2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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Since we aren't trash talking enough I got a doozie for you Captain Morgan Freeman but first let me ask you this?

Is your mom a good or poor debater?
So deanerandterry vs. DirtyJose is over. I'll get my scores up shortly. Since D and possibly Dagger won't be on 'til the morning, I'm just taking it upon myself to start judging the finished ones.

I'll be on another hour or so.... The Habs/Killjoy debate is ready for you to begin judging too. If I notice any others finish tonight I'll post a stop message so the judges know it's time to score those debates as well.
I'll be on another hour or so.... The Habs/Killjoy debate is ready for you to begin judging too. If I notice any others finish tonight I'll post a stop message so the judges know it's time to score those debates as well.

Going through it as I type this. Well short break to type this.
Now this gets interesting for me. I wonder how I will be able to balance my debate duties with my WZCW duties.
I going to miss the 24 hour deadline for my last post.

My brain has been half dead & on cruise control since I've been home from work. I'm gonna forgo the punctuality point in hopes I get the 3 for Persuasion.

That's funny, because the rules say that you get 2 points for persuasion, not 3.

Yeah I changed my mind


Milenko, what would this place be without you...

I sincerely hope the debating is better then the trash talk.

So far, it hasn't been. Most of the debating has been lackluster. However, the debaters that I predicted to be true competitors have stepped up well.
Just finished my first debate on WZ. I feel I have done a decent job considering all the difficulties I had with my laptop crashing. I hope I get it back later this week.
Alright, I know I have 3 debates left to judge (Stormy/Milenko, Habs/Killjoy, Snake/Z, right?) but I have a crazy day ahead of me so I won't be able to judge until this evening. 10PM or so. So don't get all impatient with me. Bitches.
Thanks a lot, Munk. And it was awesome debating you in the first round. Hopefully I see you again if you make your way through the losers bracket for redemption.

I'm not losing my next debate, believe me.

If I come across you again, prepare for a better battle.
Hopefully it is on terms where I didn't have to dig so far back to Wrestlemania III to form a better debate.

Get used to it. Every week, I'm going to try and use a theme. Be sure you know a little bit about everything. And if you don't, get ready to do some research.
I'm going to ask that all of the participants read my judging of the Milenko vs. Stormy debate. Particularly, please read the informative point part.

Well done, ST.

I back SavageTaker a billion percent on this. Guys, read what he wrote and take it seriously.

The point of debating is to utilize TRUTH and FACTS in order to get your point across and persuade our judges. If you're caught in a lie, you should automatically lose persuasion points, like ST is threatening to do. If you're not sure about a point you're making, state that clearly and make it out to be your opinion.

Come on, guys... keep these debates clean. No bullshit here.

Good work, ST.
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