A WWE figure comments on the John Morrison-HBK comparisons


Dark Match Winner

"Speaking of younger stars becoming main eventers, we have been receiving a great deal of mail that John Morrison reminds many fans of a young HBK. Interesting comparison and I hope that these fans are on the money with their observation. HBK, who will be back in action in a few months, is one of the most extraordinary performers in the history of the business and for Morrison to reach that level it will take tremendous effort, focus, and a fair amount of luck. For the sake of the biz and the fans, I am all for John Morrison becoming the next HBK but it obviously won't be easy. I suggest that John Morrison simply be the best John Morrison that he can become and call it a day. I'm damned happy Morrison is on Friday Night Smackdown nonetheless. "
I agree with JR. We shouldn't expect Morrison to be the next HBK. That's a heavy charge. However, Morrison as a zen, athletic Earth-lover doing what he does should be plush and it's all I hope for.
Nice article, and I agree with J.R.; Morrison shouldn't look to be the next HBK and focus on building his own, unique legacy. I'm also "damned happy" Morrison is on Smackdown, there's more breathing room there.

As long as Morrison continue's to improve and stay out of trouble, he'll be big one day.
I agree with JR. There are great similarties between the 2. They even kinda look the same. But he's right. It's a big ask and instead he should be all he can be. I like Morrison and he's defo got a great future, I just think people should stop pilling so much preasure on him and just let his enjoy doing what he does best, entertain.:)
The guy still needs so much work on his in ring cockyness though. He rarely taunts the crowd, doesn't get in people's faces enough and doesn't cheat enough either. I can't honestly comment on him as a face, because i don't think he's ever had a run as one yet has he? But as a heel, the only thing getting him over are his athleticism, his unique offence and his gimmick. Take one of those things away and the majority of us would stop caring.
I think when Chris jericho was fueding with HBK about 6 or 7 years ago he made a comment that he does not want to be the next HBK, he wants to be the first Chris Jericho. Looks like it turned out well for him and Morrison should take that approach. I do want him as the next HBK as far as status and getting cheered goes... but he shouldnt try to duplicate HBK's career.
In terms of ring ability they're similar, otherwise they're miles apart. Morrison doesn't appear to have the wrestling brain, psychology or personality to match up to Michaels. Hopefully it'll come though.
In terms of ring ability they're similar, otherwise they're miles apart. Morrison doesn't appear to have the wrestling brain, psychology or personality to match up to Michaels. Hopefully it'll come though.

I agree 100%. He is an absolute natural as far as natural ability goes but right now I kind a think of him a no psychology spot monkey. He needs to learn how to work the crowd better and make each one of his moves mean something. But that not only comes with time but I think there is a passion for the business that certain people have that really pushed them to the next level.

I think ability is kind of a dime a dozen but the kind of passion that HBK has and even Bret Hart and Curt Henning and other legends had is what makes them great. You can clearly see the people who wrestle to make a good living and be famous.. opposed to the guys who grew up loving the biz and spent every match trying to be "the best".
morrison needs to focus on being john morrison nd not worry so much on being the next hbk. there will never be another hbk so hes gotta just keep going with his own persona nd own finishers
morrison needs to focus on being john morrison nd not worry so much on being the next hbk. there will never be another hbk so hes gotta just keep going with his own persona nd own finishers

I really dont think he is trying to be HBK, thats what we are saying he is. John Morrison is and always will be John Morrison, there is no other HBK. I would love to see a feud with the two however
I feel sort of bad for John Morrison. To compare anyone to HBK is more pressure on a superstar than I have heard in a while. I have said myself that I think Morrison is a great deal like Shawn Michaels, but I think he can just be John Morrison and have a tremendous future ahead of him. He has so much potential that it is crazy. He needs some work in the ring psychology department, fan interaction, and similar things, but he has made leaps and bounds in the right direction. However, that said, I can see WWE using this against Morrison. If he doesn't reach that same level as HBK, or if they don't begin to see enough of the Showstopper in Morrison, then he will lose any push they would be in the middle of with him. Similar things have been done before sadly.
Wow, this is like the 7th Morrison thread I've seen in a month. Thats a ton. I like the character myself, and think it will mature over time, and so will his mic skills. His wrestling skills are golden, and he is far ahead HBK in that sense. Morrison is much more creative than HBK ever was in the ring, and he is much more crisp in the ring than HBK ever was. Look at what Morrison did in the MITB a year ago with a ladder.

Right now I think his focus should be finding some "back" similar to what HBK did when he ditched Melina, and Jannetty. A guy like Ryback from FCW would be a nice "backup" for Morrison. Ryback is a nasty looking character, and he would be perfect for Morrison.
i think hes severely overrated at this point and have yet to really see anything impressive outside of the fact that he's a better in ring guy than 90% of the people WWE signs. he's cool, but his gimmick is in need of a 1000% overhaul before he can ever even been the next Val Venis

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