90's Region - 3 Doors Down vs Type O Negative

3 Doors Down vs Type O Negative

  • 3 Doors Down

  • Type O Negative

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
1st Round 90's Region Match

3 Doors Down vs Type O Negative

Please take into account the entire body of work of the artists, their mark on the music industry and/or society as a whole, their influence on other artists, lyrics, music, etc. If you have not already done so, please review the rules of the tournament and the Wrestlezone Forums. Have fun!​
3 Doors Down is another modern rock band that is the protypical example of why I hate modern rock music. Could they sound any more generic? Could they have sounded any more like everything else on the radio when they came out? It's not even that a band is going to be inherently bad if they're just rip-off or cliche artists, but add that to the fact that they've yet to produce an album that I didn't deem "suicide-worthy", and how can I justify voting for them? I'm sure they'll win this anyways.

Type O Negative had some good early stuff, but branched out into some directions that I didn't think they were best equipped artistically to. Still, they easily destroy 3 Doors Down here for me.
I loved early Type O. Black #1 is one of the coolest dark rock songs I've ever heard, and the lead singers voice (his name escapes me) tells a chilling story without even trying. Thier music was the goth equivalent of progressive rock, with long story based-songs and great bridges and solos.

I don't mind 3 Doors Down, but I don't like them either (with the exception of the song "Duck and Run"). Type O wins this easily in my book.
to go with my current run of differing with xfear on most of these, I voted 3DD. Call them what you like, some of their work I enjoy and i can feel what they mean.


That song especially. to me, it's a beautiful song and I know exactly what the guy means.
I had to go with 3DD here. They're my favorite band. A lot of their songs may be simple, but it's worked before for several other bands so why not them? They have a good southern rock sound to them that I really like. Also they put on a very good live show. At a concert I was at the city had a blackout, and the people working said the show was over. Brad Arnold came out and did acoustic stuff for about 90 minutes. I'm really not sure how many other bands would do that, maybe a lot, but to me it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Have to go with 3dd here.
One of the best Type O Negative songs, one that should earn them a few more votes, even if it is too late for them to pull out a win:


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