it's a logical idea that makes sense. For some reason, people have taken WWE's stubborn refusal to turn him as that he shouldn't turn.

A Cena turn would be more Hogan than Austin, it would allow John to explore new aspects of his character, bringing the potential of character development and it would put Bray Wyatt over more than any championship belt or signature win would.

Should Cena turn heel? Yes. Are they sowing seeds of that heel turn? Yes. Will WWE sack up and do it? No. They're too afraid to.
Forget about Cena turning heel...

It will definitely happen at some point. It won't be now while he's face of the company, but in a few years, when he's older and facing the new younger crop of wrestlers. This isn't Japan-- there's no point in pushing a 40+-old John Cena above the stars of the future. WWE has invested in Cena all these years because he signed a 10-year-contract in 2008. He's probably already agreed to at least 5 more years on top of that.
Dont think so, if they didnt do it at Wrestlemania 30 they wont do it now for sure. They are just messing and playing that card again...

Besides WWE at the moment has too much major heel characters. From main event caliber guys literally just Bryan and Cena(well if you are not counting Shield). At this point they dont need "heel Cena" at all with lack of established faces and so many established heels at roster...
Could be but i have a feeling it has more to do with there being another obstacle (being the wwe fans turning on him and being brainwashed by Wyatt) for him to conquer.

What i would is have Cena lose at extreme rules (no heel turn at that point) but then plant seeds of a change of character in the next few months, have the loss to Wyatt mean something big for Cena and have him be continously annoyed at the WWE universe ever so often and then have him interrupt Daniel Bryans WHC match at Summerslam and then have your heel turn. That would be epic
The same thing came to mind while I was watching too. The whole thing kinda reminded me of when Bret Hart turned heel back in 97 because to him, the fans turned their backs on him since they'd rather cheer for a beer guzzling lunatic like Stone Cold Steve Austin than an upstanding role model with morals like Hart. Something like this would make some sense for Cena's character if done properly so I don't blame you for coming to this realization despite all the "Cena's turning heel!" threads we've seen before.

However, I doubt it's going to happen. Cena is already the top heel in his own right while still being the top face. He's been getting boo'd for years now despite being that good guy character so he's already got the best of both worlds. That's why it wasn't necessary for him to be full heel for his feud with The Rock. Fans already sided with The Rock based on nostalgia alone so Cena could take all the jabs at him that he pleased without coming off as a full heel. He doesn't have to turn full heel at this point in his career and if he did, there have been much better opportunities to make the turn than this. WWE is probably doing this to either egg people on about a possible heel turn or, the more likely option to me, just create a story where Cena overcomes the odds even when the fans don't believe in it.
An oldie but a goodie of a topic. When Slash-LN made a heel turn conspiracy theory for Cena in the Raw LD, I jokingly told him to not encourage discussion about it. Jack is right, though, it was inevitable that this thread got made. I'll entertain the idea once again for one reason: the Streak ended.

Now, I may have been a year too early in calling for the Streak to end, but at least my mind was open enough to think it possible. The same applies here. I'm open to the idea of Cena officially turning heel and think it will happen, but probably not as a result of this feud. I say "officially" because I'm with FMB in thinking that he's already a heel as well as a face. This situation won't last forever, though. A time will come when the Make-A-Wish requests slow to a trickle and the folks at Post put The Flintstones back on their cereal boxes. Those are the signs people should look for. What happens on-screen is a red herring.

Simply put, all this foreshadowing makes it too obvious. It would undermine the turn. WWE won't telegraph it; they'll blindside us with it. Turning Cena isn't something that the writer's will cook up one day and Vince will sign off on. When it happens, only Cena, whoever is in the segment with him, and people with the surnames McMahon, Levesque, and McMahon-Levesque will know beforehand. At least I sincerely hope so. Love him or hate him, his turn is going to be a cool moment and having that spoiled would suck donkey balls.
Trust me, Jack-Hammer your not the only one.But as much as we want it to happen it won't.WWE is simply trolling us.They know that's what more fans want so don't give it to us to piss us off.Right now they could do it with Bryan being the (in my eyes at least) "temporary" 'face' of the WWE.But they won't if they do turn him heel it won't be into like around Wrestlemania 31 or 32 or even 33 when he is on his way out (at least as a full-timer) and is passing the torch to Roman Reigns officially.I think at Wrestlemania 31 he will do just that.Right now it would only make sense though.He could start losing like hell and say "Wyatt was right,but there is only one reason i've haven't been focused,and I will right my wrong tonight." Later in the night he beats up Daniel Bryan. "Claiming every since he lost to him he has been jacked up in his mind.These people don't make it any better either antagonizing me for years and years.They put me in a handicapped match against The Wyatts,They cost me my match against The Rock,They made me get beat up by Brock Lesnar,They cost me the WWE hvt title twice,and they are the reason I lost to you at Summerslam 2013.He vow's at Summerslam 2014 he fixes his mistake and he ends Daniel Bryan and his "pathetic" Yes Movement! I would have Cena lose to Bryan again but at Night of Champions beat him and hold on to the title into Wrestlemania 31 (where he would lose it to 2015 Royal Rumble Winner Roman Reigns.) After that I would have him disappear.Or he could take the whole "the future has to go through me" approach with a heel turn.Where Roman Reigns is decimating beating Triple H at Summerslam and Night of Champions,beating Orton at Hell In A Cell and in a Survivor Series match,beating Lesnar at Royal Rumble and winning it.I would have Cena come out andd congratulate him and pass the torch then.But then at Elimination Chamber after Cena is successful,Reigns comes out to return the favor but get's beat up by Cena as his heel turn.Other than that it should never happen.

a) John Cena will not turn heel. He already gets booed by the IWC and Wrestling snobs, but sells shit loads of merchandise to the kids who worship him. He is worth $100m a year to WWE so he isnt turning hell. In the words of Batista 'deal with it'...

b) John Cena hasn't buried anybody. He isn;t burying Bray Wyatt, he is building Bray Wyatt as a credible threat. There match at Mania told a great story and who cares he won 1-2-3.
Imho, this is just one of those feuds that the heel is trying to make Cena "Embrace the hate", like the Kane feud, from which Cena will emerge victorious as the face who overcame all odds and remained himself and not succumb to the pressure.

They don't have the balls to turn Cena heel. Not yet. He's still fairly young and until there is a CLEAR new face of the company they will never turn him heel. I have hope that it might be Daniel Bryan as he is humble, pretty clean cut, at least character wise, hard-working and a very simple man that is very easy to get attached to.
I will play along and put in my 2 cents on this, from a fan standpoint I actually am sort of enjoying this storyline only because the distain on Cena's face that almost 60% of the fanbase wanted him in a handicap match shows how quickly he's turning into early 90's Hogan. Remember when Hogan came into WCW and he wasn't getting pops like he was and then all of a sudden he was cool again once he became Hollywood, were at that point.

I loved how the announcers were told to spin this positive and that people thought Cena could get his hands on Bray Wyatt this way, well that explained the 20% of people who like Cena that voted, but as the match went on and the crowd was behind Bray Wyatt for the majority of the match they couldn't hide the truth. Cena will always be the hero they want they did the same thing with Hogan, the problem is sometimes the hero just needs to die to be reborn.

I think if they were going to push the reset on Cena it needs to be within the next 8 months. No one would ask him to be true heel forever, I would like to see from Summerslam to Royal Rumble turn heel and then turn face for WM, drop the Hustle Loyalty Respect and make Cena fresh again. This business guys flipped flopped every 4-5 months so Cena could easily do it until then... again only one mans opinion.
It will definitely happen at some point. It won't be now while he's face of the company, but in a few years, when he's older and facing the new younger crop of wrestlers. This isn't Japan-- there's no point in pushing a 40+-old John Cena above the stars of the future. WWE has invested in Cena all these years because he signed a 10-year-contract in 2008. He's probably already agreed to at least 5 more years on top of that.

Agreed. They could turn him when he's old and all but done in the WWE...but would anybody really care for a heel John Cena ? (After the initial "OMG ! HE TURNED!" craze is over) Face or heel, he stays the same person, who's not able to wrestle, sell or act for that matter. For example, during his feud with the Rock he went back to that Vanilla Ice gimmick for one night...and that was just as bad as his corny kid stuff.

We all should have known that this John Cena curse would last for many years after watching the passing of the shovel at's been that long already. And the next top babyface isn't there yet (Brian, Reigns,...), so get ready for more Cena force-feeding.
Not yet. I'll never say never because things change but, ultimately, Cena has been carrying this company for several years. He is probably in the top 5 WWE superstars of all time and has cemented his legacy. They need to find a replacement or someone to share the burden before they even think about Cena turning heel.

I love this storyline. Bray is awesome and Cena is acting perfectly, allowing Bray to shine. Their match at Mania was of a high quality and I'm sure the cage match will deliver. Cena turning heel isn't a possibility; however, he could change his character. We know Cena is often loud and energetic but maybe he tweaks it after this feud. Bray could get to him in a way that results in Cena becoming more reserved.

In the long run, Cena might turn heel. This, however, isn't a good time. Bryan is popular but isn't John Cena. Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins are all talented guys but I can't imagine them selling merch like Cena. Or putting bums in seats like Cena. That is the issue with Cena turning heel or even changing character. There will be thousands of people who will simply stop watching the product because it will be their HERO turning on them.
The Bray Wyatt promo yesterday, the Cena promo, it was all intended to show how Bray Wyatt is converting people left and right with his message. People are buying into a heel turn because Cena is shaken up.

It won't happen. Cena is already the biggest heel on the roster. The people who voted for the 3 on 1 handicap match are people who already dislike Cena. Still, the chance is looming which is an intriguing part of this whole feud.

Some people won't like this, but after last night I see no way Bray Wyatt walks out a winner at Extreme Rules.
An oldie but a goodie of a topic. When Slash-LN made a heel turn conspiracy theory for Cena in the Raw LD, I jokingly told him to not encourage discussion about it. Jack is right, though, it was inevitable that this thread got made. I'll entertain the idea once again for one reason: the Streak ended.

Now, I may have been a year too early in calling for the Streak to end, but at least my mind was open enough to think it possible. The same applies here. I'm open to the idea of Cena officially turning heel and think it will happen, but probably not as a result of this feud. I say "officially" because I'm with FMB in thinking that he's already a heel as well as a face. This situation won't last forever, though. A time will come when the Make-A-Wish requests slow to a trickle and the folks at Post put The Flintstones back on their cereal boxes. Those are the signs people should look for. What happens on-screen is a red herring.

Simply put, all this foreshadowing makes it too obvious. It would undermine the turn. WWE won't telegraph it; they'll blindside us with it. Turning Cena isn't something that the writer's will cook up one day and Vince will sign off on. When it happens, only Cena, whoever is in the segment with him, and people with the surnames McMahon, Levesque, and McMahon-Levesque will know beforehand. At least I sincerely hope so. Love him or hate him, his turn is going to be a cool moment and having that spoiled would suck donkey balls.


Just as they did with the Streak(which was WM only match), the WWE will as Butcher above said; "Blindside Us" with the Cena heel turn and at a Big Event, either a Wrestelmania or less probable, at a SummerSlam,lMO.

However, as others have said; A Cena Heel turn whilst I think will Definitely happen at some point(Hulk Hogan was the latest to hint at it in an interview alongwith Cena before Mania30), will only happen when at least 1 guy has stepped as the true heir to Cena's throne.

First in line is obviously Daniel Bryan due to his popularity, and if WWE can get him to "take over" at least the kiddies, then someone else might take the lady fans(Roman Reigns, for eg.), it is probable that once a New Face is born who fans won't completely revolt against and who has the ability to do as much of the outside stuff as Cena has, that the Heel turn can happen.

Hopefully, by the end of this Wyatt vs Cena feud, some "seeds" will have been planted and it won't just be another false dawn like we've had before.
After seeing The Streak "never get broken", I'm more open to the idea of Cena turning his back on the fans.

It doesn't even need to happen at Wrestlemania. The biggest heel turn of all time happened at a beach-themed pay per view, so why should the next one be put on a grander stage? My belief in all of this is WWE is more than likely willing to use that swerve on us sometime in the future, but I don't see it happening during the Wyatt feud.

But I can believe it will happen now that impossible shit is now possible.
This Wyatt feud is NOT going to result in a Cena heel turn. It just isn't. However, I can actually see it happening in the not so distant future. Depending on how Bryan's run goes, he'd be the perfect guy for Cena to turn on. It's not enough to just "turn on the fans", he needs to turn on someone who the fan's love.
I think the feud is more about experimenting with the fans reactions to heels, it's been going on for a long time that fans quite often cheer heels over faces, it's very difficult to get a face over these days. This angle feels like it's a test run of fan participation and using that as an actual basis for the story.
After seeing The Streak "never get broken", I'm more open to the idea of Cena turning his back on the fans.

It doesn't even need to happen at Wrestlemania. The biggest heel turn of all time happened at a beach-themed pay per view, so why should the next one be put on a grander stage? My belief in all of this is WWE is more than likely willing to use that swerve on us sometime in the future, but I don't see it happening during the Wyatt feud.

But I can believe it will happen now that impossible shit is now possible.

I think this is a fair point. After the Streak ended at Mania 30, I thought the only way they could come close to topping that would be if they pulled the trigger on a Cena heel turn. At this point, that's the only huge angle they have left.

I also agree that I don't see it happening during the Wyatt feud, and I don't think it should happen during the Wyatt feud. I used to always say that the coolest way to turn Cena heel would be to have him end the Streak, but now that's off the table obviously. Right now the only guy I can picture Cena turning heel against is Daniel Bryan.
Yes it would be refreshing to see the character evolve but I really don’t see a need for a full go turn. Bray, Cena, the announce team and the E are all really over hyping the Universe turning on John. Cole, JBL and King talked about it at length and they really had the crowd mics cranked up to echo home the negativity towards Cena. At this point I think a true tweener Cena could be a reality. Finally have him come out and acknowledge he doesn’t need or care about anyone who isn’t riding with the CeNation. This could create a really intense divide. They could really push it to the limits with a Bryan vs. Cena feud leading to a rematch from a year ago at Slam.

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