A 4 For 1 Rant


Lord And Master
Staff member
Because if I make separate threads, nobody would really give a fuck and I would get no replies:

Issue 1

I almost got suspended from work. The reason was... I was starring at a female co-worker's ass, got distracted and when the boss called, well I was distracted. And caught starring. Apparently, any signs of a relationship build also result in a suspension as well. What the fuck am I gonna have to do, blind myself when I go by her?

Issue 2

If you go to any store and you see all the lights closed, what do you assume? That it's closed. Why in God Almighty's green earth would people be stupid enough to stand in the abso-fucking-lutely dark drive-through waiting for a probably blinded cashier to take your order? Does this happen to anybody else who works in fast food or any other late closing establishment? I can't possibly be the only person in a patch of land filled with morons?

Issue 3

My laptop is out for repairs again. Apparently a wire that is hooked to where you plug the charger got loose. Goddammit, I really wish I could afford a new one. Or at least a desktop.

Issue 4

I got my own place. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. an older house for storage, and about 2 miles of nothing but fruit trees. Problem is, I can't afford the electricity and water bills if I move. Fuck minimun wage.

I'm done.
Because if I make separate threads, nobody would really give a fuck and I would get no replies:

Issue 1

I almost got suspended from work. The reason was... I was starring at a female co-worker's ass, got distracted and when the boss called, well I was distracted. And caught starring. Apparently, any signs of a relationship build also result in a suspension as well. What the fuck am I gonna have to do, blind myself when I go by her?

Issue 2

If you go to any store and you see all the lights closed, what do you assume? That it's closed. Why in God Almighty's green earth would people be stupid enough to stand in the abso-fucking-lutely dark drive-through waiting for a probably blinded cashier to take your order? Does this happen to anybody else who works in fast food or any other late closing establishment? I can't possibly be the only person in a patch of land filled with morons?

Issue 3

My laptop is out for repairs again. Apparently a wire that is hooked to where you plug the charger got loose. Goddammit, I really wish I could afford a new one. Or at least a desktop.

Issue 4

I got my own place. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. an older house for storage, and about 2 miles of nothing but fruit trees. Problem is, I can't afford the electricity and water bills if I move. Fuck minimun wage.

I'm done.

#1: It's a form of sexual harassment, isn't it? Understandable.
#2: They did it at Wendy's all the time. Just let them sit there. They'll figure it out eventually.
#3: Save a little pile of money, store it so you won't be tempted to spend it.
#4: Shit happens dude, minimum wage is a pain in the ass. Maybe look for something CHEAPER? Or look for a little apartment with utilities included in the rent? It'll be shitty, but you'll be on your own I suppose.
#4: Shit happens dude, minimum wage is a pain in the ass. Maybe look for something CHEAPER? Or look for a little apartment with utilities included in the rent? It'll be shitty, but you'll be on your own I suppose.

I already own the land and houses. I just couldn't afford the electric and water bills if I moved in.
Because if I make separate threads, nobody would really give a fuck and I would get no replies:

Issue 1

I almost got suspended from work. The reason was... I was starring at a female co-worker's ass, got distracted and when the boss called, well I was distracted. And caught starring. Apparently, any signs of a relationship build also result in a suspension as well. What the fuck am I gonna have to do, blind myself when I go by her?

Take a picture of the ass and post it in the thread. Be sure to tell her to pose so we can get different angles. The boss can't get mad because it seems more like pornography than a relationship.

Issue 2

If you go to any store and you see all the lights closed, what do you assume? That it's closed. Why in God Almighty's green earth would people be stupid enough to stand in the abso-fucking-lutely dark drive-through waiting for a probably blinded cashier to take your order? Does this happen to anybody else who works in fast food or any other late closing establishment? I can't possibly be the only person in a patch of land filled with morons?

At my old job when I closed, people would try to shake open the locked doors. These doors also had our hours posted on them and the open sign turned off.

Issue 3

My laptop is out for repairs again. Apparently a wire that is hooked to where you plug the charger got loose. Goddammit, I really wish I could afford a new one. Or at least a desktop.

I had a similar problem except it completely busted rather than getting lose. Cost $150 to get repaired, took me a good while to get the money to pay for it, how much are you being charged.

Issue 4

I got my own place. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. an older house for storage, and about 2 miles of nothing but fruit trees. Problem is, I can't afford the electricity and water bills if I move. Fuck minimun wage.

I'm done.

When did you all get electricity over there?
Wow, I got the pleasure of four rants in time it took to read one! Terrific!

1) That's a real shitty way to get caught. I guess just be super gentlemanly every time you see her from now on. I'd suggest apologizing, but bringing it up might just further embarrass her and that wouldn't be good.

2) When I was in high school I worked in the produce section of a supermarket and I was tasked with putting all the vegetables away before closing. You had to put them into a bin and then stack the bins on a cart that you put into the fridge in the back. Once a week a middle aged woman or a shitty husband who was too lazy to grocery shop when CSI was on would ask for something I had already put away and was on the bottom of the cart. I always wanted to tell them, "If you can't see it, it's not out anymore, next time get here before 10 PM," but good customer service prevented me from doing that. At least you can spit in their soda, right?

3) I saw an advertisement in New Jersey for dirt cheap laptops at the Meadowland's Expo Center. It's a mega-liquidation sale and their selling a ton of things for ridiculously low prices, but I've heard that most of the stuff they sell is knockoffs, so it might not be the best option. Nonetheless, maybe you can search for a similar bargain in your neck of the woods? Or you could always check Craigslist. Just don't get raped.

4) Ahhh who needs electricity and water? Or make people pay you to pick fruit from your trees. Yuppies fucking love picking fruit from trees themselves.

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