A Jericho face turn is what will make Wade Barrett a true star.


WZCW's Mr Excitement
I have little doubt Wade Barrett is going to be a star. I think he would have made it without NXT but the WWE are struggling to make stars quickly at the moment.

Now I am sure Jericho and Barrett will form quite a dominant alliance for the forseeable future. Providing he isn't changed too much into something he isn't, Barrett will be WWE's future.

But looking beyond that, to put him over on the next level, Jericho will need to do what he does best and that is put people over and make them look awesome. A feud is inevitable. WWE won't be able to resist it.

To me, ten years ago, Y2J was the most entertaining thing WWE had done in some time. And while he is an excellent heel, and his recent turn has cemented his place in history, I feel a return to the charismatic guy who was one of the younger faces of the end of the WWF Attitude era would be the perfect opponent to the strong and silent killer that Barrett could excel in.

Anyone else agree?
Yeah, I can see where you are coming from. To put Wade Barrett over, he does need to feud with a top face. But he needs a top face.

The problem is Jericho gets more heat as a heel than pops as a face. He is better as a heel in the eyes of many. And apparently, Jericho himself prefers being a heel.
If he suddenly transforms into a good guy, he will not be one of the top faces. It will take time to get him over with the fans as a convincing good guy. He can't go from calling the WWE Universe 'parasites' and 'hypocrites' to being the charismatic Chris Jericho we all know.

However, I do see your point that Barrett would be a great opponent for Jericho. He is big and serious, where as the face Jericho is a fun loving rockstar. They would be the complete antithesis of eachother. Like you said, it probably will happen in the future and i'm looking foward to this possibility.
If Wade Barrett is going to feud with Chris Jericho I would want it to be because Wade turned face, or became a tweener.

Funny is I actually just said that in Doc's thread "Wade Barrett could probably be a great tweener" and I really feel that, he could very well feud with Chris Jericho through that, and even if Chris Jericho is good at putting over talent by feuding with them, he's also great at making people credible by teaming with them, remember what he did with Big Show? exactly.

Chris turning face would always be a nice move because he's great at both things, but he is one of the greatest heels WWE has going right now, and it would be a shame to watch it come to an end in order to put Wade Barrett over when it's clear that it can be done through association as well.

Besides Wade doesn't necessarily need to become over by feuding solely with Chris Jericho, even though Wade is by far not made to look like the dominant heel, giving him the chance to rip through the roster, or the mid-card at least, could do wonders for his career.

Let him rip a part guys like Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, Ted DiBiase etc. anybody they can really put in front of him, and I think that would be a great start to a future star.
Yes Ferbian has just said what I was going to...if they're gong to feud..then it would be better if Barrett was face..it would help him get over better...

Other than that, if Barret is going to get over in another way, I would prefer it he be a heel...most wrestlers start at heels...i don't know why, but thats the way it is..
WWE should keep Wade with Jericho for the time being, allow them to team up and WIN, and be singles stars, let Wade get the rub off Jericho, maybe even a tag titles run, but keep Wade with Jericho for a while till he's comfortable and importantly able to be a main eventer/upper mid carder without being lost in the shuffle, and when the time is right, then turn Wade on Jericho, teacher/puple storyline with Wade looking dominant.
I agree that Wade needs to face a top face to be put over. But I just don't see Jerchio as that guy. Yes he can play the heel and babyface really well but I wouldn't want him to turn face because him as a heel made me a huge fan of the guy. But I think that Wade should feud with Randy Orton or Triple H to get put over like that. I know Triple h isn't really known for putting talent over a lot but he might put Wade over in a feud if wwe creative is high on him.
I actually think Wade Barret would make a great face. He seems like he has a lot of charisma built up in him, and a comedic side to him. And this may seem weird, but nowadays I just can NOT take a man with an accent seriously when playing a heel role. Except Sheamus. But McIntyre i cannot take seriously.. I actually laugh. I also think that Wade can pull of a charming charismatic attitude with his accent. But either a heel or face, he's full of talent thats ready to be unleashed.
Let him rip a part guys like Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, Ted DiBiase etc. anybody they can really put in front of him, and I think that would be a great start to a future star.

I didnt mind the rest of your post but that little quote right there is just plain stupid, I can understand Ryder and maybe Bourne (even though they shouldnt) but Dibiase? Why would they have a less established young star get over by beating a more established young star who is trying to get over? That wouldnt make much sense, anyway, Wade Barret could benefit from a feud with a face Jericho but i cant imagine how they would turn Jericho face before Barret is already and established guy. He should have a feud with a returning Triple H or maybe a Sheamus feud, he could get over as a face againest Sheamus. They could also have him turn tweener like others have said, by having him turn on Jericho but keep his heelish persona.
this is how i see it coming. wade has a match against any champ he wants on ppv so maybe if randy re-injures his shoulder and they need a last minute replacement.... he'll be the best man for the job. jericho doesn't even need to do anything with it. or maybe he'll get upset because barrett won the title and he couldn't so they'll feud with barrett as the face
REALLY? REALLLY? iv been reading these forums for months now, and this thread finally angered me enough to make an account. Wade Barrett will be a big star?? i could not disagree more. I thought he was really boring on NXT and as soon as he leaves Jerichos side he ought to slowly fall down the roster. The NXT season 2 looks much more promising though
I disagree. I think he will be best served as Jericho's protege and partner. It's a hell of a rub and it will keep him relevant. He can take pins from Jericho's rivals to keep Jericho looking strong, and equally pin his rivals in tag matches to make himself look good. He can interfere to help him win, he can have Jericho interfere in his matches. It will all look very good for him.

Then down the line they'll get separated by a draft and Wade will become a solo star.

I don't think there's any need for a feud between them, especially if makes Jericho become the bland, dull face he was from late 2000 onwards. Remember his comeback? Remember how bad it was because nobody really cared? Yeah... no more of that thanks. He was only so good throughout his career, but these last few years as a heel people have given him more respect than ever. He was born to play this heel role, and I will not support any angle that leads to him being a face again, there are other ways to make Barrett.
I agree that working with Jericho would be the best thing for barrett. Jericho can make anyone look credible. He needs to team with Jericho to start getting over and getting huge heal heat that only Jericho seems to be able to pull now. Then they should have Barrett win a world title and have Jericho turn on him because of it, just like orton and evolution. Only Jericho would actually let Barrett get the better of him in the fued.

Anyway they want to build up Barrett, Jericho is the obvious choice for him to get over as either heal or face.
i agree barrett can be a star but they shouldnt push him to fast let him develope some more to many times i seen wwe rush to make stars and in the end they wind up jobbing two examples khali and koslov both them came in ripped through everyone put in front of them even the top stars now look at where they are at tagging with midgets and dancing would hate to see barrett end up like that when hes got potential
I didnt mind the rest of your post but that little quote right there is just plain stupid, I can understand Ryder and maybe Bourne (even though they shouldnt) but Dibiase? Why would they have a less established young star get over by beating a more established young star who is trying to get over?

It would make perfect sense, if booked properly WWE could capitalize and build Ted DiBiase and Wade Barrett at the same time, if both are looking strong, nobody gets damaged from it with the exception of a small damage to the loosing side of the feud.

Randy Orton won the feud between him and Kofi Kingston, yet Kofi got insanely over during the time, so WWE could book them both to get over at the same time.

Besides I'm not saying he should be feuding with him, but there's nothing to hurt Wade, or Ted by letting Wade win a single match against him, to indicate the whole "ripping through the roster" of defeating a different established guy week by week, ultimately settling with the one he's supposed to feud with.
Jericho needs to turn face to save his OWN wrestling career. He is complete dog shit right now the way WWE is using him and it will end up hurting his overall legacy.
Jericho needs to turn face to save his OWN wrestling career. He is complete dog shit right now the way WWE is using him and it will end up hurting his overall legacy.

Not at all, Chris Jericho is doing some of the greatest work he's done in his entire career right now.

Chris said himself that he would like to contribute to the business by helping making new talent, that's what he's doing, so Chris wouldn't be getting anywhere new if he was a face, the end result would be the same no matter how you twist and turn the alignment.
I get where the OP is going, but I think it's unnecessary.

I would keep Jericho and Barrett as far away from each other as possible right now, actually. Jericho is such a fantastic main event-level heel, and his presence is important, but there are other things for him to do. Even though it seems like the perfect time right now, the Eric Bischoff school of booking should teach all of us not to do ten years of storyline in six months - something needs to be saved. Jericho v Barrett could be a massive feud down the road - you don't HAVE to do it right now. You don't have to start turning everyone face and heel like spinning tops to make it compelling either - let them both continue to do what makes them entertaining now, establish a little more of a relationship down the road maybe, THEN do the turn.

Sometimes, you have to think about the future too...
i tihnk they should feud with this new nxt vs wwe storyline
give jericho the title and turn him into a face and feud with barett
Does Wade Barrett even need Chris Jericho at this point? They had tremendous chemistry during the course of NXT and Jericho has already done wonders to put over Barrett as his ally. I don't think Barrett needs to remain Jericho's protege, maybe a loose association could remain in place as a reference point. Wade Barrett is going to be a star sooner rather than later. After this past Monday night, it appears as though the WWE has more elaborate plans for Barrett that may not even involve Jericho.

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