A Fourth Travesty May Occur In The WZ Tournament...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Fellow Forum Members,

Currently, in the second round of The WZ Tournament, Mitsuharu Misawa is up against Yokozuna:


Misawa is currently losing 17 to 9. Should Misawa lose to Yokozuna, I personally think that a great injustice will have been done. I am asking you to go and look at the debate over this match-up, and vote after you have decided who should win. However, I just ask that you vote according to which wrestler has had the most compelling arguments put forth for him. I am confident that I have argued soundly for Misawa, but I am well aware that me posting this could backfire on me and that everyone could vote for Yokozuna. But, that is a risk I am willing to take, as it means I would at least have tried to get one of the greatest Japanese wrestlers of all-time over someone whom I have never held in high esteem.

Thank you for reading,

I don't expect him to get any further then Flair. Matt Hardy doesn'ts urprise me, in the least.
Nor me really, everyone seems to hate him but it was nice trying defend him even if I never got to finish my task.
Malenko should never have beaten Bundy, I think it was Bundy, anyway Malenko should never have beaten him.
Fellow Forum Members,

Currently, in the second round of The WZ Tournament, Mitsuharu Misawa is up against Yokozuna:


Misawa is currently losing 17 to 9. Should Misawa lose to Yokozuna, I personally think that a great injustice will have been done. I am asking you to go and look at the debate over this match-up, and vote after you have decided who should win. However, I just ask that you vote according to which wrestler has had the most compelling arguments put forth for him. I am confident that I have argued soundly for Misawa, but I am well aware that me posting this could backfire on me and that everyone could vote for Yokozuna. But, that is a risk I am willing to take, as it means I would at least have tried to get one of the greatest Japanese wrestlers of all-time over someone whom I have never held in high esteem.

Thank you for reading,


Tdigle is, of course, wrong on this one. I admire his love for Misawa, but I backed Yoko and will continue to do so. This is a tournament of primes. Yoko's prime didn't last as long as Misawa's due to Yoko's deterioraton from size, but Yoko's 18 month prime was as dominant as anyone I've ever seen.
Tdigle is, of course, wrong on this one. I admire his love for Misawa, but I backed Yoko and will continue to do so. This is a tournament of primes. Yoko's prime didn't last as long as Misawa's due to Yoko's deterioraton from size, but Yoko's 18 month prime was as dominant as anyone I've ever seen.

Stay out of my thread...you're already winning at the moment...give me a fighting chance.
For everyone who voted for Misawa after viewing this thread, thank you for taking the time out to check out his match-up. He is down by 5 votes to Yokozuna, 22-17. If you haven't already checked out the match, please go ahead and do so.
All right, gentlemen and gentlewomen, the fight is still on. Misawa is still losing by 5 votes. At this point, I am down for bribes. Hell, if you vote for Misawa and rep doesn't work for you, I might even consider giving you my Bang Bros password (if you're over 18, 21 in some states).

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