4 Straight Rumble Winners Lost At Wrestlemania.... Sheamus #5?


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Ok so the last royal rumble winner to win the world title at wm was the Undertaker in 2007. John Cena won the rumble in 2008 and decided to use his title shot and challenge orton at elimination chamber and lost and he faced him and wm24 as well and lost. In 2009, Orton won the rumble and lost to Triple H at wm25 and we all know he should have won but that's for another thread. In 2010, Edge made his return and won the rumble and lost to Chris Jericho at wm26. In 2011, Alberto Del Rio won the rumble and lost to Edge at wm27.
So my question is to you will Sheamus be the 5th straight man to win the royal rumble and lose at WM?
I personally think it doesn't matter if Sheamus is facing Daniel Bryan or Orton one on one or if he's in a fatal four way with D Bryan, Orton, and Barrett either way Sheamus is going to walk out the new World Heavyweight Champion. WWE needs to build their younger guys and this is the perfect way to keep Sheamus in the main event permanently. He is already a two time world champion. I think the only way Sheamus can get truly over is to beat Randy Orton one on one. Now I'm a fan of both men but it is clear by my name I'm a big Orton fan but it would be huge if Sheamus can get a clean win off of Orton at wm. That would jump start his career. I don't think it would do much of he beat Daniel Bryan because everyone knows he will and he isn't a mega star like Orton is. People might argue the problem is Sheamus is going to get booed more than cheered because Orton is the top face on Smackdown with Sheamus being number 2 and we shouldnt have two faces going against one another but I think it's the only way for people to truly get behind Sheamus and think of him as star of this company for many years to come.
I honestly cannot see a scenario where Sheamus does not walk out with the title at Wrestlemania 28.

Of their 'new talent initiative' Sheamus is clearly the most over with the fans and he is one of their better talents in the ring. I enjoy his bruiser style and his character is unique. If Daniel Bryan is still the World Champ at WM28 the one on one match would be an excellent match...and kinda fitting since that match was left off the card at WM27 last year.

Plus, by having Del Rio lose I consider to be something that has damaged him for a long time. He needed that win over Edge last year. Not to mention with each loss it further lessens the importance of winning the Royal Rumble match.
I would bet good money that Sheamus will walk out of WM28 with a world title, most probably the world heavyweight. If he faces Daniel Bryan in a 1v1 contest i almost guarantee he woud win but i don't think that will happen because to be honest that match is not really wrestlemania calibre.

It's invetiable for me that Randy Orton will be in the smackdown world title match in some way shape or form because he is the top guy on the brand and he is smackdown's big money player. Sheamus vs Orton could work but there both faces and i'd much rather see a Triple threat with Bryan, Sheamus & Orton or perhaps even a fatal 4 way with Wade Barrett or Mark Henry added to the mix. In this scenario Bryan could walk into mania as champ and Sheamus could win it off him getting that huge mania win he needs to really cement his main event spot but it wouldn't hurt Orton, Barrett or Bryan because he'll have had a lengthy title reign by then.
Don't forget that prior to 2008, there was a 7-year streak of the Rumble winner going on to win at WrestleMania. You can't have the Rumble winner walk out with the title all the time, it gets boring. There was also a 4-year streak of the WWE Championship being retained at Mania, and a 6-year streak of the World Heavyweight Championship always changing hands, now both of those are over. These things happen.
first off, I think a Fatal Four-way would be a great idea. I hope they go with it. Idk if I wanna see Orton in it and I don't know if they'll do it coming off Elimination Chamber and a "elmination-esq" match, but it's a good idea. With that being said, I'm on the fence.

I can see Sheamus winning which may set up a run with the title later in the year for Cody Rhodes. I think this could be the best way to set up a nice run with Rhodes maybe heading into Summerslam. If they go with Sheamus, I won't be mad. I kinda like Sheamus, but really liked him as the monster heel.

Then I can see Daniel Bryan winning. If they wanna go another route with Bryan and really give into his full fledge heel turn what better way to do this than to have him beat Sheamus. Also, how does it look that he could beat the two monsters of the company in Big Show and Mark Henry but he's stopped by Sheamus? That's the only thing I have with Sheamus winning. Daniel Bryan somehow/someway beats Big Show and Mark Henry but Sheamus comes along and beats him when he's not the size of Big Show and doesn't have the strength of Mark Henry. I wonder if people thought about this when they went with Sheamus winning the Royal Rumble and how maybe a fan might look at it from this standpoint.

So with that said again, I'm push. It's too close to call and could go either way. I just hope it's a good match regardless...
I can easily see both happening, Sheamus winning the World title, only to have the MITB winner cash in on him... I just get the feeling Barrett will win the EC, Sheamus will beat him and D.Bryan will win/cash in MITB the same night after Sheamus wins... That way his promise to cash in at Wrestlemania works...
A fan of sheamus here so i wont bring a biased comment here, but i feel a win for sheamus is needed, it would give Daniel Bryan a what would be 4-5 month title reign no? I'm a bit rusty with when he won the title, but this has allowed a heel build for DB which i hated at first but i do like him, but just want him to get beat down for everything. (which is what they are aiming for i guess) Sheamus to face Orton would not personally work, Face Vs. Face i never feel works, they are both liked equally for the same reasons, and a Heel sheamus never worked for me, so a Orton heel change could be due allowing him to face sheamus after WM. So without going off the question too much, i don't see Sheamus losing, a Sheamus vs DB is in the works for another month or two after wrestlemania solidifying his Heel persona and also to make sure sheamus is still loved even when he is Smackdowns Champion. The only way i see him losing is if they do a Wrestlemania like Rey Mysterio's WM match and make a Triple Threat/Fatal Four Way. Barret, Orton, DB, Sheamus. 2 faces vs 2 heels. this would then work for a Orton - Sheamus stare down while barret and db are out cold :)

Sorry if this was a bit lengthy
With the way WWE has been booking things of late, I would say the odds are pretty good that Sheamus will in fact lose. WWE seems to be trying to outsmart the fans and stay one step ahead of the internet lately. We've been seeing a lot of swerves just for the sake of swerving. They had Brodus come back but with a gimmick that came completely out of left field. They had Jericho return and do abo****ely nothing when everyone expected him to say or do something. Then came the red herring on RAW last week where Jericho proclaimed the end of the world was coming at the Rumble.

So if the pattern continues and everyone assumes Sheamus will win, that probably means he won't. I don't see Daniel Bryan holding the title that long. If he does the match will have to be a triple threat of some kind with Orton and/or Barrett. But I could also see someone like Del Rio or Christian returning and replacing Khali at the chamber, and then that person wins the world title and faces Sheamus.

Sheamus will undoubtedbly be the face of Smackdown very soon, and frankly whenever Cena's time is up, Sheamus seems like the next likely go to babyface for the next few years. But with WWE's current TNA style booking, I could easily see Sheamus either losing or possibly winning by DQ at mania. Both scenarios would result in him not getting the title. I think it would be a lot smarter to crown him champion at the biggest event of the year, but lately they seem to be doing the opposite of whatever fans expect them to do.
I certainly hope that Sheamus wins at Wrestlemania. The last time that we saw a Royal Rumble winner go on to successfully win a world title at Wrestlemania was Undertaker in 2007. Cena lost in 2008. Orton lost in 2009. Edge lost in 2010. Alberto lost in 2011. Enough is enough and the Royal Rumble has begun to lose prestige. I understand that the winner cannot always win, but the winner cannot always lose either. It makes it seem less special or important to win the Rumble. That match no longer seems as important due to people losing it for so many years in a row.

Sheamus is a great choice to end this trend. He has been improving constantly as a face and he would make a great choice for a top face on Smackdown if he chooses to go after the World Heavyweight Championship. Elimination Chamber will obviously be the determining factor in who walks into Wrestlemania with each belt, and Sheamus might wait until after this PPV to announce which belt he wants. The belts have switched brands at Elimination Chamber before, so I am waiting for my predictions until after that show. If I had to make an early prediction it would be that Sheamus will face Bryan or perhaps Christian could get thrown into the mix too for a triple threat match.

The bottom line is that Sheamus needs to win, not only because it will be a Wrestlemania moment for him, but also because the Royal Rumble needs to be established as an important stepping stone to winning world titles again. They should mix it up every now and then by having the winner sometimes win and sometimes lose, rather than do several years in a row of them winning followed by several years of them losing like they have done lately. Sheamus MUST win this year. Next year perhaps the guy can lose, the next couple of years the guys win, then another loss, and so forth. Mix it up a little to make it less predictable and more relevant again to win the Rumble. That is what I think should happen in the long run, but first they need to end the trend of the Rumble winners constantly losing and Sheamus is the perfect candidate to end that trend. It will lead to a great moment for him when he stands proudly holding the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania.
I have to say I don't think a win helps or hurts Sheamus like it does Bryan.

If WWE is actually taking Daniel Bryan seriously, then he needs to win the EC and needs to win at Mania and keep it for a couple of months. Sheamus (or someone like Barrett) could actually start a good feud with him. Actually since Bryan seems to be making this heel turn, I think a heel v heel with Barrett/Bryan would be awesome and a really good push to elevate both of them.

With that being said and more on topic, Sheamus is popular. He gets decent crowd pops and cheers and is a likeable character. Holding the belt won't help him and losing the WM match won't hurt him if it's done with a good build-up and the writers don't screw him over just because he's written to "lose" the match. Good characters lose at Mania and keep going to do awesome things. Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Edge, Orton, etc... Just because you lose, doesn't mean that you actually "lose." Mania can be the match that makes your career. Hell, just look at Stone Cold losing to Brett Hart and the awesomeness that match was. It's all about having the best match possible and then walking away from it with your head held high.
I'm a Daniel Bryan fan... but Sheamus is pretty good in that ring too.. not quite the technician as Daniel Bryan, but he's defiantly a beast of a brawler in the ring. And there's nothing wrong with a brawler... that's the likes of Stone Cold and Triple H are.

Why talk about Daniel Bryan? Because it's pretty obvious it's going to be Daniel Bryan Vs Sheamus and CM Punk Vs Chris Jericho...

At least it should be.. I love both of those matchups... and I don't want to see Orton or anyone else get thrown into the Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan match. The WWE owes them a one on one title match at Wrestlemania because of last year.

With that being said... I don't care how the World Title Match between Bryan and Sheamus goes... I'm about 95% sure that Sheamus will walk out with the title. And I'm fine with that... I want Sheamus to be cemented as a top guy like Orton and Cena, because he's just as good as em. If Daniel Bryan retained, I'd probably be even happier though.. it'd really be a big leg up for him.
I'm with the general consensus that Sheamus should win and he will, too long has the royal rumble shelled out a losing hand but this go around I can't see him losing without seriously hurting his reputation and the rumble's. The rumble has always been held in such high prestige but if the winners keep losing in their title shot then nobody will take it seriously. I believe Sheamus is the perfect guy to do that because after his success as a heel he found even more as a face and since has been rolling through everyone and is quite possibly in the argument for not only the top face on Smackdown but in the ranks of the tops faces of the entire company. They're talking about building their young talent up strong and giving them more oppertunity, they started it with Sheamus winning the rumble and next it will be with him taking the World Heavyweight Championship home after Wrestlemania 28.
I can't see Sheamus losing. The WWE seems to be rather high on Sheamus (and who could blame them). Don't get me wrong I was pretty critical of Sheamus when he first came around on Raw, but since turning face I've become a big fan of his. Ever since moving to SD Sheamus (to me) has stepped up his game and looks like he could be a superstar in the making. He has a unique look and he seems like a generally entertaining guy from the segments I've seen out of character. Sheamus should and I think will win at Wrestlemania. If they feel he can be one of the big 4 in the company then they need to get behind him and a Wrestlemania moment will do just that. Winning the title at the biggest stage of them all is a big deal and I fully expect Sheamus to break this losing streak that Rumble winners are on and become world champion yet again.
All signs point to my boy Sheamus winning the World Heavyweight Championship come Wrestlemania. I have been saying this for months; Sheamus' momentum is going strong. Not only is he over as fuck, but he's arguably the most over Superstar on Smackdown not named Randy Orton. There's no way the WWE does not capitalize off the momentum Sheamus currently posses. If Sheamus loses at Wrestlemania, his momentum will stop and there is nothing that proves it will.

Look, Sheamus is long overdue for a main event push on Smackdown. Before when he was apart of the Raw roster, I had my doubts. His in ring work was great, but he really had no reaction from the crowd; two WWE Championship reigns couldn't even fix that. However, since moving to Smackdown, Sheamus has been on a tear. He got over and still hasn't been used to his full potential just yet. His time is coming very soon. After Wrestlemania, I guarantee you Smackdown's main event scene will be dominated by Sheamus himself; like I said, all signs point to it. Sheamus will win the World Heavyweight Championship come Wrestlemania.
I'm with the majority here, Sheamus is going to win. I think my reasoning is a bit different than most, though. Yeah, they seem to be pushing him pretty hard and the dude is pretty damn over right now. But I think it's even simpler than that.

To me, it all comes down to that "By the numbers" video package they run every year for the Rumble. They always end it with the percentage of Rumble winners who have gone on to win the title at Mania and for the past few years, we've seen that number get lower and lower. This year, it was only 55%, hardly a remarkable number. If Sheamus goes into Mania and loses, it will be 50%(I think, not trying to do math right now.)

So I think it's bigger than Sheamus. They need the Rumble winner to win the title this year to maintain the importance of winning the Rumble. Hell, they need to do it for a few more years. 55% isn't anything to boast about.
If WWE was smart then they wouldn't have Sheamus lose @ Wrestlemania 28. Also the Rumble would become pointless. If it's winner doesn't win his chosen World Title then what's the point of the Rumble making the Superstar who wins it sitckout? This goes especially to the Newer blood.

Alberto Del Rio I believe got De-Pushed the minute he lost the Rumble. Even though he ould get another chance @ Extreme Rules his momentum just hasn't been the same since.

Now if Sheamus was to lose the Rumble the same may apply to him as well. He's well over w/the fans & if the same that happened to ADR last year occurs to Sheamus, then that would kill Sheamus's prestige severly epecially if anything really goes wrong Outside or Inside the ring.

Let's hope Sheamus will break the Royal Rumble Victor's losing match, shall we?:blush:
I cannot see Sheamus losing. In no way shape or form. He's been on a rocket-ship pointing at success for a while now, and Mania looks like it's gonna be the payoff. He's been built to be one of the biggest faces on Smackdown, and has achieved it without holding a title belt. Regardless of his opponent, and the type of match, Sheamus will be winning the World Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania. If he doesn't, it'll be a stupid, stupid decision by WWE, and a waste of his build-up to the level he's now on.

However, there is one scenario that I could see him losing...if he, for some stupid reason, challenges for the WWE title. I know it won't happen, and it'd be stupid if it did happen, but in reality that is the ONLY way I can see Sheamus continue this Rumble-losing trend.

Sheamus ain't losing at Mania. Just can't see it happening.
Sheamus is Triple H's boy, he made the final call on Sheamus winning the Rumble over Jericho, and I agree it was the right call. The internet world AND blind freddy could all see the Rumble being Jerichos, so the swerve finish was great, and Jericho really foes not need the Rumble win, he will be winning the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber then defending the title against CM Punk at Mania 28.
Sheamus on the other hand, has had 6 or so months of solid momentum on Smackdown. He will challenge the World Champion the night after Elimination Chamber no doubts at all. Punk vs Jericho is set in stone. I think Bryan will somehow escape with the belt at Eliminatuion Chamber, Big Show wont win it, hes going to be in a match with Shaq. Khali wont win, hes fucking useless and may actually be in it as being nought off by Bryan to help him with the match. Orton...hmmm I still see him in an interpromotion match with The Miz,and Barrett Id expect will win MITB at Wrestlemania. Bryan vs Sheamus is a good fit, makes up for getting punted off the card last year, and gives us a face champion on Smackdown. Who he feuds with after Mania is the key, do we get Sheamus vs Barrett?????
I'd say Sheamus being World Heavyweight Champion after Wrestlemania is like 99% certain. However, if he does go up against Daniel Bryan, having Bryan win would, and dirty, would be a great way to help him become a major heel player on the brand. Bryan has the potential to be a great hated main eventer. But I still think Sheamus gets the belt.
I don't think the trend has anything to do with the result of wrestlemania. I think its about keeping it interesting. Its the same factor that won Sheamus the rumble ,the same factor that lost Jericho the rumble,and the same factor that can win or lose Sheamus the world Title. They want to keep it interesting. I firmly believe it was Jericho that was going to win the rumble. It was that swerve they through in to keep every one guessing. Now every one is wondering which title he will chose, who will be champion, and who will win? I personally have no clue who Sheamus will face and as for if he will win? It's 50/50 in my book

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