6-Man Tag Titles - Could they work?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Idea stolen from WWE.com article.

Hypothetically speaking in a world where the IC title is number two, the US title is just as significant, and the World and Women's titles are treated with respect... Could a 6-Man Tag Team division work with the current roster of the WWE? And if so, how would a 6-Man tag division differ from a regular tag division?

Keep in mind, the 6-Man Tag Titles have worked before. WCW, WCCW, and I do believe even NWA have all had Six Man tag titles. They were treated as a completely separate division to the tag titles, and helped teams like the Fabulous Freebirds become... well... fabulous.

But let's put the Six Man tag titles into today's WWE. With 3MB, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, and the rumored Disgruntled Employees stable featuring Ziggler, Ryder, and Miz that would be a nice start for the division. It would also give the regular tag division their own stars and teams like Real Americans, Usos, NAO, Rhodes Brothers, and Rybaxel... even The Ascension could come up and fatten the tag division. Los Matadores can be in the tag and team with Sin Cara to be in the Six Man Tag division.

I realize that realistically, the title pictures in WWE are looking a little weird with the lack of defenses for some and random off point defenses for others. But I also know that a 6-Man tag division could get people more television time in the end, and who knows, maybe they can use Superstars and Main Event to help fill the show.

But seriously, what do you think?
No. That's a terrrible idea. The reason for that is that WWE can't even make a 2 VS 2 tag team division important, so creating tag titles for 3 VS 3 would be awful. You'd have The Shield feuding with The Wyatts constantly while 3MB job to both. As far as throwing a bunch of wrestlers with nothing else to do into 3 man tag teams for this, if they aren't doing that now to form lots of traditional 2 man tag teams, then they won't do it for this hypothetical 3 VS 3 division. I wouldn't mind seeing it some day in the future when it would actually be possible. Today it's not. It's better to keep the traditional tag team division while letting groups larger than 2 use The Freebird Rule to allow them all to be champions.
WWE - and The Shield - have made the six man tag into an art form over the past eighteen months. Piles of fantastic matches. I think it could work perfectly well but - but - I'm not sure it could function at the same time as a regular tag division. Would it therefore be worth the risk and time investment? Probably not.

I have two alternative ideas:

  1. Steal Chikara's idea and have a King of Trios type tournament.
  2. Have more Shield versus Wyatts matches.

The reason for that is that WWE can't even make a 2 VS 2 tag team division important,

Guh? Buh? Sluhhh?

The days of "Kofi and R-Truth are both black, aren't they? Make them tag team champions!" are over. Team Hell No rejuvenated tag team wrestling in WWE almost two years ago now and it's been in rude health ever since. The division's been thick enough with talent (oo-er, missus) that time's been found to waste genuinely good teams like The Prime Time Players and The Real Americans.

And for the record, I voted for Team Friendship. Dumbass wrestling fans have no appreciation of irony.
No. That's a terrrible idea. The reason for that is that WWE can't even make a 2 VS 2 tag team division important, so creating tag titles for 3 VS 3 would be awful. You'd have The Shield feuding with The Wyatts constantly while 3MB job to both. As far as throwing a bunch of wrestlers with nothing else to do into 3 man tag teams for this, if they aren't doing that now to form lots of traditional 2 man tag teams, then they won't do it for this hypothetical 3 VS 3 division. I wouldn't mind seeing it some day in the future when it would actually be possible. Today it's not. It's better to keep the traditional tag team division while letting groups larger than 2 use The Freebird Rule to allow them all to be champions.

agreed 100%

unless the wwe were to bring in 9 or 12 new talents to fill up the division i doubt they even have enough 3 man teams, all i can think of is wyatts against shield, and at this point id rather see both teams move on rather than continuously feud

and in general tag team wrestling is on the decline, had it not been for the rhodes brothers i doubt the tag titles wouldve been defended anymore by seth and roman than the us title by ambrose
This idea is just as bad, if not worse than a Divas Tag Team Championship. Let's take a look at the current tag team division, because it's suddenly gone from pretty good...to pretty bad. The Real Americans are splitting up, The Shield is splitting up (which means no more Rollins & Reigns), and Prime Time Players and Tons of Funk have already split. So what do we have?

The Usos
New Age Outlaws, but probably not for much longer. I imagine they're done after Mania.
The Rhodes Brothers - Also probably splitting before much longer, I would think they want to see if Cody can have a successful singles run as a face.
Rowan & Harper
Los Matadores
R. Truth & Xavier Woods

There's rumors of The Miz & Dolph Ziggler becoming a tag team, but for now they're just that, rumors. We will soon only have 5-7 legitimate tag teams. The division is not in good shape at all, which is a shame because I like The Usos a lot, but without good competition, their belts won't mean anything. Hopefully The Ascension will be moved up to the main roster soon, because the division needs all the help it can get and the champs need a serious rival.

So to answer the question at hand, WWE has no business adding a 6-man tag team championship when the traditional tag team division has so much work to be done to it. For that matter, they've got 1 too many title belts with US Championship being a complete joke.
I believe that the titles should be as follows for the WWE.

World Title - Just the old WWE title, get rid of the big gold belt.

Intercontinental - Given the WWE History of the title, this should remain as the #2 belt in the company.

Get rid of the United States Championship as it's a byproduct of WCW and is worthless to keep around.

Replace The United States Championship with a title called "The Interactive Title" and have it be defended on every Monday Night Raw/Smackdown and Live Event. The audience will either choose the opponent or the stipulation of said match. This would allow them to trend on twitter quite easily and keep their social media score up.

Tag titles - Vince has never been a fan of the tag team titles but I feel that they are a valuable resource to the federation as some wrestlers are quite simply better in tag teams.

As for a 6 Man Tag Title, if Vince doesn't like paying 4 wrestlers for a match... He's not going to like paying 6 people for a match. I personally wouldn't like to see them do it unless they were 100 percent behind the idea.


Diva's Championship
The days of "Kofi and R-Truth are both black, aren't they? Make them tag team champions!" are over. Team Hell No rejuvenated tag team wrestling in WWE almost two years ago now and it's been in rude health ever since. The division's been thick enough with talent (oo-er, missus) that time's been found to waste genuinely good teams like The Prime Time Players and The Real Americans.

And for the record, I voted for Team Friendship. Dumbass wrestling fans have no appreciation of irony.

It did get a great boost with Team Hell No and then the Rhodes last year, but sadly enough the division is heading back down and has been for a while now. There's plenty of talent in the division for sure, but unless your team's name is the NAO or the Shield, your team is getting very little promo or story time. Sadly enough the tag division is suffering from the same neglect the other mid-card titles are getting, which will hopefully get better post WM but I'm not very optimistic there.

As for Kofi and R-Truth, *points to Big E and Henry.* Pretty obvious why those two suddenly started teaming together once Big E turned face.

Replace The United States Championship with a title called "The Interactive Title" and have it be defended on every Monday Night Raw/Smackdown and Live Event. The audience will either choose the opponent or the stipulation of said match. This would allow them to trend on twitter quite easily and keep their social media score up.

Hm, it's a very interesting idea but I don't think it should be defended THAT often. Otherwise it would get stale and people would quickly get tired of it.
It was cool to see those matches in the old school wrestling, but it wouldn't work today, especially without established stables. Established stables could make ideas like this work, but WWE hasn't been able to build the tag team division, so until that gets built up, there is no way this will work.
As for Kofi and R-Truth, *points to Big E and Henry.* Pretty obvious why those two suddenly started teaming together once Big E turned face.

In defence of Henry and Big E, who I'm not sure qualify as a 'proper' tag team, there's at least the weight-lifting connection and a sort of interesting rookie-veteran dynamic.
In defence of Henry and Big E, who I'm not sure qualify as a 'proper' tag team, there's at least the weight-lifting connection and a sort of interesting rookie-veteran dynamic.

Depends on your definition of a "proper" tag team, for me when I see them facing(and beating) established teams like the RA and RybAxel for weeks on end I think that counts them as a team for as long as they stick together.

As for the weight lifting thing, plenty of other guys that can lift a ton of weight and of course plenty of other rookies that Henry could've taken under his wing, not that Big E really counts as a "rookie" anymore. Honestly we're kinda guessing on the connection here since they've never actually said why they were teaming together, which unfortunately leads to people coming to their own conclusions.
Quite frankly, Bad Idea.

Even the tag division will need some rebuilding again Post-Mania as it has lost some level of interest lately.

Hopefully, the Ascension will be promoted to give the Usos a challenge. Some new Tag Teams should be formed with a view to the long-term. Even the Rhodes Brothers have been made to look weak during this Road to Mania30.

Also, the fact that both the US and IC titles are treated shabbily, means that bringing yet another title in so it become more irrelevant would be a dumb idea. Especially since there aren't enough 3-man groups in existence, and even if they were, I'd think that the Tag title would benefit in such a case instead of making a worthless 3-Man Tag belt for laughs.

PS: Having a Televsion type title instead of the US title would be a good idea,lMO. It would surely generate interest as well if it has to be defended Every Week on RAW/SD at least,tbh, and also elevate whoever is holding the belt as well as they would be in action regularly.
This idea is just as bad, if not worse than a Divas Tag Team Championship. Let's take a look at the current tag team division, because it's suddenly gone from pretty good...to pretty bad. The Real Americans are splitting up, The Shield is splitting up (which means no more Rollins & Reigns), and Prime Time Players and Tons of Funk have already split. So what do we have?

The Usos
New Age Outlaws, but probably not for much longer. I imagine they're done after Mania.
The Rhodes Brothers - Also probably splitting before much longer, I would think they want to see if Cody can have a successful singles run as a face.
Rowan & Harper
Los Matadores
R. Truth & Xavier Woods

There's rumors of The Miz & Dolph Ziggler becoming a tag team, but for now they're just that, rumors. We will soon only have 5-7 legitimate tag teams. The division is not in good shape at all, which is a shame because I like The Usos a lot, but without good competition, their belts won't mean anything. Hopefully The Ascension will be moved up to the main roster soon, because the division needs all the help it can get and the champs need a serious rival.

So to answer the question at hand, WWE has no business adding a 6-man tag team championship when the traditional tag team division has so much work to be done to it. For that matter, they've got 1 too many title belts with US Championship being a complete joke.

With Real Americans splitting and taking out the Shield and Wyatts to fill in a potential 6-Man tag division, that leaves 6. And if you add Henry & Big E, that's 7. If you think 7 teams isn't enough, then I suppose you go back and see what the E did with just three tag teams in the Dudleys, Hardys, and E&C. There were more than those three, including NAO, but they were the center piece and made the division worth watching. And considering there were about the same tag teams total then as there are now, I don't see how your conclusion makes sense... at all... ever.

Depends on your definition of a "proper" tag team, for me when I see them facing(and beating) established teams like the RA and RybAxel for weeks on end I think that counts them as a team for as long as they stick together.

As for the weight lifting thing, plenty of other guys that can lift a ton of weight and of course plenty of other rookies that Henry could've taken under his wing, not that Big E really counts as a "rookie" anymore. Honestly we're kinda guessing on the connection here since they've never actually said why they were teaming together, which unfortunately leads to people coming to their own conclusions.

If I'm not mistaken, their alliance sort of came when they helped CM Punk against Heyman and his guys. Other than that, I haven't seen much as to why they're together. Though, it would make sense that the power lifting would play hand in hand.
If I'm not mistaken, their alliance sort of came when they helped CM Punk against Heyman and his guys. Other than that, I haven't seen much as to why they're together. Though, it would make sense that the power lifting would play hand in hand.

Actually that was just Big E's face turn, Henry was still injured at the time and hasn't came back yet. As for the whole power lifting thing again, well lets just say that in Henry's long career he hasn't teamed up with another power lifter before Big E despite all the ones that came and went through the WWE. Not saying it's a impossible reason, just really doubtful.
As much as I personally like the idea of having Six Man Tag Titles, I can't see it right now.
There's really only 3 3-man groups. Wyatts,Shield and 3mb, and it's obvious what would happen there. If the reports of Ryder joining Miz and Ziggler are true that could be another, but what else? Do Los Matadores count? I mean El torito WAS in the rumble, but that wouldn't work. They would just pair random people together, and there would be no long term interest. Besides, they still have work to do in the Tag Team Division first. BRING BACK INTERNATIONAL AIRSTRIKE! Cheers
There aren't enough stables out there right now to make a 3 man championship all that meaningful. They should continue focusing on their tag team division which is already better than before. It would be interesting for the tag titles to change title holders within factions (ie. Wyatt family, shield, los matadores lol)
the question was idiotic it talked about The Shield vs The Wyatt's then asked could a 6 man tag title work? pretty sure they mean a 3 Man Tag title and no

They already have 4 other titles 1 of which is a tag title that barely gets the respect it deserves, adding more titles will just diminish the others even more, hell you'd think going by booking that the only title that exists is the WWF World Title which is still two titles i might add.
the question was idiotic it talked about The Shield vs The Wyatt's then asked could a 6 man tag title work? pretty sure they mean a 3 Man Tag title and no

They already have 4 other titles 1 of which is a tag title that barely gets the respect it deserves, adding more titles will just diminish the others even more, hell you'd think going by booking that the only title that exists is the WWF World Title which is still two titles i might add.

Aside from the fact that the Road to WM is in full swing, the tag team division has gotten a LOT of attention over the past two years. All this talk about "not getting attention" and "needs to be rejuvenated" makes me laugh. It's about as laughable as people saying a 30 Day Compete clause means something. The tag team division is perfectly fine, and is only going to get better. People seem to forget that HHH is practically the driver of the WWE ship right now, and is a very big fan of old school wrestling. That includes tag teams, which is why he brought in the NAO to help the division... well, and to make their annual DX merchandise sales.

Also, where... where in my first thread does it say anything about Shield vs. Wyatts? Sure, it could be a great feud to start the titles off on, which could eventually bring in other 3-Man teams... but where did I say that at all?
No, it wouldnt work. WWE can't even make the small number of titles they have left mean anything. The Tag Titles, IC Title and US Title are often just afterthoughts for the company, so why would adding another set of belts make any difference, especially ones that would require random 3 man teams to be thrown together to give the division any depth.

No. That's a terrrible idea. The reason for that is that WWE can't even make a 2 VS 2 tag team division important, so creating tag titles for 3 VS 3 would be awful. You'd have The Shield feuding with The Wyatts constantly while 3MB job to both. As far as throwing a bunch of wrestlers with nothing else to do into 3 man tag teams for this, if they aren't doing that now to form lots of traditional 2 man tag teams, then they won't do it for this hypothetical 3 VS 3 division. I wouldn't mind seeing it some day in the future when it would actually be possible. Today it's not. It's better to keep the traditional tag team division while letting groups larger than 2 use The Freebird Rule to allow them all to be champions.

True. I agree. I don't know why it's such a problem for the WWE to have a legit tag team division. I remember like 12 years old ago, how they had the Smackdown Six with Edge/Rey, Los Guerreros and Angle/Benoit dominate the tag division.

It's way more talented wrestlers now and more air time to pull off such a feat.
I also agree on getting rid of the US Title and I also like the idea of an Interactive Title because it makes sense. It could be defended most times when fans vote on the WWE app for the match type.
They aren't capable of making a legitimate tag team division in the long term, let alone a 3-man tag division.

3-man tag matches should be a weird attraction, and they are overkilling the concept since The Shield arrived.

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