AFL 2009 thread

Wow it's been so long without a post in here. And i'm glad to say that so far the Doggies are three for three. :D Anyway, I wanted t discuss the Tigers' and Terry Wallace's future.

Richmond vs Melbourne is the do or die game for Terry Wallace. If Tigers lose this game then Terry is gone. Even if it wasn't his fault, he'll get the blame. Which brings me to another point, why is it always Terry Wallace's fault? Isn't it the players fault for not being fit enough or not trying hard enough? I think Richmond fans are the media are just looking for a scapegoat, which always ends up being the coach. What Rihmond need to do is to train harder, and go out to each game playing like they want to win. It just seems that Richmond isn't trying, or they can't keep playing at their best. They need to up the ante if they want to play finals.
Wow it's been so long without a post in here. And i'm glad to say that so far the Doggies are three for three. :D Anyway, I wanted t discuss the Tigers' and Terry Wallace's future.

Richmond vs Melbourne is the do or die game for Terry Wallace. If Tigers lose this game then Terry is gone. Even if it wasn't his fault, he'll get the blame. Which brings me to another point, why is it always Terry Wallace's fault? Isn't it the players fault for not being fit enough or not trying hard enough? I think Richmond fans are the media are just looking for a scapegoat, which always ends up being the coach. What Rihmond need to do is to train harder, and go out to each game playing like they want to win. It just seems that Richmond isn't trying, or they can't keep playing at their best. They need to up the ante if they want to play finals.

No don't even bother talking about his future. terry will be stayign at Tigers until he wonts to leave. He isn't a bad coach. What he is doing is actually making them better. It's just that the players aren't helping eachother out enough. Richo is doign everything, Delido ( how ever you spell these names) is very inconsistant and the same with Mcmahon. King needs to get his confidence up and Tambling is improving alot. I must say this is a very talented side and i haev predicted a top 6 finish, and I am going to stick with that.

Oh and by the way Tim. Bully's going to be 3-1 after tomorrow!!!
No don't even bother talking about his future. terry will be stayign at Tigers until he wonts to leave. He isn't a bad coach. What he is doing is actually making them better. It's just that the players aren't helping eachother out enough. Richo is doign everything, Delido ( how ever you spell these names) is very inconsistant and the same with Mcmahon. King needs to get his confidence up and Tambling is improving alot. I must say this is a very talented side and i haev predicted a top 6 finish, and I am going to stick with that.

Oh and by the way Tim. Bully's going to be 3-1 after tomorrow!!!
I never said he was a bad coach. But the point is, now he's hated by everyone. Everyone thinks it's his fault Richmond are doing so bad. It doesn't help that they have played three great teams so far, but basically the players just aren't trying. I agree with you, they do have a very talented side, but talent is nothing unless you actually use it. They need to work on their teamwork mainly, just sharing the ball around and working out how to get the ball down their end and creating opportunities.

Oh, and I think you made a typo. What you mean is 4-0. :D
I never said he was a bad coach. But the point is, now he's hated by everyone. Everyone thinks it's his fault Richmond are doing so bad. It doesn't help that they have played three great teams so far, but basically the players just aren't trying. I agree with you, they do have a very talented side, but talent is nothing unless you actually use it. They need to work on their teamwork mainly, just sharing the ball around and working out how to get the ball down their end and creating opportunities.

Oh, and I think you made a typo. What you mean is 4-0. :D

I never said you said he was a bad coach. I was just saying that he wont be fired just because he lost his first 3 games to very hard teams. Well maybe not Carlton but they are still a very talented team. As you said thats what Richmond need to do to get better. They jsut turn the ball over to many times. For example when they vs'd Carlton, that was probably the worst match I have seen ever. From one side I mean. But yes talent isn't everything.

Oh and I didn't typo. I did mean 3-1. Coxy has gotta do good.... Well he is my dream team captain so ha ha.
Well Pip you were right. Those poor little puppy dogs just couldnt stand the Cox, Kerr cyclone. Great effort from the Eagles after being smashed off the park the week before.

Terry Wallace is on borrowed time. He will be extremely lucky to see out the season at the current rate, and personally I wouldnt be surprised if he is gone in the next few weeks.

Is Terry a bad coach? Not sure but he isnt a great coach. The fact is he is in the 5th year if his 5 year plan and the Tigers have gone nowhere. In fact they have regressed. Shocking skill errors and decision making that would be baffling for a country league/ Yes the players have to take some responsibility, but after 5 years blame also has to be laid at the feet of Wallace. He has had a long time to build a list and cull the deadwood and those that are not up to AFL standard. While they have done that to a degree there are still players that shouldnt be on an AFL list or those that shouldnt be getting a game every week.

The players not trying? Thats a cop out. The players may have lost faith and belief in Wallace, who knows. But to say they arent trying is silly.

Yes they have had a hardish draw early playing Geelong, the Bullies and a improved Carlton team, but it has been the manner they have been playing and losing rather than just the result, at least in the first 3 weeks. Didnt look like it, played shocking football. Then yesterday against Melbourne, a team they should thrash they dish up a horrorific first half that costs them the game.
Damn those Eagles. Well they won, they just worked better as a team and played better than the Dogs in that match, and good on them. One thing that stood out to me though was the bad umpiring for both of the teams. For one, Lake was on Glass in the first quarter and the ball was kicked to them. Glass has thrown Lake to the ground, and marked it and nothing's happened. And when Hill, I can't remember who he was on, was pushed lightly by an Eagles player, he got a free kick. I don't care what anybody says, that is not a free kick.

Regarding Terry Wallace, I am sick of him being blamed for everything. Hip2bsquare, the Tigers are trying nowhere near as hard as they were last year, and you can see it when they play. They could have and should have smashed Melbourne, but they lost. Now some of it may have been his fault, but he is getting blamed for all of it, which isn't fair on him. Although they may have lost faith and belief in Terry, it may be because of the media saying he's a bad coach, and the media influences people a lot. Most of them are probably thinking right now, what's the point anymore, and this negative thinking means they've already lost the game before they've gone out. Richmond just need to get in the right mindset again, and they need a confidence booster, because I know they can play better than they currently are..
Damn those Eagles. Well they won, they just worked better as a team and played better than the Dogs in that match, and good on them. One thing that stood out to me though was the bad umpiring for both of the teams. For one, Lake was on Glass in the first quarter and the ball was kicked to them. Glass has thrown Lake to the ground, and marked it and nothing's happened. And when Hill, I can't remember who he was on, was pushed lightly by an Eagles player, he got a free kick. I don't care what anybody says, that is not a free kick.

Regarding Terry Wallace, I am sick of him being blamed for everything. Hip2bsquare, the Tigers are trying nowhere near as hard as they were last year, and you can see it when they play. They could have and should have smashed Melbourne, but they lost. Now some of it may have been his fault, but he is getting blamed for all of it, which isn't fair on him. Although they may have lost faith and belief in Terry, it may be because of the media saying he's a bad coach, and the media influences people a lot. Most of them are probably thinking right now, what's the point anymore, and this negative thinking means they've already lost the game before they've gone out. Richmond just need to get in the right mindset again, and they need a confidence booster, because I know they can play better than they currently are..

Yeah agree with you the umpiring between the Bullies and Eagles was a disgrace. So many decisions for both teams that were just baffling. That wasnt Glass and Lake, it was Lynch and Lake. I htought that was ok as both guys were wrestling and holding and on this occassion the Big Q was just too strong. If it had ben a free kick I would of been ok with it and was ok with the decision standing. The two decisions including Josh Hill were laughable. The one with Glass just vexed me. Glass was obviously too strong, had better postion and gave a very light shove in the side, which left the stick like Hill flying. Free kick. Absoulte crap, what are we playing Netball. Then not long after that exactly the sae thing between Hill and Hurn. Hurn mauls Hill and pushes him way worse than what Glass did, Hurn gets paid the mark. Seriously WTF? If one was a free kick the other damn sure was. But the umpiring thus far has been a disgrace. They have ruined so many games, and its getting to the stage hwere I wonder if they even know the rules.

I dont think Wallace should be blamed for everything thats currently going down at Richmond. I mean that club has been a basketcase for the last 25 years. I think there is more going on behind the scenes than what we know. However Terry has to take some of the blame for the current happenings on the field. Its not like he has only been at the club a shortwhile, he has been there for 5 years. Thats a very long time in football and there seems to have been no real improvement since Frawley left. Their younger players development seems to have stunted. Jack Reiwoldt has plenty of talent but is going backwards. Foley and Deledio are nowhere near the level they should be. Is this Wallaces fault? The players? The other coaches. Probably a mixture of all 3. He keeps picking the same players over and over again but to no avail. Some his trades are dubious like trading Pick 19 (Callan Ward) for Jordan McMahon (Squib of the highest order). The gameplan that has set out doesnt work the majority of the time for the Tigers. The seem to want to play a high possession style but lack the skills by both hand and foot and the decision making skills to succeed with this plan. Lets not forget that Wallace took the Richmond job over the Hawthorn job as he thought Richmond had a much better list to work with. Yup thats the same Hawthorn who appointed a rookie in Alistair Clarkson and are now the reigning premiers. While Richmond embark on another inept season.

But yes the players must take their share of the blame and really pull their fingers out. But to say they are not trying is, as I said, a cop out. Look at the face of Richo next time the Tigers play. There is a guy who bleeds yellow and black and puts everything into the game. Foley, McGuane, Newman, Bowden just some of the other players that give everything to the cause. I htink the players are trying, but perhaps some are just not busting their guts and leaving everything out on the field like they should be. Case in poin is Brett Deledio. Very good player, but has the potential to be an elite player in the AFL, just does not work hard enough. Then there are some senior players like Nathan Brown, Simmonds, McMahon (shouldnt be playing in the first place) that really need a good kick up the arse and perhaps need to spend a few weeks at Coburg.

Also think some of Terry's spin doctoring has the knives out for him. Would rather him say how shithouse Richmond have been, how he wont stand for it and that some of the players are playing for their careers over the next few weeks. Sort of like what Woosha did after last weeks pitiful effort against St Kilda.

On the bright side they have Raines, Cotchin, Coughlan, Cousins, Johnson to still return to the side. Hopefully some or all of them can contribute to the team.

There are things both the players, club and Wallace can do better during this time. Although I dont think he will last long, I hope Wallace gets to see the season out as it would be stupid to sack him in the 5th year of a 5 year contract. Especially seeing as there might not be any real good candidates for the job out there. Sheedy would be not bad as a caretaker, but I believe they should wait the year out and try to go after Malthouse.
So Terry Wallace and the Tigers have been given til the middle of the season to up their game, and I for one think this is fair enough. If a coach can't get a team back on track and get a couple of wins by the middle of the season, there's something wrong with the way he's coaching, and maybe does deserve to be sacked. I think Terry just has to find something to fire the Tigers up. I think he found it at the end of last season, and I think he should try whatever he did then again. I think he should stay til the end of the year, as that's when his contract expires anyway, and he might be able to get something out of his team at the end of the year that he'll be able to follow up next year.
I agree that Wallace should stay until the end of the year now. Whats the point in giving him until Round 12? Really.. either sack him now or tell him and the public that he has the job until the end of the season no matter what. If there is even a small chance that the Tigers can still make the finals by ROund 12 Terry will see out the end of his contract. However I think there is a snowballs chance in hell that Terry will be Richmond coach next year. No finals in 5 years of a 5 year plan? Yeah Terry isnt going to be coaching the Tigers. Id look at someone like Choco or Malthouse as I htink they could bring the needed toughness to Tigerland. Either them or Hardwick.

As for inspiration for the Tigers, well I think they should have some this week. Mark Coughlan returns after 3 years in the football injury wilderness with knee and hamstring injuries. So if they cant get up for his return they never will. Looking forward to his comeback, as he was one of my favourite players a few years ago. Loved the way he went about it. Hoping he can return to that sort of play and stay injury free.
So St. Kilda are currently giving the Power the mother of all touch ups at AAMI stadium. A result that I didnt pick as I thought that the Power would get home with Kossie out. Be that as it may..

That leads me to ask, do you think that the Saints are the number one contender to Geelong this year? Given how they have started the season and how the Hawks are battling at the moment with both injuries and form. Could the Saints contend for, or even win the premiership this season and add another cup to the one already in the cabinet?

Or are the Saints just taking advantage of a favourable draw to begin the season and will the instead be shown up as pretenders again?

If so who do yo think will challenge Geelong this season?
Saints are havign a great run, but it will be short lived much like in 2005? when they won the first 10 games and then failed to make it into the grand final. I do think they are a great team but I seriously don't see this lasting because when Koszi comes back in they will have 4 ruckman in the team ( Gardiner,King,Blake and himself) which is just bull shit. Bombers only brought one ruckman today and he got injured, So now my cuz has to do the ruck work ( Paddy Ryder) and he isn't a ruckman. But he is in terrific form this year and had 6 tackles in the first quarter today.

As for Geelong I seriously hate this fucking team with all my heart. Not because they are good but because of Gary Ablett Jnr. He is just such a dick. He thinks he is all good but seriously he has to be the most overrated piece of shit ever to hit the AFL. As for the actual Geelong team itself. They have a good team, well great team but Corey runs there team. He is the diamond on the ring and should win the brownlow medal if Cats do well again. I think there luck will run out tho with them getting a few injuries.

As for my team, the WEST COAST EAGLES. I hope they win today because Hawthorn are out of form and the Eagles are having a good run at home this year but lets see if they can get a road win.
When I saw this topic, I thought you were talking Arena Football, and I was here to say that the season got cancelled, and some teams folded.

How does Aussie Rules work? I don't understand the game, so if someone could cliff's notes the rules, top teams, and top players, that would be great. Also, if anyone knows where I can find this game on AMerican TV, I would be happy. I've seen some of the game on TV, but never knew what anyone was doing, and never wanted to look it up. So, if someone could GIVE me the information, I would be grateful.
Yep sure anything FTS

I will list the basic rules of the and how it works first.

There are 16 teams in the league and each team plays 1 match every week for 22 ( 23 if you count the split round) weeks. Then after that 22 weeks the top 8 teams will go into the finals. Now the top 4 teams will get a second chance if they lose in the first round ( much like NBA system except they only have one match each and there is no east or west). For example the best team loses to the 4th team. The fourth team will advance to the Preliminary finals ( which is 2 weeks ahead of this match) and the team 1 will face the winner of teams 5 and 8. So basically if your team 5-8 and lose, your out of the finals in the first round. Anyone who loses after the first round will be eliminated as well. So after 3 matches the 2 teams that have one all there games will play on the final saturday of September in the grand final. The winner gets 1,000,000 for there club plus a premiship cup.

Now in the regular season the teams will play on an oval ground ranging in different lengths and widths. The teams will bring 22 people into the match along with 3 emergencies. The emergencies will not play but they are only allowed to be swapped right before game day ( if that makes sense). There will be 18 players on at a time with 4 on the bench. The bench players can swap with anyone on the field at anytime and can do this until the game is ended. But for the bench layers to swap with a person on the field they have to wait until the person on the field as come onto the bench or a free kick and 50 meter penilty will be given ( It's fucked I know). There will be 4 quarters with 20 minutes for each quater. The time will stop whenever the umpire as the ball or when a free kick is given. There is no extra time unless it is a final ( fuck magpies beating Eagles in 07). People often bag one team called the Collingwood Magpies because they only leave there state 3 times to play at another state. Which alot of people complain about because teams like West Coast Eagles and Port Adelaide Power have to travel 9 times, and believe me this effects a team greatly.

Now for rules:
You cannot push a player in the back.
You cannot grab a player above the neck or below the knee's, or when they are in the air.
You can not run more than 15 steps with the ball before bouncing it.
You cannot drop or hold the ball when you have been tackled and have had oppourtinity to get rid of it.
You cannont Run in the center circle when the umpire is throwing up the ball ( Only ruckman are allowed).
You cannot punch,kick or trip a player.
You cannot kick the ball beyond the boundry on the full.
You can not kick or push the ball over the boundry on purpose.

Now those are the major rules and if any of the happen the opposing team will get a free kick. I will list the fucked up rules and about the players and teams when I get back if no one else has done it.
So you want to know about the TOP team? This is where I come in.

Geelong Cats

some people (well wrestling fans Call them the Cena of the AFL. They have won, 45 out of the last 49 games. One of those being the grand final last year, and one being in the nab cup last year (the NAB cup is like a warm up before the proper rounds start) We won the grand final, in 2007, and due to having a bad day last year we lost it against Hawthorn hawks. But since the grand final, We havent lost a single game, Where as Hawthorn has only won one, (unless they won this weekend). So it don't show they are better then us completley, only that they was better then us on the day.
Yeah Sparky, sadly the Hawks beat the Eagles last night to get their second win of the season. Umpiring was a disgrace yet again but thats nothing different for this season as the standard of umpiring has been an absolute disgrace so far this year without fail in evey single game.

The traditional Anzac Day clash between Essendon and Collingwood was a terrific game of footy. Fantastic, amazing comeback from the Bombers. Was watching it with my Essendon supporting brother in law and hewent crazy when David Zaharakis sent though the match winning goal. Paddy Ryder played an amzing game. But if there was ever a game where Essendon could lose Hille as their main ruckmen its against Collingowwd. Never rated Josh Fraser and Leigh Brown is a spud.

As for St Kilda, I dont agree with you 4 ruckmen thing Pip. They play 2 ruckemn normally in King and Gardy, Kos as their secon tall forward and they only normally play him and Roo as talll forwards and surround them with little guys like Milne, Schneider, Montagna etc. Lastly Jason Blake a ruckmen? Yeah sure the guy might have played there back in the day when they had no one and perhaps is capable of having a stint. But the guy is only 191cm tall. In perspective he is shorter than John Anthony from Collingwood and he sure aint a ruckmen. So I really cant see why its a problem at all. I think St Kildas success will be determined on whether or not they can sustain their fantastic tackling and defensive pressure for the rest of the year. Especially when they play teams like Geelong and Hawthorn. The first five rounds they have been amazing , not giving their opponents any space and really choking them to death. Can they continue this against the best sides? Time will tell, but I believe if they can there is no reason why they cant seriously tackle Geelong. Especially when they get Kosi and Maxy back. They ahve the talent in Roo, Hayes, Ball, Dal Santo, Kosi, Milne and others to challenege anyone if they are switched on with their current game plan.

As for Gary Ablett Jnr being overrated? Hahah that makes me laugh. Should of won back to back brownlows if the umps had any idea.
Yeah Sparky, sadly the Hawks beat the Eagles last night to get their second win of the season. Umpiring was a disgrace yet again but thats nothing different for this season as the standard of umpiring has been an absolute disgrace so far this year without fail in evey single game.

The traditional Anzac Day clash between Essendon and Collingwood was a terrific game of footy. Fantastic, amazing comeback from the Bombers. Was watching it with my Essendon supporting brother in law and hewent crazy when David Zaharakis sent though the match winning goal. Paddy Ryder played an amzing game. But if there was ever a game where Essendon could lose Hille as their main ruckmen its against Collingowwd. Never rated Josh Fraser and Leigh Brown is a spud.

As for St Kilda, I dont agree with you 4 ruckmen thing Pip. They play 2 ruckemn normally in King and Gardy, Kos as their secon tall forward and they only normally play him and Roo as talll forwards and surround them with little guys like Milne, Schneider, Montagna etc. Lastly Jason Blake a ruckmen? Yeah sure the guy might have played there back in the day when they had no one and perhaps is capable of having a stint. But the guy is only 191cm tall. In perspective he is shorter than John Anthony from Collingwood and he sure aint a ruckmen. So I really cant see why its a problem at all. I think St Kildas success will be determined on whether or not they can sustain their fantastic tackling and defensive pressure for the rest of the year. Especially when they play teams like Geelong and Hawthorn. The first five rounds they have been amazing , not giving their opponents any space and really choking them to death. Can they continue this against the best sides? Time will tell, but I believe if they can there is no reason why they cant seriously tackle Geelong. Especially when they get Kosi and Maxy back. They ahve the talent in Roo, Hayes, Ball, Dal Santo, Kosi, Milne and others to challenege anyone if they are switched on with their current game plan.

As for Gary Ablett Jnr being overrated? Hahah that makes me laugh. Should of won back to back brownlows if the umps had any idea.

No mate, What makes him better than the rest of the players in AFL? Seriously I really want to know. Bartel defently deserved in in 2007, and last year it was debateable. I said Cooney, even tho may have not been up there did deserve it. Also Richo and Cross could have easily gotten it. A Brownlow medalist isn't the best player in the league. The Brownlow medalist is the person that is the best in there league and also can lift there team to new heights. Now Ablett cant be a brownlow medalist because he has other players to take the votes away from him ( Corey, Bartel, Scarlett,Selwood). Now it would jsut be totally unfair for Ablett to win it because he just has such great teammates and they do just as much as him, except he gets the touches for it. As for Ablett being overrated. I want to be proven wrong first.

Oh and before I tell you about the rest of the game. I should mention that a goal is worth 6 points and a behind is worth 1 point. To get a goal you have to kick the ball between 2 big posts and to kick a behind you have to kick it in between 2 little posts ( but trust me you don't want to do that). Since I am too lazy to post a picture of the goals I will show you with the letter I. Little i's mean point post, and big I's mean goal post ( kick it in between the goal post is a goal remember). i I I i. Yep that is what it looks like. Oh and if your player marks it after the ball has travelled 15 meters of your teammates/opposing teams foot then you can hold the ball for 5 seconds for a free kick or handpass ( kinda hard to explain this)

Anyways FTS. I will now list the gay rules of the AFL.

Gay Rules:
You cannot rush the ball in for a behind when your in defense ( or it's a free kick five meters out directly infront).
You cannot put your hands what so ever in the back of an opposing player.
There is this stupid bench rule but is to hard to list, just putting this out there.
I am sure there is more but I have just forgotten.

As for best teams. I must sadly admit Geelong Cats are up there. St Kilda Saints are on top of the ladder. Adelaide Crows are a very good team as well and so are Hawthorn Hawks ( even tho they haven't shown it this year).

As for bets players I will name the ones I think are good. Matthew Richardson ( Plays for Richmond Tigers), Daniel Kerr ( west coast Eagles), Dean Cox ( West Coast eagles), Joel Selwood ( Geelong cats), Joel Corey ( Geelong Cats), James/Jimmy Bartel ( Geelong Cats), Luke Hodge ( Probably best in the game today, Hawthorn Hawks). There is atleats another 20 best players in the league, I am just not going to list them.
Well done Richmond, you finally got a win. Terry'll be happy about that.

I believe that Saints could be a serious contender for the flag this year, the way they're going so far. And I have a feeling they'll keep it up all year, even go through my beloved Bulldogs this round. :( They just seem to be in the best form they have been in for a while and I don't think they're ready to give up this streak yet.

And as for Geelong and Gary Ablett, no Ablett is not overrated. He is said to be the best player in the league, and he is. 40+ posessions last two games, and averaging 38 so far this season is almost a miracle, and surely he has to be majorly contributing and helping out the Cats each game.

And on a side note, is anybody getting sick of the new centre bounce rule, where if the umpires screw up the bounce they have to take it back and throw it up? I think it draws away from the game, and it does have an impact on the game, because a side could get the ball from a bad bounce and get an opportunity, and then have it called back.
Its not just the amount of possesions Ablett has gotten in the last few weeks or in anyother games that stamps him above the rest its what he does with the footy and the influence he has when he gets the touches. Letting this bloke have 25 touches is too much as he will tear your heart out. Letting him get 40 + is setting your team up to get pansted. Did you see his goal from deep in the pocket on Saturday? That was nearly impossible, they wind was strong and taking the ball the opposite way to the way his kick went.

Of course Ablett is fortunate to play with players like Corey (must be nearly the most constantly underrated player going around), Bartel, Ling, Kelly, Chapman. But who gets the number one tagger every week? Who consistently tears the number one tagger a new ******** every week? Yup Gary Ablett Junior. I believe he is the Geelong Midfielder you definately have to stop. He has had games hwere all his mates have been quite but still Geelong has one, of course the opposite does happen at times, 2008 Grand Final for one. But I always think back to last year against the Kangas at Telstra Dome. Had 40+ possesions, tore Brady Rawlings a very good tagger a new one and even though Bartel and co were quite the Cats still got the win. Sometimes you can look a lot better because of your mates around you. Look at Kerr, hasnt been as good for the Eagles since Judd and Cousins left. Still is a great player though. You cant knock the brillance of a player simply cos he plays in a doiminate team with many great players arund him. Thats like calling James Hird overrated cos he played with Lloyd, Misti, Long, Mercuri, Fletcher etc....

I know the Brownlow medal doesnt mean your the best player in the league. Or else Wayne Carey, Gary Ablett Senior, Leigh Matthews would of won multiple medals. Its become nothing more than a midfielders medal in the last few years, which is sad. Where if you can be flashy you can get votes. Bartel and Ablett were close in 2007 no doubt. If the medal was given out at the mid way point last year then Cooney would of shit it in. But imo his second half of the season wasnt close to what he did in the first half.

Agree with most of you good players Pip. I reckon Hodge is a gun but isnt the best player in the league esepcially on this seasons form. He isnt even the best player from his draft, Chris Judd anyone? Anyway some other good players who are some of my favs Matthew Pavlich, Chris Judd, Johnathon Brown, Lance Franklin, Craig Bolton, Brett Deledio,. But you could keep going for a while. As for best player in the league. Its a raffle really could be a number of players really depending of course on their form. Id have my top 3 as Judd, Ablett and Franklin in no order. Although Buddy is on struggle street atm.

Glad Richmond got a win on the weekend. Didnt look good after 10 minutes as the Kangas got the first 3 goals. But then the Tigers were able to hit back. Richo had little influence so it was good to see their young players like Deledio, Nahas and Jack Reiwoldt step up in the veterans absence. Here is hoping that they continue that sort of form for the rest of the year. Still have Cuz, Cotchin, Raines, N Brown (although he is out of form) Kane Johnson and if he regains some form Troy Simmonds to come back so perhaps some light there for the Tigers.

One thing to come from that game was Daniel Jackson's tackle on Boomer Harvey. Causing Boomer to dislocate his elbow and be out for 12 weeks. What did everyone think of that tackle? Legit or not?

Also sad to see 2 serious season ending knee injuries coming out of the weekend. Hille from the Dons gone, and Rhys Palmer from the Dockers also out for the year. Is a shame for a very talented kid.

Yeah I agrre Tim I am sick of that rule of recalling the bounce. Its happening too often imo, although the AFL would like to convince us otherwise. 6 times in the first half yesterday at the Telstra Dome was crazy. Maybe if the bounce is completely horrd and bounces along the ground bring it back. But FFS the bounce favouring one ruckmen has been happening for the last 100+ years there is no reason to bring in a rule for it. The game is just getting to the point where there is a rule. Body on body contests seem to be dying as you get a free kick for a fly landing on you currently.
Ok I seriously don't see how Ablett is that fucking good. Sure he blazes his taggers but can you actually name like 4 good taggers. I can name like 3 good ones from last year ( Brady Rawlings,Tyson Stenglein, Brad Sewell) and cant actually remember any more that go on a consistent basis? Brady Rawlings is now to old and to slow for Ablett so him getting 40 possesions on him doesn't matter all that much. Considering the Kangeroo's don't have all that good of a midfield to compare to Geelongs. Anyways it's not hard for Ablett to average 30+ possesions you know why? Because Geelong always handball it and just from one play Ablett will get up to 5 touches with only one of them being a kick, so his touches are nothing. Infact the whole of Geelongs 50% touches don't mean nothing to me. Anyways onto Ablett being overrated. I also say he is overrated because he is fast as hell don't get me wrong, but he isn't really one to do the 1%'s now is he? He really doesn't help the team out with his "defense" I guess you can call it. He also isn't a very good mark at all. There just some other reasons why I think he is overrated.

Now for the tackle on "Boomer". That was one of the fariest tackles I have ever seen. What was wrong with it? He grab him, took him to ground and unfourtantly he took his arm back to far. But that was just an accident and was a very fair tackle.

As for The Kerr " not being as good for the eagles since 06/07, that is bullshit (excuse my language). Kerr is way better than he was back then. Kerr is now smarter,fitter and just overall better. I was watching the 06 grand final on friday night, and I seen a few of Kerrs moments. But I thought to myself "he is just trying to be better than Judd and Cousins". Thats what I honestly thought and I think it's true as well. I believe the reason why Kerr got as many touches as he did is because of Judd and Cousins ( not to say Kerr wasn't good, he was great actually, just not like he is now). Kerr would always be the 3rd option in the midfield for Eagles, and even when Judd and Cousins where having a off night people like Stenglein,Braun and Embly would step up in there roles which made Kerr look the same. Kerr is jsut overall better now.
Wow what a day it has been so far, of course all media driven.

Checked online and they had Wallace and Royal both fired after the weekend. Richmond then hold a press conference and say that in fact, no Wallace has not been sacked and will basically see out the rest of the year.

Im sure the media got this story from somewhere, leak at Tigerland? I still think there is more of this to go.
Did anyone cath the Fox Sports interview with Daniel Motlop? Some of the tricks he can do are just simply amazing.


The guy is just so skilled and amazing footballer. How he didnt win goal of the year over Lloyds back heel a couple of years back I will never know.
Whoop Whoop Whoop. I'm bumping this to see just where the fuck all the Aussie posters are. and to get some life back into this thread.

Soo, Geelong and st Kilda are both undefeated this season. I can't wait until these clash. (if someone can tell me when they play it would be great.) I think st Kilda will be a tough team for us, We have been lazy lately only just Squeezing in the win. but a win is a win right?

We need to stop being so cocky, we are playing horribley, thats fucked up for both us, and the rest of the league. How bad is it that the best team in the AFL at the moment are playing shit, yet still managing to win every game? The western bulldogs came real close and almost had us there, if that guy didn't Choke.

On other news, this weekend, after reaching a milestone for the tigers, (500 games? i forgot.) Richmonds coach Terry wallace has resigned. Thank fuck. Now, we won't here about him on the news all the time. This move is long overdue.

Who do you think should replace him? who would be a good coach for Richmond?
Alright halfway through the season, and we've got some major changes in terms of coaches.

First off, Jade Rawlings is the new Tigers coach, for the moment. And what's even more surprising, he axed most of the veterans, some of their best players, and they win the fucking match. Who saw that one coming? I'll say it was a fluke, and we'll see what happens in the Tigers next match, and we'll see whether Rawlings has stumbled onto a new secret for success, or whether it was a one off.

Second, Dean Laidley resigning as North Melbourne's coach. I honestly didn't see this one coming, I thought maybe he would've waited til the end of the season for it. But anyway, now North is under pressure to look for a new coach. What will probably happen is their assistant coach, I don't know his name, will step up to coach, at least until the season's out.

And then there are four coaches that will be out of contrat at the end of the season Rodney Eade, Mick Malthouse, John Worsfold and Mark Williams. There is no wya in hell that Rodney will get sacked, the Dogs are at the top of the game, and they're on a hot streak. Mark Williams won't leave either, because Port are playing pretty well too, even though they just got smashed by the Dogs. John Worsfold is gone, West Coast will already be thinking about who to replace them with. They could play so much better, but they aren't for some reason. Mick Malthouse, I think we'll need to see a few more games before deciding his fate. It's too hard to tell right now.

Onto the actual footy side of the things. Geelong are playing crap at the moment, but they're still managing to stay undefeated. It almost looks like they don't care anymore. I think for the last couple of games, they've only just managed to beat the team they were playing. Freo looked like they could've won earlier. Geelong have arguably the most talented team in the AFL, but they're not using it.

The Doggies right now are on a hot streak, and are playing a lot better than Geelong at the moment. If they can keep this streak up for the rest of the year, they will be a real contender for the flag and could win it. Even though St. Kilda is top of the ladder, I think they're flying under the radar a bit. You never hear anything about them anymore, it's almost like it's a given that St. Kilda will win their matches. I think that St. Kilda will choke in the finals, and get knocked out in the second round. But right now, apart from first and second, the top 8 is open and it will only take one game for most of the clubs to get into the top 8. Should be an interesting second half of AFL this year.
First off, Jade Rawlings is the new Tigers coach, for the moment. And what's even more surprising, he axed most of the veterans, some of their best players, and they win the fucking match. Who saw that one coming? I'll say it was a fluke, and we'll see what happens in the Tigers next match, and we'll see whether Rawlings has stumbled onto a new secret for success, or whether it was a one off..

Why is it surprising? The only 'old' guy they dropped that had any business stil playing it that team was Joel Bowden. He was in pretty good form and was a bit stiff to get dropped, but even then not sure he adds a lot to the team. Troy Simmonds was only playing cos Gus Graham was injured and Jordan McMahon is close to the biggest hack going around. Surprising that the won? Not if you follow football. Playing West Coast in Melbourne, West Coast have a young team and sadly to say for me atm West Coast are shit, havent won in Melbourne for 16 games. Richmond were favorites surprise? No Way. Test for Rawlings will come in how he goes for the rest of the season. But Richmond should be trying to get Malthouse or Choco.
Second, Dean Laidley resigning as North Melbourne's coach. I honestly didn't see this one coming, I thought maybe he would've waited til the end of the season for it. But anyway, now North is under pressure to look for a new coach. What will probably happen is their assistant coach, I don't know his name, will step up to coach, at least until the season's out.

Massive surprise Laidley stepping down. But sounds as though he did whats best for he and the club. Sounded like he wasnt ging to be there next year, so why not move on if he and club arent going anywhere? Darren Crocker is his name, former North premiership player. Not sure how he will go. Apparently they are after Buckley for $800,000 a year, where the hell will the get that from??

And then there are four coaches that will be out of contrat at the end of the season Rodney Eade, Mick Malthouse, John Worsfold and Mark Williams. There is no wya in hell that Rodney will get sacked, the Dogs are at the top of the game, and they're on a hot streak. Mark Williams won't leave either, because Port are playing pretty well too, even though they just got smashed by the Dogs. John Worsfold is gone, West Coast will already be thinking about who to replace them with. They could play so much better, but they aren't for some reason. Mick Malthouse, I think we'll need to see a few more games before deciding his fate. It's too hard to tell right now.

Rodney Eade: Will be re-signed by the Dogs. Has them playing some great footy after a slow start. Still think that they need a big key forward to go that step higher come finals time. Currently clearly the third best team and have shown that they can push the Cats. Dangerous.

Mark Williams: Will not be at Port next year. If he is the Power are in some serious trouble. Has lost the playing group. Shuffles deck chairs on the titanic by bringing guys like Carr and Thurstans in and out instead of giving guys like Davenport, Broadbent, Stewart a go. Lade is finished, so is Carr and P Burgoyne. S Burgoyne, Chad Cornes and Motlop out for extended periods.. going no where. If by playing well you mean losing 3 of their last 4 and getting belted in their losses and only just overcoming Freo at AAMI, then yeah going real well.

John Worsfold Will be coach of West Coast next year. Close to signing an extension. Is a favorite son and premiership coach will be given some time to try and build the Eagles up. West Coast are starting to give the kids a go and have a ayoungish team with the likes of MAsten, Ebert, Natanui, Scott Selwood, Kennedy, McKenzie, Swift, Cockie etc.... Will probably get two more years.

Mick Malthouse: To me is the most interesting one. One day he is out the door at Collingwood. The next he looks like he will be staying on for a while. I believe he will be coaching somewhere next year either Collingwood or Richmond. But I reckon the time could be now to let Buckley takeover at Collingwood.

Onto the actual footy side of the things. Geelong are playing crap at the moment, but they're still managing to stay undefeated. It almost looks like they don't care anymore. I think for the last couple of games, they've only just managed to beat the team they were playing. Freo looked like they could've won earlier. Geelong have arguably the most talented team in the AFL, but they're not using it.

The Doggies right now are on a hot streak, and are playing a lot better than Geelong at the moment. If they can keep this streak up for the rest of the year, they will be a real contender for the flag and could win it. Even though St. Kilda is top of the ladder, I think they're flying under the radar a bit. You never hear anything about them anymore, it's almost like it's a given that St. Kilda will win their matches. I think that St. Kilda will choke in the finals, and get knocked out in the second round. But right now, apart from first and second, the top 8 is open and it will only take one game for most of the clubs to get into the top 8. Should be an interesting second half of AFL this year.

So Geelong are undefeated, but not trying? Ok. They havent been laying well for a little while now, but they are still doing enough to beat everyone they face. They have made back to back trips to Perth, and on the surface should slaughter Freo and West Coast, but they have done enough to win both games. When they are playing badly and losing would be the time Bomber Thompson would be worried. As the say a win is a win. They still have Harley and Ottens to come back in and can play way way way better.. thats scary. Round 14 against the Saints should be awesome.

Dogs are playing some great footy thats for sure. When they can run and carry the football they are a very hard team to stop thats fr sure.If they keep playing the way they are I think they could give a Grand Final berth a shake, then anything can happen. But would be a lot more confident if they had a Key Forward who could take a grab and they could go to when the pressure is on. IMO Welsh and Minson wont cut it.

St Kilda are an interesting one. I think they are better prepared this year than any other to take the step and not choke in the finals. Their pressure and defence is outstanding this season adn is a big difference than other years. With Hayes (star) Ball, Dal Santo, Montagna, Gram in the midfield will be able to supply Reiwoldt, Kossie and Milne with enough chances. The defence with the likes of Fisher, Hudghton, Gilbert, Dawson (Yeah Dawson) are solid. I cant wait until ROund 14 to see where they are really at, but I think this year is as good as any in recent memory for the Saints to snare their second flag.

Will be a great end to the season with the middle of the table so close. The competition is very close and any team can beat anyother team on their day. Makes for an exciting season.
Well any specualtion that John Worsfold will be gone from West Coast have been squashed, as I said. Has signed a two year contract extension.

This will mean that Woosha has a chance to rebuild the team with the young guys they have.

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