A Week in Review: 9/4 to 9/10

First off, I'm going to start this off on a serious note, like I usually do. It's 9/11, obviously. I'd like to thank all the police officers, fire fighters, and normal people that make a difference by putting their lives on the line to help others. Another thank you to the troops, I'm very thankful for what you guys do for us. Loads of respect to all you guys I just mentioned. I'd also like to give a shout-out to the Jets and Cowboys for wearing FDNY hats, it's a nice gesture. Our lives were permanently changed ten years ago, but let's not make this a sad and somber day, we need to remember those that lost their lives in the tragedy and let their memory live on forever. R.I.P. to all those that lost their lives. Never forget.

Here we go:

- The biggest news of the week has to be the one and only Mighty NorCal stepping down from staff. NorCal felt it was finally time and he didn't want his tenure as mod to be remembered as one of him just being a moderator in name, so he did the most respectable thing he could. Trust me NorCal, you'll be remembered for all the good you did around here, you were awesome at your job and put in lots of work. I'm glad you're still stcking around to post as the site wouldn't be able to handle you leaving and would probably impload.

Long live Mighty NorCal.

- Sully was banned. While there have been people who made fun of him on his way out, looking at you KB, others grew to like the guy... myself included. Have fun, Sully. Enjoy life, you're young. Hopefully some time down the line you do become a writer.

- X and Slyfox have not had a bitch-fit in THREE WEEKS. Hell, Sly was silent throughout the whole Sully situation. Has he, God forbid, lost a step? Generally Sly destroys people all over the place, but it seems like those days are gone. The Slyfox of old seems to be a forgotten memory. What happened to the guy who use to pick on a person relentlessly, no matter how stubborn, until he made them bow to him (Shattered Dreams)? We need you back, Sly. For the good of the forum, DESTROY SOMEONE.

- I don't know how many of you follow WZCW, but you should. Saboteur, a relative newcomer, RPed by JGlass, defeated our World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna, snapping the longest win streak we'd ever seen. The match was amazingly written by FunKay, hell, the whole show was awesome. WZCW Creative work really hard on those shows, check them out... Even if there is a distinct lack of Coco.

- Be nice to... Wait...

- Again, check out the Battle Tourney. It has been awesome, unfortunately I've been too busy to post in it. Hoping to catch the semi-finals, as I'm finally done with all the stuff that came up. I've been reading it though and FitFinlay4Life has become the Dagger Dias of this tournament. He is to this tournament as Dagger was to the Video Game Tourney. Take that for what you will.

- How ya doin', Colt Cabana?

- I'm going to finish SEWF this weekend, nobody cares though.


- The recent influx of 9/11 memory threads is giving me diabetes. Same stuff every year, why not just use ONE THREAD. I'm not going to have a different memory every year! It's nice that people respect 9/11, but come on.

- Sully has made 4 million alts.

- KB decided that America was the laziest society on earth based on a pair of Nike shoes:

1. What took you so long?

2. REALLY?! They are Marty McFly, Back to the Future tribute shoes. They're only making 1500 pairs and as Sam pointed out THEY DON'T HAVE POWER LACES! They're normal shoes. So why does that, of all things, condemn America as a lazy society? Shit, Tinnie Tempah, the guy who sang the 'Mania theme, bought the first pair for $37,500... and he's British. I'm not seeing it.

- The TNA LD had a record turnout tonight. 4 people watched No Surrender! Speaking of No Surrender, Storm loses because he spits beer at Jr. Bischoff, so logically the next match should end with Winter spitting mist at Mickie!

- The Jets just tied this bitch up! Joe McKnight! Sexy Rexy looks elated.

- Killjoy hasn't mastered humor yet. There's still time. Damn Mexican.

This was dedicated to Hunter S. Kravinoff. Stay thirsty, my friends. Hell, stay classy too.
I always like reading this stuff. It doesn't matter if I don't get mentioned. For that, you would have to do something really awesome or something really stupid. As both happen regularly on this forum, the inbetweeners don't get a chance.
I get name dropped for things I'm not even involved in anymore. Take that, Chris K.O.
I advised someone to buy a gimp. Not to toot my own horn, but that's far more interesting than anything in that list, aside from the NorCal stuff.

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