2017-18 WWE MVP

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
With WrestleMania 34 now complete we kick off the start of a new WWE season. With the previous season now in the books (Night after Mania 33-Mania 34) its time to see what your pick for WWE MVP is.

In contention:

Braun Strowman: If it were for the 2nd half of the year he would be my pick hands down. After his feud with Roman (Roman should get credit for helping put him over) Braun became a force with the fans and propelled himself to main event status. Since that time he has tinkered with his character, adding some well infused comedic elements that are only making him stronger. The only reason he was not my MVP is because his stuff before Roman was at a mid-card level.

Roman Reigns: Obviously a big deal for the entire year. Great program with Braun helping put him over, and good work throughout the year. Hurting him was how transparent his path was for Mania making most of his work throughout the year lack purpose.

The Usos: Came into their own with their character. They were so good as heels that they had to flip them back to faces. Great matches throughout the year and some of the best promos of the year too. At the end I feel weird giving the crown to a tag team but they deserve all the praise in the world.

That takes me to my MVP for 17-18.

AJ Styes: He was my pick for the prior year and he only got better the following year. At this point its not even necessary to mention his in ring work as it goes without saying that you are getting top quality matches from the guy night in and night out. Great program with Owens in the first half of the year culminating in a SummerSlam win that would spearhead Owens story for the second half of the year against Shane. Once Styles was clear of that he was able to set his sights on the title and get it back in time to have a meaningful run with the World Title. By the end of the year he would cement his status as the best thing WWE has going at this time with a clean win over Nakamura at Mania.
Great mentions of Braun, who 2nd half of the year was amazing and really came into his character. i wish he had a better match at mania than a tag, and better yet tagging with a kid. Feel like a NXT star could have gotten a big rub with the win, or have Joe or Lashley return and eventually fued with him. but over all he has deff gotten better

THe Uso's are the Tagteam MVP! they are 1 of few reason i watch smackdown! love there promos and how easy they flow on the mic and in the ring! hats off to them changing character and refreshing there career.

I not fan but 2nd half of the year Jinder was given a spot and he ran with it. wasnt crazy at all with his WWE title run, but he had big matches and ended with a US title win, so honorable mention there.

I wouldnt put reigns in the convo, they did this entire build all year for him to fail. if he won id consider him, great work getting Miz Joe and braun over but he should have gotten his due by winning the belt.

Id even throw Charlotte in the convo.... she carried the women division and topped it off beating the streak.


MVP in my eyes is the reason smackdown is worth watching and thats because of AJ Styles. Hated how his 1st run with the WWE title ended, but when you looking WM 33 to WM 34 he deserves MVP. carried shane in that match, turned (company) face and had a desent couple month fued with Owens and won the US title a couple times and then won the WWE title and has had a pretty good run with the belt and even a surprising win at mania! I vote AJ Styles as MVP!
Everyone is going to say Braun or AJ... deserved perhaps but not quite the MVP really.

The picks are really a bit more leftfield this year...

Stephanie McMahon - Like her or hate her, she's been a major part of the show for the whole year and has actually been great onscreen for much of it. She deserves a lot of credit but then so does...

Shane McMahon - Arguably he's done a little "more" than Steph in that he's been more active in the ring and had some great moments and storylines, working with Owens, Zayn and Bryan really effectively. The only downside is that story has perhaps taken too much of his "attention"... but it's kept SD interesting.

Bobby Roode - Came onto the main roster and made Smackdown his own... in many ways his has been the most seamless debut season ever... He looks like he was always part of the roster and even made the surprising face run work... it's rare someone comes in and becomes "part of the furniture" so quickly.

The Miz - VERY close to winning... everything he has done this year has been good and he is at the point where he has truly made it to "the next level" and he's anchored a lot of RAW this year.

Matt Hardy - Again, over the whole year been very reliable... as part of the Hardyz and now as Woken Matt... no one thought it would work but it is working and the show has seemed better for having Matt around.

Elias - Again, has fitted in brilliantly and been part of some of the most entertaining moments... those weeks walking around probably take him out of contention.

The winner(s) however are...

The Bar

Sheamus and Cesaro have been immense this year, which is even more incredible considering they've been hiding Sheamus' neck injury and working round it. Their chemistry has grown and they're truly an entertaining team from what was a thrown together one. It's a shame it's ending (no way Sheamus goes past Summerslam... guessing a career match against Cesaro) but they even made losing to a 10 year old child entertaining... Nicholas didn't quite do enough to be MVP this year, but I'm predicting big things for 2030...
It might not be a popular opinion but for me I have 2 mph for this year..

My first one is AJ styles. He's pretty much the reason smackdown is still enjoyable to watch and while his feud with Kevin Owens was a complete disaster, he redeem himself with a really good second half of the year especially his match with Brock lesnar at survivor series which was the match of the show.

My second one is Roman reigns. The guy pretty much carried raw on his back for the last year while lesnar was champion. He had a great feud with strowman which help strowman step up the next level and as the year advance, he becamemore comfortable in being in the stop spot. The only black mark in his year was the build up to his match with Cena, but when they did the match, he was able to adapt to cena and have a pretty decent match with Cena.

Also I would love to give memorable mentions to the miz, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Miz while staying in the same place as he was last year still did wonders with the ic title and Owens and Zayn while they didn't have a great debut to the year, since joining forces have been awesome as heel and made fans hate them which is hard to do in today's climate.
Braun Strowman hands down. He is the one guy who has been mostly booked properly and something that Monday Night Raw creative actually did right! Now this of course isn't talking about wrestling skills as that would have to go to either AJ or Rollins. WWE really needs to get away from Roman attempting to Dethrone Brock. It makes much more sense and believable if Braun is the one to do it. Then give Braun a run with the title taking on heel challengers.

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