Aces and Eights Reveals Another Member

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
There you go. That's your only "spoiler" warning.


Fuckin' TAZ!

For those who missed it, Taz, despite being part of the Bully Ray wedding ultimately interrupted at the very last moment before removing his tuxedo coat to reveal and Aces and Eights vest. Aces and Eights subsequently rushed the ring and beat the holy hell out of everyone in it.

Forget my usual "Thoughts?" ending. Fuck anyone who says they (a) saw this coming or (b) didn't like it. Taz is a MAJOR swerve in a story line everyone thought they had penned. Even in the worst case scenario this gives Aces and Eights a better "voice" than the one we've gotten from Devon the last number of weeks, and it likely gives us a "reveal" on the "D-Lo" character we've heard from for months. VP Taz has a nice ring to it, even though his vest didn't have any patches denoting his place in the club.

OK, fuck it...

I like it... a lot. Taz has been out for far too long, and even if it's limited spots, I'm sure that he still has it in him to hit the ring a few more times. I've not watched the original ECW, ever... so I didn't get to see his ECW run. I did see his early WWF run before he was forced to retire, however, and he was pretty amazing. I really liked his work with Lawler in the Attitude Era... ending with a Water Vase smashed over his head.

Anyway, I can honestly say that this was a swerve... and a great one too. Nobody saw it coming and it makes sense. Taz knows Devon and Bully Ray. Taz knows Angle, Joe, and Sting... he's got their numbers and knows their styles. He fits perfect. Whether as a manager or a wrestler, he fits perfectly. I just hope they don't put him on the announcer's table again and let him leave that schtick behind.
I thought it was awesome!
I also liked the way it happened. Taz says, is it hot in here, takes his jacket off, then the crowd seeing Aces/Eights on the back first before turning around for the camera/Bully/Brooke/ect being able to see.

but where does this put Taz in the group? Vice President? President?

does Taz also remain on commentary?
Damn. Taz still has it. He performed that swerve brilliantly. It made me pop and actually care for the Aces for a bit. Though one good swerve doesn't save the faction. The gang needs to start racking up wins and star power in a hurry after seemingly catching some thunder in the hand.
I enjoyed the genuinely shocking surprise, and Taz turning around to reveal his Aces & Eights gear was a fantastic moment. Myself and others have constantly complained about Aces & Eights not having that guy with some real name value. Well, Taz can be that guy. At least for now, because I'm guessing they'll reveal more members somewhere down the line, and eventually the mastermind/leader.

Finally, someone who wasn't a career scrub or career tag team guy. The Aces & Eights angle needed a spark, Taz's reveal put them on the right track, and I want to tune into Impact next week to see the fallout from Taz's betrayal.
I hope he's VP, and not the head of Aces and Eights. They really need to save that for a big name. Heel Taz is always gold though. I wonder if this was planned all along, or one of those hot shot swerves just to piss off all the "geniuses" known as the IWC?
So does this mean Taz will no longer be in the announcer's booth? Can I consider watching TNA again?

As for the actual swerve, I don't follow TNA enough to care. But if it means Taz is no longer commentating, I might start tuning in again.
A real swerve! Now we know who the inside man has been all along. This really elevates the A&8's. He had no VP patch, but surely he will be in the high archy of the leadership. Way to go TNA, keep it going!
Yes! Very well done. Do you think the final reveal/story will conclude at Lockdown? Side Note- please TNA dont put him back behind the table. That would kill it.
So does this mean Taz will no longer be in the announcer's booth? Can I consider watching TNA again?

As for the actual swerve, I don't follow TNA enough to care. But if it means TNA is no longer commentating, I might start tuning in again.

I would certainly hope that it gets him out of the booth. He's too powerful a mouth piece and even a visual presence with the club to be wasting this opportunity by just dropping him back in place to "feud" with Tenay and Toad (yes, Toad).

First order of business should be to get him filmed back stage in the "club house" with the rest of his new crew.
maybe Taz wont be on commentary full time, but just show up when Aces/Eights are having a match. I think nWo did that back in WCW.
Funny thing is I was telling my wife we haven't seen Aces and Eights show up so either Dreamer or Spike was apart of them. I didn't think it would be Taz. Great swerve but I think we are all getting over the weddings on wrestling. You know they will 99% of the time never make it through to the end lol. Other than that Taz will be a great addition to the group.
I liked it never seen that swerve. A&8s coming out was a guarantee but i didn't see Taz coming, Taz being VP makes good sense but i'd like him to add steam to A&8s another bruiser or two and make them legit strong and dominating.
I didn't mind it. I would have truly prefered for Taz to take his jacket off, and then while everyone reacts, have Spike and Dreamer take theirs off too to reveal their vests and then, finally, they 'attack' Bully and pull his jacket off to reveal his vest as well, leading to A&8 being an anti-establishment ECW-esque faction rather than a rediculous 'biker gang' with a 'club house'. I really wish and hope and pray that this means the end of sappy, giddy Bully though.
Taz is a perfect fit for Aces and 8s. He had the "Brooklyn Thug" gimmick in ECW and his early WWE days. As others have mentioned he has ties with Devon. He will definitely be a good mouth piece fpr the A's and 8s. Next week he can cut a promo saying hes no longer a corporate stooge and hes returning to his "Thug Life" roots.
Very good swerve. I knew somebody would interrupt the ceremony but did not expect it to be Tazz. They can use the fact that TNA 'replaced' him on commentary with that new guy.

I do have one problem--this is exactly what happened with the NWO, having an announcer revealed as a member.
Was not expecting that. I haven't watched it yet and likely won't see it until next week but I'll be looking forward to it. And thank goodness they used somebody that even the IZ crowd would recognize. I'm getting more interested by the letter as I type this. I'm wondering about his motivation. This could be - and I hope it is - interesting...

Also, I hope there'll be some explanation as to why they've been losing so much. Just them sucking isn't good enough, but even if they don't explain that, at least I hope they don't have them suck anymore.
I agree it was well done. No one saw it, but who's Taz. tna got one over the "IWC" however beyond the IWC, who knows/remembers Taz as a wrestler? Not the casual fan and not a new fan. Most of the IWC has already made their idea up about tna wrestling, either they will watch it or they will not. So Taz won't bring in viewers, those viewers see him as an announcer. I am not going to watch tna next week to see "Why Taz Why?" Don't care.
he wont add anything to the group for inring value. They need a worker, somebody who can put on decent matches and give the group some much needed credibility.
Nobody expected Taz because he is insignificant and has been for over a decade
I just think this was an absolute shocker. Side note I did realize that the whole stable so far has been ex WWE guys. Maybe that has something to do with the reasoning of the group. Maybe they feel they got slighted in WWE and chose to make a huge splash in TNA. Taz is going to bring some intensity as well as a better mouthpiece. Hopefully there are some more swerves that people aren't expecting, like with nWo you never knew who was going to be apart of it. That creates allure and something worth watching. When something gets stale introduce a new element.
it was a huge swerve, dont know if i love it or not, BUT i do hope this leads to more reveals. sorry, but the time has come for the masks to start get removing without opponents removing them. the Tazz reveal was out of nowhere shocking. i didnt see it coming, not that i wanted to. Tazz is not a bad talker, but isnt he retired?? if he comes back into the ring or is a manager, maybe that can work, but i hope he doesnt go back and be a heel announcer or something like that......but anyways, i hope he's the VP as he can talk and i hope this leads to more reveals. it's time for Brisco to be revealed and (likely) Garrett Bischoff too (if he's still going to be in it).
Yes it was a surprise well done TNA no one saw it coming that Taz was a member of Aces and Eights. However that is mainly because people would expect wrestlers to be members of TNA not a guy who has not wrestled in over a decade and is about as relevant to in ring competition these days as Jeremy Borash. I'd like to think what the other posters would be saying instead of praising this idea if JBL or Jerry Lawler was revealed as a member of The Shield. Just to finish off if you can't tell already I think it is a bloody terrible decision to choose someone no one really cares about.
I saw on the main page that a new member was revealed, and then watched TNA on my DVR. I just assumed it would be another mask pulled off to reveal a Mike Knox or DOC. I never saw Taz coming for a second, and thought it was a great swerve. I wonder what, if anything Taz can still do in the ring, but even still he would make a great mouth piece for the group. It definitely sparked some renewed interest in the group for me.
I agree it was well done. No one saw it, but who's Taz. tna got one over the "IWC" however beyond the IWC, who knows/remembers Taz as a wrestler? Not the casual fan and not a new fan. Most of the IWC has already made their idea up about tna wrestling, either they will watch it or they will not. So Taz won't bring in viewers, those viewers see him as an announcer. I am not going to watch tna next week to see "Why Taz Why?" Don't care.

I'm sure they're gonna miss you, and after they tried so hard to please you. :( Maybe they'll get it right next time??

In any case, I don't really notice when wrestlers are [insert promotion here] guys because, to me, once they sign a contract, they're TNA guys, especially if they've been with the company for years. I identify Kurt Angle more as a TNA guy as I would a WWE guy, for example. Heretofore, I've seen no significance and I doubt that'll change unless they make it actually be about that. And in that case that'll be kind of stupid considering how much people keep talking about these mythical coattails TNA has apparently been riding on. :suspic: It'll never wash with me since it could be said that WWE hires ROH or other indy "rejects." But I'd rather not hear them mention who's from WWE anymore, except I know they do that to inform those who might not know who they are, to give them some kind of secondhand validation. I'd rather they just let them be them, whoever they're supposed to be in TNA.

I think Taz is not a good commentator, but he can cut promos. I liked his work in ECW/WWE, so even though I don't expect him to wrestle nor do I need him to, I hope this is not something that's thrown together and there's a rhyme and reason to it. As for "caring for" him, if someone watches TNA even casually then the camera does, from time to time, pan over to show us the commentators. So even if I only watched TNA casually, I'm going to wonder why the guy calling the shots (literally) is calling the shots with this rebel group. Really, who else could it have been? Another WWE "reject" like John Morrison? Or Jeff Jarrett? Some would say he's someone that no one "cares" about if what people say here was anything to go by. It was a good swerve, and imo what matters going forward is what they do with it.
This was a VERY smart move on TNA. We all knew Aces would make some sort of appearance but Taz being revealed as a member seemed to throw EVERYONE for a loop. This is getting EVERYONE to talk about not only TNA but an Aces'n'Eight storyline that has been stalling for a bit too long. Now it has picked up people's interest again so they can slowly get the ball rolling a bit more.

My only concern is where does the Bully/Brooke/Hulk story go from here. I am REALLY hoping this 2 month long build wasn't solely to reveal Taz as a member. I'm not saying I believe it was but if they don't provide some sort of actual CLOSURE to this story soon or simply let it fizzle out it will seem like it was solely to reveal Taz as a member.

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