Ugh, I hate having to deny a movie that I enjoy watching a vote.
Home Alone is a great film for what its worth. Its perhaps the only Christmas movie that I make a point to watch every so often. Its humorous but it also has a touch of heart to it (and surprisingly not in an over-sappy way that 99% of films fall into the pit of). Whenever I hear "Carol of the Bells", I think of Home Alone. Home Alone has ingrained itself in my head with various references including Tic Tacs, macaroni & cheese, "a plain cheese pizza", tarantulas, etc. But in the overall scheme of things, despite it being a fantastic film, I'm going to have to vote for Schindler's List. This is the curse of Spielberg. The guy consistently makes films that are poignant enough that even if you aren't particularly fond of the topic, you still have to say "ah you bastard, I have to respect you for this". I've only seen Schindler's List one time, and one time was enough. I liked it, but it isn't the type of film I'd enjoy watching a second time, and it isn't due to the length or the tone or anything as I have no problem with anything of that sort. Truth be told, I think its the fact that I won't be able to get anything more out of it than I did the first time around. I think if I saw it again, I wouldn't respect it as much, because when I'm a fan of something, I analyze every little detail of it as much as I can, and I think that if I watched Schindler's List again, I'd grow to dislike it.
You know what? I've changed my mind. Since nobody has voted for Home Alone, and since I've been voting for so many other dark dramas, I feel its my responsibility to even out the playing field a little. It won't make much of a difference, as I don't see Home Alone winning this match, but for argument's sake...
Home Alone.