Add a Stipulation to a classic match


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Basic idea: Pick an old wrestling match, and either add or change a stipulation to the match. Then, explain WHY you're making that change and HOW you think the outcome would differ.

Wrestlemania 8, Hulk Hogan vs Sid Justice.

Stipulation - No DQ

I LOVED Wrestlemania 8, no secret there. One of my 3 favorites, and my first major wrestling event as a fan. But the main event, as has been well documented, was a bit of a clusterfuck. In short, Papa Shango missed his cue to do a run-in, and Justice got DQ'ed after kicking out of the leg drop, which he wasn't supposed to do alone. Big mess. The match ended weird, and The Ultimate Warrior returned to save Hogan from Justice and Shango.

I wasn't a fan of the no DQ option, mainly because Justice didn't last and Hogan split soon after too. So there was no need for the open ended finish. I'd have preferred Warrior clearing the ring of Justice and Hogan getting the pinfall. Furthermore, since this match was built up so effectively, a no DQ kind of a match would have made a load of sense.

I doubt Justice would have lost any heat if Hogan had gone over, especially after interference by Warrior, Whippleman, and Shango. And it would have given Warrior a bit more steam as the guy who helped Hogan win his match. And if Justice had stayed, it would have given him further motivation to extract revenge.
Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle- No Way Out 2006

Stipulation- Submission Match - First to submit wins

I'm adding this stipulation because this is my favorite match of all-time and I love it more and more every time I watch it. Kurt Angle had never tapped and Undertaker had once I believe but never as the Deadman. Both gave at their all for over thirty minutes and really had me believe somebody was going to tap. I couldn't have seen Undertaker win that match since it was the PPV before Wrestlemania so I believe he would have been tapping to the Ankle Lock, thus giving Angle the win.
Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels
Survivor Series 1997
Submission match

If the match was made into a submission match, it would make a lot of sense. Bret Hart being the technical wrestler that he is against Shawn Michaels who isn't that adapt at submissions, especially in 1997. And to see Shawn Michaels use the Sharpshooter against Bret would make sense as well as in submission matches, wrestlers typically show the other wrestler their skill at using that mans submission.
Unforgiven- 1999
Kennel from Hell Match
Al Snow vs The Big Bossman

Al Snow has become a joke to many wrestling fans, whether it's because of the J.O.B. Squad, Head, or his ill fated insult contests with Mick Foley. I however, remember him as a company man. A veteran who didn't mind helping out the new kids. A good, technically sound wrestler who didn't mind brawling and/or bleeding. Just look at his time spent on Tough Enough. And Big Bossman, he was a man that knew how to get heat. I loved his feud with The Big Show too...

As I watched this feud, I thought, this is how a mid-card feud should be done. While at times over the top, You could almost feel geniune hate between these men. Especially after Big Bossman kidnapped Al Snow's dog Pepper, killed him, and fed him to Snow. That set up the Kennel from Hell Match, where vicious dogs would tear apart anyone stupid enough to get close to them, and where the brutality would be off the charts...

Only, the matched sucked. Between dogshit and a slow match, this is largely considered one of the worst gimmick matches of all time, and rightfully so. But, if we were to change the past, I would without a doubt change this to a Buried Alive Match. Before the match, Al Snow comes down to the ring, followed by Bossman. Only Bossman stops at the mound of dirt, holding a box that says Pepper on it, and tosses it in the grave. Al Snow could have been a mad man through the match, using his anger to dish out brutality we had never before seen in the WWF arena. But, alas, The Kennel from Hell Match will always be in our memories as one of the worst matches of all time. The feud had potential, but the match ruined it. If I had my choice, I would fix this match to end the feud as one of the best WWF had ever had, even if it was a little over the top...
Wrestlemania VI
Hulk Hogan v. Ultimate Warrior - Title v. Title

Added stipulation: Empty Arena Match

I'm using this stipulation to change it from being one of the most memorable matches of all-time to being an absolute snooze-fest. I mean, they spend half of the match just doing random stuff to get the crowd psyched. Without the crowd, this match may be the worst in history and definitely worse than their rematch at Halloween Havoc '98.

I know that this was probably supposed to be a stipulation that ENHANCED the match...but I wanted to be a rebel. Be glad that this match was fought in front of 60,000 fans and not 0.
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage @ WMIII.

The match really doesnt need an added stipulation but what if this match was an IRON MAN MATCH? It had the feel of one anyway. All of those near falls...classic
One I thought I'd change is

Fully Loaded 2000
WWF Title
The Rock vs. Chris Benoit
Title changes hands on a DQ

Basically, I'd remove the title changing on DQ option and go out and make it into a no DQ match, let these two go at it. I just think where the encounter was good, the outcome was too predictable and we never got to see the true match up of Rock and Benoit that we deserve. Get rid of the stipulation that holds them back and let them run riot, this would have been a much more memorable match had it not been for the stipulation.
Royal Rumble 2010. The future...

Stipulation...change it to World War 3 like the WCW days. 3 rings. 60 men. over the top battle royal. winner goes to mania. geniusssss!!!!!!!
Backlash 2002: Hulk Hogan VS Triple H for the WWE Undisputed Championship. I wish this match would've been a no holds bared match. I know it was the WWE Undisputed championship, but Undertaker and Jericho interfeared, and seeing all four of them using weapons to beat the hell out of each other would've been great. Hogan's style is brawling, and everyone went nuts when he pinned HHH, so I think the fans would've liked to see a little more brutality.
I’ve noticed that everyone is choosing matches from WWE. So I’m going to be different and I’m going to choose a match from one of WCW’s pay per views.

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting
Starrcade XV
WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Stipulation: No Disqualification

This feud had been building for over a year. It was finally time for Sting and Hollywood Hogan to have a one-on-one encounter and it culminated at Starrcade on December 28, 1997. Sting was going to finally get his revenge on the leader of the stable that had been terrorizing WCW for over a year. It was Sting’s turn to get his revenge on the leader of the New World Order: Hollywood Hogan. They had their match but something went wrong towards the end of the match. Here take a look at the complete match:

What a classic match. Right? The answer would be yes if it wasn’t for Nick Patrick (the referee during the match) fucking up. In case you decided to not watch the match, I’ll tell you what happen. Hulk Hogan gave Sting an atomic leg drop and pinned him. Nick Patrick was supposed to make a fast count and give Hogan the win. But that’s not exactly what happened. Hogan still won, but Nick Patrick made the 3 count like any normal 3 count. There was no fast count and this made Bret Hart look like an idiot because he demanded there was even though there really wasn’t one. It wasn’t Bret Hart’s fault that Nick Patrick doesn’t know how to do a fast count, but it still made him look like an idiot for saying it. Like I said it wasn’t Hart fault. Anyways, Bret then restarted the match and brought Hogan back in. Eventually after a couple of Stinger splashes on the turnbuckle and a Scorpion Deathlock, Sting won the match via submission.

Now that you know what basically happened in the match, I’ll tell you why I think this match would have been better had there been a no disqualification stipulation added.

This was supposed to be Sting’s and WCW’s big moment. If Sting won then they finally defeated and won the war against the NWO. But wouldn’t it have been better had they made Hollywood Hogan pay for everything he did to them for over a year? The answer would be yes. Had there been a no disqualification stipulation then it would mean that Sting could do whatever he wanted to Hogan. He could put him through a 100 tables and no one could stop or say anything because he was allowed to do that.

With a No DQ stipulation added, it would have made revenge sweet. Everyone would have loved it if Sting left Hogan in a pile of his own blood. They wanted revenge and they were going to get it. They were suppose to make Hogan suffer for all of the stuff he did and he didn’t really suffer that much. With a no dq stipulation added it would have made the moment bigger because Sting could really do whatever he wanted and he sure as hell would have made Hogan suffer and he would have taken him to his limits and further. In my opinion it would have honestly just made the match feel like a bigger match than it already if there was a no disqualification stipulation added to it.​
What about NWA Ric Flair vs Ricky The Dragon Steamboat for the NWA Heavyweight Championship at NWA Chi-Town Rumble 89 Its a classic match that saw Ricky Steamboat win the NWA Heavyweight title but what if the stipulation for the match was to combind 2 matchs in to one a 2 out of 3 Lumberjack Match i think that would have worked and not have Flair lose clean thats what they should have done in the first place but they went and had a singles match for the NWA Heavyweight Title i say they should have had a 2 out of 3 lumberjack match that would have been a classic as well
How about a current match that hasn't happened yet? No one on Wrestlezone seems to enjoy Orton, Cena, or HHH, so why not make their NOC Match this Sunday a Hell in a Cell Match? I know the whole NOC theme is straight up title matches, but having a Triple Threat Match already compromises that integrity. I also am aware there is a PPV coming up called Hell in a Cell, but think of my choice this way...Cena vs. Orton vs. HHH is stale as is, right? Why not spice it up with some blood and some more violence? Who on this site doesn't want to see Cena bleed? I, for one, do. No one beats HHH in Hell in a Cell Matches as is (except for Batista in 2005), so if you're gonna reduce Orton's odds of retaining to 33%, why not handicap that further by putting it in a Hell in a Cell? Also, to date, Cena has never been in the Cell, so what a way to debut.
People are going to hurt me for this with their words, but Hart vs. Hart at WrestleMania X. Don't get me wrong, this match ranks in my top 10 best matches of all time, but the fact the win came by a pinning combination makes me wish someone tapped out to the Sharpshooter.
Undertaker Vs. Triple H-Wrestlemania X7

This was a standard match to begin with, but after the ref got knocked out, it turned into a war. The ref being down on the mat for almost the whole match kinda baffled me when I first saw it, but with a No-DQ stipulation, the ref would not look weaker than all the other refs, and it would make the match that much better.
Undertaker v. Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) - WWF Championship - First Blood Match
Fully Loaded 1999

New Stip: Last Blood Match

I mean, hard is it to make someone bleed? The real test would be to get their bleeding STOPPED before your own. Thus, both competitors start the match with gashes on their foreheads, and the winner of the match is the person who bleeds last. The goal would be to get your oppenent's bleeding to stop. It would have made this a very unique ending to a good feud.

Edit: Just think of the mayhem...people would be trying to cut themselves. So, preventing this kind of activity from your opponent would be a strategy that is needed to consider.
Wrestlemania 7: Hulk Hogan vs Sgt. Slaughter for the WWF Championship
Stipulation: Last Man Standing

This match w/o a stipulation was nothing to write home about, However adding this stipulation would have made it 10 times better, Sgt Slaughter was going through one of the biggest pushes of his career at that time, even going from an American to a Iraqi type of gimmick. The end saw the same usual thing from Hogan, legdrop followed by a pin. If this match had been a LMS match, it would have made it a lot more exciting to watch because of the use of the outside props that both men could have used.
Andre vs Hogan Wrestlemania 3

Three tier cage banana on a pole reverse ladder match. You have to get the banana off the pole and give it too the ref, get the title belt and put it on the hook in the highest cage... I am joking.

I can't see how you'd want to change any match really. Unless its an Iron Man match.

Cena vs Michaels at WM if that was an Iron Man match, would have been cool.
The Rock (c) vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - WWF Championship
Wrestlemania XV

As most WWE fans know, this match was one of the most anticipated Wrestlemania main events in history. It was built up for close to a year and it was the only match that anyone gave two shits about during this abomination of a Wrestlemania.

In classic fashion, this match began as a standard on-on-one matchup but was changed to a no disqualification matchup shortly before the event (if I remember correctly). For anyone that watched the match (which is probably everyone on this site if they're a true wrestling fan) they probably noticed that Austin and the Rock were beating each other all over the arena. In the eyes of the fans, it has been noted that the action that occurred outside of the ring (aside from the exciting exchange at the end of the match) was the most exciting part of the match. Now, if the stipulation of the match changed to Falls Count Anywhere, the battle outside of the ring could've lasted longer and been further utilized. Granted, the match was memorable on its own, but I think this added stipulation would've REALLY spiced things up in an era of wrestling where violence and unpredictability was king.

As for the ending, we all know that there was no chance in hell (no pun intended) that Austin wouldn't come out with a win in this match. But, I think it would've been more fun to make this match last longer outside of the ring with a possible pinfall occurring in the crowd or on top of the announce table or something.

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