Addressing the Chants

That's actually a really good idea, for him to say something along those lines and it would be perfect for his character. Even tho The fans chanted that i think there In ring Debut went perfect It was New and Fresh, never done before. The Video clips of the Reporter visiting there home was awesome.. And them attacking Kane of all people was awesome, who better to attack then the big red monster and make a statement. I honestly thought it was gonna be John Cena and mark Henry they were gonna go after, But seeing them attack Kane was whole lot better.
I would never address the chants. And considering everyone has ripped the Baltimore crowd apart I doubt there will be many "Husky Harris" chants in the future. I know some of those people chanting must be part of the IWC and are probably laying low right now because they know they came off as total ******s.
I would never address the chants. And considering everyone has ripped the Baltimore crowd apart I doubt there will be many "Husky Harris" chants in the future. I know some of those people chanting must be part of the IWC and are probably laying low right now because they know they came off as total ******s.

I get that the chants probably won't continue. I said as much. Here's my deal- people love to complain about things without offering any solution. My intention here was to give people a platform with which to say, "I have an idea as to how WWE can make crowds like that shut up."

I find it distressing that so few people have taken this opportunity and would rather stick to complaining. I don't know how much clearer I could have been in my original post- if the chants persist, what would any of you propose WWE do about it. If the answer to that quesiton is "do nothing" then all that's going to result in is more bitching from fans watching at home.

The stereotype holds true: wrestling fans will always find something to bitch about. Nobody has chastised the Baltimore crowd for yelling "fall! fall! fall!" at Vickie Guerrero while she was at the top of the ladder. To me that was much worse, but apparently wishing that a performer tumbles to her death is less atrocious than chanting a guy's old name at him. Last time I ever try to be conciliatory about something like this. We as a community continue to fail.

Wait and watch, lets see if it sticks or it was just a few fans being 'cool'. I have no problem with it. I know it kinda tarnished a great moment and seriously fans have done this from time to time, but I wouldn't get much hyped up over it.

If I must address it, I will say this...let him talk, if the crowd chants "Huskahhh";turn to the audience Bray and say "Husky Harris is dead children."

That is all.

This guy gets it.
^ well realistically what CAN you do, if the Husky Harris chants continue? I mean it's a good thread, but realistically what do you expect?

the people will chant what they want and while in theory Having Bray address the previous identity of Husky Harris, or even refer to Husky as "dead" might be a good solution, on the contrary it could actually encourage people to continue to chant it. And if that makes people more likely to chant Husky Harris, well the problem just got worse

Dr. your example of the people chanting for Vickie to fall is disturbing, but it proves the point that it's hard to stop the people from chanting something.

I mean bitching aside look at the problem here, with fans chanting what they want be it "FALL!" or "WHAT" or "CENA SUCKS" they'll chant what they want, it's kinda hard to control.

hopefully Bray is entertaining enough to where the Husky Harris chants drop
^ well realistically what CAN you do, if the Husky Harris chants continue? I mean it's a good thread, but realistically what do you expect?

the people will chant what they want and while in theory Having Bray address the previous identity of Husky Harris, or even refer to Husky as "dead" might be a good solution, on the contrary it could actually encourage people to continue to chant it. And if that makes people more likely to chant Husky Harris, well the problem just got worse

Dr. your example of the people chanting for Vickie to fall is disturbing, but it proves the point that it's hard to stop the people from chanting something.

I mean bitching aside look at the problem here, with fans chanting what they want be it "FALL!" or "WHAT" or "CENA SUCKS" they'll chant what they want, it's kinda hard to control.

hopefully Bray is entertaining enough to where the Husky Harris chants drop

Way ahead of ya:

Oh, c'mon with the indignation... if you weren't expecting Husky Harris chants you haven't been watching WWE.

That's from the Raw live discussion thread, and that was the very first post addressing the complaining about the "Husky Harris" chants. I know that nothing can be done, and I'm almost positive that the chants will subside. My intention here was to essentially ask the gripers to put up or shut up, and even offered an example. Not exactly the greatest work of fiction ever written, but it's functional. I wasn't trying to or expecting anyone else to solve this problem, because a) it's not really a problem and b) nothing can be done about it short of ejecting fans who don't play along. People don't want to make the effort though, and I accept that. I had an unrealistic expectation, as it doesn't take more than a quick glance at any Facebook page or comments section to realize that most people can only identify problems without taking the time or thought required to realize that solutions aren't easy, and that there are times in life where you just have to accept things.
I get that the chants probably won't continue. I said as much. Here's my deal- people love to complain about things without offering any solution. My intention here was to give people a platform with which to say, "I have an idea as to how WWE can make crowds like that shut up."

I find it distressing that so few people have taken this opportunity and would rather stick to complaining. I don't know how much clearer I could have been in my original post- if the chants persist, what would any of you propose WWE do about it. If the answer to that quesiton is "do nothing" then all that's going to result in is more bitching from fans watching at home.

The stereotype holds true: wrestling fans will always find something to bitch about. Nobody has chastised the Baltimore crowd for yelling "fall! fall! fall!" at Vickie Guerrero while she was at the top of the ladder. To me that was much worse, but apparently wishing that a performer tumbles to her death is less atrocious than chanting a guy's old name at him. Last time I ever try to be conciliatory about something like this. We as a community continue to fail.

This guy gets it.

I think there is an obvious solution. The WWE should ignore it and the IWC should condemn it. If sabotaging wrestlers who are trying their best to earn a living becomes uncool then it will stop. But this goes for everybody, not just internet darlings like the Wyatt family. This goes for Ryback, Tensei and everybody else who is needlessly heckled. You shouldn't find it distressing that no one wants to make a storyline based on the jackassery of a few idiots in the crowd. You wanted feedback, we gave it to you. The best solution is an old internet saying "Don't feed the trolls".
The WWE doesn't need to address the chants at all. It's silly, in fact, to address them. They'll fade away quickly, if they haven't already after this RAW, and addressing them only acknowledges something insignificant to the Wyatt Family.

It would be just as silly, in my opinion, to bring in Bray Wyatt's real family and make them part of the storyline. That's taking a brief, stupid chant from ignorant, silly fans, and allowing them to control the direction of your angle. Why in the hell would they do that? Continue on with the direction as planned, and nothing more. Any reference to Bray's real family roots just ruins everything, and strays from the direction they obviously want to go with this angle.

If anything, I would find it interesting, though, if down the road they explain his true identity and his change in character direction as having to do with being punted by Randy Orton and the effects from that punt causing this "new personality" from the head trauma. I think that would be a crazy idea, but if that ever did occur it shouldn't be even hinted at for a long time and certainly shouldn't be uncovered for even longer down the road.

Stay the course, ignore silly fans, and the Wyatt family will continue to be as great as they have been so far. I find the angle refreshing and intriguing.
Here we go again. A bunch of wrestling fans ON THE INTERNET, criticizing the "IWC" for chanting things that go "against the storyline". It's really getting ridiculous. Not the chanting, the criticism. Who cares??
Addressing the chants will just make them more prevelent. Yes-- they can be annoying at times, and hillarious at times. The Husky chants did kinda suck, and took away from the moment a bit, but that's the way it goes these days when WWE continues to book like we all can only remember the the previous year of material.

I know it's not necessarily the best analogy, but would a pitchers perfect game mean less of there were a group on meatheads chanting that 'he sucked"?
This is a good idea in theory, but Bray Wyatt already has a storyline with his dad. I would recommend that you watch some of his promos in FCW. There you would learn that his character portrays a white trash hillbilly from the backwoods of Louisiana. He grew up hating his dad and set his dad's boat on fire with him in it which resulted in him being sent away to juvy for a long time. It was in juvy that he started his cult ways. The idea that you proposed wouldn't work with his character.

As far as the "Husky Harris" chants, this will have no impact on his character as long they write good story lines and Windham Rotunda has good to great matches.
Addressing the chants will just make them more prevelent. Yes-- they can be annoying at times, and hillarious at times. The Husky chants did kinda suck, and took away from the moment a bit, but that's the way it goes these days when WWE continues to book like we all can only remember the the previous year of material.

I know it's not necessarily the best analogy, but would a pitchers perfect game mean less of there were a group on meatheads chanting that 'he sucked"?

Bold - I said the same thing and got bashed for it. Bray commenting that "Husky is dead" might be witty, but is it really a good suggestion?

and judging after tonight's Wyatt Family attack, I think they might have more problems to worry than a Husky Harris chant

When Bray set up R-Truth for his finishing move, it kinda looked like he kissed him on the forehead.

^not homophobic or anything, but the Wyatt Family is still in the early stages of trying to get over, and their cult leader can't be kissing superstars on the forehead

heck of a first promo he cut though.
Bold - I said the same thing and got bashed for it. Bray commenting that "Husky is dead" might be witty, but is it really a good suggestion?

and judging after tonight's Wyatt Family attack, I think they might have more problems to worry than a Husky Harris chant

When Bray set up R-Truth for his finishing move, it kinda looked like he kissed him on the forehead.

^not homophobic or anything, but the Wyatt Family is still in the early stages of trying to get over, and their cult leader can't be kissing superstars on the forehead

heck of a first promo he cut though.

I can't really tell, but I'm pretty sure that he did kiss his forehead. This shouldn't be a big deal at all because this is part of his character that portrays him as an evil, sadistic cult leader. There is nothing homosexual about it even if was a kiss. This what crazy, unmedicated bastards like this do.

If I was a fan of the Wyatts, I would be more worried about the crowd reactions that they are getting. They are booking them to be over the top heels in the company, but the reactions they are getting are saying otherwise. THIS IS WHAT I WOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT FOR BRAY WYATT.
^if positive reaction is the worst thing for Bray, to me it's not that big of a deal

**look at the Shield, they're also a triad, seen as heels, yet if my memory serves me correctly the crowd seems to respond favorably toward them.

at times even breaking out with "Let's go Ambrose"

at least The Wyatt Family is getting a crowd response. Indifference or a slow ALBERT chant for example would be so much worse.

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