Abyss' heel turn – has "American Made" finally died?

I totally agree, the "them" that Abyss keeps jabbering on like a ******ed 7 year old about, is without a doubt the faction of Foley/Richards/Raven/Dreamer and Rhyno.

And since it looks like this is gonna be a heel faction full of hardcore swashbuckling wrestlers, I think Abyss will fit in just fine. Hopefully we'll get to see more Stevie Richards outta this and thankfully we'll see the "Monster" Abyss instead of the All American/Hogan ass licking/stupid ring wearing Abyss.
All I can say about Abyss saying They will be coming soon is nothing that will help TNA with the ratings. As a matter of fact, I see this ECW Invasion as a nail in the coffin as WWE already did this angle years ago and now TNA wants to revive the angle again. When WWE did this angle it was not well scripted and WWE was the top company back when they did this storyline. Now just imagine TNA doing this storyline with the writers they have now. TNA is hardly getting a 1.0 in the ratings and I see this potential disaster as the Nail that will indeed bury TNA...........but I could be wrong however I doubt it

Where you talking about the 1995 ECW invasion or the WCW/ECW invasion because WWE did both of them which the first one wasn't a complete fuck up. Also i doubt TNA could fuck this up because they are always pushing the censors on spike t.v. something that WWE wouldn't do when they were on it. I mean hell maybe this is something that could help TNA because you start putting ECW stars on t.v. and letting them run wild (no pun intended) you might start getting some former ECW fans to start watching. Hell the only way they could fuck this up is that they put Russo back on t.v. as the leader and not bring in paul heyman at all but comeon what are the odds that might happen i mean hell if they even put Russo in charge of it then they might fuck it up but again what are the odds of that happening right
its pretty obvious with the rumours of paul heyman coming in, dixies big changes tweets, vince russo wanting to step down to a lower position, the talk of tna wanting another show/brand so they can charge spike more for programming and it won't cost them that much just doing extra tapings in the impact zone! obviously there'll be an ecw faction come in and dominate and then most probably branch off to their own faction! especially since they are overloaded with non wrestler management type figures! lets see, announcers, mike, taz, foley and don west if not more! management type roles would be hogan, biscoff, jj, heyman, dixie, russo and im probably 4getting others! also with the roster easily being big enough to cover 2 brands! making sense to any1 else? oh n how could tna go wrong here? wwe couldnt do an ecw invasion bcos its wwe! they aren't entertaining, vince doesn't put over anything he didn't create and they aim for kids audiences! lets see the companies that actually aimed more at wrestling fans... wcw, ecw, tna!!! with the people they have in the company i don't know how they could stuff up an ecw invasion!
If anything, maybe Abyss really does hear voices in his head, they council him, they understand, they talk to him. It's not the time for TNA to be rehashing storylines, especially yet ANOTHER ECW storyline. I don't even think TNA can mention ECW other than Taz's occasional flubs considering WWE has the rights to it. Abyss has had a lot of different people telling him what to do. He had James Mitchell, he had Foley, and he had Hogan. Perhaps the "They" he's referring to is himself.
If anything, maybe Abyss really does hear voices in his head, they council him, they understand, they talk to him. It's not the time for TNA to be rehashing storylines, especially yet ANOTHER ECW storyline. I don't even think TNA can mention ECW other than Taz's occasional flubs considering WWE has the rights to it. Abyss has had a lot of different people telling him what to do. He had James Mitchell, he had Foley, and he had Hogan. Perhaps the "They" he's referring to is himself.

Well, I believe they can say "ECW" they just can't take credit for the show. When WWE first brought back ECW (as its own stand-alone show) Rhino came out and directly said he had the "real" ECW title in his bag. Just last week Ric Flair said "the Four Horsemen," which WWE totally owns the rights to; granted he went on to explain that "Fourtune" stood for the same thing, to avoid copyright infringement. They can even talk about wrestlers from WWE tv on live television, as long as they aren't referring to them as their WWE owned name. WCW used to talk about Michael Hickenbottom (HBK) and Paul Levesque (HHH) freely because, though mentioning the competition, they weren't violating any copyrights as WWE does not own the people, just sometimes their stage names. They could mention John Cena, Dave Batista (Bautista, granted), Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, etc because they wouldn't have to say a directly owned name.

TNA did slip quite a bit with Syxx-Pac; I heard him called both X-Pac and Syxx (singularly) on different nights of Impact (both names owned by WWE). I never understood how they could use the Japanese nWo theme (or whatever it was) for "the band" as I assume although not the original theme it would still be covered in the WCW buyout but I'm really not sure.
I really hope it is the ECW faction who are controlling Abyss, I think he always works better with a heelish sort of character in his ear, like back when he was with Mitchell. Hell, Mitchell himself was in ECW as The Sinister Minister, so why not bring him back as part of this new ECW faction!?

Anyway, Abyss has the hardcore violent style of wrestling made famous in ECW, so I think it could be a good move for him, he SUCKED as Hogan's rent boy
I (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) was SO happy to hear Abyss come out to his "old" music tonight for his match against Anderson. Granted, we had to hear that stupid Abyss/Hogan-Hybrid entrance music when he first appeared on Impact!, but jesus...I was so happy we didn't have to hear it a second time.

When Abyss had his first segment with Hogan tonight, I (similar to mister_b1LL's opinion) thought the "they" he referred to were going to be "voices in his head" or whatever...I figured that was the motive behind his actions last week, but then Dreamer showed up with Raven and Stevie.

This is just TNA's way of trying to build suspense, but the ECW guys in the audience seem TOO obvious to me. I think they were only there as a red-herring. I know TNA's booking has been lazy, but to make the ECW guys be "they" seems UBER-lazy (even for TNA).
I was SO happy to hear Abyss come out to his "old" music for his match against Anderson. My god, it was literally music to my ears. I was (& I'm sure I'm not the only one) getting so sick of hearing that god-awful Abyss/Hogan-hybrid entrance music he had been coming out to over the past few months.

Glad to see Abyss finally turned heel, hopefully TNA doesn't screw it up again. I was intrigued by the "they" Abyss kept mentioning...my theory is that "they" are the "voices in his head" or whatever, but another theory is that it's the ECW guys (Dreamer, Raven & Stevie). I think the ECW thing is just TOO obvious, and it would be extremely lazy on TNA's part to have them end up being "they". Then again, this is TNA we're talking about.

Hopefully James Mitchell makes his return to the Impact Zone soon, Abyss was at his most-interesting when Mitchell was in control of him.

Just FYI: I posted something similar to this, in another similar thread posted about a similar subject (I imagine they'll be merged within the next couple of days?) called "ECW Abyss" ...did I mention that they had similarities and are similar? ;)


Aha, I knew these threads would eventually be merged! ...sorry about the two posts in a row, they were originally posted on two separate threads, before they were merged.
I think, in pure fantasy land of course, that it would be awesome if TNA netted Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior. Warrior could be the motivational, insane mouthpiece of the group and Abyss/Goldberg could be the TNA version of the "two man power trip". Although even if TNA could afford either of them, I doubt either would be heel.... but if I could book it that's what I'd want
Abyss as a monster heel doesnt do much to me really. He gets Hardcore and wrestles the backyard garbage style with broken glass etc. To me some it is unnecessary. I havent seen iMPACT but id guess that the angle would have had the same impact had it been a regular black hole slam.

As a monster he shouldnt always resort to the weapons etc because they lose their meaning after a while.

Heyman coming in to manage Abyss onscreen and head the heel ECW faction would be amazing though.
Well..we were waiting for either Hogan or Abyss to turn...and I'm glad its the MONSTER...it makes more sense...I know they will carry this on for a long time, maybe to BFG ppv...

I'm glad he isn't American Made anymore, and I hope they have taken it out of his entrance theme...Cuz that was just messed up....

I think if he is to work with Sting...Sting can also act as his mouthpiece...that could be quite entertaining..I mean they both have turned for an unsuspected reason and both have said 'THEY'...it could lead to something good for Abyss..

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