Absolute Best Tag-Team 2001-2006

  • Thread starter T_Mighty_J_Mitch
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Who was the absolute best tag-team of the last 5 years?

  • Edge & Christian

  • World's Greatest Tag-Team

  • La Resistance

  • Dudley Boyz

  • Hardy Boyz

  • Los Guerreros

  • Undertaker & Kane

  • MNM

  • Billy & Chuck

  • Other

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In our next series of "Absolute Best" (2001-2006) we evaluate Tag-Teams.

Who was the absolute best tag-team in the WWE, from the last 5 years?

(2001-2006) "Absolute Best" Past Winners

Heel: Triple H

Baby Face: "HBK" Shawn Michaels
Hardy boys. They were quality in the ring and enjoyed some great matches with Edge and Christian, as well as having an extremely tacky image at first, followed by an actually pretty cool one.
I voted Edge and Christian. They were great as a tag team and both have gone on to enjoy huge success in singles action. But why did WWE pretend they were brothers?:wwf:
I say The Dudleyz.

I mean, they were one of the first tag-teams in WWE to incorporate that hardcore style. They were over as fuck. They were in interesting storylines (TLC, Spike, Alliance & Taker/Heymen). They were just a unique tag-team who brought a ton of credibility to the WWE in the past years.
For me, it’s a no-brainer: Edge & Christian.

In terms of charisma, athleticism, and parlaying tag team success into singles success, E & C had everyone on the list beat, by a wide margin. Not only did they thoroughly dominate The Dudleys and The Hardys in the TLC war, they each went on a achieve great singles success as well, having both held their respective World titles (Edge – WWE champ; Christian – NWA/TNA champ) to go along with the many singles titles they also held. In fact, throughout the great history of pro wrestling I can’t remember another team where both members went to translate tag team success into singles success the way E & C did.
Hardy Boys, then Edge and Christian. Christian carried that team though...
Undertaker said:
Hardy Boys, then Edge and Christian. Christian carried that team though...
Well, some people think that it was Edge who carried the team since he was the one who was hand-picked for future stardom out of the two. I happen to think they were equal contributors to the team.
Maybe so, but who is the guy who had the balls to leave his current company for a different one? Yeah, Christian! Why did Christian leave? Simple, he wasn't being used correctly. The only reason Edge is being pushed is because TNA is pushing Christian! Had Christian stayed in WWE, Edge would be midcard bound!
Undertaker said:
Had Christian stayed in WWE, Edge would be midcard bound!
There is no proof of that! I love Chrstian, but between him and Edge, Edge was the one who was groomed to be a main eventer from day one. I enjoy seeing Christian as NWA champion, but for some reason I thought he would've looked out of place as WWE champion. I believed Edge was slated for a World title push around 2002-03 regardless of what Christian did, but his push was delayed due to injuries. When Edge returned in 2004, it took him a while to return to top form and to his spot as World title contender; but since early this year (2006), Edge has looked every bit like the main eventer he was groomed to be.
No no no! Edge is ok in the ring, and terrible on the mic.

WWE loves guys who are excellent on the mic and decent in the ring. Proof? Look at Cena!

Christian is/was great on the mic, and good in the ring. Much better than Edge.

They didn't know what to do with Christian, because they kept him buried as a damned heel! Edge is only being pushed because he fucked Lita.
Undertaker said:
No no no! Edge is ok in the ring, and terrible on the mic.
Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to have it. I happen to think that Edge is great on the mic, and that he has been THE most entertaining mic worker in the WWE since late 2005, and is among the top three heels in the WWE (including HHH and JBL) who are capable of generating their own heat.

Christian is/was great on the mic, and good in the ring. Much better than Edge.

They didn't know what to do with Christian, because they kept him buried as a damned heel! Edge is only being pushed because he fucked Lita.
Oh yeah, he fucked Lita in 2002, too...that makes a lot of sense. Like I said Edge was already groomed for that role around 2002...and possibly 2001 when he was coming off a successful campaign as Intercontinental champion. I also do not see a significant difference between Edge and Christian in terms of ring ability. Christian is probably a little quicker, but that's about it.
Personally, I think Edge stinks on the mic. He always sounds like he is going to cry! I am talking from a Speech point of view. I took a speech class in college, when I hear Edge speak, it's painful! I hate how he almost cries because he runs out of air, because he doesn't have enough sense to slow down and actually breathe!

As for Edge's wrestling ability, it will suffer since he is a heel. However, when he was a face, his wrestling abilities were suspect, and I think Christian has the one up on him in both categories!

I think part of Christian's problem is/was he may not have cared as much about wrestling as Edge or others. I am a huge Christian fan tho, so maybe I am biased. But I hate Edge, he looks like Robo Cop, with the Helmet on! lol
The best tag teams of the period has to be out of E&C, the Dudleys and the Hardys and for the past 2 years MNM, since then only Edge and Christian have had significant singles success, therefore I voted for them. The rivalry between E&C, the Dudleys and the Hardys was pure gold, as were their TLC/Hardcore sort of matches. Although, since that period the best tag team for the past two years has been MNM, as they especially stood out from all the mediocre and stuck-together-last-minute tag teams. Bit disappointed to see them split up. I thought it'd be good if they went across to RAW as a tag team and won the tag championship over there a few times before disbanding. They would've been my second pick behind E&C. Can't believe nobody's picked them yet.

Magicians perform illusions not tricks. A trick is something a ****e does for money.
i kno this is a different era but i think the best tag team ever were the bushwackers!!!!

fucking nutcases

Warning for spam as the thread specifically asked for the best tag team between 2001-2006. Thanks for contributing nothing!
I voted for Edge and Christian, although it was a hard choice. Them, Hardz, Dudleys, they are all good tag teams. Then Vince destroyed the tag teams with the draft and they were never as good. Or at least there were only a few at a time.
nailscoop55 said:
how about the new age outlaws

How about reading the thread title....

The NAO's prime was 1998-2001, and the thread was about the best tag team over the last five years, which means since 2001, so it's obvious that they don't fall under that category.
Undertaker said:
Maybe so, but who is the guy who had the balls to leave his current company for a different one? Yeah, Christian! Why did Christian leave? Simple, he wasn't being used correctly. The only reason Edge is being pushed is because TNA is pushing Christian! Had Christian stayed in WWE, Edge would be midcard bound!
Dude what in the blue hell are you talking about? Edges push Started with the MITB at mania 21. He then won the gold rush tournement for a title shot. He was also (going ethier futher back) in the voting for the title shot at Taboo Tuesday.All these things happening with Christian STILL IN the WWE. Also I seem to recall you saying in a prevouis post that he was just being pushed because he slept with Lita while she was with Matt Hardy(Who I'm guessing is a blood relation of yours by the way you seem to have joined WZ for the sole purpose of slagging off Edge). Make your mind up! Also you are correct about Christian being misused and IMO that is why he left. HOWEVER Edge was being pushed at the time was being used well and had no reason to leave.Whilst Christian should be praised for making (IMO) the right decesion. You can't really use it as a reason(sorry your only reason) for saying he is better than Edge when thier circumstanaces were completley diffrent.:wwf:
I voted WGTT. But, I based it off of only the athletic ability and actual wrestling skill...but after them I would pick E&C
I for one enjoyed the World's Greatest Tag Team. They worked really well together, and if they don't know what to do with Haas and Benjamin solo, maybe they should have them reunite.
WGTT was haas and Ben, kay, i voted Hardy boyz, just seein Jeff do the high flyin shite was awesome
I can't believe Edge & Christian got so many votes.

Remember guys, this 2001-2006.

E & C teamed for a total of 8 months.

Get with the times.
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