2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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I really would love to judge, but I just found out today I'll likely be getting hired at a new job next week and I'm not sure of what hours I'll be scheduled to work yet and I can't commit to spending as much time here as I usually do. Sorry D-man. Feel free to void my vote in the debate format poll.

No need. It's open to anyone's opinions and it's not a direct determination of how things will go down.
I'll apply to be a judge. I've participated in the Debater's League before as you already know, so I have the experience in being a participant and having to be judged. So I understand what the debater's will need to know and include in order to win certain points. I've learned from my time on the DL and know what it takes to win. Furthermore, I don't think I've ever had really big issues with anyone on here that have lasted for more than a few days or weeks. And the very few issues I've had on here for the past 3 years either get resolved or aren't that big to continue. I have no hate or dislike for anyone, so I would definitely have no problem being impartial.

I know the big issue with me is going to be that in the past I have taken breaks from the forums, so I'll like to address that. Before taking any breaks I was a consistent poster on here and the reason for those breaks were personal issues that'd I'd rather not discuss. Now, I'm back on the forums and although it seems like I'm not on here for days at time, I guarantee you that I'm always on here at several times of the day lurking. I don't think it'll be that hard to make a post with my decision when I've made my mind up on who deserves to win certain points.
I wish Tenta were here to light the debates up again. JMT fucked me sideways on our debate. I totally wish I would have debated thriller, though.
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