The Wyatt Family: Long-Term or Short-Term?


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
In the other thread regarding Mid-Carders and their Singles pushes towards the Main Event, I did not mention the Wyatt Family.
My thinking is that unlike the Shield who will most likely be broken after just a year together, the Wyatt Family gimmick is such that as long as their gimmick can be kept interesting, promo-wise and suchlike, it is important that with the Undertaker now out of the regular picture, the Wyatts can take over the Horror/Mysterytype role of the Undertaker,but as a group rather than one.

The gimmick has worked well,lMO, Bray Wyatt's limited ring time is the only concern, though from what I have seen, he isn't poor in the ring by any means.
Also, keeping them together means that they all will be remain relevant and most importantly, they need to be booked strongly, in a manner showing them as very difficult to overcome even by the biggest stars.
In time, they can add one or two new members(a Sister Abigail figure,anyone?).
Bray Wyatt can be continuously portrayed as a sick armchair(rocking chair)figure who directs everything,and delivers promos. His ring time would be limited to the occasional RAW/SmackDown and PPVs,hopefully he improves his ring work as time goes on. He has to be the main stay of the family,the one constant, whilst the other members of the family can be changed to suit in the future.
The other members, currently Harper and Rowan can be used as his muscle as they are now and maybe in time be changed with another superstar becoming a part of the family.

If there is currently any gimmicks that can take over from the Undertaker role, it is the Wyatt family.
Your thoughts?
I don't see how anybody can see them as anything other than short term. Maybe they'll work as faces, who knows. But they don't have longevity. If they last two years under their current guise then they'll have done very well.

I don't see The Undertaker comparison at all.
I think the Wyatt Family have about a year left in them. I can see Bray Wyatt adding more members and for them to basically be like the new Straight Edge Society (though hopefully booked a lot better).

Beyond that I don't know, have a look at Bray Wyatt's farewell speech from NXT though and you can see that they could twist the character into a fan favourite without losing his current messiah appeal
I don't see how anybody can see them as anything other than short term. Maybe they'll work as faces, who knows. But they don't have longevity. If they last two years under their current guise then they'll have done very well.

I don't see The Undertaker comparison at all.

I think he's not trying to the compare the characters themselves (if he is it's terrible), more just their style. Their mystique and uniqueness.

I still don't see a great comparison there either though. Undertaker is very black and white. Often talking about Hell, demons, etc. "Rest In Peace" and all the things he refers to, whether you want to believe it or not, are very relatable to most of the audience. How much of the audience doesn't believe in some sort of deity and the realms that go along with it? Who doesn't know someone who's died?

Bray Wyatt speaks very abstractly and often comes off like he's rambling nonsense. It's part of his mystique. I don't have a problem with the character, but I'm far less impressed by him than most around here.

As far as how long they'll last. Factions these days don't last long. The Shield is one of the best booked, most popular factions of recent memory and they are showing cracks after just a year. I'd have to agree with Jake that if the Wyatts last 2 years, I'd be surprised. But I'd say that about any faction. The same group of guys can only repeat the same stuff over and over so long.
They ARE looking for the next Kane, Taker and the like and the Wyatts are their first serious stab at it.

The key is they have to realise there is no replacing either guy - just the next "big thing".

Taker was lightning in a bottle in that they found a talent who could "go", was young enough to mold but experienced enough to not be totally green in the ring. He was not the finished article in 1990 or even 1994, indeed the pieces only gelled when Mabel injured him and they moved him away from working solely against big men. Once he was in with Bret, Austin, Shawn and Foley he learned bloody quickly how to work - that is his "real" talent.

That they found a second guy in Glen Jacobs that followed a similar path was more luck than judgement and you can see a similar pattern in their recent recruitment.

If you saw Yankem or Fake Diesel or even Unabomb you would never have believed he'd be the 2nd longest serving talent on the roster behind Taker (Yankem was 1995 remember, he was always employed since those times) much less as revered and just damn good at what he does. In truth he wasn't then, but he was given time to grow and find a groove that worked for him.

Reigns is going to be the next "superstar" but that is more to do with who he is related to rather than raw talent. He has a look that will sell, a lineage that will give him the edge in history terms and with the office.

Wyatt has the chance to be that next genuinely over/more than the sum of his parts guy much as Kane became and to an extent already has. He has had his Yankem/Fake Diesel moment as Husky Harris and was given time, space and opportunity to create Bray much as Jacobs got that original time to work on Kane in the lead up to his debut. Sure much was dictated by Vince but those gestures, the cocking of the head, the glove motions... those were all Jacobs and there from day one... Bray has the Rocking Chair, the lanterns etc from day one and it has worked the same.

So who gets to be the "new Taker"? Well Dean Ambrose is a good shout although he isn't that guy size wise... The Austin comparisons are nauseating but if anything Ambrose can afford to go to some darker places more than the Wyatt's can as his delivery is likely to me more cerebral than bizarre, he truly can be the "Joker" of wrestling given the chance, just as Taker was the "Michael Myers" of wrestling at the start of his career before growing into more.

Of the Wyatts, so far - Luke Harper has impressed most with his abilities - remember this isn't some "lame tag guy" he was a big name on the indy scene and worked some big names like Nash (sadly that hack Labar was involved which is enough to kill a career but...) he has speed, he has ferocity and he has that "blank canvas" that Taker had - what goes on underneath the beard? When the Wyatt's time is over he will literally have a clean slate if he wants it due to the nature of the group and it's "cult" theme. He could go darker, or become a face - a monster or a classic big man like Nash. Potential wise he is the one more likely to "be someone" out of the Wyatt group and even the Shield.

Do the Wyatt's stay together for long? Sure, they haven't successfully added a member yet in theory (although Kane clearly is the inside man for them) so there is at least 6 months to a year for that angle. A lot will depend on what happens with Manson when he is next up for parole next year... they may decide to make the character of Bray face to deflect from unfavourable comparisons but to be honest, Bray's best chance is to let them go there... give him Paige or even better AJ as the Harley Quinn like Sister Abigail character. Manson had Linda Kasabian and the others... Let Bo into the group, if nothing else a beard will stop him looking like Steven Tyler and Paul Stanley's mutant love child.

There still has to be a shock joining other than Kane which is so telegraphed it is sad. Bryan could be it but I think you could still see someone like Swagger in the group. It'd be a good way to break he and Cesaro up and away from Zeb who really has run his course quicker than we hoped.

WWE doesn't need a new Taker they need the next thing that'll capture the public conciousness. The Wyatts are a good place to start.
Firstly, what is considered "long term" these days? Evolution were around for nearly 3 years, but it felt like an eternity. And yet, a faction or team staying together for 3 years would've been considered a shorter than average tenure 20-30 years ago.

Will Bray Wyatt be around for a while? Sure, probably. He seems to be getting over and he's pretty entertaining. Will the Family as a faction be around for a while? Who knows in this day and age? Rowan and Harper certainly have a tag title reign or two in them. But Harper is too good to be stuck in a tag team, in my honest opinion. Tag team wrestling isn't dead like many say, but the concept of teams staying together for most of their career is long gone in a time where WWE is always looking for the next big singles star.

So yeah, I do think Bray himself will be around for a while. He'll have to change and adapt, just like every wrestler, but the core of his gimmick is something that should last. But the faction itself likely not stay in its current state for more than a couple years.

Also, Bray Wyatt is nothing like the Undertaker. Your comparison is based solely on the fact that Bray is creepy? Well Boogeyman was creepy, Goldust was creepy, El Torito is creepy. Doesn't mean they're anything like the Undertaker. Bray is much more rooted in reality. There are people like that out there, there's always been Cult leaders.

Undertaker, meanwhile, is a man who thinks he's dead. Or a dead guy who thinks he's alive. Or something. He's just one of the few unrealistic gimmicks from the 90's that survived. A huge part of his gimmick is staying silent, yet Bray Wyatt does nothing but talk. Weak comparison. If anything, he's closer to the next Mankind than the next Undertaker.
I thought a good point was brought up in that what could be considered long term these days. A lot of fans are pretty damned fickle, as some were pretty much wanting The Shield to break up & embark on singles careers within a couple of months of their debut despite how fresh they were and how well they were working out. Another example are title reigns as everyone wants longer runs as long as the champ defends his title often enough in their eyes within a certain span of time. Otherwise, some scream for title changes after 6 or 8 weeks.

Bray Wyatt is one of my favorite characters right now and Harper & Rowan are a couple of great henchmen. However, if they're still around with the same gimmick at this time next year without any real changes to the formula of the group, I'll be surprised. If the characters of Harper & Rowan are expanded to where they're more than just followers of Wyatt, can deliver strong promos and establish themselves without having to rely on Wyatt, then there's a pretty good chance. The odds get even better of more "Family" members come along who're able to deliver as well. Otherwise, if The Wyatt Family is still around by December 2014 as is, then I think they'll have been reduced to a faction of jobbers.
Clearing up the Taker comparison.
I wasn't saying the 2 are similar characters in make-up.
However, both seem mysterious and fit a horror gimmick persona to an extent but in different ways. Let's face it, bringing out a new deadman styled gimmick won't work too well, the comparison's to Taker would stick forever and it wouldn't last anyways.

The Wyatts is a cult family type, but the Entrance with the lantern and the sudden appearance in the ring after blackouts does give them the Mystery persona somewhat...
Not the same as an Undertaker, but a new gimmick that can somewhat replace the Taker presence is what I am saying.

Interesting responses by everyone. Seems to be that most don't expect it to go on long, and to be honest, whilst I love the gimmick, the direction of the WWE creative and seeing how some other great storylines have had anti-climaxes in recent years, short-term is what I also see for the Wyatt family due to such.

My point was; that with good storylines, if possible, the Wyatts could have become a sideshow story at some points.
Bray Wyatt as a stable leader could work wonders(lMO) and remain the One Constant Wyatt family member whilst the others with him change. How he would adjust to being a singles member is another topic altogether.
The Wyatts are short-term. The gimmick has already peaked and is losing popularity. Their promos are repetitive and boring, their ring-work is so far below average that I'm astonished any of them ever made it out of developmental, and they're just plain dull. Nothing about them is interesting. Harper and Rowan should be released, and Bray Wyatt/Husky Harris should be sent back to developmental until they come up with a better gimmick for him.
I don't like Bray's ramblings personally. It can be kinda creepy but I'm beginning to find it an absolute turn off. The motives behind some of their actions seem suspect as well, are they really attacking DB who is against the 'system' himself? Surely a feud with Cena or Orton would make more sense seeing they are 'company' men. I understand PGs restrictions but who can believe that when the Wyatts kidnap someone, all the do it put them in an abandoned parking lot, like they did with DB? I expected abit more sinister, though I suppose there's only so much the WWE can do in this environment. I really like the potential of Harper though, he can go in the ring.
I wouldn't mind seeing this gimmick stick around for a long time. It is something unique and is a good use of all three wrestlers. Without, Rowan would be doing fuck all and Harper would be just another guy. Wyatt would probably be somewhere in the mid-card or below but it is still difficult to gauge.

If they can keep this gimmick entertaining then there is no reason for them to split them up. The difference between the Wyatt Family and Kane/Undertaker is that the latter didn't do a lot of talking. The best part of The Wyatt Family is Bray Wyatt's promos so it will be difficult to sustain that in the long run. One would also presume that if they are here for the long-term they will win a title: how does he adapt to that.

So yes, they should be here for the long-term but that will be a difficult challenge for Bray and creative.
They are my favorite thing going right now in the WWE. Bray Wyatt is the best actor/speaker in the WWE IMO. He is the one pro wrestling character I can show to my friends who don't watch and have them go "Okay, that was awesome, who is that guy?"

If Bray Wyatt isn't a long term success then I think creative will be the ones to blame. He is young, incredible on the mic, solid in the ring and has time to get better. Harper can go in the ring and has a unique look and the size Vince and company like. I would love if he stole the Clothesline from Hell and cut out the Discus spin before. JBL is retired and Harper's clothesline is on his level. The spin just seems unnecessary. Rowan needs a bit of work, but you can already see his progress. Size and a unique look don't hurt either. I think a Torture Rack would be a good option for a more memorable finisher.

If Taker wrestles at WM 31, I want Wyatt vs Undertaker. Hell, I want Wyatt vs Undertaker at 30, but I can understand that being a little soon.
I wouldn't mind seeing this gimmick stick around for a long time. It is something unique and is a good use of all three wrestlers. Without, Rowan would be doing fuck all and Harper would be just another guy. Wyatt would probably be somewhere in the mid-card or below but it is still difficult to gauge.

If they can keep this gimmick entertaining then there is no reason for them to split them up. The difference between the Wyatt Family and Kane/Undertaker is that the latter didn't do a lot of talking. The best part of The Wyatt Family is Bray Wyatt's promos so it will be difficult to sustain that in the long run. One would also presume that if they are here for the long-term they will win a title: how does he adapt to that.

So yes, they should be here for the long-term but that will be a difficult challenge for Bray and creative.
Exactly my point. It is going to be up to creative to keep the group relevant with storylines as time goes on.
Your part about Harper and Rowan is totally in line with my thoughts of them as well. Bray Wyatt is what makes the group interesting, the other 2, whilst they are improving in the ring(in Harper's case, looking good thus far), promos by Bray are something I have started to like as time goes on, his character is intriguing.
In time, Harper/Rowan could leave the group due to something, and someone else can come in. Maybe a Sister Abigail could be introduced eventually, someone mentioned AJ, and she'd fit the bill,lMO. Bray should remain the one constant that pulls the strings for the group, and the longer he remains in the WWE, the more powerful his character is booked.

In the end,as said, the ball is in Bray's and Creative's court to keep the gimmick relevant.
The relevance is going to be in reality... Manson is gonna be back in the news within 3 months. The E have to decide if they want the Wyatts to "reflect" that and any potential negativity or make them face and try and deflect it...

I truly pray they go the former and make the most of Bray being as (PG) F***ed up as Manson... Sister Abigail has to be AJ really, if they go there, make it dirty and dark then they have a shot at mainstream... not "brother wrestles and f***'s sister" but "OK, they are pushing envelopes again...last time was alot of fun".

The "superstar" will be Harper, but the Kane MVP will be Bray - and I defy anyone who every has truly taken a bump to disagree... Harper is almost the proxy for Wyatt.

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