

Pre-Show Stalwart
This is the date that “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero keeps posting on his Twitter account.

Could this be the date his contract with TNA runs out? Could The Pope possibly be leaving TNA soon? I wouldn’t necessarily blame him if he does. Because they have pretty much ruined him and killed all the momentum he once had.

This time last year The Pope was one of the hottest faces in that company now he’s just another guy. It’s sad. They turned him heel for no reason after losing two straight Pay-Per-View matches to Abyss. Then he had this feud with Samoa Joe and lost their blow off match at Lockdown and he hasn’t been on Impact since.

I wouldn’t mind if The Pope was placed in Immortal. He’s a better choice than Rob Terry, Murhpy and Tommy Dreamer. Even though I think that group is lame he would at least be on TV everyweek by being part of Immortal.

If The Pope does leave TNA would the WWE give him another chance? It’s hard to say. It would be great if they did because he’s definitely someone who can add something to their product IMO.

So I guess we will have to wait until 5-13-11 to see what this means for him.

What are your thoughts on this?
Not really sure what it means. The date is this Friday though, for a minute, I thought the 13th was Thursday in which case Pope's Twitter posting could be a little hyping of the mystery surrounding the debut of Angle's "mistress" and the executive from "The Network".

I haven't read anything online as to when Pope's deal expires but it wouldn't surprise me if he left TNA. Personally, I'm not really into the guy and, like most IWC darlings, he's definitely been made out ot be better than he actually is. Pope's been irrelevant in TNA for a long time now so maybe he's asked for early release or maybe his deal does expire this Friday. If that's what's going down, then it's no big loss for TNA.
I also feel like he'll pack his bags and leave, at least for a while. Honestly, the first thing I remember from Pope is jobbing his ass off. I started watching in the end of 2009 and I remember Pope being an absolute nobody, I was even surprised they pushed him. From my observation The Pope wasn't given any chance until Hogan and Bischoff came along, so the peak of his career in TNA was that tournament he won, things seemed to go downhill ever since.

Still, Pope is a charismatic guy, good in the ring and good on the mic. Why has he never been pushed? It seems there's more at play than just his talent.

Either way, if Pope does leave the only reason why I'll regret it is because of the potential he had to become something pretty good. If he goes back to WWE I really don't think he should expect to be treated any better. Elijah Burke wasn't exactly a Main Eventer there.

I think it's best for him to stay in TNA, do what he was doing, keep working hard and see where it gets him. He's in a shitty place right now, career wise. Go to WWE and do nothing but for more money, or stay in TNA and hope you'll do something for less money. It really depends on what you value more, money or being an important part of any product (yes, it's not all about the money, ask AJ Styles).
I thought contracts generaly expired after PPVs? We'll have to wait and see I guess. But im not sure why the OP thinks TNA have killed Pope. I would be more of the opinion that TNA made Pope
After a quick google search May 13th will be the 30th anniversary of the assignation attempt on Pope John Paul II. Maybe something he will do in significance related to that? Drop The Pope gimmick? That would be a shame since it does have huge potential.
5-13-11 love tna but seriously pope can do better then where hes at he has 2 much talent to be wasted so i have no clue what 5-13-11 means but in a way i hope pope either gets a storyline soon or packs up and goes to say roh where he maybe would be used
After a quick google search May 13th will be the 30th anniversary of the assignation attempt on Pope John Paul II. Maybe something he will do in significance related to that? Drop The Pope gimmick? That would be a shame since it does have huge potential.

Maybe maybe not, it could have something to do with that. Since i don't follow religions i had no idea of the significance of the date. He doesn't need to drop the gimmick, he only needs better opponents and a title.
If he leaves, where exactly is he going to go? WWE already fired him once, & he's not a big enough star in TNA where Vince would think he made that big of a mistake. I like the guy, but he's not great in the ring. But this thread isn't really about Pope, it's just another attempt to bash TNA. Really, if he left, he'd probably have to go to ROH or overseas.
1st be4 we all get 2 worked up maybe its someones birthday or he's expecting a child to be born, jus a thought. 2nd I personally would love to see him leave for wwe or roh. He would be a great partner for R Truth IMO. ppl bring up the money vs role shit but honestly TNA isn't even close to competing with WWE so why bust ur ass for less money and no recognition. AJ stays becuz that's his home and he gets whateva he wants, Samoa Joe stays becuz he's build wont work in WWE, nw give me a gud reason for Pope to stay
If he leaves, where exactly is he going to go? WWE already fired him once, & he's not a big enough star in TNA where Vince would think he made that big of a mistake. I like the guy, but he's not great in the ring. But this thread isn't really about Pope, it's just another attempt to bash TNA. Really, if he left, he'd probably have to go to ROH or overseas.

How is this a TNA bashing thread?

All I did was post my opinions on how The Pope has been used lately by TNA and what this date he's been posting could mean. IMO I feel they have messed up his character and that turning him heel was not a good decision. Also I don't want him to leave TNA but I would understand if he did.
The schedule on his website matches up with TNA house show dates coming up starting on the 20th of may and 2 shows into June so I doubt it's his contract being up.

Someone mentioned the Movie The Priest coming out that day maybe but also TNA is in Monroe LA for a house show that night. He hasn't been wrestling since the last PPV so maybe he's been given some time to rest and heal up and he's returning to the ring that night. That would put him returning just in time for the IMPACT taping on the 16th and 17th. Maybe he's going to be going in a new direction and it gives him a chance to try it out in front of a crowd before going on IMPACT with it.
well it is my birthday that day so maybe he wants to bring a few knockouts over as a present to me:)but i probally does have to do with something outside of tna since its a friday and the shows taped at the bigining of the week and airs thursday.so if he got his degree thats my guess
I also feel like he'll pack his bags and leave, at least for a while. Honestly, the first thing I remember from Pope is jobbing his ass off. I started watching in the end of 2009 and I remember Pope being an absolute nobody, I was even surprised they pushed him. From my observation The Pope wasn't given any chance until Hogan and Bischoff came along, so the peak of his career in TNA was that tournament he won, things seemed to go downhill ever since.

Still, Pope is a charismatic guy, good in the ring and good on the mic. Why has he never been pushed? It seems there's more at play than just his talent.

Either way, if Pope does leave the only reason why I'll regret it is because of the potential he had to become something pretty good. If he goes back to WWE I really don't think he should expect to be treated any better. Elijah Burke wasn't exactly a Main Eventer there.

I think it's best for him to stay in TNA, do what he was doing, keep working hard and see where it gets him. He's in a shitty place right now, career wise. Go to WWE and do nothing but for more money, or stay in TNA and hope you'll do something for less money. It really depends on what you value more, money or being an important part of any product (yes, it's not all about the money, ask AJ Styles).

I may be mistaken but I think you are not watching WWE anymore but after reading your post and thinking about The Pope I can't help but think that he should stay in TNA because he missed his storyline by 2 weeks in WWE. R-Truth is interesting right now but I can't help but think that he would be the perfect fit for the push that Truth is getting, he is more charismatic, speak better and clearer and is better in the ring.

I too think he should stay in TNA but I would like to see him used in a better way, same with Samoa Joe I am tired of TNA sitting on those 2 great wrestlers (just to name those 2) and not do a lot with them.

How is this a TNA bashing thread?

All I did was post my opinions on how The Pope has been used lately by TNA and what this date he's been posting could mean. IMO I feel they have messed up his character and that turning him heel was not a good decision. Also I don't want him to leave TNA but I would understand if he did.

I loved him as a face but I still think that the false preacher who is stealing the money and his in it for his own good can be great.
Well considering TNA isn't hyping this (and boy, do they love to hype countdown dates, or what?), and Burke is on his own personal twitter, I'd have to imagine it's the day he'd be released from his TNA contract, especially when you also consider the fact he's being promoted for an OVW return here.

Shame. I always liked Pope, but if he's gone, so be it.
Well considering TNA isn't hyping this (and boy, do they love to hype countdown dates, or what?), and Burke is on his own personal twitter, I'd have to imagine it's the day he'd be released from his TNA contract, especially when you also consider the fact he's being promoted for an OVW return here.

Shame. I always liked Pope, but if he's gone, so be it.

I don't know what to think about your post. Yes Burke is on his own twitter account, but that doesn't mean he is going to be released by TNA (maybe he is going to) but we don't know for sure. The date could have something to do with something in his personal life, like the death of a loved one or the birth of a child. As for the fact that he is promoted to appear for an OVW return, well it could be an 1 off affair. OVW is still an independent company i believe and TNA wrestlers can go to indy companies as long as they don't appear on tv.
i thought the wwe drop the ball on him i hope tna dont the same i love watching the pope in the ring he is a great talent
This was posted on 11/15/2009.

Dixie Carter announced on her Twitter tonight that she has signed Pope D'Angelo Dinero to a new, long term contract.

"Right before I walked in to watch the PPV just now, The Pope and I signed his new long term deal. He IS the real deal."

I guess in TNA a "long term" contract is 18 months and he will be leaving TNA. I also assume Dixie was wrong about Pope being the real deal as they have done jack shit with him lately.

It is a real shame as I thought Pope was over with the TNA audience and had the potential to be a title contender. Unfortunately for him too many (further) established "Stars" have come in and taken his place at the level he wishes to perform at (RVD, Anderson, Sting, Matt Hardy). Not to mention the shockingly bad storylines he has been given.

I for one hope he returns and gets a fairer shot, for me TNA have missed ANOTHER opportunity.
This was posted on 11/15/2009.

Dixie Carter announced on her Twitter tonight that she has signed Pope D'Angelo Dinero to a new, long term contract.

"Right before I walked in to watch the PPV just now, The Pope and I signed his new long term deal. He IS the real deal."

I guess in TNA a "long term" contract is 18 months and he will be leaving TNA. I also assume Dixie was wrong about Pope being the real deal as they have done jack shit with him lately.

It is a real shame as I thought Pope was over with the TNA audience and had the potential to be a title contender. Unfortunately for him too many (further) established "Stars" have come in and taken his place at the level he wishes to perform at (RVD, Anderson, Sting, Matt Hardy). Not to mention the shockingly bad storylines he has been given.

I for one hope he returns and gets a fairer shot, for me TNA have missed ANOTHER opportunity.
Wait, I thought people were against pushing WWE rejects. Now when they don't do it, it's a "missed opportunity"? Whichever way the wind blows, right? They push him - moan, they don't - moan again.
Originally Posted by Zeven_Zion
Wait, I thought people were against pushing WWE rejects. Now when they don't do it, it's a "missed opportunity"? Whichever way the wind blows, right? They push him - moan, they don't - moan again.

Zeven mate, not everything posted is a slight against TNA and therefore you don't need to go to bat for them constantly.

I like TNA 1000x more than WWE but for me TNA has missed an opportunity with Pope. The reason is that he was over in a major way when he first came in, he was pushed as a potential main eventer and then as soon as "bigger" name came in they threw him to the curb. Pope could have been a major player just like Anderson but unfortunately they fucked up his character by turning him heel.

I do not care TNA pushes WWE or not as long as they entertain me, which Pope did. I like Anderson too but RVD has not entertained me since he was tagging with Sabu.

So for ME "The Pope" was an opportunity missed. Also I guess Dixie thought he was a future star with her quote when he signed his so called long term deal.
@Cheddarboy Is it even announced he's getting released? From what I understand its just speculation. With all the talent they have signed not currently doing anything, TNA pushed Pope very recently on TV. I don't see them releasing him that quick. When was the last time we saw anything significant out of Jay Lethal before his release? An extra spot in an X Division match? Popes going nowhere yet.
@Cheddarboy Is it even announced he's getting released? From what I understand its just speculation. With all the talent they have signed not currently doing anything, TNA pushed Pope very recently on TV. I don't see them releasing him that quick. When was the last time we saw anything significant out of Jay Lethal before his release? An extra spot in an X Division match? Popes going nowhere yet.
True but he's being booked like a guy who's on his way out. Clearly TNA doesn't give two shits about him, they haven't for a long time. Maybe Pope has made it clear to management that he's not satisfied with the company and will leave when his contract is up. They pushed him when H&B came along, and then he got lost in the shuffle. I wouldn't want to work for a company that treats me like that and misuses me, yet gives Tommy Dreamer TV time and not me.
I honestly think The Pope dropped the ball anyways. If you go back the past few months and listen to his promos and watch his matches he seems uninterested and like he is not giving 100 percent. Now if Immortal wants to pick him up and make them their guy then I think it would be cool.
I honestly think The Pope dropped the ball anyways. If you go back the past few months and listen to his promos and watch his matches he seems uninterested and like he is not giving 100 percent. Now if Immortal wants to pick him up and make them their guy then I think it would be cool.
Good point. Don't you think his gimmick is simply holding him back? Personally I don't see this persona about congregation and speaking like a preacher work in a Main Event situation. Imagine you have a huge feud going, you need these boys to go out and tear that whole place down much like Robert Roode did last iMPACT, and then this guy starts talking like a priest or something. It ruins the whole thing and it does nothing but act like a big anchor which binds him in the mid-card. Pope is a charismatic guy, he's good in the ring and has the mic skills to make anything else work. He could always drop the preacher stuff but then why would he be called "The Pope"? The gimmick makes no sense if you think about it. He calles himself The Pope, talks like a preacher but dresses like a pimp and when he comes out money rain down. What's the connection? His gimmick must have something to do with his slacking, you can't make it work 100%. I think he doesn't need a gimmick, he just needs a personality. There's a difference between the two. The Undertaker has a gimmick - he's undead. Triple H, however, doesn't. He has a personality, certain things he likes and dislikes.

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