A Wyatt family option


Championship Contender
Sister Abigail in any form is a terrible idea. She should remain a entity or a um higher being leading the family like from beyond the grave that the family worships. Never a physical person.

As far as Bray and Luke go...they need to open Raw with Braun and Rowan come out. Now I know their both faces now and both completely suck on the mic. But they need to feed off Wyatt's and Harpers injuries. The sympathy cheers. They need to cut a shoot type promo. Address the injuries head on. Say something along the lines of " Our leader will be gone for __ months. Were going to insert our name in the tag team tournament and win the belts for Bray Wyatt!!!" (Wwe can work them in somehow).

Just keep them together. Keep Wyatt and Harper off TV. Maybe a vignette every now and then. But feed off the sympathy vote and put the straps on them. Keep the music, the attitude, everything going. I mean a little bit ago Braun was fighting Brock Lesnar and talk of a Wrestlemania match for Braun before wwe nixed it. Nows a chance to see what he's got.
Ok, not sure what the point of your Sister Abigail solution is but neither here nor there.

Rowan and Braun can't just enter themselves into the tag tournament, considering we have already had the first round. They don't run the place.

They don't just suck on the mic, they suck in general. And now just because Wyatt is out, you want them competing at the top of the tag division? That's just insane
My point about sister Abigail was addressing a lot of rumors lately about bringing the characters to TV. You havnt heard? Keep up chachi...

In my post I specifically said "wwe can work them in somehow". I'm pretty surd with everything the authority has done over the last 2 years they can find a stipulation to add a tag team in a tournament. Do I need to name the out of nowhere ideas they've done?? They have already blurred the lines of Vince doing some good face type moves.

Now, they put the IC title on Zach Ryder (who barely had even been on TV) at freaking WRESTLEMANIA 32 out of nowhere so I am pretty sure they could put tag titles on a team that was just recently working a storyline with Brock Lesnar if they wanted to.

Bray had just turned face. They need to work off that........ So I explained all that. Anything else Jeff?
The tag tournament was announced and started before Wyatt's injury, so yes I would say that putting them in now doesn't make sense. Unless they interfere in one of the matches and insert themselves, like Rowan did to Curt Axle at the Rumble a couple of years ago. But without Wyatt they are like a ship without a rudder.

And if you haven't noticed the Authority isn't around much right now. Reports say they are taking an extended vacation, and they haven't been booked for RAW in the last few weeks, nor the next few coming up.

Wyatt's injury came at a bad time when they were in Europe. I'm sure they will find something to do with Rowan and Strowman, the tag tournament might not be the place to start though.
Good lord no...

The one thing the Wyatt's should never have is 'sympathy', whether they're faces or not. These guys are presented as crazed cultists from the swamp or god know's where, they should in no way be made to look more humane. We don't even know the extent of Bray's injury yet and you want to take the belts off of the New Day, scrap any plans in the division and instead give them to Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman?
If Bray is injured to the point that he can't appear on TV managing Rowan and Strowman, then I, personally, would just keep everyone off TV until Bray is healthy. The Wyatts without, well, Wyatt aren't really much of anything - nothing was quite so detrimental to the group as when they broke up and Bray sent Rowan and Harper on their merry way back in 2014 - Rowan for a horrible face turn, and Harper for a decent but unspectacular run as the Intercontinental Champion. Strowman and Rowan as an effectively neutered tag team with no mouth piece really strikes me as something that would go worse for everyone than just not being around at all. They could work house shows and dark matches so that they can stay on the road, but I wouldn't put them on anything televised at all until Bray can come back and lead a united Wyatt family again. Anything else threatens to unravel the mystique and presence of the healthy members of the family.
Awful idea. Rowan and Braun should never have their own promo. They should also never "win one for the gripper", so to speak. That sounds like a corny babyface thing to do. The Wyatt family is not the Wyatt family without Bray Wyatt. If he's not involved, they just shouldn't be used
First of all, there's no reliable information in regards to the extent of the injury. If it's a pulled muscle, he might not miss much action. If it's a tear or something along those lines that requires surgery, then he's out a few months and that changes things.

They can't really insert themselves into the tag team tournament considering the brackets are finalized and on to the semi-finals. They're also in the middle of an angle with the League of Nations.

So Wyatt is hurt short term and has to miss Payback, then make it two members of LON vs Braun and Rowan w/ Wyatt at ringside. Then if they really want to continue this feud with Bray involved he'll heal up.

Let's say Wyatt is hurt long term. Then this match should be dissolved. There's no point continuing it with the two worst promo members of the Wyatt family. If they really don't want to leave LON off of Payback, then the match should continue but LON should win. They may also want to film LON taking out Bray, and let Wyatt cut a few pre-taped promos to sell the match.

Then the Wyatt family disappears. Wait for Wyatt or Harper to return, then bring them back. Harper could act as a harbinger for Bray and prepare for his return. Braun and Rowen don't work without Bray. It could work with Harper, but not without their patriarch.

Insertion into the tag team tournament without qualifying is a decidedly heel maneuver. The Wyatt family are being booked as heroes right now, so that makes zero sense. The only heel team they could replace is the Dudleys who have an angle with their semi-final opponents Enzo and Cass.

What they should do with Braun and Rowan is send them to the performance centre to work on Braun's wrestling skills. That would be the wisest use of the Wyatts while Bray heals up, and that's if we're dealing with a long term injury.
Honestly I would love it if they just quietly transitioned Rowan and Strowman back to NXT as a tag team until Harper and Wyatt were ready to return.

It might not work in the PG era, but kidnapping Paige and using her as a host body to bring back Sister Abigail would be pretty interesting too.
My point about sister Abigail was addressing a lot of rumors lately about bringing the characters to TV. You havnt heard? Keep up chachi...

In my post I specifically said "wwe can work them in somehow". I'm pretty surd with everything the authority has done over the last 2 years they can find a stipulation to add a tag team in a tournament. Do I need to name the out of nowhere ideas they've done?? They have already blurred the lines of Vince doing some good face type moves.

Now, they put the IC title on Zach Ryder (who barely had even been on TV) at freaking WRESTLEMANIA 32 out of nowhere so I am pretty sure they could put tag titles on a team that was just recently working a storyline with Brock Lesnar if they wanted to.

Bray had just turned face. They need to work off that........ So I explained all that. Anything else Jeff?

The rumour about Sister Abigail being an actual person have been around a long time, so still not sure what that's got to do with the Wyatt's right now. by the title of your thread, it was set up as an option now given the injury to Bray, again why I questioned the sister Abigail thing as it seems irrelevant to what you're doing.

Yeh they could just enter them and the authority could suddenly decide after the tournament has started and we are in the semi finals, after already setting up Enzo and Cass vs the Dudleys and sorting out the Uso's again while giving the Vaudvillans a chance to shine as a new tag team on the main roster, let's get rid of one of the teams so that Rowan and Braun have something to do........is my point coming across??

Yes they put the title on Ryder as a huge shock (or not considering he was the bookies favourite) and he will probably go on a long run with it now to showcase that. Oh wait.....he already lost it? Oh man. Well if Rowan and Braun are gonna follow that logic, then it makes perfect sense doesn't it?

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