A Tidbit That Suggests Significant Plans For Bray Wyatt


All the various reports concerning Bray Wyatt's role for WrestleMania suggest that he'll be facing John Cena. Allegedly, it's been the only program that's been thought of as a "lock" for WrestleMania. It's been reported on a couple of sites that Mark Crozer, who wrote & sings The Wyatt Family's entrance theme, will be performing the song live at WrestleMania XXX. Crozer posted a message on Facebook today, that he later deleted, stating:

"Well as I'm no longer able to contain my excitement I may as well let you know... I'm playing Wrestlemania! I'll let you know more details when I get them."

The Family's entrance theme was originally entitled "Broken Out In Love", but was retitled "Live In Fear" when WWE bought the rights to the song in 2012. I'm assuming that Crozer will be performing the song live as Bray Wyatt comes to the ring for his match, as it's what WWE has done every other time when they've booked the performers of a star's entrance theme at WrestleMania. WWE's only done this a handful of times and they only do it for wrestlers they're really behind and have big plans for. Whether or not Wyatt's opponent is Cena, having his theme performed live suggests that he'll definitely be against one of THE top guys in the company.
I dunno. A part of me wants to get excited. I love The Wyatt Family theme, because it's a perfect fit for their characters. It's an eerie song, with a creepy, soothing vibe, but If I'm using history, I can't remember a top notch performance for any entrance themes at Mania.

Living Colour wasn't bad last year, but Drowning Pool's version of The Game was awful at Mania 18, and Motorhead's version at Mania 21 was mediocre at best. And if I'm using recent examples, Machine Gun Kelly and Flo Rida didn't add anything special to The Rock and John Cena's entrances.

I'm not against a live performance for The Wyatt's entrance, but I don't have high hopes for it.
I honestly think Vince McMahon is grooming Bray Wyatt to be the next Undertaker type gimmick & the reports that Bray is Triple H's pet project & #1 objective right now would only help support my theory.

Whether Bray's success ever reaches anywhere near that of The Undertaker's is completey up in the air & I'm not saying Bray will replace The Undertaker or anything like that. Simply between the big push, ominous character, in-ring style that seems ever evolving, the cryptic entrance with the lights going out, leading a powerful stable, etc. it seems that VKM is trying to groom Bray to be the next longstanding, iconic & almost mythological character of WWE folklore.
well they wouldnt have Wyatt's song being played live if they didnt have major plans for him. I dont see him going over Cena on Mania 30, but I have been wrong before.
Deleting the post.....WWE may have wanted it kept a surprise
If Bray vs Cena does in fact happen @ Mania, I'd almost have to think Wyatt pulls out the W. WWE doesn't want a "Ryback" type situation, where a big WM loss kills the momentum of a star

on that note, have any other potential WMXXX opponents been discussed for Bray, or has it just been Cena?
If Bray vs Cena does in fact happen @ Mania, I'd almost have to think Wyatt pulls out the W. WWE doesn't want a "Ryback" type situation, where a big WM loss kills the momentum of a star

on that note, have any other potential WMXXX opponents been discussed for Bray, or has it just been Cena?

Actually, I could see the win for Cena actually helping the feud. Bray hasn't been pinned/tapped out, probably, could bring him to a new degree of crazy, leading to some type of gimmick match at Extreme Rules, where Bray actually gets help from The Wyatt Family and wins.
In my opinion Cena doesn't need the Wrestlemania win, Bray does.

At this stage John Cena has done everything in the WWE apart from having a streak match against The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt is still very early in his gimmick and career so a victory over Cena at mania is a must if he's going to become a main event player.

As for theme music being played live, it does nothing for me. It always sounds crap compared to the recorded version. The only way it might work is to have an epic entrance along with the band playing
In my opinion Cena doesn't need the Wrestlemania win, Bray does.

At this stage John Cena has done everything in the WWE apart from having a streak match against The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt is still very early in his gimmick and career so a victory over Cena at mania is a must if he's going to become a main event player.

As for theme music being played live, it does nothing for me. It always sounds crap compared to the recorded version. The only way it might work is to have an epic entrance along with the band playing

Literally took the words right out of my mouth. Bray will be a huge star and champion very soon.
I think this may end up being Taker's last Mania. If so, and the WWE does have these plans, Taker needs to push Wyatt.
Actually, I could see the win for Cena actually helping the feud. Bray hasn't been pinned/tapped out, probably, could bring him to a new degree of crazy, leading to some type of gimmick match at Extreme Rules, where Bray actually gets help from The Wyatt Family and wins.

nah, Bray needs to go over Cena clean @ WM XXX, it's the bigger event and will help up Bray's profile as a big time player.

**if Wm XXX is Taker's last .. what direction do they go?

What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.

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