2010 Debater's League - Judge Application


Gone but never forgotten.

Due to his personal conflicts, CH David can no longer judge the Debater's League. Therefore, we are in need of a replacement ASAP. There are still MANY threads to judge and we need to play major catchup. So, I'm creating this thread as an "application" (if you will) for you to apply for the judging position for the remainder of the season.

If you need to know what the Debate League is about, please visit the section. All of the rules and guidelines are posted there.

Please sign up here if you wish to be considered as a judge.
I'm still going to finish and I'm going to work on some when I get home. If you don't want me to continue let me know, kinda like now...
Ok, it seems like we have enough applicants. I am showing:

1. SSC
2. Ligerbomb
3. Funkay
4. Baller
5. Mongoose McQueen
6. The Big Black Crock
7. Pedro's Pizza
8. Big Sexy

Now, this is a tedious process for judges. You have A LOT of debates to read through and you must give impartial judgment. Personal conflicts with other posters don't fly here, so if I see any applicants that had drama with posters in the past, consider yourselves eliminated.

Lots of dedication is involved. I need someone that WILL NOT QUIT FOR ANY REASON. I'm really getting fed up with replacing people in this league. I swear, if someone is chosen and they quit on me, I will infract the shit out of them and put them on my shit list for a long time. It takes a lot of work to make replacements in the middle of this competition and Phoenix and I cannot continue to do the leg work because you all can't keep your word.

Immediate action by the chosen judge will be to provide judgment on ALL open debates thus far within one week of them being assigned. These debates cannot continue to be open and the debaters need to know where they are in the standings right away. As of now, they've been robbed of this and are debating without knowing where they are, have been, and where they're going in the competition.

Therefore, to the applicants, if anything you've just read doesn't work for you then please take this moment to bow out gracefully. Otherwise, you're all locked in if you get chosen and must abide by these guidelines.

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