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A Significant Quote


That's all folks.
I haven't been inside the Cigar Lounge in quite sometime and damn I miss it. I make my return with a very different type of thread. A thread that doesn't necessarily involve intense debates over a certain controversial subject. Instead this thread is about quotes made by anyone, that means something to you. The quote can come from anyone - Charlie Sheen, John Cena, Martain Luther King Jr., your Dad, Mom, Cousin or even someone remaining anonymous. What is a significant quote that means something to you? Explain.

Allow me to go fist.

Anonymous said:
What others think about me is none of my business.

Now I've heard numerous celebrities and important figures throughout my days refer to this quote but never really knew who said it first. This quote is oh so simple. Nothing to decode. No big words and nothing hard to understand. It's very simple. During middle and the beginning of high school, the days where bullies and gossipers roamed the halls, I would always let these type of people get to me. Not physically but mentally. People would piss me off by talking shit. It wasn't until my sophomore year I began hearing this quote. And when I heard it, a light bulb went off. It was so clear and simple.

At that moment, I realized, what people think about me, isn't any of my business. While it is awesome to be highly thought of by others, I now understand that it is far more beneficial, and far more achievable to be highly thought of by myself - not necessarily in a narcissistic way but more about "people can think what they want, imma be me" type of way.

If you are a people pleaser, it often seems impossible to make everyone happy with the choices we make. If you worry about getting everyone’s approval, you’d never get anywhere. If you let what others think of you become your business, it will consume all of your time and energy, draining you of the ability to move on in your life.

I'm not trying to be ignorant of others feelings, but rather their thoughts about you. You cannot change their mind by constantly worrying and stressing about what they think of you. But what you can do, is be the person you are truly meant to be and feel comfortable with that. Gay, bi, black, white, purple, fat, skinny, anything. Be proud of who you are.

Some cheesy shit, I know, but it helps.

So, your turn. What is a significant quote that means something to you? Why?
''Evil is a point of view''---Quote from ''Interview with a Vampire'' by Anne rice.

The quote was spoken by Lestat, to Louis. Louis is a vampire that doesn't accept the ''Evils'' of being a vampire. That killing a human, feeding on them, is wrong, and evil. Lestat attempts to subdue his feelings by stating this comment that has meant so much to me.

Evil is not something that can be defined per se. It's a point of view. Killing, to some is wrong, but what about War? Self defense? Is that wrong?

You see a Rapist being stabbed, the woman is runs, kills the man. Is that wrong? Is that Evil? Because she could have ran away, or is her self defense considered evil?

Another example:

War, is killing a group considered to be dangerous to national security, or evil?

It is clearly a matter of personal point of view what evil can be considered, and I use this in alot of my judgement of people, and the perceptions of situations.
"I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to."
Jimi Hendrix

I've had alot of arguments over Jimi over the past few years. I've said I don't think he is the greatist guitarist of all time. And I've also said he died way before his time. Because if he kept on the path he had set for him, he would have been the best in the world.

I love this quote because I love to see people quote Jimi, It's mostly just a bunch of kids who think it's "cool" to like Jimi. But in all honesty this is how life should be lived, and ever since I read this quote a few years ago I live it up.

"The beast in me Is caged by frail and fragile bars"
The man in black Johnny Cash

I take this as a huge quote for my anger. It's one of his song lyrics, but I'm a music man and I love to have quotes from songs. It's the truth my anger does live behind Frail and Fragile bars. But I've learned to control it, and that's what everyone needs to do. Keep it caged up, find a way to let it out without hurting people

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
You have to work for what you want. You have to work at it all to be happy. Fdr has some great quotes, but I love this one.
I, like Uncle Phatso right above me also like to save quotes from songs.

"No one knows the way I feel apart of me I have to fight
Buried somewhere deep beneath my skin
The emptiness in me is fading I can see my life is waiting
Now I know I'm living for Who I am"
-Smile Empty Soul

The song "Who I Am" is pretty much the theme song of my life. Pretty much just says how you feel so alone in this world and that no one cares if you hurt, which is my life believe it or not. But it also deals with saying fuck what the world thinks and if no one cares, just live for you because this is the only life you will get.

"If everything comes down to love, than just what am I afraid of?"
-Addison Road

I am a religious man and believe in god with all my heart so lyrics like these from christian bands really help me keep going to fight another day and knowing what awaits for me after this trial in life is done.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan

This one pretty much sums up everything. Just says that even the people who we all think are the greatest hit some bumps in the road every now and then and that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
“I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” - Kurt Cobain

Speaks my theory on life, not everybody can love you. No matter who you are, you will not be liked by every person you meet, so therefore just concentrate on the friends you have, because as long as you act yourself and they accept you then all is good.

If you act like something you're not for personal attention or for someone specific to like you, then when they find out the truth they'll lose respect for you.

Also, Kurt Cobain is someone I look up to. Even though he shot himself in the head.
I havent been inside the Cigar Lounge for some time and damn I miss it.

Me too brother. Lets try and get this place up and thriving again soon!

Life is 10% of what happens to me, and 90% of how I react to it. John Maxwell

Its a great thought, even though its hard to see things this way upon first glance. After all, we can't control what happens to us in certain situations, right? After all, bad things happen to good people all the time, right? I think the way it works and how it applies to me personally is that we understand that we can't control other people's actions, no matter how hideous, and we have to base our actions upon it. Those actions and reactions are what truly control our lives, no matter what happens to us. Even the most wronged or injured of people still have to plot out their daily lives, and they can choose to make the best of it, or the worst. And our lives will truly be controlled by that. For me personally, there has been some major stuff go down that has been unpleasant for my small family(my wife and I). I can mourn, complain, and make bad decisions(which I have already), or I can be supportive, uplifting, and choose to do what I know is right. If I do the latter, I believe Ill be far more ready to support my wife in what she's going through, which is truly what I want. Its not an easy thing, but every day you do it, it becomes easier.

You may only be just one somebody in the world, but to somebody, you may be the world. Anonymous

This sent chills up my spine the first time I read it, but its true. To mot people, my wife might just be a businesswoman. But to me, shes everything, someone I don't think I could live without. Shes my world, and my life, for better or worse, revolves around her. I believe that if someone has even one person in the world that loves them unconditionally, its enough to get them through anything. This quote emphasizes that well. It doesn't have to be a spousal or significant other relationship. Sometimes, it can be a great friendship for someone. The quote is indicative about dependency on other people, but it's a healthy one. To me, it's a comfort more then anything to know that someone means so much or loves you so much that their world revolves around you.

Maybe this is cheesy thoughts or Im being too analytical here, but these quotes truly hold a great significance to me.
A significant quote in my life has been "believe in your dreams". When I was still a little kid I went with my parents to an autograph signing for some astronaut whos name I don't remember. I remember that he told us people told him he would never make it and be able to be an astronaut but he followed his dreams. He then signed an autographed picture for us that said "believe in your dreams". I have no idea what his name was or what happened to him, but that message of "believe in your dreams" has stuck with me ever since that day. I personally believe that you can do something if you are determined enough to keep trying even if people tell you that you'll never make it. As much as I hate the guy, look at The Miz. I guarantee you no one ever thought he would become WWE Champion. So, "believe in your dreams" is a powerful quote to me because I have goals of my own that remain unfilfulled and still believe that I can achieve them. So can you.
"It's not what you can or can't do, but what you will or won't do"

This quote is very sigificant to me because it basically in a nutshell describes me. I've always been my own worst enemy; I over think things and psyche myself out. I have been held back by that kind of thinking my entire life. The funny thing is that when I actually motivate myself to do something and get focused I can pretty much do whatever the fuck it is I want to do. That might be part of the problem though; I find everything too easy (or convince myself it is anyways) and know that if I want to do it I can always just do it later without having to worry about it.

The quote itself wasn't actually something I heard somebody say or read somewhere but is actually something I made up in my head one day while reflecting on this little struggle that keeps going on. Anything is possible, but at the end of the day you have to actually get up and do it. Nothing will ever happen if you don't take charge and make it happen. I don't want to find myself sitting around one day realizing that I missed out on living my life because I coulnd't be bothered to motivate myself.

At this point in my life, I've more or less managed to avoid falling into slumps or finding myself putting things off and not creating oppurtunity for myself. It isn't some magical formula like I was always searching for that would simply change my mindset forever and I would never have trouble pushing myself again. I always thought that one day I would just no longer struggle with motivating myself , but the truth is that everyday is a challenge and you just need to decide whether you want to push forward and make something of yourself or if you want to take the passive approach, waiting for death while watching life pass by.

I think the choice is obvious enough, and everyday I make the decision to do something instead of considering that maybe I can't.
"Slow and steady wins the race."

It's one of those quotes that is ancient, and I feel like you rarely hear it much anymore. But it's from that classic story of the tortoise and the hare. We've all heard of it sometime or another and while it seems childish and while it may be, it still means more to me than anything else. Everyone likes to try and come up with some long Shakespearian quote that sounds cool but has a meaning that they don't know, but this is all I need. I've always been a big guy because of genetics and while of course, anyone can lose weight, it definitely makes it a heck of a lot harder. And because of this, I feel like I'm never fast enough or I can never finish things quick enough for everyone elses liking. Whether it is my parents or my friends, everyone always wants me to do more to and just get better in every academic subject in one day and this is always what I come back to. It shouldn't matter how long it takes you to complete something in life or how long it takes for you to change, it is much better to be patient and to do it a pace that fits you best. It's all good and dandy if everyone else wants you to run a mile in five minutes, but you know what? I'm going to take my time and I'll still finish it, I'll still cross that finish line and I'll still do just as much work as anyone else, but I won't let the fact that others are ahead of me or anything, bother me. So yeah, it has always been something that has applied to so many different area's and something I can really relate to as a person who has had to go through exactly what that turtle went through in the race. :)
"Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf" - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Probably the most iconic quote in my lifetime or anyone of our lifetimes. Six words that encapsulate the very essence of our existence. It works because it holds a mirror up to us, the insignificant supporting characters of the world, and makes us realize that for all our heroism and high minded ideas about freedom, we all exist in a dark world where our one true liberation greets us with sweet, merciful death. My entire worldview comes from this quote. It's the bottom line that Stone Cold Steve Austin and Jeffery Winger always talk about. It's colder than Mr. Freeze. It's the good shit. It's perspective. And if you don't see that, you clearly have some growing up to do.
The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile-Plato

I actually heard this quote a good while ago back in 9th grade. I was going through some very personal an inner struggles and it began to eat into my grades and my English teacher(bless her soul, a complete saint) noticed my problems and I talked to her about them one day after class and out of all the words, it was this saying she quoted that really stood out to me.

I've divulged into this quote countless times since I first heard it. Every time something horrendous or alarming has happened since then, I'm swift to mutter this to myself. I'm always in a constant inner conflict with myself and my emotions or my complete lack of understanding towards something and I use this quote as sort of a reminder that I'm in control of all this.I have a choice and that choice is to step out of the shadows into the light and feel the suns warming rays, gather the confidence to proceed with my life and not let any senseless inhibitions hinder my progress..

We all do battle with ourselves more often than most would like to admit. Sometimes we are torn ether which way, we would like to do something but often can't bring ourselves to get it done and in turn we default to our hold habits, most notably when people wrestle with the idea of making a serious change in their life, in some cases its more difficult than they ever thought it would be. Its to be in control of you and who you are, its listening to that inner voice that we all have, the one that tells us to do the right thing, to not question it but to engage it. Everybody has a double side, what I think is important is which side will you resist and which side will you ultimately choose? Its about being consciously aware of who you are and who the person within in. Its about being the master of yourself.
This has always been my favorite quote, not only is it a great quote for life but it is from one of my heros and the ultimate man's man The Duke. To me this quote is basically for all men, whenever you come across something that scares or intimidates you just fasten your seatbelts and hit the gas. There are times in life where you need to do things that you dont want to or are scared of, and when I have come to those moments I just think about this wonderful quote and then I do what needs to get done. I didnt want to bungee jump but my dad signed me up and I felt like walking away(especially when the super tough biker went before me and squealed like a little girl) but I just thought about this quote and dove off that platform like I was goin in a pool, and afterwards I was glad I did.
Only when you have fallen to the bottom of the deepest canyon can you truly enjoy the view from the tallest mountain

Two years ago our football team fell on some tough times. We had been knocked out of one of the two championships we compete for every summer. The manager had been giving out to us for weeks after a few bad performances got us knocked out of one of the championships, me and two other team mates basically told him he diddnt know what the fuck he was doing as a manager.
The chairman of our club deceided to call a meeting to sort out the problems in our squad and he quoted that line to us. It basically means that when you have hit rock bottom it makes the rise to the top all the more sweeter because you remember where you used to be.
This saying stuck with us for the rest of the season and helped bring the team together and win the other trophy we were competing for that year. It defined our season.

The last suit we wear doesnt have any pockets

I remember reading this one time. A famous actor said it but i forget which one. Basically it means that when we die all the money we have will be useless to us, so enjoy it while you have the chance to. There is no point hanging on to it your whole life as you cant bring any of it with you

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