About a Close Friend


Well. I don't know to what extent, but she has been drinking and smoking weed as of late. When we first met a year ago she was in a relationship with a guy that smoked weed frequently, and up until about two weeks ago I was honestly under the impression she DESPISED weed.

Also, I was under the impression she though people her age are (16-17) foolish to drink. Especially considering the Frontal Lobe isn't fully developed until age 25.

She's only mentioned it three-four times in the past two weeks alone. But at the same time I've been EXTREMELY close to her for about a year and a half now and her outlooks seems to have changed ever since she's been hanging out with a couple that has a child, ages 19 and 30 respectively.

It bothers me. As I worry about her health. How do I go about talking to her about this kind of thing?
Weed mixed with drinking? In a social setting. I just fear she'll be taken advantage of or something.

If she's a lightweight, she gonna be sexually assaulted -- okay, maybe not. If she's smoked pot for awhile, it'll be second-nature to her and she won't be couch-locked. The drinking part is the only thing you should be concerned about.
She's definitely a light weight. :lmao:

She specified when she said somking. We were talking about weed, and she said she was open to smoking. Made me think weed. When I asked her about it she specified cigarettes. Regardless I wasn't as much worried about weed alone, other than it being mixed with alcohol.

Even so the alcohol worries me. She says she does it hardly ever. So I think give it some more time, talk to her about it, and just be there when I can. Eh?
When in the fuck did the Bar Room become an episode of Oprah?

You need to learn some life lessons too it seems Milky, get involved and see what happens or don't and see what happens. If you get involved you'll either be the knight in shining armour who saved her from the clutches of evil, or more likely you'll be the interfering cunt who she now hates because you got too involved in her affairs. If you don't interfere and things go south you'll always blame yourself for it, but if you do and things don't go south you've got a good chance of her never wanting anything to do with you ever again. Alternatively you could just be a good friend and be there for her if things do go south but if you don't say anything at the time she will think you are taking advantage.

I think I covered all the bases, essentially you need to decide if her friendship is more important to you than her welfare (hint: if it is you're not her friend)

Pay your money and take your chance.
While your intentions are good as usual Milky, this is absolutely the type of situation where you just need to let this chick make her own mistakes (if they are mistakes. A little drug experimentation as a teenager isn't so much a mistake as a rite of passage. Be worried when she's snorting coke or smoking meth or something). Even if you're just trying to help her you're going to come off as either judgmental or as having ulterior motives.

I would say this goes double if you have feelings for her beyond mere friendship. Because all you're going to do is get yourself heartsick as fuck brother. Been there, done that.
If you try and stop her, she will resent you. People have to learn for themselves. Let her have her fun. Personally I think you should join, but to each their own. If you want to continue your relationship(romantic or not) you can't make the decisions for her you can only be there for her. That's my two cents, good luck.
Sorry, Milky but I agree with most of these guys. It's life, dude. Let her live it. You can either be her friend and let her learn for herself or let it upset you so bad that you don't wanna be her friend. They're called life lessons for a reason. I understand your concern... hell, I think we've all been there at some point... You just gotta let it go.
You and Milenko should get together and give each other advice. Sounds like you'd be a good parent for his newly acquired rugrats - over-protective and worried without justification - , and he'd...I don't know, he'd probably fall in love with your friend's friend. You know, the one with a child? But your friend's friend's boyfriend's sister with five children would probably want to suck his dick or something.

It's weed. Rise above rising above the influence.
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Pour yourself a Whiskey and start chomping on a cigar, it'll solve nothing but at least you'll think you look bad ass

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