Adverts for the atheist agenda


Turn Bayley heel
I commute to university and work on the London Underground, and recently there have been posters put up, with quotes from various celebrities, stating why we should believe that there isn't a God. The one I saw most recently was by Katherine Hepburn no less!

But anyway, it got me thinking, what is the point? I'm not religious, but I can tell you now that I wouldn't take the words of Katherine Hepburn over those of, say, Jesus or Muhammed. "I've loved God for 20 years, but Katherine Hepburn doesn't, so maybe I was wrong."

The second issue is that creating atheists does nothing. People could be obsessed with far worse things than religion, and I don't really understand why Richard Dawkins finds it necessary to tell people they are idiots for having faith. Is it really tht bad for people to live their lives following the lifestyle of Jesus. As far as I can remember, Jesus wasn't a crack addict, paedophile or murderer, and he was generally a nice guy.

So what do you think? Are these posters a waste of time, or do you think that the atheist message needs to be spread?
Hm I'm personally not a friend of religions in general. Now while it is definitely true that religions can help a lot of people through hard times and what not, I have the feeling that more often than not - especially in the case of all too faithful subjects - they can do more harm than good.

Of course it always depends on the type of religion; but in any case, any religion that is practiced to an extreme is bad. As soon as faith turns into fanatism, you got a serious problem at hand. I believe that religion should not be regarded as an excuse to act like a complete loon or moron in your life and towards others, simply because you believe that "you will get 70 virgins in heaven if you blow yourself and a couple of infidels up" or you can think you can do whatever you want because "God will forgive me in the end anyway". Don't get me wrong - essentially, most religions convey quite useful ideas and good principles. If you read the Bible, you got a lot of good messages. Especially if you read the Koran, you get a lot of great messages - I mean, I've read a few passages, and the essential messages and principles told are really great. The problem is that a lot of people over-interpret and over-stress certain issues in order to promote certain views or achieve certain ends, and thus quite often distort and work against the very ideas that are good behind those principles.

If I look at Christianity, I see no point in believing that the "afterlife" will be so great, so it really doesn't matter how crappy my life right now is, since once I'm dead, I'll be well off anyway, since God forgives all sins and what not. I'd much rather focus on my life as it is, and try to make it better because I want it to be better NOW - well, if there IS an afterlife, and if that's good as well - well, count me in! But I'd much rather try to be a decent person in this life, and some create a decent life for myself right now through work and actions and my general attitude, than to rely on some religion to bring me "joy" once I'm dead.

And as for being a good person in life today - seriously, I don't need any prophet or messiah or God who tells me how to be a good person. I believe we all should at some point reflect about "good" and "bad" as far as our actions are concerned, no matter if our parents teach us or if we just start thinking about these categories, about what is "right" and what is "wrong" ourselves at some point in our lives. When living in a society, sooner or later you will have to think about these elements. I believe that in earlier centuries, religion was often employed to confer the principles a society wanted its members to live by to these members; of course it is easy to tell someone to act in a certain way if you tell them that this is the "will of God", of someone or something more powerful than yourself, of someone or something who created you, and who will judge you by your actions in the end. But as said, it is a simple way to "teach" people, and often enough the basically good ideas behind it are corrupted, sometimes bent and sometimes broken - and once religion is institutionalized, bad comes to worse.

For if anything, belief should be something very personal. I see no point in following the ten commandments or whatever other rules any other religion might impose on me, simply because "they are the rules". I want to follow my own principles, and I want them to be good. And not because I want to "go to heaven" or whatever, but because "good" is beneficiary in and of itself; be it towards me and/or towards others. It should be the desire of each and everyone by themselves to lead their lives in a way that is essentially "good", and it should be everyone's duty to think about what they wish to believe in as well - and they should believe in something and act accordingly of their own free will, and not because some age-old traditions and conventions (apparently) force them to. As free-minded human beings we should be able to reflect about our actions and our attitude and about the way we behave in our lives and vis-á-vis others; and we should be able to discover what is "right" and what is "wrong" because there are some basic moral and ethic values that should be inherent to our comprehension. I don't need to read in a book that I should "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" - I should be able to realize things like this myself by thinking about them; should be able to realize that I should not act in a way that, if someone else acted like that towards me, I would be mightily pissed.

But I guess in this department, religion once again serves as an "easy way out". You take some pre-formed principles that have (apparently) stood the test of time (though not always for virtuous reasons, as history has shown us) that others have conceived, and live by them because "someone" tells you to. I really think it should be in everyone's own interest to ponder the ideas of religions, but also the very elementary moral and ethic principles they are based on - because it is those principles that should be the integral part of what religions can teach us on how to lead our lives; and not pointless conventions like "going to church every Sunday" or "saying ten rosaries before going to sleep". I think things like those have or should have nothing to do with belief at all; but people all too often attach themselves very closely to them, expecting redemption or salvation from pointless acts. I think that it would be much more useful, and much more purposeful, and also much more in the sense of EVERY religion - no matter if we're talking Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism or whatever, because the underlying ideas are always quite similar - to ACT and do something good in your everyday life, something that is beneficial to yourself (and not at the expense of others!) or beneficial to others, instead of expecting a glorious afterlife because of knowing the words to five prayers by heart.

Alright, I'm just realizing I've once again ushered into a rant, but I'll try to finish this up now lol... Anyway, as said, I think these rituals and religions generally were used in past times to more easily regulate peoples' lives - but I think this is - at least in many parts of the world - not necessary anymore, and people should really try and work on their perception of "good" and "evil" themselves, and try to improve their way of living accordingly. Religions can definitely be a good starting point, I will not take that away - but I think that it is the underlying principles that should matter, and not whether you have a "messiah" named "Jesus" or a "prophet" named "Muhammed" or a million of different Gods or whether you call a god "God" or "Allah" or "Jahwe" or whatever. I think that the core of religion, and the good they can do lies in their ideas, and not in their names, or the names of their prophets, and not in their rituals, and not in their conventions, and not in their promises of a glorious afterlife or an entering of the Nirvana, and not in the words of their prayers; but in the acts they can inspire that can have a beneficiary effect on our lives today - for this is truly the only thing we can have influence upon. For even if I "believe" in an afterlife, and if I "believe" I will be forgiven all my sins, even if I "believe" I will enter a state of cosmic equilibrium - it remains a "belief", and not a proven fact - but the facts of reality that surround us, those are real (or well, at least as real as anything can be proven real, but that is subject for another debate lol); and upon those, I can have an influence on, and these facts I should try to improve. That way, I can try to lead a better life here - and if it works, and there "really" is this afterlife religions promise you; well, then all the better. But if not - then I have at least used the time I was given in a useful manner, and had some "good" here while it lasted, even if the promise of eternal life and bliss ended up being not true.

Now as you can tell, I'd probably consider myself an agnostic. I do not believe in any "God"-entity. But I also cannot rule out the possibility of there being one. You can't prove one way, and you can't prove the other way. So I also do not understand those advertisments the thread starter mentioned - and I also see no sense in propagating atheism. In the same breath you ask "Why should you believe in a God?", you could also ask, "Why should you NOT believe in a God?"

So I guess, if someone wishes to believe in any religion, why not? But this religion, and (blindly) abiding by its rules, should not be used as an excuse or considered an absolution from thinking on your own, and reflecting about your own principles. Whatever cards fate has dealt you - they are yours to play, and yours alone. And if there is a God who will judge, or if there is Karma that will judge you - this we do not know. But I know that for myself, that at the end of the day, I at least will have to be accountable to myself, and will have to answer to my conscience on the day of MY judgement, and I wish to pass that test once the day comes.

So my "belief" basically is that people should find something that can help them lead a "better" life. If that is some religion, so be it. If it is some philosophy, so be it. If it is their own ideas they discover through thinking and reflecting about them, so be it. I think these ads should not be advertisments to "not believe in God" but be advertisments to "believe in yourself" and think for yourself, instead of subjugating yourself blindly to rules and conventions for the wrong reasons.

What I want to say is this: If at some point in your life, you have to ask yourself

"What would Jesus do?"

you truly should be able to ask yourself

"What would I do?"
I commute to university and work on the London Underground, and recently there have been posters put up, with quotes from various celebrities, stating why we should believe that there isn't a God. The one I saw most recently was by Katherine Hepburn no less!

But anyway, it got me thinking, what is the point? I'm not religious, but I can tell you now that I wouldn't take the words of Katherine Hepburn over those of, say, Jesus or Muhammed. "I've loved God for 20 years, but Katherine Hepburn doesn't, so maybe I was wrong."
Why wouldn't you take the word of Katherine Hepburn over Jesus or Muhammed?

The second issue is that creating atheists does nothing. People could be obsessed with far worse things than religion, and I don't really understand why Richard Dawkins finds it necessary to tell people they are idiots for having faith. Is it really tht bad for people to live their lives following the lifestyle of Jesus. As far as I can remember, Jesus wasn't a crack addict, paedophile or murderer, and he was generally a nice guy.

So what do you think? Are these posters a waste of time, or do you think that the atheist message needs to be spread?
I would say this. Do you have a problem with Christians trying to spread their message? Do you have a problem with Christian posters, trying to convert people to the Christian faith? If not, then you should not have a problem with atheist ones.

The way I see it, if Christians can try to convert people, then so should the atheists. One of my favorite quotes of all time:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Sir Stephen Henry Roberts
I have no problem with posters like that being up. I believe in God with all my heart and there's nothing that anyone could say or do to change my mind on that. If a group or individuals want to say that and state their opinions on the subject, then by all means let them. They don't offend me whatsoever as if that's what they want to think, who am I to say they're wrong? neither of us can prove a thing.

As for Richard Dawkins, he is one of the kind of people that I absolutely cannot stand. He's an expert on athiesm. Good for him. He thinks there is no God. That's fine if that's what he wants to believe. He thinks I'm stupid for having faith in God? That's too far. He has no right whatsoever to say that he is right and I am wrong on something that cannot be proven. That's what faith is all about: believing in something when you can't be sure it will work. If you want to break religion down into something of a science, you're missing the whole point of it. Religion and faith are about putting your trust in something when you likely don't want to. For Richard Dawkins, get off your high horse and grow up.
Seeing posters telling me why I should belioeve in God would annoy me, and these are just pointless. Do you really think seeing someone say it will change someone's whole belief system? If Shawn Michaels believeing in God can't get me to, then some celebrity won't get someone else to.

How pointless is this, really? Why do people care if someone believes in God or not? Religion is a personal thing, and everyone has different beliefs, and different reasons for those beliefs. It's kind of sad how people have resorted to posters to try and get people to stop believing. There's a war where people are dying at this very minute, but the most important thing is turning people athiest?
I love these Ad's. they never fail to crack me up. And cheer me up. I hate walking every where and seeing Religeous ads. Door knockers bothering me at home during meal times pushing shit down my throat.

Why shouldn't Atheism be able to promote there beliefs. From what I beliave they was made to cheer people up, wich is what they are doing, I see people laughing at them all the time, so they are doing something right. Leave them up I say, keep making more even.
I love these Ad's. they never fail to crack me up. And cheer me up. I hate walking every where and seeing Religeous ads. Door knockers bothering me at home during meal times pushing shit down my throat.

Why shouldn't Atheism be able to promote there beliefs. From what I beliave they was made to cheer people up, wich is what they are doing, I see people laughing at them all the time, so they are doing something right. Leave them up I say, keep making more even.
Is this not simply a case of hypocrisy? From what I've learned, atheists do not like it when people's beliefs are 'forced onto them' through advertisements and such, yet some of them want to turn around and do the same thing themselves?

Go ahead and put all the posters you want up. They're not going to do anything, as faith is a personal choice that won't be swayed by a few images or some text.

The more you want to promote a side to the religious debate, the further it exacerbates the issue. Instead of trying to convert people, why don't all religions just keep to themselves and let people decide what they want to believe? This is just a case of atheists trying to counter-act religious advertisement, and in doing so, they've proven themselves (the people behind the posters) to be completely hypocritical. If people want to continue with creating atheism posters, fine, but drop the whole 'your religion keeps getting shoved down my throat' rubbish, because that argument has been rendered completely ridiculous and irrelevant by this. It doesn't matter whether these posters were made jokingly or not, because it is still a promotion of belief.

I think it's about time atheists dropped the whole religious debate and focused on themselves, instead of worrying about what others believe. Seems a much less time-wasting option than this.
Haven't read any of this, apart from the first few words of DS's post. I think he got it in one. Hypocrisy. Complete and utter hypocrisy.

Though I personally think it's more of an agnostic agenda - they were forced to put "probably" in there as a qualifier - it's still just ******ed. I think advertising of religious beliefs shouldn't be allowed unless it's on a board outside a church or, I dunno, a humanist cathedral or whatever the fuck they have anyway. Fighting fire with fire just makes you look like a complete idiot. I mean, c'mon: "Yeah, I hate the way they do that... so, should we do it too?"

Not to mention that they're the shittiest adverts in history. "Now stop worrying"? Who the fuck is worrying? I'm guessing most religious people are quite content and relaxed actually. "...and enjoy your life." Well, I was. Right up until I saw your shitty poster.

So, in the name of atheists everywhere, don't blame this on us. Blame this on the elitist ***** that organise such things.
Why wouldn't you take the word of Katherine Hepburn over Jesus or Muhammed?

It was a typo. I meant to say "If I was religious, I would take their word over hers." Which I think is a failry evident conclusion - religious people are going to hold the people they worship in higher esteem than any ordinary person, even if it is the star of films from the 1950's.

I would say this. Do you have a problem with Christians trying to spread their message? Do you have a problem with Christian posters, trying to convert people to the Christian faith? If not, then you should not have a problem with atheist ones.


I love these Ad's. they never fail to crack me up. And cheer me up. I hate walking every where and seeing Religeous ads. Door knockers bothering me at home during meal times pushing shit down my throat.

Why shouldn't Atheism be able to promote there beliefs. From what I beliave they was made to cheer people up, wich is what they are doing, I see people laughing at them all the time, so they are doing something right. Leave them up I say, keep making more even.

I didn't say originally that Atheism shouldn't be allowed to advertise it's beliefs, but that it is probably pointless for it to do so.

People regularly go through crises of faith and find religion. The Christian community prey on that. This is a fact - when my mother died, we were besieged with people trying to take advantage of my dad by getting him to find religion.

While that itself is deplorable, it is possible to assume that someone who has lost a loved one, or their job or anythng like that will see these Christian posters and think about it.

For someone who is truly religious, they are unlikely to give up their beliefs, based on a quote made by someone 50 years ago, when they believe the quotes of someone 2,000 years ago more intently. I am not religious, so to me this seems like warped logic, but it's a true observation.

The difference between atheist posters and Christian posters is that the Christians genuinely believe that encouraging people to go to church will save them from hell. What problem could an Atheist possibly have with private worship?

These posters are almost a manifestation of people like Dawkins thinking that they are more intelligent than people of faith, which in turn makes him smarter than Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Descartes, Shakespeare, Kant... pretty much everyone who shaped the world we live in, both scientifically and culturally.

As I said, if you let Christians put up their posters, then you should let the Atheists, but I can't really see how they think they will acheive anything.
Well it's your choice what you want to believe. You can easily walk past them without reading them if you're not interested, and read them if you're interested. It's not really that big a deal. And I doubt that many people will become atheists after reading these posters anyway, because the people who are unsure about religion aren't going to change their mind because of some celebrity on a poster. And what would becoming an atheist accompish anywy? These posters are pretty much worthless.

As for whether they should be allowed, I say yes. Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to spread the Jesus' word, so therefore atheists should be allowed to advertise themelves too. If you let Christians advertise, let atheists and other religions advertise too.
I did say that all religious advertising should be banned, but that really infringes on freedom of speech. Then again, you can't say anything that "incites racial hatred" so maybe there's some kind of loophole there. It's things like this which make it good that the UK has a flexible (if not wholly non-existent) constitution.

It's basically just a mud-slinging contest in the public domain. I will admit I found the quote they had of Einstein highly interesting though. So he didn't believe in God...
Atheist advertising?
Is there anything wrong with it? Nope.
Will it make anyone stop believing in God? Nope.

I'm an Atheist. Do you think I'll change my entire belief system because some religious extremist comes to my door on a Saturday and tries to force fliers on me and come into my house without permission? Hell no, go away and stop trying to force your way into my house. I don't like physically blocking you.
If anyone is weak minded enough to change their religion because someone comes to their door and tells them to, that's a pretty damn sad group of people.

I gotta say, I get sick of seeing Church of Latter Day Saints commercials, and posters and people and churches. I highly doubt they're effective in recruitment, so why waste money? Same goes for Atheist adverts.
I feel sorry for anyone who sees a commercial and thinks to themselves "HEY GUESS WHAT?! I WANT TO BE A MORMON BECAUSE THEN I'LL HAVE A PUPPY AND A HAPPY FAMILY JUST LIKE THOSE PEOPLE!" because A) It's not true and B) They're probably not the brightest.

At any rate, don't feel attacked by Atheist advertising. It's Christian advertising that does the attacking, what with the "you're going to Hell" and "stop living in sin" messages.

The bottom line is that people will believe what they want to believe, and no amount of advertising or harassing people in their homes is going to change that.
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I have no problem with Atheistic poster or advertisements being displayed. Religious posters are displayed, why shouldn't non religious, counter religious or atheistic posters be set out. I am not sure who will change their religious beliefs over a poster, but it gives those who are willing the opportunity to do so. If one were to seek a new outlook, then I am glad that they have advertisements for Atheism. As a Christian, I know there are times in your life where one seeks an outlook to a better life. Some may find it in another sect of Christianity, some may find it in another religion, and some may find it in Atheism.
I have no problem with Atheistic poster or advertisements being displayed. Religious posters are displayed, why shouldn't non religious, counter religious or atheistic posters be set out. I am not sure who will change their religious beliefs over a poster, but it gives those who are willing the opportunity to do so. If one were to seek a new outlook, then I am glad that they have advertisements for Atheism. As a Christian, I know there are times in your life where one seeks an outlook to a better life. Some may find it in another sect of Christianity, some may find it in another religion, and some may find it in Atheism.

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