A Plea To Doug Crashin

I am new and all, but I already have seen people who are worse when it comes to living with the "internet is serious business" then this guy.
A lot worse.
I never had any problems with Doug myself, he seems alright, sure he's not the sharpest knife in the draw, but as Steve Rogers said, there are worse people out there, my housemate works with them.

So Doug is fine in my books, just I think some people can be too hard on him which doesn't help the situation at times.
Doug is fine, I've never had a problem with him or with the way he posts, I don't see why everyone has such an issue with the kid, there are far far more annoying posters on this site, like the clown that started this thread for example...


I'm so hurt.

Heres to hoping your next house doesn't go up in flames.

I know. And I'm not offended or anything. But did you really have to poke at the fact that his apartment burned down? As I said - It was a completely unnecessary subject to poke at.
Bah I say, i once told a drug addict to go OD in a corner and i would do it again if I had to. (This was after he stole something from me to by crack or whatever. was also a friend before this too.)
Yes, you're right. I apologize.

It's okay dude. I just have a problem with people lashing out at legitimate personal stuff. I couldn't give a damn if someone called me a gay bitch because I know I'm neither. But if someone lashed out an insult towards a dead family member (My mother for example - She's not dead don't worry) I'd be legitimately offended and pissed off.

Justin's house burning down is a legitimate personal issue and I just don't feel it's something to mess with.
Dude, I suggested suicide to a person with mental issues.

:lmao: and you know you dead ass wrong...

I don't have a problem with Doug.Just...never say Crashin' Bashin' again in your life.It just makes you a target dude.
Doug is alright in my book, yes he can be annoying at times, but so can a lot of us and yes he does seem to use his disability as an excuse quite a bit, but it doesn't make him a bad or annoying poster.

Now ZeroVX, who in the blue fuck are you to be saying Doug needs to do something different? Quite jumping on the fucking bandwagon you piece of shit, you are a much worse and a much more annoying poster than Doug. So fuck off jackass.
I love you Matt.

I love you too Dave. Seriously though that fucking Zero annoys the shit out of me when he thinks he's good enough to call other posters shit or say they need to do something. He needs to do something different, like drink a bottle of drano and rid us of his festering excuses for posts and threads.

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