2014 In Film

The current highest grossing films of 2014 are as follows....

1. The Lego Movie

2. 300: Rise of an Empire

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

4. RoboCop

5. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

6. Need for Speed

7. Noah

8. Non-Stop

9. The Monkey King

10. The Monuments Men

I'm surprised Captain America didn't get more than it has, by next week it surely will be the highest grossing film of the year. That's my prediction. The Lego Movie retains the #1 spot for now, but it won't hold it forever. We have 4 more releases coming up on the 11th. I have absolutely zero interest in Draft Day, although Rio 2 and Oculus should be good.

Upcoming releases:
4/11: Draft Day
4/11: Rio 2
4/11: Oculus
4/11: Hateship, Loveship
No surprise whatsoever with Captain America at #1. Captain America should hold on to the #1 spot next week, and I'll go with Rio 2 at #2. I'll go with Draft Day at #3. Costner is an uninteresting and dull leading man, and the behind scenes stuff for the inner workings of the NFL and the draft? Meh. A movie featuring a behind the scenes look for the inner workings of a pro sports franchise is nothing new, and the breaking the fourth wall stuff isn't enough to raise an eyebrow for me

Oculus is a strange one. It's a heavily promoted horror film, but the R rating will hurt ticket sales, so I'm not sold on a spot in the top three. On top of that, it's a WWE Studios film, and they produce shit (especially horror, with See No Evil as the worst example) 98% of the time, with The Marine and The Day as rare exceptions. The Marine is stupid fun, if you turn your brain off, and The Day is decent enough, if you're into post-apocalyptic stuff.
The current highest grossing films of 2014 are as follows....

1. The Lego Movie

2. 300: Rise of an Empire

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

4. RoboCop

5. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

6. Need for Speed

7. Noah

8. Non-Stop

9. The Monkey King

10. The Monuments Men

I'm surprised Captain America didn't get more than it has, by next week it surely will be the highest grossing film of the year. That's my prediction. The Lego Movie retains the #1 spot for now, but it won't hold it forever. We have 4 more releases coming up on the 11th. I have absolutely zero interest in Draft Day, although Rio 2 and Oculus should be good.

Upcoming releases:
4/11: Draft Day
4/11: Rio 2
4/11: Oculus
4/11: Hateship, Loveship

You forgot Godzilla... I actually have really high hopes for the new Godzilla film and its financial abilities. A star studded cast, a giant dinosaur lizard, and the fact that it is actually serious. Should bring in the old film lovers, as well as the youngins. Maybe I'm just naive or a fan boy, but I think you'll be seeing Godzilla's name somewhere around that 6-7 spot.
6-7 is a good spot for Godzilla in the top ten, when it's all said and done for 2014. I know it's still early, but now that's it in my head, here's my projected list for the final top ten standings in 2014:

1. X-Men: Days of Future Past
2. Transformers: Age of Extinction
3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
4. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
6. Interstellar
7. Godzilla
8. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
9. The Lego Movie
10. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

Ten and nine are toss ups, but I left off Maleficent, because I'm not 100% sure about it. Jolie is a money maker, but you have a good amount of highly anticipated sequels this year, and I believe Godzilla will make a real splash next month. And there's a chance for The Hobbit: There & Back Again squeezing into the top ten, but it's almost ten years since the last Sin City film, so I'll bank on the crowds curiosity for a sequel after a long break.
Here is the current list of highest grossing films in 2014....

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Lego Movie

3. 300: Rise of an Empire

4. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

5. Noah

6. RoboCop

7. Need for Speed

8. Non-Stop

9. Divergent

10. The Monkey King

Captain America took the #1 spot as predicted. How long will it hold it for though is the question now? I could see it lasting in the top spot for a good while. Unfortunately Noah has made it to the top 5, so here's to hoping that one of the films being released this week bumps it down below the top 5. This week will see several new films. I have no interest in Fading Gigolo, but any of the others look worth watching if I'm bored.

Upcoming releases:
4/16: Heaven Is For Real
4/18: Bears
4/18: Fading Gigolo
4/18: A Haunted House 2
4/18: Make Your Move 3D
4/18: Transcendence
Kind of surprised Oculus beat out Draft Day for the #3 spot. I took a chance on Oculus the other day, and well, I didn't see anything to blow my skirt up.

The first 20-30 minutes of the movie are excruciatingly boring. Lots flashbacks, the brother and sister spend all of their time arguing with each other, they're bitching about everything, and the sister comes off as an unlikeable bully. Things pick up, when the ghosts from the mirror appear, and I caught two or three good jump scares, but there's nothing special about Oculus.

One thing that really annoyed me is the style of storytelling, because they constantly jump back and forth with the present and the past during flashbacks, and the ending is unbelievably stupid. Although, I will say this, the apple/light bulb scene is genuinely gross and nasty. It's a mediocre horror flick at best, but if we're going by WWE Studios standards, Oculus is much better than See No Evil and No One Lives, if that means anything.

My top four for next week:

1. Captain America: The Winter Solider
2. Transcendence
3. Rio 2
4. A Haunted House 2
The current highest grossing films list of 2014 is as follows:

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Lego Movie

3. 300: Rise of an Empire

4. Noah

5. Rio 2

6. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

7. RoboCop

8. Divergent

9. Non-Stop

10. Need for Speed

Captain America's lead continues to grow. It will hold onto the #1 spot, at least until The Amazing Spider-Man 2 comes out. I wouldn't be surprised if Rio 2 takes the 3rd spot by next week. We have three new titles being released on the 25th.

Upcoming releases:
4/25: Brick Mansions
4/25: The Other Woman
4/25: The Quiet Ones
Transcendence is dogshit.

Visually, Transcendence is captivating, but the movie itself is so fucking boring. Depp is seemingly bored and uninterested throughout the movie. Hard to shake this feeling of Depp phoning it after the first twenty minutes, and Rebecca Hall is the only one in this cast, who delivers a performance that's worth a damn. And Kate Mara is horribly misused here. She's more than capable of playing a good antagonist (watch her performances as Hayden from the first season of American Horror Story), but her character is too dull here.

On top of that, Transcendence is an illogical mess. Somehow, a group of terrorists/anti-heroes/freedom fighters (with Mara as the leader) team up with the FBI and a small group of soldiers to fight Depp's cyber army? Eh, Depp is trying to take over the world, and that's it? No input from the President? There's another massive plot hole for the ending, but I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll stop here.

I overestimated Depp's fading star power (Transcendence opened at #4), and at this point, I'm pretty sure Depp needs another unnecessary Pirates Of The Caribbean sequel to maintain some relevancy in Hollywood. I was off by one spot for A Haunted House 2, and I underestimated Heaven Is For Real (#2).

I'll pick The Other Woman and Kate Upton's bouncing tits to knock off Captain America for #1 this week, and I'll go with Cap at #2. The reviews are are 50/50 for the most part, but I'm not 100% sold on The Winter Soldier holding on for four straight weeks, and The Other Woman provides a tougher challenge. Picking Brick Mansions for a spot at #3, and I'm not sure about The Quiet Ones.

Release Date (UK): May 16th, 2014


The adaptation of José Saramago's (Portuguese Author and Nobel Prize Winner) novel "The Double" was something of a real surprise to me, I don't really know what I was expecting as I've always find Saramago's work to be for someone with a better "taste" than my own, but I've ended up simply loving the movie.

When I read the synopsis of the movie, it came out as silly comedy that Woddy Allen would love to get his hands, but Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners) view on the novel was the right one. Just look at the poster and you can see the conception of one's movie - this surreal style and creepy tone surely help getting into it and 90 minutes is the right time for it to develop the whole story.

The really cool twist in here, as most of you will start to notice as the movie goes on, is the fact that the only "double", the only "look-a-like", exists in one's mind - that means that Adam Bell / Anthony St. Claire (Jake Gyllenhaal) are one person. Somehow we have the naive and the guilt of one's man separated - we have a wife and the cheating husband, we also have the past and the present and one man's fear in loneliness - it really is a deep movie to get into.

" (About dictatorship)(...) And it's important to remember this, that this is a pattern that repeats itself throughout history."

This whole line explains a lot - simply put the story would be something like that - Anthony cheated on his wife (lying to another woman about who he was), but she found out and that was a train-wreck but somehow they kept together because she was pregnant, however history repeats itself and she leaves him and he ends up alone - This could be a great flick movie no doubt, but the way it's presented makes it unique and one of the best movies so far this year. If you have a chance to watch it, I say go for it because you are losing something here, but this needs to be watched in the right mood or else you'll probably tune out at the middle of the story. If you can grasp every bit of solid information, every bit of subjective trait, you WILL love this movie.

I'm going to give this a 4,5 star rating in my Letterbox'd account. Denis Villeneuve and Gyllenhaal's partnership seems to be working as for the second time in a row they deliver some great and probably underrated movie/performances. If by any chance Gyllenhaal happen to find a suitable role for the September/December of 2014 and manages to put three quarters of what he put here, I can see him getting a deserved Oscar nomination.
When it's all said & done for in 2014, I think the 10 highest grossing films worldwide will look something like this:

1. Transformers: Age of Extinction - $1.1 - $1.2 billion
2. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. I - $950 million - $1.1 billion
3. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies - $950 million
4. How To Train Your Dragon 2 - $850 million
5. X-Men: Days Of Future Past - $775 million - $825 million
6. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - $725 million
7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - $685 million
8 Godzilla - $600 million - $625 million
9. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes - $ 550 million
9. Guardians Of The Galaxy - $480 million - $500 million
The highest grossing films of 2014 so far are....

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Lego Movie

3. Rio 2

4. 300: Rise of an Empire

5. Noah

6. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

7. RoboCop

8. Divergent

9. Need for Speed

10. Non-Stop

Captain America's spot as the highest grossing film has a challenger this week in the form of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I don't think it will become the highest grossing film within this week, but it might take it. I can see it getting into 3rd at the least. Two other films are also being released this friday, Belle and Walk of Shame.

Upcoming releases:
5/2: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
5/2: Belle
5/2: Walk of Shame
I can understand why The Quiet Ones flopped (opening at #7). The trailers didn't help, because they showed another generic PG-13 horror film. It's something with very little mass appeal, because you can only count on die hard horror fans giving it a chance out of curiosity and teenagers looking for a scary movie.

I took a shot on The Quiet Ones today, and well, it's a big disappointment. The Quiet Ones starts out as a promising horror flick, but it quickly devolves into another lame and generic possession horror film. Too many cliches (creaky doors opening slowly) and they rely on too many fucking jump scares throughout the movie. Three or four? Okay. That's not a big problem. But I lost count after that, and the **GASP** "jump scare!!!" formula was stale after the first twenty minutes or so.

On top of that, you have one too many stupid characters, but Olivia Cooke's demented performance as Jane is fun to watch. Too bad Cooke's first major film role is a flop, but I'm glad they gave her a shot, because Cooke is amazing on Bates Motel.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 at #1 this week is a foregone conclusion. We're just waiting to see if Spider-Man 2 passes $100 million to break any opening weekend records. Tdigle brought this up earlier, but Neighbors is doomed for failure next week. Spider-Man 2 should hold on to #1 spot for two weeks, and things should pick up again with Godzilla on the 16th.
The current list of highest grossing films of 2014 is as follows:

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Lego Movie

3. Rio 2

4. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

5. Noah

6. 300: Rise of an Empire

7. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

8. Divergent

9. RoboCop

10. Need for Speed

No real surprises this week. I expected Spiderman to get into the top tier by now, but by next week at this time it should be further up. Slow week this week, only release being Moms' Night Out. I'm not interesed in watching it.

Upcoming releases:
5/9: Moms' Night Out
Going by a lot of the reviews I read, there's more to Neighbors than being a wild and raunchy R rated comedy, but I'll be shocked if Neighbors passes Spidey for #1.

TAS 2 didn't crack the $100 million dollar mark for opening weekend in the US. Still, TAS 2 crushed everything else with a $91,608,337 opening. And the trio of Zac Efron, Seth Rogan, and Dave Franco (I love Rose Byrne, but she's a supporting/bit player at best in 95% of films) is not enough to outdraw TAS 2. Nothing insurmountable or eye popping, but I'll go with a noticeable gap between Neighbors at #2 and TAS 2 #1 this week for the top two.
Here is the updated list of highest grossing films of 2014 so far....

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

3. The Lego Movie

4. Rio 2

5. Noah

6. 300: Rise of an Empire

7. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

8. Divergent

9. RoboCop

10. Need for Speed

Captain America managed to hold onto the #1 spot, but Spiderman has nearly caught up to it after its first weekend in theaters. I predict by this time next week The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be the highest grossing film of the year. It's my favorite of the year so far, personally. If Spiderman does take the #1 spot it won't hold it for long, not with the new X-Men movie coming on the 23rd, but let's save that discussion for next week. We have two releases this week in the new Godzilla and Million Dollar Arm. Not sure how I feel about Godzilla, but it can't possibly be as bad as the 1998 Godzilla film.

Upcoming releases:
5/16: Godzilla
5/16: Million Dollar Arm
Well I'll be damned. Neighbors knocked TASM 2 out of the top spot, and TASM 2 is a one and done at #1. Spidey had a big opening on the first weekend, but it's a disappointment, when you consider all the the hype for a sequel, the heavy promotion, and all the teasing for The Sinister Six.

Neighbors at #1 this week is a shock, and maybe we're reaching a point where moviegoers are burnt out on superhero flicks. Or there's a good chance they're burnt out on Spidey. That's five Spider-Man films since 2002, and let's be honest, they didn't need a reboot in 2012.

It's the only summer blockbuster I'm truly looking forward to, so I'm beyond pumped for Godzilla this week. My top three:

1. Godzilla
2. Neighbors
3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The current highest grossing films for 2014 are....

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

3. The Lego Movie

4. Rio 2

5. Noah

6. 300: Rise of an Empire

7. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

8. Divergent

9. RoboCop

10. Need for Speed

Well, Captain America still holds the #1 spot. I thought Spiderman would have caught up to it by now, but I highly doubt it will make it into the #1 spot now as I fully expect X-Men to take the #1 spot after its release this friday. Blended is also coming out this week, but I probably won't be watching it.

Upcoming releases:
5/23: Blended
5/23: X-Men: Days of Future Past
It would be a shame for Amazing Spiderman 2 to beat out Captain America 2. Captain America was awesome and Spiderman was not very good at all.

I do expect X-Men to beat them both, but I would be very surprised for Transformers to be #1 for the year. Most people soured on them by the 3rd. Now that's going strictly off quality as I have not researched their numbers. I know Revenge of the Fallen did great numbers. Not sure on the 3rd one.
I know Revenge of the Fallen did great numbers. Not sure on the 3rd one.

Revenge Of The Fallen had a bigger domestic haul, but Dark Of The Moon is the highest grossing film in the series:


Neighbors surprised me. A lot of raunchy stuf, but I expected that. As the story progresses, you get to see both sides of an aging dilemma with Zac Efron and Dave Franco, and Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne. Franco is ready to grow up, move on with his life, and put the partying days behind him. On the other hand, Efron is terrified at the thought of life after college, being an adult, and finding a real job.

Meanwhile, Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen can't handle the thought of growing old and missing out on the good times, because they're parents raising a child now. The outcomes to both stories are predictable, but Neighbors deserves credit for putting in some effort for a story that goes beyond weed gags and dick jokes.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Eh, I'm still trying to digest it, but the movie didn't blow me away. The story was too crowded, the villains were underdeveloped, and they crammed/rushed two epic battles into the finale. Of course......

Gwen's death surprised me,

but that one moment and the aftermath wasn't enough to save the film for me. I had fun with TASM 2 every now and then, and I'll go with Dane DeHaan for the best villain, but TASM 2 is like a sundae with a heap of brownies, chocolate fudge, and cookies. After a few bites, it's just too much.

Days Of Future Past needs to have a bigger opening weekend than Godzilla and TASM 2 to justify all the hype. Hopefully Blended flops hard, but Sandler has a strong fan following. My picks for next week:

1. X-Men: Days Of Future Past
2. Godzilla
3. Blended
4. Neighbors
5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Having seen both TASM2 and Captain American: TWS over the past week, I definitely agree that the Cap rightfully has the top spot for now, the film delivered in so many ways; tighter plot, great performances, great uses of practical effects and actually felt like its own film than a stepping stone for the next Avengers film.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 was good, but as you rightly pointed out Shape, it was over-crowded and didn't have much development for the villains. I was actually surprised to read a lot of stuff had been cut to keep it a PG-13 rating and at a decent timing, so I would actually like to see what Webb's film would have been without the chops it made because the stuff that seemed cut actually could have added to the film. But that aside, it was pretty average for a Spider-Man film, though I do find it hilarious that people call it worse than Spider-Man 3, no film could ever sink as low as that. That is the franchise's Batman & Robin, you know never to go as low as that.

I do expect X-Men to take the top spot given how much of a positive reception it's receiving. As for Transformers, I'm very meh to it, after seeing Revenge of the Fallen, that was it for me, it feels like damaged goods.

Having only seen the trailer for Blended yesterday, it just doesn't look like a film that delivers, the traditional 'best jokes for the trailer' with no substance. But honestly, how Adam Sandler still get work? Much like Transformers, he's damaged goods.
Here is the list of highest grossing films so far in 2014:

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

3. The Lego Movie

4. Rio 2

5. Noah

6. 300: Rise of an Empire

7. Godzilla

8. Mr. Peabody & Sherman

9. Divergent

10. X-Men: Days of Future Past

I'm legitimately shocked that X-Men has not taken #1 or even made the top 5 yet. By this time next week it should have. It's too big of a film to not be further up the list. There are two films being released this weekend, A Million Ways to Die in the West and Maleficent. Both look like they will be good.

Upcoming Releases:
5/30: A Million Ways to Die in the West
5/30: Maleficent
Mixed feelings for Godzilla. The last twenty to thirty minutes of the movie delivered some good action/monster battles, and the HALO jump sequence was breathtaking, but Godzilla hit one too many tedious and boring slumps for me. On top of that,

Killing off Bryan Cranston in the early stages of the movie was a big mistake, because nobody steps up to fill the void after his death.

Aaron-Taylor Johnson and Ken Watanabe spend the vast majority of the movie with squinted stares and far-off looks on their faces. But Watanabe delivers the better performance, and it's not even close.

The limited exposure approach for Godzilla didn't bother me. You maintain Godzilla's mystique with limited appearances, so when he pops up again you get a "oh shit! It's Godzilla!" reaction instead of a "oh look. It's Godzilla.....again" reaction.

With that said, I don't understand why so many people have a massive hard on for this movie. After looking around in other places, you would think Godzilla is a front funner the Best Picture award next year, and Ken Watanabe is a shoe-in for Best Supporting Actor. Watanabe's performance was solid, but come on now. At best, Godzilla is 6/10 for me, or a 7/10, if I'm generous. Although, there's a chance for me changing my mind on a second watch at home, when the time comes.

It's one thing to get caught up in the hype and the enormous expectations for Godzilla (I'm guilty of that myself), but if the final product doesn't live up to the grandiose expectations, then there's nothing wrong with being disappointed, and going the other way with your opinion. Maybe I'm alone on this, and I'm sure some people genuinely loved Godzilla, but you have to believe a lot of people were afraid of being wrong, so they bought into all the hype regardless to save face.

If we're talking about the upcoming weekend, I'll go with Maleficent as the #1 film. There's a slight chance of X-Men: Days Of Future Past holding on to the #1 spot, but Jolie is a proven draw, and there's a good amount of hype behind Maleficent.

I'm not sold A Million Ways To Die In West. In fact, my interest in the movie died over the past few months with more exposure in the TV spots and the trailers.

Also, I wonder if anyone noticed the new trailers and TV spots with Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown and the DeLorean in the stable. Obviously, it's a homage/wink to Back To The Future III, but why would you give away something like that for free? A cameo from Doc Brown could've been a genuinely shocking surprise for the movie. Yeah, I'm sure other people would spoil it on social media or in other places, but let people see it in the theaters first.

A Million Ways To Die In The West's marketing campaign feels anemic, and you get the feeling they're hoping to coast off of MacFarlane's name and Ted. Giving away Doc Brown and the DeLorean for free in the trailers and TV spots reeks of a desperate attempt to sell the movie, because the powers that be don't have faith in AMWTDITW's chances against X-Men, Maleficent, and Godzilla. Not a good sign at all.

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