A Week in Review: 9/11 to 9/17

I BARELY even go on 4chan anymore. I usually lurk FJ just to see the pics, but that community is full of ******s.

By the way, did you have an account there? I saw someone named "MintBerry Crunch", using an avatar as your old signature. I commented on the profile.

You can make fucking accounts?

Not that I know of/can recall, Im pretty far gone right now because JGLASS IS A *** AND WAS ALL "NAH I DON'T WANNA FINISH THE LAST 1/5TH OF DIS BLUNT and i was all *puff* and then suddenly louis ck and he's all "CAN I HAVE RAISINS"
Not gonna lie, this was a pretty shitty week. Don't expect much out of this post, not that you ever do. Here goes:

- I have a new favorite phrase: "What had happened was..." It adds instant credibility to you as a black man, even if you're white. Throw in "axe" instead of "ask" and honestly I couldn't tell the difference between you and Jermaine, Randy, or Tito Jackson. Tito!

- Mr. Truth went postal about the Battle Tourney, which you should all post in! Mr. Truth wasn't happy with the fact that Doc, apparently, pulled some shenanigans in putting Samus over Iron Man. Boo fucking hoo, what happens when you actually encounter problems in real life?

- FOUR WEEKS STRAIGHT WITHOUT A SLYFOX/XFEAR ARGUMENT! Yes, the world IS ending. Slyfox has gone soft or he's just biding his time. I haven't seen him kick ass or take names in weeks. I don't know what to think, all I know for sure is that I'm afraid. I'm heading for high ground and hoping I don't get caught in the inevitable Slyfox blow up. Somebody gon' get their ass kicked.

- Milenko is back to making excellent threads. Not only that, but his girlfriend dumped him. After being dissatisfied for so long she left him for a better man, SNS. Much like Becca will eventually leave KB for Coco.

- Ron Paul won the California straw pull!

- Pole Smoker claims he will get out of prison. Hell, if Macios, J4L, and Milenko could do if, so can he. The self-proclaimed "bodybuilding genius" has a higher IQ that Milenko's sperm count, I see no reason he can't make his way out.

- Mark Henry for MVP of NoC. Seriously! This is the one time you won't be ridiculed for doing this, Milenko. Get it right, DON'T choose Alex Riley!

- J-Dogg dropped some real gold nuggets of knowledge in the NoC LD. The "Backbreaker Machine" made his glorious return to LDing. I know, I'm surprised he still hasn't managed to blow himself up as well.

- The Champ is back. I have no idea who he is, but he misses Sid.

- Be nice to Sully... Or his alts... Or The Champ.

- Matt Hardy was arrested for DUI again. The man need help, seriously.

- I'm trying way too hard.

Well, that's it for this week. You guys ask me when these will be up, but you don't provide me with any solid material. I know you have it in you, guys. D-Man, bring us another "Bloodbath" series thread, someone flame another person, DO SOMETHING. I'm struggling here, make my job easier. Take care, spike your hair.

This place has gotten so boring. I've noticed it for the last two months. Nobody is funny, and nobody really even posts anymore. The forums are just kind of here nowadays. Kinda sad really.

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