ACW Aviln!

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ACW Warzone's Owner

March 4, 2007
PPV Number: 1
The Quicken Loans Arena
Cleveland, OH
Attendance: 16,455 (Sellout)​

Aviln opens up with the ACW Logo and then a video with the Official Theme Song of Aviln: Stronger by Trust Company, and then the pyro! The Crowd is electric for ACW Warzone’s 1st PPV, AVILN! Michael Cole and The King welcome us to the show...

Cole: We welcome you live, to the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio, for ACW Aviln, ACW Warzone’s 1st PPV! Michael Cole and The King here at ringside.
King: Cleveland is awesome tonight! Look! Its LeBron James and Travis Hafner! All the stars are here tonight!
Cole: No doubt, and we have two huge main events, Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. JBL for the World Title! And also we have Lesnar and Kane in a No Rules Match for the ACW Title!
King: With those two matches, this PPV is going to be sweet!
Cole: Now over to our Spanish colleagues, Juan Rodriguez and Julio Gonzalez.

Rodriguez: ¡Cole de Gracias, bienvenido a ACW Aviln, vive de Cleveland!
Gonzalez: ¿Que derecho, qué tal esta noche emparejan? ¡Kane vs. Lesnar para el título, y para The Rock vs. Kurt Angle!
Rodriguez: ¡Sí y El igual Triple de la Amenaza! ¡Esto será una gran exposición!
Gonzalez: Ahora atrás sobre a Cole y King...

Cole: Thanks Juan, and here comes our first match of the night!

Opening Match-up:
World Tag Team Championships - Win and Go Match
Lilian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, this opening contest is the Win and Go match for the World Tag Team Championships.
(Bangin’ It Hits)
Lilian Garcia: First, making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 435 pounds, they are the team of Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay....Too Cool!
(MNM Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making their way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at a combined weight of 433 pounds, the team of Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury...MNM.

Grand Master Sexay goes right after Nitro as the bell rings. Sexay kicks Nitro into the corner. Sexay stomps Nitro into the mat. He lifts him up and bounces his head off the turnbuckle. Sexay whips him off the ropes hits a drop toe hold. Nitro gets up and Sexay hits a standing drop kick. They both get up again and Sexay kicks him in the gut. He grabs his hair and tags in Scotty 2 Hotty, who starts to punch him. He bounces him off the ropes and tries for a dropkick too, but Nitro holds onto the ropes and Scotty misses. Nitro picks up Scotty and slams him to the mat. Nitro kicks him into their corner and tags in Mercury. Mercury comes in and goes off on Scotty. He kicks him as quick and hard as possible. GMS tries to get in the ring and the referee holds him back, allowing Nitro to get in and double team on Scotty. Nitro jumps out of the ring as the referee turns back toward Mercury. Mercury sets Scotty up for a DDT, but it is reversed and Scotty hits a DDT of his own. S2H picks him up hits a two-handed bulldog! Scotty sets up for the worm! W...O...and Nitro comes in and knocks him down with a clothesline! Sexay comes in and knocks Nitro down. Nitro starts to fight Sexay off as Mercury starts to stomp away at Scotty. Sexay pushes Nitro off him and hits a superkick, making Nitro back up onto the ropes. Sexay runs at him but Nitro ducks and Sexay flies to the outside. Mercury picks Scotty up and puts him on his shoulder. Nitro comes over and The Snapshot! Mercury covers Scotty for the 1...2...3!
(Eliminated: Too Cool)

(Drop The Bombshell Plays)
Lilian Garcia: Making their way to the ring, from Dudleyville, weighing in at 585 pounds, Bubba Ray and D-Von....The Dudley Boyz!

The Dudley’s run to the ring and start to fight MNM. The referee holds Bubba back and tells him to get in the corner. Bubba does and the referee makes Nitro get in his. D-Von starts grappling with Mercury. D-Von gets a headlock on him a Mercury backs up against the ropes and uses them to whip D-Von off of him. D-Von bounces off the ropes and hits a jumping shoulder block. Mercury gets up and D-Von grabs his head and starts punching him. D-Von punches him into his corner and tags in Bubba. Bubba comes in the kicks Mercury. Bubba throws Mercury into the ropes. Bubba hits a clothesline on Mercury and runs and hits Nitro off the apron. Bubba picks up Mercury and pushes him into the corner. Nitro jumps in the ring and D-Von jumps in too. D-Von clothesline Nitro to the outside. Bubba pulls Mercury into the center of the ring and tries for a suplex. Mercury reverses it and falls behind Bubba. Mercury tries for a German Suplex, but Bubba slips behind him and Bubba Bomb! D-Von slides in the ring while Bubba pins Mercury 1...2...3!
(Eliminated: MNM)

(Un-American Hits)
Lilian Garcia: Making their way to the ring, weighing in at 435 pounds...Muhammad Hassan and Davari!

Hassan and Davari run to the ring. Hassan runs in first and is thrown over the top rope on the other side by Bubba. Davari slides in and runs at D-Von, who lifts him up and 3D! D-Von pins Davari 1...2...3!
(Eliminated: Muhammad Hassan and Davari)

Muhammad Hassan is livid as he sees Davari get pined that quick. The fans laugh at him as he makes his way to the back...

(Rated RKO Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making their way to the ring, they are the World Tag Team Champions...Edge and Randy Orton...Team Rated RKO1

Edge and Orton race to the ring and start to fight The Dudley’s. Orton fights D-Von and Edge starts with Bubba. Orton whips D-Von in the corner and hits an uppercut elbow on D-Von. Edge socks Bubba head in the opposite corner, busting Bubba wide open. Orton grabs D-Von, spins him around, and throws him to the outside. Orton walks over to Bubba and double teams on him. Edge pulls him out and hits a DDT on Bubba. Orton bounces off the ropes and drops a fist in Bubba’s face. D-Von enters the ring and grapples with Edge. D-Von tries for a suplex, but Edge reverses it into one of his own. Bubba is picked up by Orton and Bubba fights back. Bubba grabs Orton’s head and delivers a headbutt. Orton falls and rolls to the outside. Edge comes over to fight with Bubba. Bubba fights him off while D-Von gets up. Bubba tries to whip Edge into D-Von so he can hit a DDT, but Edge holds onto Bubba and reverses the whip, whipping Bubba right into the referee. Orton grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring. Orton swings the chair at D-Von who ducks and when Orton turns around, D-Von starts to punch him and he drops the chair. Edge kicks at Bubba in the corner. D-Von whips Orton into a corner and helps Bubba. Bubba gets up and they double team Edge. They knock him down and work on Orton. They both grab his head and throw him over the top rope by the announcers table. They both get out of the ring and kick away at Orton. The throw Orton over the announcers table. Bubba goes back there and kicks him while D-Von gets between the ring and the announcers table. Edge stands up in the ring and looks at the Dudley’s. Spike Dudley runs down from the back and slides in the ring. He grabs Edge by his hair and tights and throws him threw the second rope right into a 3D threw the announcers table! Bubba picks up Orton and rolls him in the ring. They slide in and Spike picks Orton up. Spike bounces him off the ropes and 3D! Spike helps the referee up and he counts a 1.......2........3!

Winner’s and the New World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz!

Lilian Garcia: Here are your winners and the NEW World Tag Team Champions...The Dudley Boyz!
The Aftermath: The Dudley’s get up and raise their hands in victory, when K-Fed’s Music hits...

K-Fed: Cut the music, cut the music! Now you are all forgetting that we have one more tag team left to fight in this match, so everybody, please welcome the final tag team in this Match: The Team of Batista and Ric Flair, Evolution!

(Evolution Theme Hits)
Batista and Flair make their way to the ring.

Batista runs in the ring and double clotheslines Bubba and D-Von. Flair slides in and knocks Spike down. Flair grabs the top rope and kicks him out of the ring. Batista picks up D-Von. He bounces him off the ropes and hits a powerful Spine Buster! Flair picks up Bubba and gives him a thumb to the eye. Bubba covers his eye and turns around. Batista kicks him in the stomach, lifts him up and hits a BATISTA BOMB! Batista covers Bubba Ray 1...2...3!

Lilian Garcia: Here are your winner’s and the NEW World Tag Team Champions, Evolution.

The crowd boo’s as Batista, Flair, Edge and Orton make there way to the backstage area. When they get there, Miz is waiting with a mic and starts a post match interview.

Miz: Evolution, what are your thoughts about what just happened?
Flair: WOOOOO! What just happened? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! What just happened is this: Evolution takes back the World Tag Team Championships, Evolution is still number one, and Evolution just acquired its newest member, Edge!
Edge: That’s right. And just so you know, and all of these fans know, my night is not over, because I have more business to take care of later tonight....much bigger business....
Orton: Not just Edge, but me too, we both have unfinished business to take care of...

Cole: That’s not fair, the Dudley Boyz won the match, and then Evolution jumps in and steals it! Not fair at all.
King: I know it’s not. But what do Edge and Orton mean by the fact that their night is “not over yet”?
Cole: I don’t know King, I don’t know, but in the ring, Lilian Garcia has a special announcement over the scheduled next match...

Lilian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, due to complications involving the death of Anna Nicole Smith, Hulk Hogan will not be able to make it here tonight. (Crowd Boo’s) However, I have been informed by our owner Mr. Acklin that tomorrow night on Warzone, it will be Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show, one on one in a street fight! (Crowd cheers) Now onto our next match....

2nd Match:
FTW Championship Match
Taz vs. Mick Foley
Lilian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the FTW Championship match, where the rules are that there are no count outs, no disqualification, falls count anywhere, and during the match, anybody can come into the match and win the title.
(Just Another Victim Hits)
Lilian Garcia: First, making his way to the ring, from the red hook section of Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 240 pounds...Taz!
(Car Wreck Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Long Island, New York, weighing in at 287 pounds...Mick Foley!

Taz and Foley circle the ring. Taz runs at Foley and we’re underway. Taz backs Foley in the corner and lays a right. Foley fights back with a right of his own. Foley rams Taz’s head into the turnbuckle. Foley throws Taz through the second rope to the outside. Foley jumps to the outside and hits Taz’s head off of the barricade. He throws Taz over it and hops over. They start to exchange rights and lefts as they make there way up toward the stage area through the crowd. The hop over another barricade and are by the pyro controls. Hardcore Holly comes from the backstage area and knocks Foley down. He turns to Taz and shoves him down. Test runs from the backstage area and boots Hardcore down. Foley gets up and locks the Mandible Claw on Test! Hardcore gets up and picks up Taz. Taz hits a thumb to the eye and locks the Tazmission on him. Out of nowhere, Spike Dudley runs from on top of the stage and jumps off onto all four of them, knocking them all down! All five men are down and Taz covers Foley 1...2...and a kickout! Taz gets to his feet and kicks Foley. Taz finds a cord and starts to choke him out. Hardcore Holly grabs a Stop Sign and smashes it over Taz’s head. Taz starts to walk toward the backstage and meets a boot from The Big Show! Big Show clotheslines Hardcore Holly down, then Test, and Foley. Big Show picks up Spike and launches him 8 rows into the audience. The audience catches him and holds him up with their arms. Big Show grabs Foley’s hair and lifts him up. He grabs him by the neck, lifts him up, and CHOKESLAM onto the pyro controls, making the stage goes crazy with pyro! The Crowd cheers in amazement! Big Show pulls Foley off of the controls, ending the firework show for the fans. Test comes and hits Big show in the back of the head with a handicap parking sign. He wacks him again. Spike is hand-surfed back over to the area of the fight and falls to the ground. He gets up and grabs a garbage can. He hits Big Show in the face with it, and Test hits him with a street sign, and Spike hits him again, knocking show down. Taz has sneaked to the back and Foley follows. Foley looks for him in the backstage area and can’t find him. Foley is screaming “Come on Taz, where are you!?” and he is knocking things over while doing so. From behind Taz comes out from behind a set of crates and the Tazmission! Taz holds it on Foley for about twenty seconds. Foley looks as if he’s about to faint and a SPEAR by Edge on Taz! Taz’s head bounces off the concrete from the spear. Edge pins Taz 1...2...3!

Winner and new FTW Champion: Edge!

Edge grabs the title and runs as he is the new FTW Champion! Edge laughs as he runs down the halls of the Quicken Loans Arena. Stone Cold Steve Austin is shown on the screen and the crowd cheers!

Stone Cold: Rob Van Dam, you stupid son of a bitch. (Crowd Cheers) You would rather face me than face Batista? Are you a F*cking moron? Instead of facing a punk ass bitch like Batista, you’d rather face Austin 3:16? All I can say is that tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna walk out to that ring, drink a beer, open a can of woop ass, drink another beer, have a beer bash, beat you ass all over Cleveland, and have another beer! Rob Van Dam, I’m gonna woop your ass and become the number one contender for the ACW Title, and then I’m gonna win the damn title, and that’s the bottom line, cause Stone Cold Said So!

(Glass Shatters Hits)

3rd Match:
Ruler of the Ring Finals - Winner earns a shot at the ACW Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam
Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the Final Match in the Ruler of the Ring Tourdament. Making his way to the ring, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 252 pounds...Stone Cold Steve Austin!
(One of a Kind Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 235 pounds...Rob Van Dam!

RVD and Austin circle each other in the ring. Austin and RVD grapple to get started. Austin backs RVD into the ropes and knocks him down. Austin stomps RVD into the ground while using the ropes. Austin flips him off and stomps one more time. The referee holds Austin back, but he gets by him and stomps away at RVD again. RVD rolls out of the ring and starts to walk around. RVD walks up the steel steps and gets back in the ring. Austin runs and him and he slips to the side. RVD hits Austin in the back of the head and gets him in the corner. He grabs the second ropes on both sides and rams his shoulder into Austin’s stomach. He does a backflip and hits one more to the stomach. RVD grabs Austin’s head, jumps and puts his feet on Austin’s stomach, and flips him over onto his back. RVD gets to his feet and hits a standing-spining-legdrop on Austin’s head. RVD lifts Austin up. He grabs his head and tries to ram it into the turnbuckle. Austin holds back, elbows RVD in the stomach, and knocks his head off the turnbuckle. Austin bounces RVD off the ropes and hits a Lou Threz press! Austin goes off the ropes and drops a knee to RVD’s face. Austin stalks RVD as he waits for the stunner....RVD gets up and turns around. Austin kicks him in the gut and RVD pushes Austin off of him off of the ropes. RVD hits aa spinning heel kick and knocks Austin down. RVD jumps up. He runs off the ropes and hits a rolling thunder. He goes for the pin...1...2...and a kickout by Austin. RVD goes to the corner and jumps onto the top turnbuckle. He turns around and (ROB VAN DAM). He jumps off the turnbuckle and Five-Star Frogsplash! He lifts Austin’s leg for a 1....2....and a kickout by Austin!RVD can’t believe it. He grabs Austin by the head and whips him off the ropes. He tries to kick Austin in the stomach, but Austin grabs his foot. He flicks him off and spins him around and STONE COLD STUNNER! Austin grabs RVD’s leg and 1.....2....3!

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner, and The Ruler of the Ring, and the man who won an ACW Title Shot: Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Cole: Austin wins! Austin wins! He’s got a shot at the title!
King: I thought Van Dam was gonna be able to pull it out, but I guess Austin had more in the tank tonight.
(Austin gets beers thrown in the ring and has a beerbash to the crowd’s delight!)

Maria: I am joined now by the Challenger for the ACW Title, Kane (Kane is shown on the screen.)
Maria: Kane, I just want to get your thoughts about Brock Lesnar...
(Kane says nothing and just breathes a little deeper)
Maria: What do you think about your match tonight?
(Kane breathes heavier)
Maria: Do you think Lesnar will win?
(Kane shoves Maria against the backstage set and holds her there as he breathes very deep and the screen goes black...)

4th Match:
Kurt Angle vs. The Rock

(Olympic Hero Hits)
Lilian Garcia: The following contest is schedules for one fall, making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 250 pounds...Kurt Angle!
(If Ya Smelllll Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 260 pounds...The Rock!

The Rock and Angle stare at each other in the ring. The Rock start to grapple with Angle. Angle gets a quick headlock on The Rock. The Rock puts his foot on the bottom rope, forcing Angle to break the hold. Angle lets go and the Rock starts punching Angle all the way into the corner. He lay’s the Smackdown on Kurt Angle’s candy ass! Angle falls to the mat and rolls to the outside. The Rock jumps outside and chases Angle around the ring. Angle slides in and The Rock slides in behind him. Angle stomps Rock into the mat and gets the upperhand. Angle picks The Rock up and hits a German suplex! He holds onto The Rock and hits another one! He grabs him one more time and hits a third German! Angle lifts The Rock up and whips him in the corner. He walks there and knee’s him in the gut. A few right hands follow. Angle pulls The Rock out and delivers a suplex to The Rock. Angle gets The Rock into a sitting position and applies the body scissors The Rock begins to look like he’s losing it. The referee comes over and lifts his arm up....1! The referee does it again....2! The referee tries it for the third time....and The Rock holds his arm up! The Rock gets out of it and gets to his feet. He grabs Angle and whips him off the ropes. Angle flies at The Rock and The Rock hits a DDT on Angle Both men are down in the center of the ring. The referee begins his count....1....2....3....4....5....6...Kurt Angle and the Rock start to get to their feet....7....8....they get to their feet and start exchanging left’s and right’s. The Rock whips Angle off the ropes and bounces off the opposite ones himself and hits a flying shoulder block. The Rock jumps up to the crowd’s delight. The Rock sets himself up for a Rock Bottom. Angle gets up and hits a thumb to the eye of The Rock. Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex on him. Angle tries for a pin...1....2....and a kickout by The Rock. Angle locks the Ankle Lock on The Rock. The Rock is in the center of the ring in pain as Angle has the Ground Angle Lock locked on. The Rock crawls with all his might to the ropes. He reaches but can’t grab them. He crawls a little more, screaming in pain. He sticks his hand out as far as it will go, and he grabs the ropes! Angle breaks the hold and picks The Rock up by his head. He hits a European uppercut. He tries to whip The Rock off the ropes but The Rock gets him off the ropes. The Rock hits a spine buster on Angle! The Rock sets up for the People’s Elbow. He throws his elbow pad into the audience and jumps over Angle, bounces off the ropes and drops a peoples elbow to the mat as Angle rolls out of the way. Angle gets behind The Rock and goes for the Angle Slam! The Rock slips out of it and Rock Bottom! The Rock pins Angle ...1....2....3!

Winner: The Rock!

The Rock celebrates and shakes hands with the fans as Angle makes his way to the back.... Angle is shown walking to his locker room when he passes Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin: Boy you just got your ass whooped!
Angle: What are you talking about? If you faced me I would of “whooped” your ass!
Austin: What?
Angle: Yea!
Austin: What?
Angle: Yea!
Austin: Well I’ll tell you what old Stone Cold is gonna do, tomorrow on Warzone, its gonna be you, Kurt Angle, facing me, Stone Cold Steve Austin, one on one, how about that!?
Angle: I’ll kick your ass...(Screen fades black as Angle/Austin stare face to face....)

5th Match:
World Heavyweight Championship Match - Triple Threat Match
Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is the Triple Threat Unification Match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
(Longhorn Hits)
Lilian Garcia: First, making his way to the ring, from New York City, weighing in at 297 pounds...John Bradshaw Layfield!
(Styles Theme Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Gainesville, Georgia, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is one half of The World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles!
(Time To Play The Game Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265 pounds, he is one half of The World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H!

JBL grabs the microphone as four cops make there way to the ring. “Cops, arrest this man right here, he destroyed my limo, and defaced my private property!” JBL shows photos of his limo that has been destroyed in the back. The cops get in the ring and escort AJ Styles to the back. Styles starts swearing at JBL and Triple H attacks him. Triple H hits JBL into the corner. Triple H kicks JBL and JBL calls a timeout. JBL gets up and they circle each other again. They gets in a grapple and JBL whips Triple H off the ropes. JBL goes for a quick clothesline, but Triple H ducks and bounces off the opposite ropes and Triple H hits a jumping knee to the face. JBL gets up and Triple H punches him to the ground. JBL gets up and gets a thumb to HHH’s eye. JBL gets a DDT on Triple H. JBL picks up Triple H and applies the a sleeper hold. Triple H starts to fade and AJ Styles police officers are shown in the back, all knocked out on the ground and the crowd goes wild! JBL drops Triple H and waits for AJ. AJ’s music hits again and he runs toward the ring Triple H comes from behind JBL and hits a low blow. AJ runs in the ring and knocks JBL over. AJ starts hitting JBL with everything he has. He picks JBL up and hits a Styles Suplex Special! Triple H gets up and AJ clotheslines him out of the ring. AJ picks up JBL and whips him off the ropes. Styles turns and hits a Pelé Kick! AJ Styles picks JBL back up and a Style’s Facebuster. Triple H gets on the apron. AJ hits a shining wizard onto Triple H, knocking him off the apron. Aj jumps off the ropes and hits a Phenomenon on JBL. AJ is fired up and the crowd loves it. Triple H gets back on the apron. AJ runs toward him and is tripped by JBL. AJ gets up and JBL bounces off the ropes for a Clothesline From Hell! JBL pins AJ 1....2....and Triple H breaks it up. Triple H grabs JBL and throws him in the corner. Triple H runs at JBL, but JBL kicks him in the stomach. JBL throws him over the top rope. JBL goes over to AJ and picks him up. He sets up for a JBL Bomb, and he hits it. Triple H reaches under the ring and pulls out a sledgehammer. He slides in the ring and the referee sees the sledgehammer and grabs it from him. Triple H starts to argue with the referee and through the crowd comes Randy Orton. Orton slides in the ring and RKO on JBL! Orton slides out of the ring. Triple H goes over to JBL and picks him up. Triple H sets up for a pedigree and hits it. Triple H pins JBL ...1....2....3!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H!

King: Triple H did it, he’s the new World Heavyweight Champion!
Cole: He cheated, it was so clear with Orton.
King: He won it legally, what the referee doesn’t see can’t be called...
Cole: What gonna happen on X-Treme? They don’t have a champion anymore?
King: I know, what will happen?

Randy Orton goes in the ring and celebrates with Triple H on becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. They head to the back and so do JBL and AJ Styles...

Main Event:
ACW Championship - No Rules Match
Kane vs. Brock Lesnar

(Slow Chemical Hits)
Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall as a No Rules Match, first, the challenger, making his way to the ring, from parts unknown, weighing in at 326 pounds...Kane!
(F5 Hits)
Lilian Garcia: And making his way to the ring, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295 pounds, he is the ACW Champion...Brock Lesnar!

Lesnar and Kane immediately go after each other punching and kicking each other. Lesnar knocks Kane over the top rope to the outside. Kane stays on his feet as he falls to the outside. Lesnar comes out of the ring and runs into a boot Kane walks over and grabs a steel chair. Kane goes to hit Lesnar, but Lesnar ducks and Kane hits the steel steps. Lesnar spears Kane into the ring apron, making him drop the chair. Lesnar grabs Kane’s head and walks him over to the ringpost. Kane elbows Lesnar in the stomach, and rams his head off of the ringpost. Kane walks over to the Spanish announcers table and takes it apart. He stands behind Lesnar, holding his right arm high in the air. When Lesnar turns around, Kane grabs him by the throat. He lifts him up, but Lesnar slips down and lifts Kane onto his shoulders. Lesnar swings Kane and F5 through the Spanish announcers table! (The Crowd goes wild) Lesnar gets on his knees and pins Kane 1....2....and a kickout by Kane! Lesnar looks like he’s seen a ghost. Kane sits up and the crowd goes Crazy. Kane gets to his feet as Lesnar grabs the steel chair. Lesnar goes to hit him, but Kane kicks it right into his face. Kane walks over to an adjacent side of the ring, and starts to remove the padding on the floor. He exposes the concrete on the ground. Kane drags Lesnar over there and hits him with an uppercut. Kane grabs Lesnar and throws him into the barricade. Kane grabs Lesnar by the neck, and chokeslam on the concrete!

Cole: He just got chokeslamed on the damn concrete!

Kane pins Lesnar 1....2....and Lesnar kicks out! Kane looks like he’s about to kill someone. Kane picks Lesnar up and whips him into the steel steps. Kane walks over to him and grabs his head. He picks him up and walks him up the ramp. He throws him down onto the ramp. Kane walks back to the ring and grabs a chair from underneath it. He walks back up the stage. He gets near Lesnar and Lesnar tackles him on the stage. Kane drops the chair. Lesnar starts to hit some rights and lefts. Lesnar gets up and walks to the top of the stage. Kane gets up and follows. Lesnar grabs Kane and throws him into the set. He grabs his head and throws it through a sheet of glass on the stage. Lesnar goes and gets the chair. Kane is lying on the stage. Lesnar goes up the stage and lifts the chair up. Kane sits up. Lesnar hits Kane over the head with the chair, and Kane goes back down. Kane sits back up after ten seconds and the crowd goes wild. Lesnar kicks at Kane as he makes his way to his feet. Kane shoves Lesnar down. Lesnar gets up and has a hand around his throat! Kane lifts him up and chokeslam on the stage! Kane pins Lesnar 1....2....and a kickout by Lesnar! Kane waits again for Lesnar to get up and tries for another one. Lesnar hits a low blow with his leg on Kane. Lesnar gets Kane on his shoulders and walks to the side of the stage. Lesnar F-5's him off of the stage!

Cole: O My God, Lesnar just F-5'd him off the stage!
King: Oh My God.....
Cole: Kane must be broken in half!

Lesnar walks down a set of side stares and falls on Kane. The referee runs down and hits his hand...1....2....3!

Winner and still champion: Brock Lesnar!

Cole: And Lesnar retains the title.
King: He won it fair and square Cole, I have to say what a match....
Cole: It’s not fair, it should be considered cheating, an F-5 off the stage? , and yes it was a great match.
King: Lesnar is the still the champion, and Kane looks like he was in a car accident.
Cole: Lesnar retains, and what a show we had, how will the outcome of this play out? We’ll find out tomorrow on Warzone! Goodnight everybody!
(Lesnar is shown on the on the top of the stage after he climbed back up holding the title over his head as the screen fades black....)
First off man, even though we are rivals I have to say nice job. It could have been better but for your first PPV it was nice. OK man, I liked the Spanish thing man very classy LOL. I also think that you should have a lot more promos. Now for that full review.

Opening Match-up:
World Tag Team Championships - Win and Go Match

I think this was a great opening match. I liked the EVOLUTION win there but it seemed a little typical. I hope that you have a different direction for Evolution man it is starting to look like what they were at they best. Don't copy man, show a little more originality/ Besides that, the match was incredible and a nice job here.

2nd Match:
FTW Championship Match
Taz vs. Mick Foley

This match was nice man. I never saw the ending being Edge who won even though I did now that neither Taz or Foley would win it. Your description of the Title conditions gave away the ending to anyone who reads closely like I do. Watch that man. Anyway, I am being a little harsh but giving honest criticism. I liked the match because yo played the ending out nice even though I saw it coming sort of.

3rd Match:
Ruler of the Ring Finals - Winner earns a shot at the ACW Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam

This match was too short for the stakes it had. I didn't like it because of the lack of detail. Everything was in place for this to be a great match but you dropped the ball here.

4th Match:
Kurt Angle vs. The Rock

This match could've been a little longer but it was still good. I hope this isn't the end of the rivalry because I didn't think this match did the rivalry justice. SCSA/Angle seems cool but I hope the Rock has something to do with it. OK Match.

5th Match:
World Heavyweight Championship Match - Triple Threat Match
Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Damn U! This match was way too short! I liked the arrest in the beginning but this match should have been the match of the night. Content wise I got the idea but for a match of this magnitude and the hype that surrounded this match, it was just okay. :(

Main Event:
ACW Championship - No Rules Match
Kane vs. Brock Lesnar

EXCELLENT MATCH! MOTH! This is your best match by far man. This saved the ppv from bombing. Back and forth action and a lot of great high spots. This is my kinda match. This feud can go to rest after a match like that but I wouldn't be mad if you extended a little. :)

Overall, More content and promos needed. Still the first and last matches were good enough to carry the show. The rest wasn't PPV quality (besides the Taz/Foley match). I'll give a 3/5 because of the main event but that may be generous man. Sorry...I was being honest and I tried to make sure you knew what were some things you good improve on. I hope you do the same for my show. Keep it up though man, if some of these feuds still go on, the next Warzone should be excellent.
Not a bad PPV for your first one dude... perhaps some of the matches could of been longer, maybe a few more promos but i still thought it was good.

World Tag Team Championships - Win and Go Match
A good opening for the PPV... but I htought it was a little 2 predictable that Evolution were going to get the win.... wish that the Dudleys had been able to hold on.. just to piss Evolution off..

Edge & Orton in Evolution 2?? wow wanna make sure that u dont cram 2 many stars in there dude.. but im sure u have plans....

Taz vs. Mick Foley
I must admit when i first read this I htought.. oh the hell did Edge win and why was everyone else getting involved... then i ent back and read the conditions of the match that helped.. haha.. anyway i thought this was another ok match... i was hoping that Taz would pickl up the win... seems Evolution are doing a good job of dominating!

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam
Another ok match.. that perhaps could of been a little longer.. actually would of loved to see RVD go over Austin.. but hey he is Austin......

Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
Definately enjoyed this one... thought it was a great match between 2 of the best... would of been hard to decide who went over.. but in the end i think they both looked like the stars they are... but am glad The Great One picked up the win.

Liked the little Austin and Angle segment.. should be a great match.

Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
I must admit the result of this match suprised me... was sure that either Styles or JBL wold get the win. Was perhaps a little short for a match of that importance... especially with the three guys involved... damn Evolution.. getting their grubby mits on everything... interested to see the fallout.

Kane vs. Brock Lesnar
Wow definately MOTN... great action between these two.. great way to finish the PPV off.. poor Kane... takin the F5 off the stage.. was hoping Kane would win... but who can argue with Lesnar being champ.. great main event.

Thought it was a good ppv overall... but perhaps should of been a little better... if some of the matches had a bit more length could of been great... cant wait for the fallout.
Ok before i review your show...i just wanna say that u had afew down points...u could have had a lil more promo's and u could have had interviews more! and you could have written why this match is taking the background history....

World Tag Team Championships - Win and Go Match
Ok I liked this match because it was back and forth and it was pretty good man excellent tag team match and an excellent opening so it was a great combo and i liked how evolution won

I also think that u have 2 many plp in evolution im sure ur prolly gonna do somethign about...can't wait to read ur next show for this segment as well as others

Taz vs. Mick Foley
I liked this match as well because it brought back The old Hardcore Days so it made me feel happy lol not that happy that Edge won...wouldnt have minded if Orton had won and Edge interfeer with the HHH match instead of Orton

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam
This match should have been longer and i don't quite understand this Ruler of The Ring or something like it like King of The Ring? anyways, I definently could have seen this match taking place but not this short and RVD should have won bc therefore it didnt matter if he had chosen Batista or Austin that either way he could have won

Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
Liked this match!! That is all that i could say! This match was ery impressive i dont know why it just is! It brought back their old feud! and now with Austin and Angle...this is reminding me of like the Alliance thing etween WcW/ECW vs. WWF and i thought that it is pretty kewl how u r brign it back from the dead lol

SIDE NOTE: I don't know what your gonna do but i hope in 1 way or another that you will be making this match one day: AUSTIN VS. ROCK VS. ANGLE that def. would be awesome!!

Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Liked this match a little bit...i didn't really see no interest in this match at all i dont know why I thought maybe it could have been longer and yea...don't really know what to write for this one...sorry

Kane vs. Brock Lesnar
MOTN by far indeed! I just really got pissed off after Lesnar won...what the hell man! off the stage...everyone is making him loook so weak on their show! But Lesnar won...ntn u can do about it


Overall i thought it was a good show...there were some stupid, pointless, and careless mistakes but that is normal and i actually liked ur show....and i will def. wait and see what is the fall out....great show!!!!!!!

Keep it Up

please review my show, Pro World Wrestling
week 1
week 2
and please
wek 3

thanks so much i really appreciate it
Sorry it's a little late but here we go....

Opening Match-up:
World Tag Team Championships - Win and Go Match:

I thought this was a very good match-up, I like how MNM dominated and wasn't just pushed around by the Dudleyz when they finally got beaten, didn't like how Davari and Hassan got jobbed by the Dudleyz but it's still okay, like'd the Dudleyz getting screwed by K-Fed and Evolution but not really into that becoming a faction again but i'll see how it works out, anyway I thought it was a very good way to start the show.

2nd Match:
FTW Championship Match
Taz vs. Mick Foley:

This match was WAY too wild for my taste, but then again I was never a fan of that WWE 24/7 Hardcore title gimmick, but it was interesting not happy Taz lost (as he is probably my all-time favorite wrestler) but I diffenently didn't see the ending coming with Edge picking up the win, also glad you brought this championship back instead of the ECW title, also was a little too short IMO for a match like this.

Good SCSA segment, was kind of spotty but for the most part sounded like something he would say, IMO.

3rd Match:
Ruler of the Ring Finals - Winner earns a shot at the ACW Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam:

It was a okay match again too short IMO but it got the job done, can't believe SCSA kicked outof the FiveStar but I don't think either man should have recovered that quickly as that move seems to take alot out of RVD also, and I thought that RVD should have had at the very least a small advantage after hitting his finisher but all-in-all I thought it was a pretty good way to end the match.

Is Kane a rapest or something(lol), he's really focused on Lesnar, glad your tring to turn Kane back into a monster, okay segment.

4th Match:
Kurt Angle vs. The Rock:

IMO this match was also too short, two megastars like Rock and Angle should have recived more time but with that being said this was a very good and entertaing match, which made it stand out a little more that it should have been longer, but I did think this match was awesome.

Like'd this segment SCSA is an ass(lol) I can see why Angle was pissed and can't wait for their match on your upcoming show.

5th Match:
World Heavyweight Championship Match - Triple Threat Match
Triple H vs. AJ Styles vs. John Bradshaw Layfield:

Again WAY too short IMO, this should have been a blockbuster match one of the best of the night but instead it was a bit of a letdown, but justlike the Rock/Angle match it was still a great match-up I read Xtreme before this so I knew HHH won but I didn't know he was in the reformed Evolution so the Orton run-in was kind of a surprise.

About Evolution: Like I said earlier I don't know if I like them as a team again but i'll see how it plays out, but I do know for sure this team WILL not last long it's Flair(Old ass loser that should be retired or just managing the team), Orton(Main Eventer and Egomaniac), Edge(Main Eventer and Egomaniac), Batista(Main Eventer and Egomaniac), HHH(Main Ev...I think you get the point) it's WAY too much starpower on this team and four of them should be rival's competing for the top championship, but it does seem very interesting so I can't wait until they start to clash.

Main Event:
ACW Championship - No Rules Match
Kane vs. Brock Lesnar:

Still Way too short IMO but still my MOTN!!!! this was a great back and forth match-up that i'm glad Lesnar was able to win with an F-5 off the stage That was great wouldn't this feud continuing but I have a feeling that Lesnar won't like two World champs on the same show so he might go after HHH to merge the title's, anyway great way to end the show.

I had problem's with the length all night but overall thought it was a soild outing and byfar your best show to date, good first PPV and I look forward to checking out your next show.
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