80's Region - The Cosby Show vs ALF

The Cosby Show vs ALF

  • The Cosby Show

  • ALF

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
80's Region – The Cosby Show vs ALF




I don't know who decided the order of these polls, but this is sick. ALF and Cosby Show. Really?! REALLY! I have to vote between these two shows. Well...

When you think of family comedy, you think of Cosby Show. Dr. Huxtable was the dad everyone loved to watch. Clair was great, Theo was Theo. Rudy was awesome, the entire cast was great. It entertained the hell out of anyone who watched it and was also an all black main cast and may go down as the most successful black comedy in TV history.

ALF was just great. I loved this show as a kid and think that ALF was funny. But the show as a whole was pretty bad. The parents were not the best actors, except for the dad. He was funny. But ALF was great, but I can't vote it over Cosby.
ALF was alright, but it certainly isn't a show I'd consider for winning here. The Cosby Show was hilarious, and /Bill Cosby will always be one of ym favorite comedians. It helps that I had a thing for Lisa Bonet...
The Cosby Show was mediocre. Bill Cosby stopped being funny in the 70s, so by the time The Cosby Show came around he was long past the funny train and all he was capable of was just pulling funny faces.

Alf fucking ROCKED. What an apeshit crazy show that was, I still can't believe they were able to get away with some of the stuff they did back then. Gets my vote here for sure.
I have and will never understand how can people watch the Cosby Show and think its humorous. I love Bill Cosby but I never liked the show. I loved watching ALF when I was younger and I was also surprised at some of the stuff they got away with. ALF gets the nod over Cosby Show for me.
This is one of the more epic matchups of the first round. The Cosby show was aiight and rather iconic I suppose, but it can't compare to Alf, now can it? Think about it, fucking Alf! Easily one of my top 5 favorite shows growing up, gets the win here.
No suprise here, I went with Alf. I hated the Bill Cosby show on Nick at Night. Alf is very entertaining, and the little guy is amazingly funny. I mean, how can you compete with a show with quotes like this?

ALF: All right. Let me see if I've got this reindeer thing straight. There's... uh... there's Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid... Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Lynn: No, it's Prancer, Dancer, Vixen, Blitzen...
ALF: Huey, Duey and Luey.
Brian: No, those are ducks.
ALF: Then how do they pull the sleigh?


Willie: You can't vote, ALF , you're not a citizen.
ALF: I'll apply for a green card.
Willie: That's only if you want a job.
ALF: Pass.
ALF: I know, I'll marry Lynn. Become a citizen, vote, then drop her of like a hot potato.
Willie: ALF...
ALF: Sure it will be hard on her first. She'll cry, drink a little too much. Join with a bongo player named Waquine.
Willie: ALF.
ALF: You'd like Waquine, he doesn't like beets.
Willie: Neither you or Waquine may marry my daughter and you may not vote.
ALF: Fine. I have not voice in government, Waquine will get deported, and they'll make him eat beets.
Willie: How many cups of coffee have you had?
ALF: Forty. Why?

I mean honestly, these are just some of the mediocre quotes on the entire list. Vote Alf, now.
ALF was the absolute shit during my childhood. I loved the hell out of that show, and I can attest to this story that I forced my parents to watch it whenever it was on. That show was fucking nuts, I mean some of the lines they used would make the FCC have a migraine in today's censorship happy world. Look at the quotes Milky posted, the dialog in ALF was top notch and cracks me up to this day.

Cosby Show, was boring. I'll say that straight up right now. Cosby lost his edge back in the 70's. Plus I can only take his wholesome family values spewing for so long before I throw my remote through the TV. ALF should be winning this in a landslide.
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