A Note About Drew McIntyre and Brands in WWE

Radio GaGa

Occasional Pre-Show
Over the last half 3 quarters of the year, Drew McIntyre has become somewhat of an Internet Darling. I want to ask a question.

We all know we're in the middle of a weird era where the brands are not as important, but they still are there. We have the RAW super show, where we see top stars from both shows, but we still have Smackdown, that is still exclusive to the Smackdown brand. Now, let me remind all of you that Big Show is a RAW superstar. Him wrestling on Smackdown doesn't make a lot of sense, cause he wasn't ever drafted... They could just have a small angle of that... But let's return to Drew McIntyre...

We All know he's in 'The Doghouse', because of his split with Tiffany, but that wasn't his fault. He's extremely talented and the first week after the Draft he got solid TV time. Now let's put aside ALL of his problems backstage - Why can't he at least job or have a mid-card/Grudge feud on Raw OR Smackdown (I'd like that better than Mahal (god, does he suck), Gabriel (No Offence, love him, But Drew is better) Or Slater.)? Tiffany wasn't in WWE any more, so why doesn't the WWE give him some kind of push? I remember he had one match not long ago, but he certainly deserves more than just superstars...

This guy was supposed to be the world champion some day, if you dropped that idea, you could at least have him battle Sheamus, put him in a Tag Team with Regal or Barrett...
Drew McIntyre certainly isn't an "Internet Darling." That term is thrown around too freely by people who want to label wrestlers popularity within the IWC. Drew McIntyre has fans, doesn't make him an "Internet Darling", Zack Ryder can be correctly labeled as an Internet darling but the truth is, that is his shtick.

McIntyre is slumming it out on Superstars because, as you mentioned, his ex-wife is an idiot. Sure he has good in-ring talent, nowhere near anything special though, and he also has a good look to him, however this is a guy who was given one of the best themes, which just sounds demented from the beginning, was pushed to the high heavens, even proclaimed as "The Chosen One" and couldn't get over as a heel. That is more why Drew McIntyre is stuck in his role on Superstars.

His music plays, he comes out, everyone loves the music, they see him and within an eye-full all enthusiasm towards the guy is drained because he just looks so dull. His promo skills are another reason as to why he's seen as poor, I only watched a promo from him a couple weeks back on Smackdown in a "From The Vault" segment and he was terrible. He tries to come off sounding sinister but he sounds like a Scottish guy which is what he is.

There are a number of reasons as to why McIntyre slums it out on Superstars. He can't get over as a heel, he can't speak all that well, backstage errors from both him and his ex-wife have caused him to be held back plus he has only ever made a real impression once from a quick recollection, which was his performance in the Elimination Chamber. If McIntyre acted like he did there all the time I could see him rising back to prominice, but chances are that ain't happenin'.
Why can't he at least job or have a mid-card/Grudge feud on Raw OR Smackdown

Because he's not worth one. On Raw they advance the main storylines which Drew has no buisness interacting in. He's not on SD, but even if he was he'd still be lucky to get ring or promo time because quite frankly there are better options. Slater works better as a jobber because of his selling, and the rest of the SD midcarders are simply better than him. With the possible exception of Jackson.

I'd like that better than Mahal

Mahal however has potential to be a good strong draw in India which is somewhere WWE want to be, seeing as it's got a billion strong population and undergoing ecconomic growth right now.

Yeah, Gabriel outright destroys McIntyre in the ring since he can get a reaction for his moves, is an insanely versatile motherfucker, and a damn good seller to boot.

Or Slater

Best jobber in the company by virtue of being uninteresting (so he doesn't steal the spotlight), safe (so he won't hurt the green shithead WWE want to push harder than he has any right to be), and great at selling (so the squasher looks like a beast). He's not going anywhere for a while.

an Tiffany wasn't in WWE any more, so why doesn't the WWE give him some kind of push? I remember he had one match not long ago, but he certainly deserves more than just superstars...

No he doesn't. Remember how he flopped when they gave him a golden oportunity. Given lots of time but the crowd sat on their hands every week. He's exactly where he deserves to be.

This guy was supposed to be the world champion some day,

Yeah, falling WAY short of that hype is what got him in this position in the first place.

if you dropped that idea, you could at least have him battle Sheamus, put him in a Tag Team with Regal or Barrett...

Sheamus and Barrett have no buisness being associated with Drew in the ring. They - especially Barrett - are on the rise and wasting time with him goes against that.
Personally, i think Drew missed his oppurtunity to stand out as a young and upcoming superstar and now he's at the back of the queue for a push. The first year of his time in WWE was successful with an IC title reign and some good feuds. I saw him as a possible future main event heel. Then he gradually got less TV time, he had the whole Tiffany BS and people started to lose interest in his character and he lost all his momentum.

He's gradually become your average joe who's matches are generally unmemorable and mic skills are average. There are many young superstars who have overtaken him in the race for main event status in WWE and rightfully so: Ziggler, Barrett, Rhodes, Miz to name a few. Things have got so bad I think Mcintyre is in danger of being future endeavoured.
I'm still in two minds with Drew.

One one side I think that he's a talented worker, he's got an unmistakable style and he brings that to every match with him. He's what I'd call 'stiff' by the WWE's standards. In the ring he's very aggressive, very sharp and yet he's a good seller. He has a trait that he ought to pass on to many members of the WWE which is that he wrestles in a very authentically heel sort of a way. Few other rising superstars are able to do this, I'd name Ziggler, Del Rio, Rhodes as a couple of others who display this and maybe Cena or Bourne as their face counterparts, but for my money he does it as well as anybody.

For an example of this, I remember a few months ago on Raw him facing Rey Mysterio where he had absolutely no direction going into the match and simply through what he pulled out of his bag during the match, not before or after, he managed to draw some pretty nice heat from the crowds. That's talent.

And then I look at the other side of the coin. This aggression, the character that he is inside the ring stays inside the ring. He doesn't transfer what he can do into his mic work, you don't feel what he's saying in the same way. It's a real shame that he has to be half of the package, and the half he's failing at is the unequal half, if people don't feel the character and the talking, you aren't going anywhere.

I think he could drag all of this up with a lot of training but I also distribute some of the blame on his massive over-hyping when he was signed. Surely the WWE had an idea of his abilities before they signed him, and yet they introduced him in such a massive way knowing full well he couldn't live up to his reputation. I think if he had been brought in, in a less full-frontal fashion he'd actually be doing better now because he'd be far closer to meeting the expectations of the people, and probably exceeding them.

But let's see. He's got plenty of time to work on his character, you can see what that work did for Ziggler and there's no reason to believe he can't be a more well-rounded sports entertainer by the time he really needs to be.
Drew could be a massive draw in the UK if handled right alongside and against Barrett, Sheamus and Ryan... so the Jinder Mahal argument about India is moot.

Its never really come out what Tiffany did that was so heinous but in reality, Drew is stuck with it now. He is lucky in a way, I remember Rhyno got canned for an argument with his wife on Mania weekend so he is still there at least.

Drew is stuck in the situation where not everyone can get the push at one time, but just as a year ago people were lining Cody Rhodes up for possible release, it can turn around relatively quickly. With Mason Ryan moving up the card, I can see a US title fued in the future... if of course they don't just give it to Ryder. To be honest I think with the sheer number of European wrestlers, that the European belt should be reinstated... Drew would be a good first champion with that belt and could feud with guys like Regal and Santino for it.
Drew could be a massive draw in the UK if handled right alongside and against Barrett, Sheamus and Ryan... so the Jinder Mahal argument about India is moot.

The population of India is considerably bigger than the UK's and as you yourself said, Drew's in direct competition with two guys who are simply better than he is. Jinder's competition in the Indian market is Khali.

Drew is stuck in the situation where not everyone can get the push at one time, but just as a year ago people were lining Cody Rhodes up for possible release, it can turn around relatively quickly.

And do you know why the same people are lining up to suck his dick now? Because when he was given a small chance to shine he did a magnificent job with his "Dashing" gimmick. Drew was given a better chance when he debuted. He failed and consiquently he's at the back of a long line.

With Mason Ryan moving up the card, I can see a US title fued in the future... if of course they don't just give it to Ryder.

Which they will. Seeing as Ryder's got the support of the fans with his underdog schtick.

To be honest I think with the sheer number of European wrestlers, that the European belt should be reinstated... Drew would be a good first champion with that belt and could feud with guys like Regal and Santino for it.

WWE already has 5 titles for males. They don't need another one just so that smegheads like Drew can get air time that would be beter used on someone else.
Honestly until I popped in WWE 12, I forgot Drew MacIntyre even existed, he's certainly not an "Internet Darling" I think the title belongs to guys like Zach Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, D-Bry, etc. WWE isn't putting him on TV & giving him a mid card feud because nobody cares about him, including the IWC.
Honestly until I popped in WWE 12, I forgot Drew MacIntyre even existed, he's certainly not an "Internet Darling" I think the title belongs to guys like Zach Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, D-Bry, etc. WWE isn't putting him on TV & giving him a mid card feud because nobody cares about him, including the IWC.

saying nobody cares about him when clearly he is being defended on this site is just silly.

this whole drew argument needs to pass.

YOU CANT PUSH EVERYONE AT THE SAME TIME! drew is being kept on superstars to try and improve himself cause he was attempted to be pushed far too quickly because his gimmick wasn't good enough.

doesn't mean he is going anywhere.

but if people want to voice an opinion on what he could possibly do let them, disagree but dont act all high and mighty because you are not.

in this situation VINCE is.

VINCE will make the decision, speculate all you want, he does not care what you think
Does Drew McIntyre have an insane amount of talent and potential? No.

But, I do think he would make a good gate keeper in the midcard. What I mean is that for any babyface to come along and beat him, that could be the sign that he's ready for a midcard title. All you have to do is let Drew beat every midcard wrestler except for the other guy in question and then let the other guy beat him to show that he's worthy.

I think Drew could be good in that sort of role.

I honestly didn't like Drew at all when he was being featured in the Intercontinental feud. He had no personality to his character and he was just a lot of the same monotonous crap that we get out of heels, today. But, I'd still pick Drew over Jack Swagger any day. So, sure, I'd like seeing Drew in some role on television, but I don't think he should be a featured wrestler. If you use him in a supporting role, like Jack Swagger's role, he could work out well but, if you want more out of him, then don't cry when he let's you down.

I do feel badly for him because he's another wrestler whose career in WWE was killed by a girlfriend, but I don't think he really ever deserved to get pushed way to the top. He's kind of the way that Carlito was: a good look, pretty good wrestling ability, an okay personality, and was pushed too hard, too fast. They built him up, he didn't work out, but let's not act like he even should have, in the first place.
Honestly, I like McIntyre. I like him a lot, as is probably evidenced by nearly 100% of my forum posts being about McIntyre. I think he could have a future as something at least in the midcard. I wouldn't think it a miracle if he became a main-eventer in the future.

But as much as I WANT to defend him to the hilt, I find it hard to argue against the main criticisms of him. Putting the whole Tiffany thing to one side, what most people say is his character is bland outside the confines of a match, and he was pushed way too fast. I do think his flaws could be "papered over" to an extent with just some training, or something, but I don't think it's something he can't improve on. To me, his in-ring aggression can border on insane at times. (Slight exaggeration?) But outside of a match, his promos are generic heel stuff. Nothing to set him apart at all. As has probably been said lots of times before, he's still relatively pretty young. 26 I believe. He definitely has time on his side and I would be more surprised were I to look into the future and they don't try to push him again. But the ball's really in his court. Ziggler and Rhodes both have rockets up their arses and rightfully so, they both excelled individually. Drew must do the same to even contemplate the long road back to relevancy. No more "The Tiffany thing is holding him back" or any other excuses. He must get over himself.

Were he to be re-pushed I'd see no reason for him to do it on RAW. Either draft him back to SmackDown or just have him appear there as part of this weirdly confusing brand stuff they have going on now.
Honestly, I like McIntyre. I like him a lot, as is probably evidenced by nearly 100% of my forum posts being about McIntyre. I think he could have a future as something at least in the midcard. I wouldn't think it a miracle if he became a main-eventer in the future.

But as much as I WANT to defend him to the hilt, I find it hard to argue against the main criticisms of him. Putting the whole Tiffany thing to one side, what most people say is his character is bland outside the confines of a match, and he was pushed way too fast. I do think his flaws could be "papered over" to an extent with just some training, or something, but I don't think it's something he can't improve on. To me, his in-ring aggression can border on insane at times. (Slight exaggeration?) But outside of a match, his promos are generic heel stuff. Nothing to set him apart at all. As has probably been said lots of times before, he's still relatively pretty young. 26 I believe. He definitely has time on his side and I would be more surprised were I to look into the future and they don't try to push him again. But the ball's really in his court. Ziggler and Rhodes both have rockets up their arses and rightfully so, they both excelled individually. Drew must do the same to even contemplate the long road back to relevancy. No more "The Tiffany thing is holding him back" or any other excuses. He must get over himself.

Were he to be re-pushed I'd see no reason for him to do it on RAW. Either draft him back to SmackDown or just have him appear there as part of this weirdly confusing brand stuff they have going on now.

there is no brand warfare anymore, it's the reason they dumped Bragging Rights and WWE SVR series became WWE 12, well there reasoning was there is no longer a fight between the brands. They are seperate brands for advertising purposes and filming but main stars and champions will go back and forth and there will not be Smackdown vs Raw guys.

onto Drew, i saw the potential in Drew at the start, he certainly had the look of a IC/US champ, not sure about world champ but as has been said time and time again there's just something about his personality that is bland, maybe it's the accent. In ring he is intense and can work a half decent match but that's it.

Raw is not the place for him, he's not entertaining enough and on Smackdown there's no room for him to be in any title pictures atm, so i dunno i think he's a lost cause at this point.

not to be a spoiler but in WWE 12 they do a European stable in one of the storylines maybe they could do the same thing on Smackdown Wade Barret, Drew, Sheamus, William Regal all qualify
It's all about the right gimmick... Drew does need a mouthpiece and I would ideally like Regal to do it but it strikes me that Roddy Piper would be a good one for Drew. Use Roddy's (fake) Scottish connection and that Piper thinks he is boring so he's gonna straighten him out! Have a blow off student v teacher match if Piper is able or just have Drew decimate him on Piper's Pit.
For an example of this, I remember a few months ago on Raw him facing Rey Mysterio where he had absolutely no direction going into the match and simply through what he pulled out of his bag during the match, not before or after, he managed to draw some pretty nice heat from the crowds. That's talent.

You're right; it is talent. Remember, it's very hard to look good against Rey Mysterio, for the same reason it's hard to look good against Sin Cara; the opponent of these guys is there to sell their moves because they're too damn small to look believable without their foe's cooperation. Of course, that can be said of a lot of pro wrestling, but when a guy like Drew, who's 6'5, is being forced to humble himself before a man of Rey's size, it's doubly difficult to make a good showing.

Drew did. He sold Rey's moves while still showing aggression and making the match look like a real contest. I remember him clotheslining Rey......from his knees, because that was the only way a guy of his height could do it and make it look real.

Yes, I'm going all "girly" and admitting I first took to Drew because of his choirboy looks, but I soon came to appreciate his talent for pro wrestling and have seen how hard he works in order to bring himself back from WWE Never-Neverland.

If they don't think Drew can make it as a heel, then try him as a face. The right program that gets him over with the fans could do it: honestly, I thought the incident a few months ago in which Drew and Dolph Ziggler were facing a rampaging Big Show was going to be the key. Dolph ran away, leaving Drew to face Show by himself, remember? Instead, nothing came of it. But seeing mega-heels turn face often works.....see Drew's good buddy Sheamus.

Anyway, you can look at my signature and tell how I feel about Drew.:)
You're right; it is talent. Remember, it's very hard to look good against Rey Mysterio, for the same reason it's hard to look good against Sin Cara; the opponent of these guys is there to sell their moves because they're too damn small to look believable without their foe's cooperation. Of course, that can be said of a lot of pro wrestling, but when a guy like Drew, who's 6'5, is being forced to humble himself before a man of Rey's size, it's doubly difficult to make a good showing.

Seeing as Rey Mysterio has been near the top of the "consistently having good matches" list for years, it's not that difficult to have a good match against him and look good doing so. Sepecially when you consider that since he is so damn small you can do anything you like with him and he'll make it look devastating. It's easier to have a good match against a tiny person like Rey than it is with a giant like Show.

Drew did. He sold Rey's moves while still showing aggression and making the match look like a real contest. I remember him clotheslining Rey......from his knees, because that was the only way a guy of his height could do it and make it look real.

And Barrett, who is bigger than Drew as well as less skilled in the ring also had a good match with Rey. Having good matches with Mysterio is not a rare event Sally.

If they don't think Drew can make it as a heel, then try him as a face. The right program that gets him over with the fans could do it: honestly, I thought the incident a few months ago in which Drew and Dolph Ziggler were facing a rampaging Big Show was going to be the key. Dolph ran away, leaving Drew to face Show by himself, remember? Instead, nothing came of it. But seeing mega-heels turn face often works.....see Drew's good buddy Sheamus.

Well if it's easier to get over as a heel (but harder to stay that way) than a face why would turning someone who failed to get over as a heel be a smart idea? Sheamus turned for a couple of reasons, the first was that he'd done it all as a heel, the second was that the crowd was getting behind him anyway so the logical thing to do was turn him. Neither of those apply to Drew.
Not that the doghouse arguement is wrong by any means, but if Drew had any sort of talent, he would have done something by now, at least before he landed himself in the doghouse. Seriously, he has one of the best theme music pieces of all time, he was given a "Chosen One" gimmick which should rank up there with the "Stinking Rich Guy" gimmick as one of the easiest gimmicks to hate and he was given an advertisement on national television by a wrestling icon called Shawn Michaels. And yet somehow he could not make anything out of all this. If that doesn't speak volumes of his talent, or lack of it, I do not know what does.

On top of that, you have the controversy with Tiffany. I think that just made it easier to depush him. I am thinking that he was out of favor with the WWE officials much before that incident due to his inability to draw any sort of it.

The best option now would be to turn him face and see what happens. Problem is, there are no vacancies. Guys like Randy Orton and Sheamus are working in the upper midcard on Smackdown while guys like Ryder and Mason Ryan have the midcard babyface spot sealed on Raw. On a positive note though, he is still young. He is only 26. If he keeps working hard opportunities are bound to arise. Mason Ryan is bound to fail at some point. And the scars of that Tiffany issue are also bound to disappear.
I'll admit I hated Drew from the very start. His matches lasted seconds because he simply crushed his opponent before they got in and then hit his DDT and it was over. I thought the guy had no in-ring talent but when he had his first feud with Morrison I grew to like his intensity. Look for their no disqualification match on youtube, I personally thought it was intense and worth watching. Afterward, his feud with Kofi Kingston in which he was placed in longer matches showed me he was definitely improving in the ring.

But after his feud with Kofi there's not much that he's done. He went over Kaval, had one match with Randy Orton on Raw, and just wrestlers Alex Riley on superstars (what happened to HIS push btw?). After reading every post in this thread, I have come to agree that Drew seriously lacks something that would put him in that higher level. His personality is bland. His accent cancels out all the intensity he shows in the ring. Perhaps what he needs to do is simply stick to destroying people in the ring and aquire a mouth piece in William Regal, Michael PS Hayes or Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrada. This isn't guaranteed to work but I'm just throwing in my two cents.
I'm not sure what's going on between Drew and the WWE, but something is obviously wrong. They can't be mad at him about Tiffany forever. That was a long time ago and I think Drew deserves a second chance with his Chosen One gimmick. He was VERY close to breaking into the main event with it and they should give it another shot. Have him go over guys like Slater, Gabriel, or Dibiase who aren't doing anything important. With Raw being a Supershow now they can send those guys over from Smackdown to face Drew on Raw. Then they can try a US title run, keep him dominant like Rhodes and Ziggler with the midcard title, then push him to the main event where he belongs. It's ridiculous that they are not pushing him anymore because he has everything they could possibly want from a star and future world champion.
I'm not sure what's going on between Drew and the WWE, but something is obviously wrong.

Because the unover failure is doing shit all? That doesn't strike me as off.

They can't be mad at him about Tiffany forever.

They can however stay indifferent about him for not getting over as "The Chosen One"

That was a long time ago and I think Drew deserves a second chance with his Chosen One gimmick. He was VERY close to breaking into the main event with it and they should give it another shot.

Why does he deserve another chance? He fumbled a golden opportunity and was depushed because of it. He worked with the most over guys on the show, with the blessing of heatmagnet VKM and the crowds didn't give a damn. That's why he is where he is. He failed, maybe he'll do better next time but for now there's no reason to test that theory.

Have him go over guys like Slater, Gabriel, or Dibiase who aren't doing anything important.

DiBiase's getting a push which in True Zack Ryder fashion he's getting for his extracurricular work. He's organising tailgating parties before Raw and things like that. He's not "doing nothing." He's doing the exact opposite and it's working. Gabriel on the other hand murders Drew in every aspect of professional wrestling, and doesn't have a "you fucked up a great chance" strike against him, so going over him for no reason is completely stupid. Slater's a heel jobber. Why would going over him help Drew?

With Raw being a Supershow now they can send those guys over from Smackdown to face Drew on Raw.

Or they could do something that makes sence and give time to people who matter. Which is what they're doing with it at the moment. The Super Show is never going to help lower midcarders. WWE is never going to give Drew McIntyre or Trent Baretta time when they've got to accomodate both world champions, at least one midcard champion, their contenders, advance storylines and the rediculous amount of comercial breaks you get in the states.

Then they can try a US title run, keep him dominant like Rhodes and Ziggler with the midcard title, then push him to the main event where he belongs.

When Drew runs with a ball like Cody or Dolph did with every shot they were given then he can get pushed like them. To date he failed with a gimmick either of them would have killed for. Dolph started out as "Guy who inteoduces himself" and his current gimmick is "Showoff". Drew had a way better start and he didn't get over with it. Hence why Dolph beat Randy Orton on Monday while Drew was in the dark match with Alex Riley.

It's ridiculous that they are not pushing him anymore because he has everything they could possibly want from a star and future world champion.

Yeah, except the crowd's support. Which is why he's at the back of the line in the first place.
Ok for starters I too am mystified why he is not futher up on the ladder? He has been away for a while now from main brand TV and he has fallen pretty far......but not too far as superstars is still a WWE show and they are probably just figuring out the next step for him. Most people say he wasn't that over or he is bland etc, but remember he was probably the best thing to happen to Smackdown in 2009 and he was rising pretty quick for a new boy and someone so young as well. People don't like him and that is the sign of a good heel!! His character has to change now and I would like to see him more like his approach to Randy Orton after the draft! I saw something there and was excited about his new adventure on Raw, but sadly it never came to pass and he ended up on SS jobbing to almost everyone! with the exeption of John Morrison, but look where he is now!? I really like Big Mac and I hope WWE have plans for him and a character re-boot would be a good start. Nothing major just more at ease and maybe some real confidence and cocky-ness would be different. If WWE can make it happen I'm sure they will, but for now I guess Mcintyre fans will probably have to wait till the draft of 2012 to see what happens next to Big Mac.
Because the unover failure is doing shit all? That doesn't strike me as off.

That's the booking team's fault. Drew can't help it that they are not giving him an angle or a feud to get him over.

They can however stay indifferent about him for not getting over as "The Chosen One"

Once again, that's the booking team's fault. After the Tiffany incident he was not given anything to get over with. Him no longer being over was not his fault and it's not fair to blame that on him.

Why does he deserve another chance? He fumbled a golden opportunity and was depushed because of it. He worked with the most over guys on the show, with the blessing of heatmagnet VKM and the crowds didn't give a damn. That's why he is where he is. He failed, maybe he'll do better next time but for now there's no reason to test that theory.

He didn't blow a golden opportunity. His marriage ended and their fight caused drama where it wasn't needed. That was what killed his push. The crowds DID give a damn back when he was in his "Chosen One" push. Drew's only mistake was marrying Tiffany. You know what they say about never dating or sleeping with coworkers, here's a prime example of it ruining someone's life. Maybe he will do better next time, I agree, but if they do not give him something.... ANYTHING.... he's not going to get over.

DiBiase's getting a push which in True Zack Ryder fashion he's getting for his extracurricular work. He's organising tailgating parties before Raw and things like that. He's not "doing nothing." He's doing the exact opposite and it's working. Gabriel on the other hand murders Drew in every aspect of professional wrestling, and doesn't have a "you fucked up a great chance" strike against him, so going over him for no reason is completely stupid. Slater's a heel jobber. Why would going over him help Drew?

Going over them would help Drew because, with the exception of Slater, they are guys currently being pushed. If Drew starts winning again then he will regain some momentum. If you have a better idea of how to get him over, let's hear it bro. Otherwise I stand my case that those are the types of angles that will help him right now. He needs to restate that he's the Chosen One and start winning.

Or they could do something that makes sence and give time to people who matter. Which is what they're doing with it at the moment. The Super Show is never going to help lower midcarders. WWE is never going to give Drew McIntyre or Trent Baretta time when they've got to accomodate both world champions, at least one midcard champion, their contenders, advance storylines and the rediculous amount of comercial breaks you get in the states.

We also never thought we'd see Zack Ryder being pushed, or Mark Henry as a World Champion. Never say never. Drew's still a future world title contender to me and I remain a supporter. As for Trent, they may give him a chance and he could very well surprise people and become something relevant. The Super Show format can still help midcarders other than the champions. It's just a matter of WWE's creative team putting time into coming up with angles for them.

When Drew runs with a ball like Cody or Dolph did with every shot they were given then he can get pushed like them. To date he failed with a gimmick either of them would have killed for. Dolph started out as "Guy who inteoduces himself" and his current gimmick is "Showoff". Drew had a way better start and he didn't get over with it. Hence why Dolph beat Randy Orton on Monday while Drew was in the dark match with Alex Riley.

Actually Dolph started out as Chavo's golfing underling. Then he was a male cheerleader. THEN he was the guy who says his name a lot. He's come a long way. So has Cody. Drew would have been a world title holder before either of them won a midcard title had he not married Tiffany. He was on his way to the top and doing great until it all fell apart.

Yeah, except the crowd's support. Which is why he's at the back of the line in the first place.

The lack of crowd support comes from a lack of an angle. This is the simple concept that all of business centers around. If you want people to purchase your product or service, you have to MAKE them interested in it. Without placing Drew in some type of feud, the crowd isn't going to care. That's not something he should be blamed for. He screwed up with the Tiffany incident, he stuck around and still wants to succeed, they should give the guy another chance.
That's the booking team's fault. Drew can't help it that they are not giving him an angle or a feud to get him over.

Whose fault was it when he had an angle on SD that (shock horror) didn't get him over?

Once again, that's the booking team's fault. After the Tiffany incident he was not given anything to get over with. Him no longer being over was not his fault and it's not fair to blame that on him.

Problem: He wasn't over before the Tiffany incident.

He didn't blow a golden opportunity. His marriage ended and their fight caused drama where it wasn't needed. That was what killed his push. The crowds DID give a damn back when he was in his "Chosen One" push. Drew's only mistake was marrying Tiffany. You know what they say about never dating or sleeping with coworkers, here's a prime example of it ruining someone's life. Maybe he will do better next time, I agree, but if they do not give him something.... ANYTHING.... he's not going to get over.

And I'm sounding like a broken record here, but he wasn't over before Tiffany went all psycho on that bitch. If he had been, chances are WWE would have made allowances. Such as with Orton being a raging jackass for years. Drew got his ass kicked by his wife, wasn't over after being given more than enough time and material to be so and WWE decided that he wasn't worth the drama and kicked him down the card.

Going over them would help Drew because, with the exception of Slater, they are guys currently being pushed. If Drew starts winning again then he will regain some momentum. If you have a better idea of how to get him over, let's hear it bro. Otherwise I stand my case that those are the types of angles that will help him right now. He needs to restate that he's the Chosen One and start winning.

Which doesn't change the root problem of why he's there. Which is not because he's not pushed, or because his ex wife's a crazy bitch it's because he, Drew McIntyre wasn't able to make the fans give a shit about him. That is why he's dispensable. That's why he's on Superstars. Gabriel's exciting to watch and gets the crowd to stand up and watch, so he gets time on SD (he also has a damn good track record of getting over outside of WWE, but that's hardly relavent). But the fact remeans that Drew, Slater and Gabriel are where they are because of their respective actions and abilities.

As for getting him over, I wouldn't bother until there's an actual reason to push him. Either he goes out and impresses me somehowmakes himself relavent, or he demonstrates some qualities that make me think he might actually be able to get over this time. Either way, he's in his mid 20s. There's no rush. Let him marinate on Superstars, he's not going anwhere, and if he does and proves me wrong, then chances are he'll be willing to come back (see also: Christian)

We also never thought we'd see Zack Ryder being pushed,

For good or for bad, he did what Drew hasn't and made himself relevant and provided a reason that WWE should push him.

or Mark Henry as a World Champion

A thank you reign after 15 years service. Also doesn't apply to Drew.

Never say never. Drew's still a future world title contender to me and I remain a supporter. As for Trent, they may give him a chance and he could very well surprise people and become something relevant.

Call me when the pig cannon is ready.

The Super Show format can still help midcarders other than the champions. It's just a matter of WWE's creative team putting time into coming up with angles for them.

No it doesn't. That's the point of it. WWE wants to boost the raitings of both shows. That means it loads Raw with the best tallent in the company so people will watch Raw to watch the drama and matches, and watch Smackdown because "hey that guy Randy Orton had a good match with Dolph Ziggler. I should watch Smackdown because he might have another good match with someone else". Irrelevent midcarders have no place on a Supershow. They go against what WWE wants at this time.

Actually Dolph started out as Chavo's golfing underling. Then he was a male cheerleader. THEN he was the guy who says his name a lot. He's come a long way.

And he got that way by (you guessed it) getting over. Remind me, what wasn't Drew when he was Intercontinental Champion?

So has Cody.

See above.

Drew would have been a world title holder before either of them won a midcard title had he not married Tiffany. He was on his way to the top and doing great until it all fell apart.

No he wouldn't. Partly because both had won midcard title before Drew debuted (Tag Teams are midcarders too), but mostly because they got over while Drew did not. Funny how that works out isn't it?

The lack of crowd support comes from a lack of an angle.

Doesn't change the fact that when he had a damn good angle he didn't get over.

This is the simple concept that all of business centers around. If you want people to purchase your product or service, you have to MAKE them interested in it. Without placing Drew in some type of feud, the crowd isn't going to care. That's not something he should be blamed for. He screwed up with the Tiffany incident, he stuck around and still wants to succeed, they should give the guy another chance.

And Drew isn't given an angle because he's not worth an angle. He failed to get over with the best debut angle this side of Del Rio. He failed and he has been buried because of it. Accept that fact and move on.
Here's the FACT! WWE is unfair and showing emmence prejudice against Drew McIntyre because of this Tiffany garbage. What happened between them was exactly that; between THEM. Plus, Tiffany is over 6 years old (even if the idiot doesn't act like it). Listen up WWE/McIntyre haters; HE didn't hit her (SHE hit HIM) hence why SHE was arrested and not him. HE didn't get released and got to TNA (where she still sucks). HE didn't pose nude and pre-ruin his career. HE was trying to deal with this garbage in a diplomatic way. EVETYTHING wrong with Drew's career is HER faly and the fault of those so-called writers for WWE. If it were Drew's talent alone talking, the man WOULD be world Heavyweight Champion and he would KEEP it, as a good, entertaining and WORTHY champion.

News Flash: The problems with Drew McIntyre's career are NOT his fault. 1. HE didn't hit that stupid idiot ex-wife of his. 2. HE didn't get released from WWE. 3. HE didn't pose nude and pre-ruin his career. 4. If anyone is to blame for his poor performances and being left out of PPV's and tv shows and such, BLAME WWE's "creative team". THEY are the ones hurting Drew's creer. Talent for talent McINtyre is actually tons better than even Cena/Orton/Mysterio/hell even Punk. So. you wanna blame someone for Drew's "crappy" career continuation? BLAME WWE's so-called writers, NOT Drew himself, he could be.....SHOULD be, World Heavyweight Champion!
Drew's spot in the IWC comes from people realizing that hes the most underutalized talent on the roster whos been with the company for this long. Now that hes on RAW he has the ability to get some recognition on a much larger scale than the chosen one gimmick on SD a couple of years ago. Hed make a great tag team champion and WWE seems to have forgotten the value of a racially charged stable (which contains the unity factor that most of todays teams lack). When you have a guy like Regal whos at the end of his career and a guy like McIntyre whos been suffering the wrath of the doghouse for so long and youre not doing anything with either men it shows that you just care about making the top 3 guys in the company relevant and thats it.

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