A Sonata in M Major


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Good morning.
I'm M.
This is where I'm gonna sound off on all the crazy stuff I'm hyped up on at the moment in the world of WZCW, in a mostly happy tone.

My first subject in this rave of positivity is none other than our newest roster member, Remarkable Mark Keaton.
This guy is literally my favourite thing about WZCW at this point in time.
Words cannot explain how excited I am at the prospect of watching this guy get better.
I'm gonna give this guy feedback in that thread at some point whether he wants it or not.
Forget WZCW, this guy should write TV shows.
"Remarkable Mark Keaton" is an excellent wrestler name and the punky 80s spoof Kung fury-esque aesthetic is a gold mine for pro wrestling.
Stunt doubles was a hilarious idea.
There's subtle moments in the RPs where I don't even know if they were meant to be funny but are top notch regardless.
I'm a fan of the roller coaster style of chaos story, and these RPs have been defying physics in that regard.
He posted two times in the one thread and it actually improved the overall quality of everything.

Of course, there are other aspects of stuff that I am not currently worshipping before I go to sleep at night, but why would I bother with that in here, a place designed entirely to be nothing but my ventilation of excess jubilation?

For being what I could only ever dream to be able to get M to be, you get some heart emoticons that my phone can't actually make so I've copied them off a text my beautiful ladyfriend sent me: ❤💙💚💛💜 - Hooray!

Until next time something magnificent crosses my eye that I can write a post about, you could ask the thirteenth letter of the alphabet some questions, or you could go and read all of Remarkable Mark Keaton's stuff. Either way you gotta embrace the cheery vibes, dudes.
Thanks for the kind words Mr M! This Wrestling Efed WZCW is really fun and creative. Reading my match against Gino was entertaining and I loved the way it was handled. I was looking at your wrestlers profile and clicked -play- on his entrance theme. Holy mother of god that is heavy. That's the kind of music you listen to on the way to work, totally amp a guy up to work an 8 hour day while head banging. Kick the door in and announce to everyone that you've arrived and demand goddamn fireworks next time you sign in to work.
Oh snap crackle and pop guess what team RP is M's favourite thing he's come across in the past day and a half - you guessed it! Keaton strikes again, this time paired with his Australian buddy Justin Cooper!

Where on earth does the positivity begin to form itself into pulses of electricity sent through my arm to make the keystrokes to create the words I'm using to describe it here? You guys managed to get together the main thing I couldn't do as a heel - be a heel! Seriously, there's something to be said about the genius of having the team be dicks to each other and whoever came up with that idea, just be proud you've got an almost foolproof way of keeping Keaton from being turned face against his will. I'm well aware that any post I make in this thread will eventually turn into half hearted feedback, half hearted meaning only the gleamingly positive half, so I'm just skipping to the chase.

Keaton, stylistically I like the messiness of the RP's formatting. It suits the character perfectly in my eyes as a whole other layer to the humour, and adds in some frantic pace to the story. Mark Keaton is the sort of guy who wouldn't care about colouring in exactly inside the lines, right? So in that respect him being set up in perfect neat formatting would be like forcing a suit on a bikie. Man alive am I a bad influence or what. Point is, if you come up with an idea on how to keep it rebellious yet still within what they want you'll be world champ by 2017. Loving the video game part to continue on from the previous RPs stunt double act too. I like the idea of rebelling against this "authority" in your RPs, it gives sooooooo many avenues for story humour. Highlighting stuff in colours in a fed where usually a different colour means a new speaker was something I honestly thought was some abstract meta joke for a while. You got me on that one hahah.

Cooper is an excellent contrast in style. His character description is pretty much just "prick" which I'm such a mark for when it's on display. I like the dialogue sections and something which may have just been a "you" thing from the beginning in the confidence to allow for the tone of speaking to describe reactions. That's a sign of quality. You wrote Mark perfectly in my eyes, which makes me actually wonder whether or not you literally just had an in character PM conversation.

I've got you guys winning this, so now it's a question of if SuperZeus and friends are too much, or if the dysfunctional duo can take down the team with literally one mind.
The thing about the author not being skilled in photoshop made my laugh out loud. It's so much better than if he had actually made a custom game cover.

Thanks for the kind words Mr M! This Wrestling Efed WZCW is really fun and creative. Reading my match against Gino was entertaining and I loved the way it was handled. I was looking at your wrestlers profile and clicked -play- on his entrance theme. Holy mother of god that is heavy. That's the kind of music you listen to on the way to work, totally amp a guy up to work an 8 hour day while head banging. Kick the door in and announce to everyone that you've arrived and demand goddamn fireworks next time you sign in to work.
Mailmen shouldn't listen to anything too heavy or angry.

Figured I'd ask this here.

How did you come up with the character M?

He may be my favorite in all of WZCWland.
Figured I'd ask this here.

How did you come up with the character M?

He may be my favorite in all of WZCWland.

Basically I came up with Dr Zeus. Then about a week later Dr Zeus showed up so I went "Oh snap man better come up with something else", made a guy who's deal was he had been to the future and was trying to right wrongs through wrestling for some reason. Luckily enough I realised how absurd that sounded so I stopped that idea. Then I just thought fuck it I'll make myself while tacking on a few unrealistic things and boom M was born. The M-word thing literally comes from something I thought of when I was a tiny little dude and couldn't think of a fantasy wrestling name for myself. M's the first letter of my real name, Mr is there because I'm biologically male, and the adjective before all that comes because I thought it sounded stupid to just be announced as Mr M and decided I may as well whack in ever changing M-words.

I'm 100% serious on M just being me in a different setting and I actually considered it cheating to do that instead of an actual character when I first joined.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes I've forgotten to do my award for outstanding achievements in the field of excellence and go on my usual tired spiel of positivity, so I've gotta zoom zoom back in time in the style that my version of reverse flash that totally doesn't suck would do and retroactively give the award out so the world doesn't implode. If you sultans of swing recall, the PPV Apocalypse was delayed due to a massive family issue on our friendly neighborhood Spidey's behalf. Now, usually you'd expect whatever he wrote under those circumstances to be something unworthy of the golden M award, but by god was that not the case. That pre show match was simply delectable, and I gobbled up every word like a turkey in a turkey food factory. I don't got no time to harp on about how every character was written perfectly or all the other amazing things about it so Spidey I'm sorry but all you're gonna get is a post attached to a reply to Milenko - ain't I wacky?
Thank you for the sticky award, M. I only stumbled into your thread after reading your latest RP. Was curious on what you would think if Batti and M met up through some bizarre reason. Do you think they'd get along? Would she be too much and M would have to pull out a Hello Kitty death ray?
Thank you for the sticky award, M. I only stumbled into your thread after reading your latest RP. Was curious on what you would think if Batti and M met up through some bizarre reason. Do you think they'd get along? Would she be too much and M would have to pull out a Hello Kitty death ray?


Batti's a bit like what I imagine Teru would be like if she could speak. Because of that I'd say that in the current universe where Teru exists M would despise her, but if he were to meet up without ever knowing Teru the complete opposite would occur. For at least the first few weeks that is. It all depends on if you imagine Batti to be compatible with the rest of my cast, I know General Green would probably hate her guts from the get go and she'd probably get a few grrrrrrs from Teru but M in character wouldn't ever truly hate someone who's into cutesy things.
Well here is one:

I do possess some but they are not humourous yet they are meaningful. :shrug:

If you want them, I will post them here? :suspic:
What's up in the world of M?

My country's version of football starts in like two weeks so I've been hyping myself up by watching highlight packages like crazy.
Other than that I've just been trying to be a good trophy boyfriend while also juggling honours as well as sport and maybe a job too if I bother.
Who wins the Golden M this round?

Noah Ryder was my favourite RP this round, but he's not getting the big write up. The Golden M is an award separate from what I believe to be the absolute best or even my favourite - it is one that is given to the one that evokes the most joy. I haven't decided the winner just yet, which is also why I haven't done the predictions kerfuffle I usually do.
Why hasn't M signed Hayden McAllister's autograph book yet?

Because I've requested that I don't appear in backstage segments ;)

Nah I'll actually write it in for one of the more normal RPs.
Oh lawdy am I leaving it close to the deadline this round or what? It's all you guys' fault too! Of course the round where I've got a whole bunch of other crap to worry about is the round where I've got 5 contenders for my long endorsement! You 5 all suck in the best way possible.

Now, as I already said to Milenkyboy, Noah Ryder was my favourite RP of the round, but so was Garth black, but so was SHIT, but so was freaking Titus! Good old Jeffery had another one of his usual fun times in a more normal setting than usual, but unfortunately for mister mailman he's got the second "best" and third "favourite" of the round in Justin Cooper to deal with as his bestest buddy. Everyone else did pretty amazing but he slapped his elbow and that's basically a golden snitch in my books.

EVERYBODY knows where the material comes from for this RP. What everybody doesn't know is how good that turns into comedy when you take a step to the side and look at how it's done. Pinky and the brain, and ren and stimpy are the main things that come to my mind when reading this RP and now that I've said that you others who might look at it in another, less super duper awesome sort of way have a whole new outlook. Contrary to how people like Garth black write their "shoot" pieces, this one went on the comedic bend of turning cooper into an insane person by the end of his Grammy speech, literally dragged off kicking and screaming about his conspiracies, only to meet his tag team partner who'd achieved Cooper's goal without much effort at all. It takes a lot of courage to make your character come off worse, and it takes skill to make it work so for those reasons I am honoured to give you the Golden M. May you win the tag titles and continue your awesome dynamic. Hugs and kisses xoxoxooxox

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