A Few Ideas for Raw on the Road to WM

George Steele's Barber

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I've spent time I should be thinking of better ways to improve my life and my families life thinking about Raw and some matches they can book going in to WM. Let me know what you think.

1. Main Event match - there could be two HW title matches, Rock/Cena and UT streak matches at WM. That's basically 3 or 4 main event caliber matches. Main eventing WM is as big a match as you will ever get. What if some of these guys mini-feuded over the right to have the main event spot? What if there was one big match on Raw to determine who gets the top spot on the card?

2. Rumble winner - the Rumble winner should get the chance to be in any WM match that they want. Let there be some mystery behind the match that he chooses. Tease that the winner will choose to enter Rock/Cena. Tease that the winner will go after Taker's streak. I know it is important to have the card booked early but with Rock-Cena already set you know that this WM will sell. Drag out the Rumble winner decision a little bit longer and keep the audience guessing for a while.

3. UT Streak challenge - every year one guy comes out saying he wants the UT and he is going to end the streak. What if this year more guys come out saying they want to be the guy? UT could decide that he wants to see guys fight for the right to face him. They could hold a tournament or some type of multi-man match to determine who gets the spot? This could take up a whole show.

I know these are not completely orginal ideas, I haven't gone in to detail (I'm not a Book This! Type of guy) and they don't all necessarily work together. I also know that they don't need to do these things to sell WM. However, I think it would help add value to Raw and keep fans glued to the tube. Let me know what you think.
1. Main Event match - there could be two HW title matches, Rock/Cena and UT streak matches at WM. That's basically 3 or 4 main event caliber matches. Main eventing WM is as big a match as you will ever get. What if some of these guys mini-feuded over the right to have the main event spot? What if there was one big match on Raw to determine who gets the top spot on the card?
Rock/Cena should be the main event regardless of whatever.

2. Rumble winner - the Rumble winner should get the chance to be in any WM match that they want. Let there be some mystery behind the match that he chooses. Tease that the winner will choose to enter Rock/Cena. Tease that the winner will go after Taker's streak. I know it is important to have the card booked early but with Rock-Cena already set you know that this WM will sell. Drag out the Rumble winner decision a little bit longer and keep the audience guessing for a while.
Why would the winner choose a non-title match at WM? It should be a title match. And please don't ruin Cena/Rock.

3. UT Streak challenge - every year one guy comes out saying he wants the UT and he is going to end the streak. What if this year more guys come out saying they want to be the guy? UT could decide that he wants to see guys fight for the right to face him. They could hold a tournament or some type of multi-man match to determine who gets the spot? This could take up a whole show.
Bad Idea. There should be only one.
I like the streak idea. I also like that you're neglecting your family for the good of professional wrestling.
Rock/Cena should be the main event regardless of whatever.

Did I miss the point where I said it shouldn't be the main event? Cena can win the right for Rock/Cena to be the main event on Raw. You know he will because you are a smark but if they do this right on Raw, it might make for some intriguing television.

Why would the winner choose a non-title match at WM? It should be a title match. And please don't ruin Cena/Rock.

Again, at what point did I say the Rumble winner chooses to get in to the Cena/Rock match? I am looking to make Raw more interesting by teasing the possibility. Btw, anyone who thinks that a couple of props passed around from guy to guy for the past year is bigger than something 20 years in the making is highly delusional. I would much have faced the UT at WM for his 20th than guy who faces Daniel Bryan for the B show championship.

Bad Idea. There should be only one.

I hope you are just quoting the Highlander here but what the F are you talking about? At what point did I suggest UT should face more than one person at WM? I am just suggesting that they take some time on Raw to build a competitor as opposed to one guy (HHH) saying he wants to face UT and then UT being wishy washy for a few weeks before agreeing to the match (you know the same old shit we've had for the past two years.

Again, these.are just ideas for Raw. Ideas whose purpose is to keep people watching. In the end WM will pretty much set up like we all expected it to. I and I think other casual viewers am more likely to watch if the WWE creates some doubt, questions or mystery.

But I guess we can spend the Road to WM talking about Boots to Asses, respect, Fruity Pebbles, via satellite and the same old shit we have to hear over and over again. Then we can watch matches that mean no more that let's throw together semi-random tag teams.

What do you suggest?.
I like the streak idea. I also like that you're neglecting your family for the good of professional wrestling.

This is what I don't understand: is my three year old smoking weed because I am a neglectful parent or is it because she needs to relax her mind from all of my mind blowing Raw ideas I throw at her?
You better not waste your time having her vet your ideas. I want your thoughts YESTERDAY.

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