A newer version of the Nation of Domination

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CM Steel

A REAL American
The Nation of Domination faction back in the day was a group of african-american wrestler's who felt like that they were being kept down by "the man" in wrestling. The stable was lead by Ron Simmons aka Faarooq, who took on a Louis Farrakhan-like charactor in the spirit of the nation of islam. But in the winter of 1998 after the Rock took over the group, the nation of domination was no more.

There has been talk for years in bringing back the faction name into a new wrestling era. But the "new" Nation of Domination doesn't have to be like the old Nation of Domination right? They can have a Rock-A-Fella or a V.I.P.-like theme as a faction. I would say have Booker T be the head of the newer N.O.D. after his role as the general manager of Smackdown has ran it's course. He's the only other african-american wrestler who comes close to Ron Simmons as far as being a ring veteran and is also a former (6X) world champion. He's a boss like rapper Rick Ross!

Have him recruit the Prime Time Players as the stable's tag team. And bring in Ezekiel Jackson as the enforcer of the group like he did with the Corre faction. And finally have Booker recruit either Kofi Kingston or R-Truth or MVP if he decides to re-sign with the WWE one day as Booker T's successer in the business. Someone to take his place when Booker T retires from wrestling. They can call the group "The Falcon Flock", or "Goon Life" or something urban.

This group would have nothing to do with racism of course. So can or should the WWE run with this idea for a faction in the WWE-PG???
The problem is why resurrect a Stable in the WWE in an Era most people have kind of forgotten now I admit back then the NOD was one heck of a group but it's not like DX or The Hart Foundation where they became the focal point of the shows.

I say it wouldn't work for one thing there really isn't a lot of nostalgia factor in the group and the other is that there really isn't one in the roster that can pull of being an active roster leader and that includes Booker T.
The Nation of Domination faction back in the day was a group of african-american wrestler's who felt like that they were being kept down by "the man" in wrestling. The stable was lead by Ron Simmons aka Faarooq, who took on a Louis Farrakhan-like charactor in the spirit of the nation of islam. But in the winter of 1998 after the Rock took over the group, the nation of domination was no more.

There has been talk for years in bringing back the faction name into a new wrestling era. But the "new" Nation of Domination doesn't have to be like the old Nation of Domination right? They can have a Rock-A-Fella or a V.I.P.-like theme as a faction. I would say have Booker T be the head of the newer N.O.D. after his role as the general manager of Smackdown has ran it's course. He's the only other african-american wrestler who comes close to Ron Simmons as far as being a ring veteran and is also a former (6X) world champion. He's a boss like rapper Rick Ross!

Have him recruit the Prime Time Players as the stable's tag team. And bring in Ezekiel Jackson as the enforcer of the group like he did with the Corre faction. And finally have Booker recruit either Kofi Kingston or R-Truth or MVP if he decides to re-sign with the WWE one day as Booker T's successer in the business. Someone to take his place when Booker T retires from wrestling. They can call the group "The Falcon Flock", or "Goon Life" or something urban.

This group would have nothing to do with racism of course. So can or should the WWE run with this idea for a faction in the WWE-PG???

Do people forget that The Nation wasn't just an all black stable? I mean, they had Savio Vega (Mexican) and Crush (White). Then after The Rock took over, it became an all black stable at first, then shortly after, Owen Hart joined. :)

But in the video games, I do create The Nation all the time and of course, my version is always an all black stable. One guy I always throw in there is of course, Mark Henry, but also Ezekiel Jackson. I think Big Zeke would fit in a new Nation type group.
I love this idea..I've made threads about it in the past..But since WWE has all these restrictions, any type of incarnation of the Nation Of Domination wouldn't be nearly as effective as it could be with a TV 14 rating..It's a great idea, but with no blood, no cursing, etc, the group wouldn't be able to truly get over as a dominant heel faction....

Since I love the Nation Of Domination, I'll give a list of hypothetical members-

Faarooq-Leader/Mentor/Enforcer, mouthpiece of the group, wrestles a few times a year

Mark Henry-One more WWE/World Title run since he's gonna retire soon

David Otunga-Obviously the lawyer..For those of you who remember Clarence Mason, Otunga's Clarence Mason V 2

JTG-If Zeke has the IC Title, then JTG could win the US Title

Ezekiel Jackson-Guyanese Juggernaut vying for the IC Title

Alicia Fox-Ambitious Diva tired of going nowhere so she joins with the Nation and wins the Diva's Title

Prime Time Players-Tag Team Champions with Faarooq as their mouthpiece
Man, just from reading the title I knew this was a Mack_Swagger thread. Needless to say the content did not disappoint. We have the mention of rappers, members of the roster who aren't relevant, and Mack made it very apparent he is black.

No, they don't need to do this. Stables fail way more than they succeed. For every Evolution or nWo there are ten Oddities, Disciples of Apocalypse, FBI, or Moondogs. Plus if they change the name it isn't really The Nation now is it. You can say that the Nation doesn't need to be about race, but that is exactly what it was. They were quasi members of The Nation of Islam.

Plus, The Nation wasn't that big in the day. Simmons was winding his career down, and the nation wasn't even his most successful team in the WWF/E, the APA was greater. D-Lo Brown was, well D-Lo Brown. It took Mark Henry ten plus years to go from a joke to a legit main event threat. Outside of The Rock, who needed the Nation because people were sick of him as the do gooder clean cut babyface, no one really came out of that group better than before.

And please don't go on about that bullshit that they need to cuss and beat people into a bloody mess to be effective. Go back and watch old garbage ECW if you want that
Man, just from reading the title I knew this was a Mack_Swagger thread. Needless to say the content did not disappoint. We have the mention of rappers, members of the roster who aren't relevant, and Mack made it very apparent he is black.

No, they don't need to do this. Stables fail way more than they succeed. For every Evolution or nWo there are ten Oddities, Disciples of Apocalypse, FBI, or Moondogs. Plus if they change the name it isn't really The Nation now is it. You can say that the Nation doesn't need to be about race, but that is exactly what it was. They were quasi members of The Nation of Islam.

Plus, The Nation wasn't that big in the day. Simmons was winding his career down, and the nation wasn't even his most successful team in the WWF/E, the APA was greater. D-Lo Brown was, well D-Lo Brown. It took Mark Henry ten plus years to go from a joke to a legit main event threat. Outside of The Rock, who needed the Nation because people were sick of him as the do gooder clean cut babyface, no one really came out of that group better than before.

And please don't go on about that bullshit that they need to cuss and beat people into a bloody mess to be effective. Go back and watch old garbage ECW if you want that

Just because I mentioned cussing and beating people up you think of ECW..ECW, if you actually take some time to watch it, was more than just cussing and blood..Watch some Eddy Guerrero/Dean Malenko ECW matches...I just don't see how The Nation Of Domination would be effective on a PG show..If you could tell me otherwise, then please enlighten me with something pertinent
Cant see this happening and dont think it could work in the PG environment but if it did then...Mark Henry, Zeke Jackson, R-Truth and the Prime Time Players would make an excellent faction.

Every fucking year, some moron brings up this thread and it infuriates me more and more. Give it up. For the sake of all that is holy, give it up. The Nation of Domination is dead. It isn't coming back. We don't need to see it come back. I hope we will never see it come back. I hope one of Vince's lackeys is browsing these forums and shows this to Vince. Then, I hope Vince comes out and tells the world that they are never coming back so Mack_Swagger can get a clue. The Nation of Domination wasn't all that great to begin with. I thought we can go a year without someone bringing this fucking topic up and I was proven wrong.

I leave you with these words.

Not only does this topic get beat to death, but it's honestly a little racist. Come up with something original.

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