DAMN. I don't know which one to vote for here.
On one hand, you have the film that was able to convince people that a rather new form of film making technology was actually more than worthwhile to look into and start to use on a frequent basis. Everyone at that time was STUNNED by the visual effects in a way that I'm assuming is similar to how everyone was stunned when the original Star Wars came out. Plus I mean, come on, everyone loves Jurassic Park lol. The little kids are annoying, sure, but Malcolm is a charming character and the dinosaurs are the real stars here.
On the other hand, you have one of the absolute best Disney films ever made. For a cartoon, Jasmine is a total babe lol. "A Whole New World" is an INCREDIBLE song. The pacing of the movie is very solid, the Genie is a typical loveable Disney character along the lines of Tinkerbell (with Aladdin drawing his comparisons to Peter Pan by proxy). Jafar was a great "manipulative bastard" villain. They escalated to a typical "threat literally get bigger and becomes a giant snake" which, albeit is a little cheesy, is still effective.
As much as I hate to eliminate it so early on....I think Jurassic Park suffers in this argument due to the fact that arguably the dinosaurs themselves are the reason the movie is so well loved. By no means is it a bad film on paper, but it just isn't as good as Aladdin.