Abyss' Re-Transformaton Has Come Full Circle

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Let me be the first to say that as a major proponent against not only retaining his services not but a few months ago, but also of his very abilities as a character, Chris Parks' Abyss has truly come full circle like few before him who've delved so deep into character assassinations and type castings like Nick Dinsmore, Marty Wright, Mike Shaw and David Heath among others.

Abyssamania was undoubtedly an abomination, and the quivering cowardly version of a "monster" who was afraid of anyone who talked over him was thought to have essentially killed his career by many here, myself included. Who was going to take him seriously again after that? Hell, there are still users here who haven't quite gotten past it, which is nothing short but a testament to how bad it truly was in the first place. I mean, the idea of a 300+ pound phenom being afraid of his own shadow... good god.

While the "They" story line has certainly authored a number of critics and peanut gallery pundits, I have to give credit where credit is due. Despite the loss to Stevie Richards, and despite not truly "dominating" (in the sense of wins/losses), Abyss has officially won me over as the biggest heel in TNA (again), and frankly, the most effective one at that. It's hard enough for most heels to garner legitimate boos in the iMPACT! Zone, but Abyss has been doing it regularly now for weeks, and that's in no short part due to his tremendous work with this angle.

Thoughts on the re-transformaton of Abyss? Concerns? Non sequitur insults?
I think the Re-Transformation of Abyss has come full circle. Abyssamaina was Awful and when he finally turned Heel it was for the best because Abyss plays a better heel then face. I thought that I wouldn't be able to take him seriously after the Ring Storyline, but Abyss has also won me and has the biggest Heel in TNA because he gets the most boos in the Impact Zone which is a hard thing to do because they rarely boo any Heels ad Abyss has gotten those boos consistently since he turned Heel and that is because of how well he is playing his character in this angle. Abyss has definitely come Full Circle.
Abyss is shit, an his entire story-arch of the year 2010 has been one of the single worst I've ever seen in professional wrestling. Truly so bad in fact that I'm sure the WrestleCrap guys have already begun writing a whole new book dedicated solely to the stupidity of this angle. Abyss has always and will always be good for one thing and one thing only, and that's to play the monster heel in hardcore matches, anything else and it's an absolute chore to watch the man work. The Abyssamania shit was bad enough, but his heel turn has been even worse IMO, especially with the unabridged sheer fucking stupidity of "Janice" and the WAY over-the-top attacks he's been committing.

Abyss is a decent monster heel, and I guess he's TNA's biggest heel just by the process of elimination because who the fuck else is a main event heel in TNA right now? No one, everyone is a face, Angle, Hardy, Anderson, RVD, Pope, the entire main event scene consists of nothing but faces, and then big dumb monster heel Abyss. Fortune are certainly superior heels, but they're mired in the midcard. Does TNA or anyone here actually think that Abyss will draw them money? Do they really think people are going to shell out the big bucks for a freaking Abyss-RVD feud that we've already seen?

I highly disagree that Abyss has gained great heel heat from his "great work" as a heel. Those people aren't booing Abyss because they want to see his character get his comeuppance IDR, they're booing him because they legitimately hate that talentless fuck and regularly shower him with legit X-Pac heat. Nearly every week I hear the fans shout "You can't wrestle!" at Abyss. He's not over for being a cartoon monster movie character, he's hated for being so very, very shit at his job.
Abyss is shit, an his entire story-arch of the year 2010 has been one of the single worst I've ever seen in professional wrestling. Truly so bad in fact that I'm sure the WrestleCrap guys have already begun writing a whole new book dedicated solely to the stupidity of this angle. Abyss has always and will always be good for one thing and one thing only, and that's to play the monster heel in hardcore matches, anything else and it's an absolute chore to watch the man work. The Abyssamania shit was bad enough, but his heel turn has been even worse IMO, especially with the unabridged sheer fucking stupidity of "Janice" and the WAY over-the-top attacks he's been committing.
It's called symbolism. Maybe, you were too caught up in finding things to rant about to notice it.

Abyss is a decent monster heel, and I guess he's TNA's biggest heel just by the process of elimination because who the fuck else is a main event heel in TNA right now? No one, everyone is a face, Angle, Hardy, Anderson, RVD, Pope, the entire main event scene consists of nothing but faces, and then big dumb monster heel Abyss. Fortune are certainly superior heels, but they're mired in the midcard. Does TNA or anyone here actually think that Abyss will draw them money? Do they really think people are going to shell out the big bucks for a freaking Abyss-RVD feud that we've already seen?

I'm pretty sure they think people will shell out "big bucks" (30 dollars) to see Anderson/Hardy/Angle, Who "They" is, and the rest of the match card.

Would you rather them not book a match for you to complain they never finish any feud they started?

I highly disagree that Abyss has gained great heel heat from his "great work" as a heel. Those people aren't booing Abyss because they want to see his character get his comeuppance IDR, they're booing him because they legitimately hate that talentless fuck and regularly shower him with legit X-Pac heat. Nearly every week I hear the fans shout "You can't wrestle!" at Abyss. He's not over for being a cartoon monster movie character, he's hated for being so very, very shit at his job.

If he's getting booed, nobody will give a rats ass why. He's GETTING BOOED. In The IMPACT Zone. Quite Honestly, he's done a great job at building 10. 10. 10. Why don't you tell Chris Parks how shit he is at his job and try doing it.
It's called symbolism. Maybe, you were too caught up in finding things to rant about to notice it.

Did you actually read what you just wrote? Wrestling fans can barely remember what they saw on TV a week ago, you think they're going to get symbolism? And what exactly is it symbolic of? Dixie's Mom? What exactly is the point of having something be symbolic when the connection goes over 99% of the fans heads?

I'm pretty sure they think people will shell out "big bucks" (30 dollars) to see Anderson/Hardy/Angle, Who "They" is, and the rest of the match card.

I have no clue why you brought up the main event, as it has absolutely nothing to do with Abyss or this topic (which again, is about Abyss). How is that relevant?

You really think TNA is going to score a great buyrate with BFG? You're delusional if so, when even the WWE can't score a decent buyrate anymore, there's literally about zero chance TNA will.

Would you rather them not book a match for you to complain they never finish any feud they started?

Absolutely, I'd rather they not book any Abyss matches ever again, I'd rather they release Abyss flat out or stick him on Xplosion to job to the likes of Rob Terry.

If he's getting booed, nobody will give a rats ass why. He's GETTING BOOED. In The IMPACT Zone. Quite Honestly, he's done a great job at building 10. 10. 10. Why don't you tell Chris Parks how shit he is at his job and try doing it.

Classic bullshit line every mark pulls out at one time or another "Why don't YOU go try and do a better job!", did I say I could do a better job? Did I claim to be a professional wrestler? Nope. Do you have to be a fuckin' chef to criticize a meal you eat? No.

How has he done a great job at building 10-10-10? By being involved in some of the most cringe-worthy, atrocious angles in wrestling history? I'm talking of course about him "branding" someone backstage in what appeared to be a gay S&M orgy, or practically murdering RVD backstage. This shit makes the Attitude Era soap-opera stuff look like the most serious period in wrestling history.

And no, getting X-Pac heat is not doing a good job. It's being so bad at your job that no one wants to watch you work, and when even the fuckin' Impact Zone doesn't want to watch you work, you are shit. They booed the shit out of the Nasty Boys when they showed up, does that make them great heels as well? No, it makes them douchebags that the fans don't want to pay to see.
It's not really worth it to argue with X, the dude is totally anal...

All I can say to him is... I like Abyss' work, I think he is a damn good big man who IMO is way better than Kane (who I have just never been a fan of) and I love his finisher...

In the recent past Abyss' gimmicks have been awful and he's pretty much been booked as a dumb goof... Now, he's a monster heel, again... I really don't know if he's come full circle, but he's on the right path... His promos are getting better as a heel and he's always pretty good in the ring, depending on who he's working with...

I just hope this They thing has a good payoff or he'll be worse off then ever...
It's not really worth it to argue with X, the dude is totally anal...

Lol, I'm too anal? Why's that, because I have a different opinion then yourself? I think it's pretty funny how people think I'm too hard on TNA these days when only a few months ago I was without a doubt the single biggest TNA supporter on this entire forum and would regularly make it a point to defend the promotion, feeling they would soon figure out what to do with all of these great pieces they had in front of them, but after this summer I'm sorry I can't wait around and wait for TNA to figure their shit out anymore, I've been waiting since January, defending them constantly, and finally about a month ago I couldn't take it anymore, and I can no longer defend the stupidity I see on a regular, weekly basis in TNA. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the promotion, I wouldn't watch it if I didn't, but their booking is just so incredibly bad that it makes the entire promotion look like shit, which isn't fair but is the truth.

Like I said, Abyss isn't totally useless, he's good as a monster heel in a hardcore match and that's all he needs to be for this match with RVD at BFG, and I thought they had a pretty decent hardcore match last month as well. But once RVD beats Abyss, what then? Just keep having him play the crazy monster shtick? That's all fine and dandy, but it's not going to draw TNA money or increase their ratings, and if he can't do that for them there is literally zero reason they should be putting him into the main event scene with all of the absurd amount of talent they already have in the promotion.
Lol, I'm too anal? Why's that, because I have a different opinion then yourself? I think it's pretty funny how people think I'm too hard on TNA these days when only a few months ago I was without a doubt the single biggest TNA supporter on this entire forum and would regularly make it a point to defend the promotion, feeling they would soon figure out what to do with all of these great pieces they had in front of them, but after this summer I'm sorry I can't wait around and wait for TNA to figure their shit out anymore, I've been waiting since January, defending them constantly, and finally about a month ago I couldn't take it anymore, and I can no longer defend the stupidity I see on a regular, weekly basis in TNA. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the promotion, I wouldn't watch it if I didn't, but their booking is just so incredibly bad that it makes the entire promotion look like shit, which isn't fair but is the truth.

Like I said, Abyss isn't totally useless, he's good as a monster heel in a hardcore match and that's all he needs to be for this match with RVD at BFG, and I thought they had a pretty decent hardcore match last month as well. But once RVD beats Abyss, what then? Just keep having him play the crazy monster shtick? That's all fine and dandy, but it's not going to draw TNA money or increase their ratings, and if he can't do that for them there is literally zero reason they should be putting him into the main event scene with all of the absurd amount of talent they already have in the promotion.

I can see your point... But, in regards to him not being able to draw money or increase the ratings... What the hell can? TNA has tried everything in the damn book to draw higher ratings and they just can't seem to hold on to any sort of increase they do get... So, you can't really blame him for not drawing, when really nobody has been drawing for TNA... Not Hogan, Angle, RVD, Hardy, nobody really seems to effect the ratings...

As for him being the only heel in the main event... I also agree with that, but I'm thinking that Anderson has to turn heel either on the 7th or at BFG... You can't have a main event at your biggest PPV with 3 faces... It's just not logical booking... And hopefully AJ is put back into the main event scene after this EV2 thing is done...

I love TNA to death, just because it's an alternative to WWE and it gives the guys somewhere else to work on a main stream level... But, I will agree with you that their booking is shit a lot of times... I really hope this They thing is a turning point and they start holding more logical storylines and consistant booking...
Abyss's 10-10-10 storyline is practically the only real reason to stay tuned to TNA, so I have to admit his character has come full circle, because what else is there? Like what has been mentioned before, every other Impact player is a Face really. Kind of weakens the overall product.

But I digress; Abyss's run with Hulk Hogan left a bad taste in my mouth that I am still trying to get out, but it's done and over with. Lots of major competitors had to go through the craziest shit imaginable. SEE Katie Vick. Abyss is back on track, and as long as TNA doesn't decide to pull another bad idea out of their ass, then this monster heel is going to stay on top and make the rest of us watch to see what he'll do next.

The "they" angle is the most mysterious storyline by far right now in wrestling. This will make Abyss look legitimate, or break him I believe.
Yeh Abyss... I don't really like the guy when he's in the ring and making promos tbh... *the spitting at the camera does get annoying lol*.

But, and it's a huge BUT, Abyss is probably the biggest heel in TNA atm and he is actually the best at playing the character he has atm. I always thought Kane was better than Abyss, and I still do, but I respect the guy's ability to draw and make himself become "booed". I for one hated the fact that they made Abyss go up with RVD and made RVD the "champ" (never been a fan of RVD never will...). He could have maybe fueded with maybe Jeff Hardy? or someone like AJ styles? I'm pretty sure that would have been better television *although I suppose RVD is more known to the world wide wrestling industry... and that TNA were aiming for ratings*.

*Oh yeh I love his finisher too, awesome name and move for Abyss =]*

I do also enjoy this "they" storyline but I gotta admit if some "info" don't come out soon *other than it will be revealed in BFG* I'm just gonna get bored... (like I have already become of the mystery GM in RAW).
Yes, Abyss' re-transformation HAS come full circle. The guy is absolutely phenomenal. I literally got sick of him and what he's been doing. No heel has done that, ever. He disgusts me not only with his looks, but his actions as well. Best heel in TNA bar none. The "they" storyline may seem stupid to a lot of people who are not used to episodic, soap-opera like storylines, but it's the best thing going on in the year of 2010 - period. WWE and TNA.

WWE's trying to do it and they fail at it. TNA iMPACT is truly like a soap opera. You have different characters, allies, friends, enemies, shady figures. You have a mystery, you have tons of questions soon to be answered. It's interesting and compelling. PLUS you get some fuckin' awesome matches. I'm loving TNA right now and Abyss is one of the biggest reasons why.
So instead of having a nice, mature discussion about Abyss, we get a bunch of TNA haters shitting on everything and nit-picking their asses off. Xfearbefore, fuck you, you're a piece of shit.

Now that I got that off my chest :

Yes, Abyss' re-transformation HAS come full circle. The guy is absolutely phenomenal. I literally got sick of him and what he's been doing. No heel has done that, ever. He disgusts me not only with his looks, but his actions as well. Best heel in TNA bar none. The "they" storyline may seem stupid to a lot of people who are not used to episodic, soap-opera like storylines, but it's the best thing going on in the year of 2010 - period. WWE and TNA.

WWE's trying to do it and they fail at it. TNA iMPACT is truly like a soap opera. You have different characters, allies, friends, enemies, shady figures. You have a mystery, you have tons of questions soon to be answered. It's interesting and compelling. PLUS you get some fuckin' awesome matches. I'm loving TNA right now and Abyss is one of the biggest reasons why.

What was absolutely phenomenal about his match with Rob Terry this past week? All it looked like to me was a couple of huge dudes who knew about 3 moves a piece. Seriously, 95% of that match was big boots, clotheslines, and body slams. At this point, Abyss just shambles around the ring in what appears to be a charicature of a pro-wrestling performance. If you can't see that his in-ring work is total shit, you are deluding yourself.

Do I enjoy some of Abyss's work? Yes, when he breaks on the tacks, or broken glass or something else sure to lead to blood--what can I say, I'm a sadist like that. However, the fact that he's been carrying around for months a weapon he could never actually use on another human without killing them, and that the commentary refuses to that he ought to be disciplined for branding what was apparently a production staff member, just pushes the logic of pro wrestling into sheer nonsense.

Seriously, you are the biggest TNA ass-licker on this board, and you never acknowledge a single criticism of the company as legitimate. Why should any of us take your opinion seriously? You are either a reactionary asshole who is too dumb to actually discuss the show in a reasonable fashion, or you're just some jagoff who likes fucking with everyone else on the board. In either case, please spare us.
I really don't think the transformation from Abyssamania to the new monster he is now has done Abyss any favors. I enjoyed Abyss more when he was the silent monster a few years ago with James Mitchell. Abyss' character has been pretty shitty over the past few years. First he was afraid of weapons, then he was afraid of everything, then he was Abyssamania. Now after being involved in some of the worst angles in TNA, we are now supposed to take him serious?

Watching him brand a random guy in a S&M dungeon was the worst thing I've seen. How is this guy not in jail? Abyss taking out RVD leaving him laying in a fake bloodbath was more cheesy then a bad horror movie. How can someone lose that much blood and still live? How is Abyss not incarcerated for nearly killing TNA employees? Him ranting about 10.10.10 every 2 minutes is getting annoying as hell.

I'm fed up with Abyss. I really don't give a damn what happens to him. I think most of the heat he gets is annoying change the channel heat. He really doesn't get that much of reaction anyway. I'll be glad when this whole abomination is over with.
What was absolutely phenomenal about his match with Rob Terry this past week? All it looked like to me was a couple of huge dudes who knew about 3 moves a piece. Seriously, 95% of that match was big boots, clotheslines, and body slams. At this point, Abyss just shambles around the ring in what appears to be a charicature of a pro-wrestling performance. If you can't see that his in-ring work is total shit, you are deluding yourself.

They're big guys, do you want them do to 360's all of a sudden? The match was not a hardcore rules match either.

What's phenomenal about Abyss is his gimmick, how well he plays it, his mic work. He's not a good wrestler, but he's pretty darn good for a big guy. Notice that I never said ANYTHING about their match -- I didn't like it. I've seen matches where I like Abyss ( mainly where guys will sell for him ), and I've seen matches where he should've freaking left mid-way to save me from my torture. He's as good as his oponent.

Do I enjoy some of Abyss's work? Yes, when he breaks on the tacks, or broken glass or something else sure to lead to blood--what can I say, I'm a sadist like that. However, the fact that he's been carrying around for months a weapon he could never actually use on another human without killing them, and that the commentary refuses to that he ought to be disciplined for branding what was apparently a production staff member, just pushes the logic of pro wrestling into sheer nonsense.

Well, Undertaker has super powers. If he can appear behind people out of thin air and raise from the dead, how come he doesn't do it during matches? What's that? It's pro wrestling and it's all about the story? Correct! If you think that it would've been better for him to go around killing people - then you're a fucking moron. Do you also question movies too, fuck-face? Seems to me you have no damn brain so I guess you're flipping the fuck out when you're watching TV. You know TV? That box in your house that has people locked in it? Smash your head into it, see if you can free 'um.

Wrestlers cross lines all the time. Stone Cold got ran over with a car, once they found out it's Rikishi nobody "disciplined" him. Stone Cold kicked the SHIT out of his boss and he never got fired for it? OH MY GOD THIS SUXORZ!! ... idiot

Seriously, you are the biggest TNA ass-licker on this board, and you never acknowledge a single criticism of the company as legitimate. Why should any of us take your opinion seriously? You are either a reactionary asshole who is too dumb to actually discuss the show in a reasonable fashion, or you're just some jagoff who likes fucking with everyone else on the board. In either case, please spare us.

I am a TNA ass-licker. I acknowledge criticism when it makes sense. Constructive criticism. People shit on it and never show good arguments. I don't acknowledge dumbasses crapping on a product for no reason. If you didn't get it already, you are one of the dumbasses.

Abyss DID have a sloppy match with Terry. Hello? Two big guys, what do you expect? TNA was well aware of it and the match was pretty short. Is Abyss a Dean Malenko? Fuck no. But he's the best big guy in TNA today, maybe bar Morgan ( as far as in-ring stuff go )

Take my opinion on ANY way you want. Quite frankly, take it and shove it up your ass for all I care. I'm not here to get "Reps" or whatever it was, I don't even know how or why I should do it. If I don't like your post, I'll shit on you. If I like it, I'll agree with it.

I enjoy a product -- sue me.
I wrote a thread ago saying how I couldn't take Abyss seriously and I still can't. TNA legitimately destroyed any chance of using him as a monster when they gave him the ****** gimmick. That has soured him because no matter what he does, whether it be maim RVD with a spiky piece of wood, attack Jeff Hardy, Angle, Anderson etc, heck Black Hole Slam Hogan, I'll still see a ******ed character who is beyond help.
I think the timid Abyss to monster Abyss was brilliant. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like the timid Abyss at all and thought it a bit silly until his sudden turn on Hogan. Him shoving the ring down Hogans throat was priceless and made up for the lame storyline up to that point. Then the whole "They" storyline begins, which you have to admit, has driven the IWC crazy with speculation. Enter "Janice" and the monster escalates his game even further. We watched him carry "Janice" around, point it in Dixie's face, hack up the side of beef, and do the swing and a miss at a lot of wrestlers. Finally he puts "Janis" to good use, taking out RDV, the companies champion. "They" told him to do it. If that isn't a monster, I don't know what is. Of course the fact that he's committed a few felonies along the way, well, that's just wrestling.

As far as xfearbefore saying that it is the worst storyline of the year, then why is "They" one of the hottest subjects on this forum. Maybe its because of Abyss.

As far as xfearbefore saying that it is the worst storyline of the year, then why is "They" one of the hottest subjects on this forum. Maybe its because of Abyss.

Sorry, is that supposed to prove something? Do you know how many thousands of threads I've seen about Katie Vick? Does that make Katie Vick a good angle? Or how about the 12 billion Hornswoggle threads, does that mean Hornswoggle is one of the best wrestlers in the business today? Should I continue with these comparisons?

Sorry but this Abyss angle has been so cringe-worthy and bad that I have no doubt whatsoever the WrestleCrap guys are already hard at work writing new entries for this joke of an angle. This is just as bad as the shit I remember seeing on Nitro back in 2000.

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